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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Medications, Treatments, Therapies >> Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
(Message started by: Garrickfish on Oct 3rd, 2007, 11:53pm)

Title: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by Garrickfish on Oct 3rd, 2007, 11:53pm
I have been dealing with CH for the past 8 years.  I go through a cycle every 1.5-2 years, usually lasting 5-6 weeks, 1-2 times a day always on the right side.
This last cycle however was lasting 9+ weeks and by the 8th week all the normal treatments were starting to not work.
Usually I take 4 Advil pound 2 redbulls and hit the O2 and get some relief....if that doesn’t work I pop an Imitrex. After the 8th week the Caffeine and O2 did little if anything and I was dependent on the Imitrex. (As we all know our Medical Insurance only allows 9 pills every thirty days then we have to start switching to injections and the nose spray.)
My wife was getting fed up with my CH and demanded I tell the Doctor to give me a CAT scan. She was paranoid that it may be a bigger issue. (Seems like I go through this every time)
Went and got my second CAT in 2 years. Afterwards I was approached by the Radiology tech and asked if I would meet her in the parking lot because she had something she would like to tell me but could not inside the hospital. (Legal reasons I presume) I thought this was pretty bizarre at this point and wondered “what does this lady who is not a Doctor have to tell me?”
I met her outside the hospital and she claimed that she also had suffered from CH and migraines but was cured after a few treatments from a Chiropractor who specialized in neck and headache relief. I politely explained to her that there was no possibility that my CH was caused by any neck trauma since I had no pain in my neck. Also I explained to her that my causes were more complicated and triggers such as alcohol and certain foods induce my CH.
I was surprised when she claimed that she too had experience the same issues before her visit to this Chiropractor.
What the heck…at this point I was willing to try anything. That same day made an appointment with her Chiropractor. When I went in to my appointment I had the Ghost of CH in it beginning stages. He first hooked me up to some Nerve Scanner (looked like an Ipod with headphones that went to a computer) that he claimed it measured the electricity conducted in the nerves and could detect nerve damage in the spine. He told me that he was showing significant discrepancies with the nerves leading out of my first second vertebrae on the right side.  Then he set me up to adjust my neck. I never felt such a feeling in my life. It sounded like 100 cracks all at once from my neck and up to my brain.  Within 30 seconds I felt the ghost of my CH fade away.  
Went home still no CH. Slept through the night for the first time in two months without a CH. It has been 11 days since I went to the Chiropractor and I have not had CH. No caffeine, no Advil, no 02 and no Imitrex..
I realize that this might not work for everyone and my CH could come back tomorrow. But I really do feel a great relief that I have not felt in a long time. I recommend to everyone here who has not tired it yet to visit a Chiropractor…. It’s worth the possibility of being cured.
PS. I will follow up on this story in a few weeks or if I get a CH.
Also if anyone in Hawaii wants to be referred to my Chiropractor just contact me.    

Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by mcf69 on Oct 4th, 2007, 12:23am
A nerve scanner? WTH????  I hate to tell you Garrick, but I think you got took, it's great that your clusters are better, but I doubt it was from chiropractic treatment.....


Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by Garrickfish on Oct 4th, 2007, 1:13am

on 10/04/07 at 00:23:53, mcf69 wrote:
A nerve scanner? WTH????  I hate to tell you Garrick, but I think you got took, it's great that your clusters are better, but I doubt it was from chiropractic treatment.....


Sorry.. you must pardon my misinterpretation. I checked online found its actually called a surface EMG. according to American Academy of Neurology
Why do you doubt?

Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by GaWd on Oct 4th, 2007, 2:52am
Damn, MCF, so quick to lambaste chiropractic? Many chiropractors use EMGs(Electro-myelo-graphs). My mother does not. Perhaps a bit Hokey, but then I'm a mom is an old Gonsteader.

I will champion chiropractic for many things, but my mom can't even budge my C1-C2 when I'm having CH attacks. Boy do I freaking wish.

Glad to hear you found relief, Garrick, even if some are so quick to tell you that you got taken for a ride.


Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by mcf69 on Oct 4th, 2007, 10:52am
Garrick and GaWd,
I dug up some previous threads on chiropractic care, take a look at them and see what you think:;action=display;num=1132234361;action=display;num=1074382033;action=display;num=1156453887

This is also a good site to check out in regards to chiro care:

My personal opinion is unless a chiro can somehow "adjust" your hypothalmus he/she isn't doing much for CH.

Just my 2 cents.......

Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by seasonalboomer on Oct 4th, 2007, 11:46am
Chiropractors can do NOTHING for Cluster Headache. Save your time, money and avoid disappointment. He'll likely tell you that the results will probably take time and a number of sessions to take hold. Ching-Ching (cash register sound). The idea that these chiro's prey upon people by claiming to be a headache clinic for all situations is criminal. Yes, they might help for those experiencing "tension" headaches, and a little neck massage and adjustment relaxes someones nerve system a bit, but NOT cluster.

(This is my edited version of a reply to the chiro question -- the unedited version includes lots of disparaging remarks toward chiros. --- oh, I guess this one does too. Can't help it I guess, on this subject.)

Freakin' crooks.


Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by mcf69 on Oct 4th, 2007, 11:51am

on 10/04/07 at 11:46:20, seasonalboomer wrote:
Chiropractors can do NOTHING for Cluster Headache. Save your time, money and avoid disappointment. He'll likely tell you that the results will probably take time and a number of sessions to take hold. Ching-Ching (cash register sound). The idea that these chiro's prey upon people by claiming to be a headache clinic for all situations is criminal. Yes, they might help for those experiencing "tension" headaches, and a little neck massage and adjustment relaxes someones nerve system a bit, but NOT cluster.

(This is my edited version of a reply to the chiro question -- the unedited version includes lots of disparaging remarks toward chiros. --- oh, I guess this one does too. Can't help it I guess, on this subject.)

Freakin' crooks.


Thanks for the backup Scott

Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by AlienSpaceGuy on Oct 4th, 2007, 11:54am


Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by Guiseppi on Oct 4th, 2007, 1:07pm
This is one of the more frustrating parts of the CH syndrome, establishing cause and effect. Early on in my battle with the beast, my wife suggested I stop putting the q-tips so deep in my ear canal as that could be causing irritation and thus head aches. I stopped using the q-tips, the head aches stopped. But then they came back.

The next time they were kicking my butt, someone suggested I stop drinking coffee in the morning, I stopped the coffee, the headaches stopped...then they came back.

It wasn't until I started the detailed head ache diary I realized how cyclic they were. About the time I couldn't take the head aches anymore, usually around the 7th or 8th week, I'd try something really outlandish and the damned things would stop.

I don't have the negative view many have toward chirpractors as I've had many close friends and relatives who have found relief from long term pain by using them. But when it comes to CH, it still boils down to a screwed up hypothalumus.......and I just don't see how chiropractors can help that.

Please stick around the site, educate yourself on the many prevents and aborts that are working for others and have a secondary plan ready. If you've gone into remission and they never come back, good for you. I would strongly suggest you be ready for them to come back. Good luck either way!


Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by GaWd on Oct 4th, 2007, 1:35pm
As I said, my Chiro can do a lot of things, but fix a CH attack she cannot.

Your comments about them being friggin crooks, and other assholish remarks just aren't appreciated, however. Chirobase is a bunch of loonies, almost as loony as the loony chiros they feature on their website.


Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by Saffy on Oct 4th, 2007, 2:59pm
I am a Sports Injury Therapist and am trained to use an Inter X 5000 please see
It sounds similar I used it for my own CH but although it worked well it only worked for a VERY limited length of time. Therefore I would not recommend it too highly for CH.


Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by Guiseppi on Oct 4th, 2007, 3:05pm
Which makes sense to me.  Any time I do anything radically different, it seems to have an effect on my cycles. Sometimes ending them, sometimes shortening them or even lengthening them. I'm not sure what that device does exactly, but it wouldn't suprise me if it had a short term effect on CH. That's why I suggested he have a back up plan.

Sorry if it seems some of us come on strong to the word 'cure", all of us are in the same boat looking for the silver bullet. We've been snake bit so many times we get a litle edgy!  ;;D


Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by Sandy_C on Oct 4th, 2007, 5:11pm
I have had astounding success with chiropractic care, but never for CH.  

Years ago, before my CH ever began, I fell down a flight of stairs, 11 steps in all.  I fractured one vertebrae and compressed 7.  My GP sent me to a neurosurgeon who scheduled an operation on the fractured vertebrae for the next morning, with nothing whatsoever said about the compressed ones.  I checked myself out of the hospital and found a chiro.  It took a full year of treatments, but my back is perfectly fine.

My chiro is part of an accident, back and HEADACHE clinic.  OK, in 1999 I get my first CH cycle.  I go to my chiro. who "specializes in headache treatment", nothing, nada.  He had never even heard of CH.

