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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Medications, Treatments, Therapies >> Bengay is a MIRACLE!
(Message started by: scottg on Sep 26th, 2007, 2:48pm)

Title: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by scottg on Sep 26th, 2007, 2:48pm
Hey everyone.  I've suffered from cluster headaches for 16 years now, and I have found out a cheap, quick fix from the awful pain that come with these.  My new bride and myself have traveled to see her parents this week.  I started to get my dose of headaches about a week ago, they usually last for at least a month, so I have been feeling lousy all of the time that we are here.  My father in law saw me getting a nasty headache last night and said he had gotten headaches like this in the past.  He gave me some ultra strength Bengay, and told me to rub it above my eyebrows and around the side of my eyes.  I also put some on my neck where my muscles get so tight when I get an attack.  

The only thing that has even reduced my pain was Imitrix.  I will not take that anymore because of the side effects (sexual) and the price.  The last 3 years, I have just endured the pain and suffered greatly.

Let me tell you that the instance I put the Bengay on those spots, the pain stopped IMMEDIATELY!  I was floored that something so simple and inexpensive would take away such devastating pain.  I still get the headaches in the same frequency and duration, but no more pain, thank God!  It doesn't prevent but it sure does take the pain away.

I just wanted to share this with you all, and I hope that this method will relieve a lot of pain from a lot of you.

My life is back in my hands finally,
Scott G.

Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by Brewcrew on Sep 26th, 2007, 2:52pm
So now Little Elvis stands at attention but you smell like a locker room?

Glad it works for ya! Whatever it takes!

Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by malkidm on Sep 26th, 2007, 2:53pm
Wow!  I'm glad that worked for you!  I'll have to give it a try.  At this point, I'm experimenting with different "cheap" techniques (see bubble gum & water post).  I will let you know how it goes.

Thanks for your 2 cents!


Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by seasonalboomer on Sep 26th, 2007, 3:44pm
Wow!!!! That's friggin' amazin'!
Have you ever tried putting a little Ben Gay on the inside of your underwear? - that'll help what ails ya too.

Just what were the "sexual side effects" from Imitrex? Never seen any myself. I just typically didn't really feel like doing it during or right after a cluster headache. Scratch that, make that only just during the headache. Headache's gone and the same endless thoughtloop gets hung back on the projector.


Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by Ray on Sep 26th, 2007, 4:08pm

Anything that helps without harming ourselves (or others) is ok with me, but I doubt that your method would help most people.  Beware of getting that stuff in your eyes or mucus membranes....


Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by vietvet2tours on Sep 26th, 2007, 4:09pm

on 09/26/07 at 15:44:55, seasonalboomer wrote:
Wow!!!! That's friggin' amazin'!
Have you ever tried putting a little Ben Gay on the inside of your underwear? - that'll help what ails ya too.

Just what were the "sexual side effects" from Imitrex? Never seen any myself. I just typically didn't really feel like doing it during or right after a cluster headache. Scratch that, make that only just during the headache. Headache's gone and the same endless thoughtloop gets hung back on the projector.

what he said kids.

Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by Ctech on Sep 26th, 2007, 6:51pm
If someone has a trick that might help a fellow cluster head I am all ears ;) even if it only helps one person it is worth saying.

If I think someone is sincere about helping I am not going to knock'em.

Thanks Scott, hang around we need all the help we can get

P.S (don't try spanking the monkey with that stuff ;;D)


Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by George_J on Sep 26th, 2007, 8:03pm

on 09/26/07 at 16:08:30, Ray wrote:
 Beware of getting that stuff in your eyes or mucus membranes....

Ditto that.

I used Ben-Gay on my forehead and around my left eye--once.  I was a little desperate.  

See, I have a tendency to grind away at the old eyeball when I'm getting hit, and...well I'm sure you can guess the rest.

Very unpleasant.  Not to mention that it didn't stop the hit--gave it a sort of nasty glow, but it didn't go away.  YMMV, I suppose, but I won't try that again.



Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by chewy on Sep 26th, 2007, 8:28pm
Geeze. All these years of thrashing pain, sleepless weeks, hospital stays, injections, etc etc. all due to the most painful condition known to man and all I needed was little Ben Gay.

Somebody should contact all those medical people doing intese research and clinical trial and let them know they can stop now we are OK.

::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by seasonalboomer on Sep 26th, 2007, 8:50pm

on 09/26/07 at 18:51:45, Ctech wrote:
If someone has a trick that might help a fellow cluster head I am all ears ;) even if it only helps one person it is worth saying.

If I think someone is sincere about helping I am not going to knock'em.


