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(Message started by: ben_uk on Oct 2nd, 2007, 9:34am)

Title: Oxygen blows away cluster headaches
Post by ben_uk on Oct 2nd, 2007, 9:34am
Daily Mail (UK daily newspaper)
Tuesday October 2 2007 (today)

Page 44 (GoodHealth)

Oxygen blows away cluster headaches

Breathing pure oxygen can relieve the worst type of headache in minutes.
Research shows inhaling oxygen can be as effective as drugs for treating cluster headaches, with eight out of ten patients pain-free within a quarter of an hour.
One of its big advantages is it has no known side-effects and can be used with other drugs without risk of interaction.
Cluster headaches, those that occur up to several times a day over a few weeks, are often described by women sufferers as being far worse than childbirth.
The clinical trial at the Institute of Neurology, London, tested 109 patients with cluster headaches. The results showed that 78 per cent of patients were pain-free at the target time of 15 minutes, compared to 20 per cent when an air placebo was used.

Sorry – no link yet


Title: Re: Oxygen blows away cluster headaches
Post by Guiseppi on Oct 2nd, 2007, 10:26am
At last, the world is listening to what we've all been preaching!! Great article, thank you sir! ;)


Title: Re: Oxygen blows away cluster headaches
Post by sandie99 on Oct 2nd, 2007, 10:51am
Brilliant news! Thank you, Ben. :)

Even my tiny now-home town has a department store which has (occasionally) Daily Mail in stock. I'll if they'll have this one. :)

Heck, I feel like getting two copies and sending the other one to the neuro who didn't give me 02! ;;D

Hugs & PF days,

Title: Re: Oxygen blows away cluster headaches
Post by George_J on Oct 2nd, 2007, 11:43am
Thanks for contributing this, Ben--just the sort of information that needs to get out there.

Best wishes,


Title: Re: Oxygen blows away cluster headaches
Post by Beastfodder on Oct 2nd, 2007, 7:17pm
Shame they didn't name check clustermasx !

Think enough of us here have felt the benefit.

Title: Re: Oxygen blows away cluster headaches
Post by ben_uk on Oct 4th, 2007, 9:29am

on 10/02/07 at 09:34:19, ben_uk wrote:
Sorry – no link yet


Link -


Title: Re: Oxygen blows away cluster headaches
Post by totka2 on Oct 6th, 2007, 3:27pm
Hi Ben,

do you have an abstract? (l/ min, used mask, episodic-chronic and male female ratio ...)



Title: Re: Oxygen blows away cluster headaches
Post by ben_uk on Oct 8th, 2007, 6:10am
Hi Steve,

We in the UK have been waiting for these results with baited breath (pardon) especially those who took part in the trials.
It was announced this summer that the trials were completed and ready for publication.
I, along with many others have been looking out for it through the “usual” channels but there hasn’t been any sign of it until “this” that has been presented by the Daily Mail newspaper.
The question is – How did they get it before anyone else?

For what it is worth these are the protocols involved -


Title: Re: Oxygen blows away cluster headaches
Post by Pinkfloyd on Oct 8th, 2007, 11:37am

on 10/08/07 at 06:10:02, ben_uk wrote:
Hi Steve,

The question is – How did they get it before anyone else?


Hi Ben,
Goadsby probably released the results at a headache conference. Then possibly sent out press releases on the general results. It's up to the media to print what/when they want. May also be going through some peer review before being reported in any journals, with all the important details.

Wondering how much success would have been added to the 79% had they used your masx.

Good to hear from you,

Title: Re: Oxygen blows away cluster headaches
Post by Kevin_M on Oct 8th, 2007, 12:02pm

on 10/08/07 at 11:37:31, Pinkfloyd wrote:
Wondering how much success would have been added to the 79% had they used your masx.


Title: Re: Oxygen blows away cluster headaches
Post by totka2 on Oct 8th, 2007, 4:07pm
To tell the truth this trial is a f@cking good news for us.
The Hungarian Linde Gas Co. tried to get licens for O2 as cluster-drug but our National Health Found need clinical trial results what not older than five years. There you are! Many thanks Prof. Goadsby!

Title: Re: Oxygen blows away cluster headaches
Post by JoeKen on Oct 12th, 2007, 12:43pm
This response is aimed primarily at Ben.
Hi Ben,
Dave here, your fellow Yorkshire man and grateful Clustermasx user. You may be interested in my recent experience  -  it may show that, whilst the UK health authorities may not be exactly enthusiastic they may also not be so anti the oxygen therapy. I have just been discharged from hospital after a TIA in the early hours of last Saturday morning. Needless to say the beast did not stay away whilst I was hospitalised.
The first thing that the docs told me in hospital was to kiss permanent goodbye to the Almotriptan tabs that I was prescribed as they were 'contra-indicated' by the TIA.
I then asked if they could allow, and provide, high flow rate oxygen when needed and the very quick response was 'Yes'. The non-rebreather mask they provided was crap so I asked if I could use my own Clustermasx, and again got a quick 'Yes'.
This enabled me to have one less thing to worry about in hospital, which always helps.
Hope your mask gets the credit it deserves from any publicity resulting from the trials.
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