So, I'm glad chiro is helping you, and if it is, keep doing it.  I will never say that something does not work for somebody.  It just doesn't work for me.


Modified to spell my own damn name correctly!  Sheesh!

Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by GaWd on Oct 4th, 2007, 6:12pm
I want to point out that the OP didn't mention that the Chiro promised he'd heal or cure him. The OP is reporting that he is cured.

For most of you who have been bitten by someone selling snake oil, I understand your feelings, but there is a HUGE difference between being "sold" a cure by someone taking advantage of you, and proclaiming yourself cured.

Chiropractors are great for musculoskeletal pains. They are great for general wellness maintenance. They can take away general headaches, knee pains caused by lower leg and/or kneecap positioning, and any other pain related to joint maladjustment/subluxation.

Chiropractors don't cure cancer. They can't cure a child's ear infection by adjusting the mother. Magnets and crystals are insanity.

As I said above, my mom has been a chiropractor for nearly 30 years. While she has been able to "cure" me of many of the types of pain I mention above, there's nothing she can do to save me from a CH.


Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by Garrickfish on Oct 4th, 2007, 10:03pm

So many skeptics! Good thing somebody didn’t post a similar bulletin before I went. I would have read it and not gone to Chiropractor and possibly still been in pain right now. .

I only posted this bulletin share my experience, not to question others knowledge of the matter. I was hoping to hear from more people who have tried it first hand.  It would seem they would be the ones with some actually knowledge of the matter not these self proclaimed professionals.

While I realize that I may not be cured, (but I still have had no CH since) I only wanted to point out the remarkable success I have thus far. No body was trying to sell me on the idea and I have nothing to benefit telling you. My Chiro even stated at my appointment that he wasn’t sure it would take away my CH.

Over all it was the best 75.00 dollar I have ever spent. I am sure there has to be someone out there who could also benefit from this.  

Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by VinceFromOhio on Oct 4th, 2007, 11:30pm

on 10/04/07 at 13:07:00, Guiseppi wrote:
This is one of the more frustrating parts of the CH syndrome, establishing cause and effect. Early on in my battle with the beast, my wife suggested I stop putting the q-tips so deep in my ear canal as that could be causing irritation and thus head aches. I stopped using the q-tips, the head aches stopped. But then they came back.

The next time they were kicking my butt, someone suggested I stop drinking coffee in the morning, I stopped the coffee, the headaches stopped...then they came back.

It wasn't until I started the detailed head ache diary I realized how cyclic they were. About the time I couldn't take the head aches anymore, usually around the 7th or 8th week, I'd try something really outlandish and the damned things would stop.

I don't have the negative view many have toward chirpractors as I've had many close friends and relatives who have found relief from long term pain by using them. But when it comes to CH, it still boils down to a screwed up hypothalumus.......and I just don't see how chiropractors can help that.

Please stick around the site, educate yourself on the many prevents and aborts that are working for others and have a secondary plan ready. If you've gone into remission and they never come back, good for you. I would strongly suggest you be ready for them to come back. Good luck either way!


If I've learned anything about this condition, which I've had for 23 years now, it's that any sudden metabolic change can abort an episode. This is why I believe hallucinogens have worked for so many people....they literally create an alteration in your body clock that confuses the mechanisms controlling episodic clusters. Unfortunately, this method did not work for me. Quitting smoking, however, did produce results. Back in the early 90's, I was nicotine-free for over 3 years. I didn't have an episode ONCE during the time I didn't smoke. Like a fool, I began smoking again. They returned a few months later, my cycle began to repeat precisely as it has before (3 months of headaches; 15 months of remission)...and it has remained that way ever since. Am I trying to quit smoking again???? OF COURSE!

However, it should be duly noted than ANY significant change in your metabolism CAN abort a cluster....not just one headache, but an entire episode. In my humble opinion, this should explain why making certain lifestyle changes seemed to stop the headaches at the time.

As for the specific subject matter of this thread, I also tried chiropractic and found temporary relief.....only to be disappointed when the headaches returned. In this case, however, I'm going to side with the original poster, because what fails to help one of us MAY serve to help another. We're all different, in spite of the fact that was share the same condition. I don't post here often (as you can see), but I certainly respect an individual's right to say "this is what worked for ME".

In any case, I'm currently at the end of week two of what will be at least a 3-month bout. At this point, I'd give ANYTHING to get 11 days PF!  I haven't had more than 3 hours sleep on any given night for the last two weeks. So....what's this chiropractor's name?!?

Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by mcf69 on Oct 5th, 2007, 12:08am

on 10/04/07 at 22:03:13, Garrickfish wrote:

So many skeptics! Good thing somebody didn’t post a similar bulletin before I went. I would have read it and not gone to Chiropractor and possibly still been in pain right now. .

I only posted this bulletin share my experience, not to question others knowledge of the matter. I was hoping to hear from more people who have tried it first hand.  It would seem they would be the ones with some actually knowledge of the matter not these self proclaimed professionals.

While I realize that I may not be cured, (but I still have had no CH since) I only wanted to point out the remarkable success I have thus far. No body was trying to sell me on the idea and I have nothing to benefit telling you. My Chiro even stated at my appointment that he wasn’t sure it would take away my CH.

Over all it was the best 75.00 dollar I have ever spent. I am sure there has to be someone out there who could also benefit from this.  

Garrick, I'd like to apologize, I was not trying to shoot you down with my OP, and I wasn't, and still am not blowing you off.  Like I said above, do some research, check it out, and make an informed decision, and if it helps, by all means go with it!.  I again stand by what I said before, I'm glad you are now pain free.  Best of luck, and let us know how you make out....


Edited to add:  I have tried it, it made my neck and back feel better, but didn't do anything for my CH.

Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by Racer1_NC on Oct 5th, 2007, 9:55pm

on 10/04/07 at 22:03:13, Garrickfish wrote:
I only posted this bulletin share my experience, not to question others knowledge of the matter. I was hoping to hear from more people who have tried it first hand.  

Here is my first hand knowledge....I tried seeing a Chiropractor for my CH several years ago with absolutely no positive result. After a month of promises from him, I related the fact I was still having headaches. His response was "You need to change your lifestyle." IMHO the only thing a Chiropractor can do is remove cash from one's wallet. YMMV.

If you believe it worked for you, more power to you. I hope you remain PF for ever.


Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by Linda_Howell on Oct 5th, 2007, 10:07pm

I was hoping to hear from more people who have tried it first hand.

 and you have.... right here. Myself included.

In the 9 years I have been here I've seen dozens upon dozens of people desperate enough to believe that this can help them.  I have also seen dozens upon dozens of people report back here saying it didn't do SQUAT for CH.  

Any chiroprator that tells you he can cure/help/allievate CH is out to make a fast buck from desperate people.    Period.

Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by Ctech on Oct 6th, 2007, 3:15am
I ate tons of peppers last year and missed my cycle [smiley=huh.gif]

I ate lots of peppers this year (even sprayed some bullshit pepper spray up my nose :o) and got hit pretty good for about a month and a half...

Whatever gives you hope man I'm with you.


Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by Brewcrew on Oct 6th, 2007, 9:20am
It is just as insane for me to suggest that a chiro can't do jack squat for your CH as it is for you to suggest that he can cure mine.

Are you beginning to see the problem here?

If you believe something is working for you, do it. But don't even think about making the false assumption that it will work for anyone else. That's just bad science.

Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by Saffy on Oct 6th, 2007, 9:33am
I don't really think it is fair to tar all Chiropracters with the same brush.

I don't know that they are any different to any other profession. Some are probably good, some bad etc.

I am a Sports Injury Therapist and I know how difficult it can be to know what to say to a client when they are desperate for a cure and are firing questions. Especially, "can you cure me." I say this - "If I can get a small window of improvement at the first treatment I can probably get enough improvement for you to be comfortable or maybe completely rid you of your problem but I make no promises."

However this is not what people want to hear - they WANT promises!!!This is the best any therapist could possibly offer but sometimes because you know the client desperately wants you to make rash promises it is so tempting to make them although I never do.


Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by rolo65 on Oct 6th, 2007, 10:09am
If you think your chiropractor cured your CH, I have a great deal on ocean front property in Arizona I know you’ll be interested in! ::)


Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by seasonalboomer on Oct 7th, 2007, 6:20am

on 10/04/07 at 22:03:13, Garrickfish wrote:

So many skeptics! Good thing somebody didn’t post a similar bulletin before I went. I would have read it and not gone to Chiropractor and possibly still been in pain right now. .

I only posted this bulletin share my experience, not to question others knowledge of the matter. I was hoping to hear from more people who have tried it first hand.  It would seem they would be the ones with some actually knowledge of the matter not these self proclaimed professionals.