But, what if they aren't? Have you ever got Ben Gay in your eye? Or around membranes? You wonder whether you've seriously F'ed up and you think you're going to go blind and it scares you. You've already got a CH, you're desperate and all of sudden you're afraid that in your desperation you didn't follow some idiot's directions correctly for using Ben Gay for CH. So, no, I believe that when someone's first post proclaims Ben Gay as a miracle, it's worth some pretty heavy duty scrutiny - and that scrutiny might involve making him stand up for his opinion.  And if I think there's a chance it could be a couple of geeky college kids screwing around on internet med boards trying to get people to do stupid shit to themselves in their desperation -- I'm going to push a button or two and see if they stand up to be counted.

That's what say I.


Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by chewy on Sep 26th, 2007, 8:53pm

That's what say I.

And said it well.

Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by Ray on Sep 26th, 2007, 9:06pm
In the defence of desparate, stupid things to try....

I used Zostrix cream on my temple and forehead, on a doctor's advice (don't see that one any more!) in an attempt to treat cluster headaches.  I don't know about you all, but in the midst of a CH, I sweat buckets.  First thing that happened was I got that crap in my eye.  It almost made me forget about the CH....NOT QUITE THOUGH!

I also tried a TENS unit on my head, that made me twitch in time with dancing with the BEAST.  

If you want my opinion, DON'T DO IT!!!!


Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by ski2k on Sep 26th, 2007, 9:16pm
  IF this is a legit posting, and IF Bengay really worked for you, I have a suggestion.
  Go to your nearest "herbal remedy" store, and try to find Dragon Balm. It comes in (I think) 2 kinds, White and Red. It works a LOT better that Bengay or Icyhot, and you only need a tiny amount for it to work. For me, that kind of stuff doesn't do anything for my ch, but it helps out immensely with the pain and tension in my neck and shoulders after getting a few hits. I've tried both Bengay and Icyhot for neck/shoulders, but that Dragon Balm beats them both hands down. It helps clear the sinuses too! (pretty strong stuff)

Best of luck,

Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by Ctech on Sep 26th, 2007, 9:48pm

on 09/26/07 at 20:50:18, seasonalboomer wrote:
But, what if they aren't? Have you ever got Ben Gay in your eye? Or around membranes? You wonder whether you've seriously F'ed up and you think you're going to go blind and it scares you. You've already got a CH, you're desperate and all of sudden you're afraid that in your desperation you didn't follow some idiot's directions correctly for using Ben Gay for CH. So, no, I believe that when someone's first post proclaims Ben Gay as a miracle, it's worth some pretty heavy duty scrutiny - and that scrutiny might involve making him stand up for his opinion.  And if I think there's a chance it could be a couple of geeky college kids screwing around on internet med boards trying to get people to do stupid shit to themselves in their desperation -- I'm going to push a button or two and see if they stand up to be counted.

That's what say I.


Maybe it is a prank, I don't know? And I really don't care about some dumb college kid making me do something stupid (because I can think for myself).

Wasn't it a dumb college kid that did acid and said that it helped his CH? I am sure some people thought that he was full of shit to, just trying to get us poor mindless CH'ers high ;)

Now, I'm not comparing the two and I don't think that it is going to help, I am just saying if it is someone sincere I don't want to run them away from the only place that CH'ers have.

If it is a prank then at least someone else out there has heard of CH is the way I see it.

I have heard of alot of crazy tricks on this board besides this one - some I might try, and some I will not.


Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by seasonalboomer on Sep 26th, 2007, 10:05pm
Ben Gay is not a miracle.

Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by Kevin_M on Sep 26th, 2007, 10:19pm

Bengay is a MIRACLE!

And what if this could have been the third miracle that may have put Mother Theresa into sainthood?  Where was this miracle then?  

I will sometimes use icepacks as a distraction.  Even if this suggestion happens to be comparably effective mushed into the hair around the temple and repeatedly very cautiously around an eye, I'll still use ice, but I hesitate to say "give it a try and let us know."  
 Success for this with clusters coming to the sufferers here at this point seems unlikely considering the many types of help tried already and attested to by people that were far more than first time posters.

Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by phil_h on Sep 27th, 2007, 12:24am
Hell I guess I might try anything once..............and it didn't work for me this evening... I think it made everything worse.....won't try it again...... But clearly what works for some , doesn't necessarily work for others......Trust me , if this helped me even alittle I'd repeat it often.......... If it works for you,stay with it.... Thanks for sharing...... I bet I've been asked 100 x's if I ever tried I can say , yes it didn't work for me.. I'll add it to the list of 50 other things that work for some or for most , that didn't help me...... Quest continues...............   phil h    [smiley=yikes.gif] [smiley=yikes.gif] [smiley=yikes.gif]

Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by George_J on Sep 27th, 2007, 12:58am

on 09/27/07 at 00:24:07, phil_h wrote:
Hell I guess I might try anything once..............and it didn't work for me this evening... I think it made everything worse.....won't try it again......

