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(Message started by: GaWd on Oct 3rd, 2007, 10:40pm)

Title: Toridal and Fioricet
Post by GaWd on Oct 3rd, 2007, 10:40pm
I went to a GP today in desperation and asked for a change in meds. He prescribed Toridal and Fioricet.

While I haven't had an outright headache since then, my scalp feels freaking weird! Kinda...burny...

Anybody else have weird feelings on a combo like this?

The good news is that I get to see a neuro tomorrow. I can't wait to have someone competent tell me what to do.


Title: Re: Toridal and Fioricet
Post by GaWd on Oct 3rd, 2007, 10:56pm
After thinking about it, my head feels odd only where I usually have my CH attacks. I guess that means it's working...

Title: Re: Toridal and Fioricet
Post by Karla on Oct 4th, 2007, 12:49pm
I have had toridol shots by itself and it does nothing for me.  I have had demerol shots and they by themselves do nothing for me.  However, when I combine demerol and toridol sometimes it will work to abort a ha but only about 1/3 the time.  I would look for a better mainstream preventative like verapamil, lithium, etc.  Have you tried oxygen?

Title: Re: Toridal and Fioricet
Post by BMoneeTheMoneeMan on Oct 4th, 2007, 3:00pm
I aint never tried toridal, but i can tell you the fioricet is not likely to help.  It does have some vasoconstricting ingredients, but not very useful for CH.

Title: Re: Toridal and Fioricet
Post by mcf69 on Oct 5th, 2007, 12:20am

on 10/03/07 at 22:40:21, GaWd wrote:
While I haven't had an outright headache since then, my scalp feels freaking weird! Kinda...burny...

And tingly?, like your hair hurts?  That's very common for me, and many other CH sufferers, it's probably not from the meds, but from the irritated trigeminal nerve.

Please check out this link, print it out and insist every doc that treats you for CH read it, it has some good stuff on abortive and preventative meds: Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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