While I realize that I may not be cured, (but I still have had no CH since) I only wanted to point out the remarkable success I have thus far. No body was trying to sell me on the idea and I have nothing to benefit telling you. My Chiro even stated at my appointment that he wasn’t sure it would take away my CH.

Over all it was the best 75.00 dollar I have ever spent. I am sure there has to be someone out there who could also benefit from this.  

Dude, pardon my skepticism. But, I did try it first hand. Someone told me that a chiro might really help my headaches. I went through several treatments and amazingly 6 weeks through the course of the treatment the headaches were gone. Oh, I'm sorry, you see actually my cycle ended. The chiro was very versed at saying that the results were just around the corner as he pointed me around to the corner of his office where the girl swiped my credit card through the reader.

Or, were you only looking for people to post that agreed with you?


Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by Chris_A on Oct 7th, 2007, 7:49am

I hope you aren't counting all Alternative Therapists in your sweeping statement here.

Most of us do our level best to help people. IT is VERY VERY rare that I don't help my clients considerably and if I don't I DO NOT expect to be paid!!! WE ARE NOT ALL CROOKS.

Also I would never offer to treat CH although I do very successfully treat tension headaches with massage specific relaxation and stretching techniques for people to do themselves at home.

I hope this is not considered an attempt to find myself clients as it is NOT my intention, I just wish to make a point and I don't believe there is a way to find or contact me through this site to make a booking.


P.S. I love my job because when people leave my clinic they are in less pain than they were when they walked in.  ;)

OOOPS I must now modify and apologise to Chris my supporter who has just joined the site! Sorry I have managed to post as YOU!!! And had my first rant as YOU! SORRY!!!

Saffy - not  Chris

Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by seasonalboomer on Oct 7th, 2007, 8:20am
Nope, no problem with alternative therapists. I should narrow my point to those chiropractors who claim they can fix CH know not WTF they are talking about. And, if your CH went away after seeing a chiro, either a.) the cycle ended, or b.) the CH wasn't CH. Chiro's these days make a lot of claims about all kinds of things they can "fix" - a lot of it is BS. I do know, first hand that the kinds of ways stress manifests itself in the body can be allieved with proper therapy -- some of it physical, morof it cognitive.


Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by Saffy on Oct 7th, 2007, 8:34am
Sounds fair enough to me.

Saffy - Managing to post as herself now she has realised other people actually use the computer!!! [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by Kevin_M on Oct 7th, 2007, 9:38am

on 10/07/07 at 07:49:52, Chris_A wrote:
Also I would never offer to treat CH although I do very successfully treat tension headaches with massage specific relaxation and stretching techniques for people to do themselves at home.

Thank you.

Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by MR_FLOOR on Oct 7th, 2007, 10:31am

on 10/04/07 at 22:03:13, Garrickfish wrote:

So many skeptics! Good thing somebody didn’t post a similar bulletin before I went. I would have read it and not gone to Chiropractor and possibly still been in pain right now. .

I only posted this bulletin share my experience, not to question others knowledge of the matter. I was hoping to hear from more people who have tried it first hand.  It would seem they would be the ones with some actually knowledge of the matter not these self proclaimed professionals.

While I realize that I may not be cured, (but I still have had no CH since) I only wanted to point out the remarkable success I have thus far. No body was trying to sell me on the idea and I have nothing to benefit telling you. My Chiro even stated at my appointment that he wasn’t sure it would take away my CH.

Over all it was the best 75.00 dollar I have ever spent. I am sure there has to be someone out there who could also benefit from this.  

When I was in my 20s before I was diagnosed I tried everything. So I thought why not give it a shot. The first appointment he said Oh yeah I know whats causing these headaches and I can fix them. Well 8 months went by and he got richer I stupid ol me was still in pain. I'm sure they can help with some stuff but in my opinion and from my experience not with CH.



Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by kcopelin on Oct 7th, 2007, 10:42am
Hmmm....picture this-1994 somewhere in the deep south of US (y'all)-went to one chiroprator who tested my muscle strength by having me hold various vials in my hands and pushed down on that arm, then had me hum a tune and he couldn't push my arm down. Hokay...
pretty freaky but I am a total skeptic.  Then he tried to adjust my molars :o  Then he told me that my headaches were caused by a head wound I received during the civil war (which is really oxymoronic) whilst protecting my home.  Said I was smashed across the right side of my face by the butt of a yankee rifle
(dang yankees).  I asked why he thought this and he said his angel told him. [smiley=huh.gif]He actually wanted real money for that.

