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(Message started by: MJ-bos on Oct 2nd, 2007, 8:21pm)

Title: Imitrex reaction?
Post by MJ-bos on Oct 2nd, 2007, 8:21pm
Hi all - newbie here (2nd post!) - and newbie to Imitrex too.

I am tapering down from Prednisone (from 60mg/dy 10 days ago to 20mg/dy) and am also taking Verapamil.

I've had a shadow haunting me today and decided to go ahead and do my first Imitrex shot (in my thigh, full auto-injector).

While it did knock the shadow out - I have an "equal sign" rash / tenderness (more tender than rash, but a little like a subnurn?) on the back of my neck now... two horizontal lines about 2" long by 1/2" wide. It's the weirdest thing - right on the collar line.  I'm going to mention it to my neuro tomorrow, but thought I'd throw it out here to see if anyone else has had any similar kind of experience?

I'm going to try the Imitrex modification trick next time- I don't think I need the full dose as this time I ended up  in bed for a few hours (tingling, tightness, etc.).  

Thanks in advance for any input-

Title: Re: Imitrex reaction?
Post by chewy on Oct 2nd, 2007, 9:15pm
Hey there MJ. What part of Boston are you from?

Title: Re: Imitrex reaction?
Post by Sean_C on Oct 2nd, 2007, 9:36pm

on 10/02/07 at 21:15:05, chewy wrote:
Hey there MJ. What part of Boston are you from?

I'll second that  ;;D

Title: Re: Imitrex reaction?
Post by MJ-bos on Oct 3rd, 2007, 12:32am
Hey guys - I'm in Arlington (E. Arlington to be exact)... Chicago originally. Are there a lot of Bostonians around here?

Title: Re: Imitrex reaction?
Post by MR_FLOOR on Oct 3rd, 2007, 1:14am

on 10/03/07 at 00:32:01, MJ-bos wrote:
Chicago originally.

Big Cubbie fan then,are ya?

As for the rash can't help ya.The Imetrex tip I highly recommend.Good luck at your nero and GO CUBBIES.


Title: Re: Imitrex reaction?
Post by Lotus on Oct 3rd, 2007, 1:26am

My husband never had that reaction with Imitrex, tingling, tightness yes but no rash. Was it itchy? Maybe just coincidental?

I havent heard or read anywhere about reaction like that. But it doesnt mean it cant happen. Its a good idea to check with your doc.

Painfree wishes , hope you wont need to use the injection too often.


Title: Re: Imitrex reaction?
Post by MJ-bos on Oct 3rd, 2007, 12:48pm
Thx for the input - I think it much be coincidental. Strange timing, though.

As for baseball teams... I'm agnostic. I mean, everyone is a Cubs fan, that's a given :) It's the underdog thing.

The last year I lived in Minneapolis, the Twins won the series ... the Red Sox won in 2004 while I was living in Boston... so I don't think the cubbies can win until I move back to Chicago :)


Title: Re: Imitrex reaction?
Post by southwalessunshine on Oct 3rd, 2007, 4:35pm
I may be talking out of my ass and if so, could someone please correct me? But should you be taking Imi for shadows?  This is a very strong painkiller and whilst it def works on the beast, isn't it a bit too strong for a shadow?  I'm only saying this because of what I've been told to take by my doc.  Which is;red bull and caffeine for the mild one's and 02 of course.  If the 02 doesn't work then pop a sumatriptan tablet.  For anything above maybe a KIP 6 or if the others haven't worked inject.
If I'm wrong I would be very interested to be corrected.  it's just that taking Imi for a shadow when somethin else could have been taken that isn't as harsh as Imi should surely be considered?  I know that Imi can cause rebounds and if you need to take it every day for the beast then rebounds are the last thing on your mind.  but wouldn't it be a shame if you got rebounds for a shadow?

Title: Re: Imitrex reaction?
Post by Sean_C on Oct 3rd, 2007, 7:32pm

on 10/03/07 at 00:32:01, MJ-bos wrote:
Hey guys - I'm in Arlington (E. Arlington to be exact)... Chicago originally. Are there a lot of Bostonians around here?