However,  a few months later I went to a massage therapist who did deep tissue, trigger point and myofasial (sp?).  I also started seeing a chiro who I went to high school with and who is very grounded in reality.  Said he hadn't worked with CH before but was interested.  C1 C2 were totally whacked.  He managed to get the vertebrae aligned (I saw my before/after x rays. ) I went for the adjustment right after massage so my muscles were nice and relaxed.   Anywho, could feel this rush of blood to my head at each adjustment, and had some relief.

Until the cycle started again. dos centavos worth.

PFDAN y'all,

Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by BMoneeTheMoneeMan on Oct 8th, 2007, 1:21am
My lord, Kathy.  thats nuts!!  Did he tell you to put lotion on your skin?

I meet people all the time, whether they practice thai accupressure, rolfing, reiki, yoga, chiro, inner-vaginal massage, nutritionalist, accupuncture, meditation, fornication, aromatherapy, light therapy, reflexology, thalossotherapy, holistic medicine, chinese medicine, or, god forbid, cranial sacral massage, they all have 'the cure'.  

I sat for 2 sessions with a dude that bungeed some electro-crystal diodes to my head for an hour.  He plugged the thing into what looked like a record player.  

We had a dude come here and he swore that farting would help relieve the pain.

As you can imagine, we get pretty wary.

Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by GaWd on Oct 8th, 2007, 10:47am
There are crazies, hucksters, and con-men in all medical fields. This isn't something limited to chiropractic...

Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by Saffy on Oct 8th, 2007, 11:14am
Come to that.

There are crazies, hucksters and conmen in all fields not just medical!


Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by Kevin_M on Oct 8th, 2007, 11:48am

on 10/08/07 at 11:14:38, Saffy wrote:
There are crazies, hucksters and conmen in all fields not just medical!

Familiar with the world, however, on this site, which is this world, it may be noticed that CH sufferers will be attentive to claims involving a "cure".  This time it happen to involve mention of a chiropractor.

Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope

on 10/03/07 at 23:53:03, Garrickfish wrote:
she claimed that she also had suffered from CH and migraines but was cured after a few treatments from a Chiropractor...

on 10/03/07 at 23:53:03, Garrickfish wrote:
...visit a Chiropractor. It's worth the possibility of being cured.

And I can't begin to count the times that this sentence is included in a post involving a cure.

on 10/03/07 at 23:53:03, Garrickfish wrote:
I was willing to try anything.

I'm glad for any relief that was posted about and it's not a personal thing, but I think there has been plenty of counter claims posted in this thread alone to justify very opinionated scepticism of the appropriateness in using chiropractic measures with hope of a cure.  


Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by sandie99 on Oct 8th, 2007, 12:04pm
Never been to see a chiro, so cannot comment on that, but what comes to yoga, pilates & meditation... they all help to deal with ch. Not with the pain, but keeping my sanity and optimism. :) And I practice all of them at home and haven't paid a penny to a person who would claim that one of them could "cure" me. ;)


Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by Saffy on Oct 8th, 2007, 4:04pm
Unfortunately my quip about crazies, huxters and conmen has been taken the wrong way for which I must apologise.

The written word does not always convey its intended meaning which in this case was simply sarcastic quip.

As an "Alternative Therapist" myself I am more unhappy than most people about those that offer miracle cures. It reflects badly on the rest of us who often do a good job and have hard earned qualifications.

Saffy - modified didn't say I could spell!

Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by Pinkfloyd on Oct 9th, 2007, 1:14am

on 10/07/07 at 10:42:48, kcopelin wrote:
 Said I was smashed across the right side of my face by the butt of a yankee rifle
(dang yankees). kathy

I'm really sorry about that Kathy. My General ordered the charge and you were in the way.

If it makes you feel any better, I got my payback in the form of a lead shot to the temple while riding next to Teddy Roosevelt and his Rough Riders, years later.


Title: Re: Chiropractor Cured Me! uhh..I hope
Post by purpleydog on Oct 9th, 2007, 5:15am
I go see my chiro when my neck and back are out. He knows I have CH, and he told me right off the bat, that he couldn't do a thing for them. But he re-aligns my spine and neck, which makes me feel better, and will kill a migraine that's been going on for days at a time. But no help for CH, and I don't expect it. And he doesn't try to tell me he can fix it.

I go about once every 8 weeks, and he does my back and neck wonders. That's as far as it goes though. I will say when I started seeing him, I was going about 3 times a week, and I've tapered off to once every 2 months. I think he's helped me, not a money hungry person, and knows what he can do and what he can't do. I got a good one. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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