We have a few to say the least  ;;D

Maybe Jonny or Chewy can post a pic. Pm' me your number, next time we get together your more than welcome. Nothing like meeting someone just like you, its an instant bond  ;;D



edit: I never heard of Cubsnation  ;;D ;;D ;;D

Title: Re: Imitrex reaction?
Post by DennisM1045 on Oct 3rd, 2007, 8:55pm
Hi MJ.  Check your PMs.


Title: Re: Imitrex reaction?
Post by chewy on Oct 3rd, 2007, 8:57pm
With 2 of our Las Vegas friends who came to visit.

Title: Re: Imitrex reaction?
Post by GtrMn on Oct 3rd, 2007, 11:01pm
"But should you be taking Imi for shadows?  This is a very strong painkiller and whilst it def works on the beast, isn't it a bit too strong for a shadow?"

FYI....Imitrex is not a's a vascular constrictor.  That's why many of us, on a full dose, get the chest tightness and tingly sensation.  And no...I wouldn't use it for shadows either.

Title: Re: Imitrex reaction?
Post by MJ-bos on Oct 4th, 2007, 12:58pm

FYI....Imitrex is not a's a vascular constrictor.  That's why many of us, on a full dose, get the chest tightness and tingly sensation.  And no...I wouldn't use it for shadows either.

I agree about not taking it for shadows - I'm still working on getting my terminology correct here.

I held off on the Imitrex until I hit what I call "the tipping point" - the point where I'm feeling it cross over from being a worrisome "oh crap, it's coming..." to that awful "oh god, it's starting" feeling (thumping starts, runny nose starts, I start to crick my neck because it's tightening up... but not quite 'put my head through a wall and scream' yet) ... ?

It did do the trick - no full emergence of the beast - but I've felt like I'm "on the verge" for the last few days. It's definitely a cycle starting.  I'm paranoid this time because the last bought was so bad (ER visit).  

It's really a different experience this time, though, having so much more understanding (and knowing, with certainty, that it's 'not just me').


Title: Re: Imitrex reaction?
Post by southwalessunshine on Oct 8th, 2007, 4:40pm
That makes sense Mj-bos.  When I first came on the site I too got shadows mixed up.  I also had a wrong perception of the KIp scale as I was seeing KIP 1 as the beginning of the pain and making a gradual raise instead of  it being "life is beautiful" etc.  I was experiencing a KIP 6 or 7 and describing it as a 4 or 5.  if you feel you are going to edge then give yourself a shot.  That's what it's there for.

Title: Re: Imitrex reaction?
Post by MJ-bos on Oct 12th, 2007, 1:42am
Great insight on the KIP scale!

I'm guessing we - as a group who have experienced so many real 9's and 10's - may have trouble differentiating between 3-6 (that's my gray area, at least!).

I did discover this last week while traveling that airplanes ratchet me up a few notches. Can't tell if it's the air or altitude change, but luckily I was able to manage it with just two excederin.


Title: Re: Imitrex reaction?
Post by MJ-bos on Oct 12th, 2007, 5:56pm
[smiley=huh.gif] Well I'll be darned...  [smiley=huh.gif]

I took 1/2 of a 6mg vial (using the "Imitrix trick" documented here- which has convinced me to get some single-use needles from my diabetic sister-in-law) to knock-out a beast - this one was definitely blossoming and I think I now feel better about knowing "when to say when."

Good news - beast knocked out.

Bad news - neck rash.

This is the weirdest thing - not quite the same "equal sign" as I got last time, but definitely a line, irritated, and the best way I can describe it as it "feels subnurned."

I really like that the Imitrix knocks out the beast- what I don't like is the tightening, metallic taste, and this odd rash. At least the side effects wore off in about an hour.

My Neuro is upping my Verapamil from 240 to 360/day for a few months until we get through this cycle (then taper off). I'm also looking into O2.

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