I'm sorry for your experiment.

Told ya.  



Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by seasonalboomer on Sep 27th, 2007, 6:27am

on 09/26/07 at 22:19:20, Kevin_M wrote:
 Success for this with clusters coming to the sufferers here at this point seems unlikely considering the many types of help tried already and attested to by people that were far more than first time posters.

I could try to say it better than you have here Kevin, but why try.

(now let's hear all the cries for how sometimes the best ideas come from first time posters -- "what if Jesus was a first time poster, would we ignore him him because his post tally was 1?", "what if Dr. Goadsby showed up one day under an alias and started posting, would we ignore him?")

Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by Lotus on Sep 27th, 2007, 7:01am

Bengay/Tiger Balm/Dragon Balm ....etc contain methyl salicylate, menthol and maybe camphor.

Methyl salicylate is similar to the active chemicals in aspirin. Its used for mild pain and as a mild anti-inflammatory.

If Bengal works for you, so should a couple of aspirins, plus maybe some menthol lollies.

I am not here to diagnose people but I would say that if your headaches can be relieved immediately and reliably by a couple of menthol flavoured aspirins then I doubt very much that you have clusterheadaches, or even migraines.

Furthermore, methyl salicylate is toxic if over used.


Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by barry_sword on Sep 27th, 2007, 7:18am
I had a friend on the board say to me once "I would eat a two day old roadkill rat without ketchup if I knew it would make the pain go away" and I agree 100% with that, as I would do the same.

For now I will stick with my o2 and Verapamil as this cocktail works for me and it does not make me smell bad either. :o


Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by JohnM on Sep 27th, 2007, 10:21am
I have used Tiger Balm on my temples and forehead on numerous occasions to ease the pain of a mild ch (k1 or k2), mild ha or shadow, but once the big one kicks in there is no way it will stop it. That's when I reach for the imigran injection.


Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by VinceFromOhio on Oct 15th, 2007, 5:26pm
OK, I tried the "Bengay" thing.  It didn't abort a hit, but suddenly I find I'm winking at men in parking lots.

Just kidding. Couldn't help it.:P

Actually, it really helps a lot when you rub it on down the right side of the back of your neck...and down your right shoulder. These are areas that, in my case, can help ease the pain of a hit when massaged during attack. The Bengay makes these areas feel cool, which seems to help thwart an attack.

HOWEVER.....there's a side-effect, which is why I'm interested in finding a "menthol-only" topical cream. Bengay contains LOTS of rubbing alcohol, which could easily act as a trigger. The alcohol is intended to open up your pores so the menthol can do its stuff. There are better ways to open up your pores - like lemon juice or white apple cider vinegar. I don't know about the rest of you, but ANY alcohol....whether ingested or rubbed on the a total NO-NO during a cluster period.

Incidentally, I was NOT stupid enough to put Bengay on my forehead, temples, or around my eyes. EGADS!:o

I did, however, try "Head On" (Apply Directly To The know the schtick). It has the same effect as the Bengay....very cooling, etc. However, after repeated uses, it BURNED A LAYER OF SKIN OFF MY FOREHEAD. Just like chemical burns, in fact. My skin peeled and everything....just like sunburn. It's too bad, because whatever is in the stuff seemed to be helping....not as an abortive, but as a preventative measure.....basically keeping the head cool when I felt a shadow during the day, or before laying down at night. In defense of the company who makes "Head On", I don't think they had clusterheads in mind when they invented the stuff.

If the original Bengay poster is legit, I'd like to see a follow-up to this. I'm curious if it's still working for you.....if you've gone blind.....y'know.....that kind of stuff. As for your ability/lack of to become sexually aroused....

I have a 9 pill per month prescription for Imitrex. This is my very first experience with the drug. So far, I've had to use it twice. I didn't notice it having any sexual side effects, but if it DOES....well....I'm tossing the remaining 7 pills!  NOBODY TOLD ME!!!!!!!  >:(

Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by woodeyepegleg on Oct 15th, 2007, 9:45pm
This is my first post to this site and I will have to say, I just had a great laugh from the posts and people trying the bengay.  I almost ran to walgreens as I read it.  

"It didn't abort a hit, but suddenly I find I'm winking at men in parking lots." has got to be the funniest thing I've read in a while.  Thanks for the laughs.

Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by schaan on Oct 16th, 2007, 12:06am
i figure since there were no rebuttals it was a prank.

im the kind of guy you dont want to screw with,  lucky for them they can hide behind the screen.

no i didnt try it.

Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by Sophie on Oct 16th, 2007, 3:07am
Bengay is not a miracle.
However; before I knew what I was dealing with, a long time ago, I used Bengay or similar product for neck, shoulder and head pain. When I was diagnosed with CH and put on triptons, topamax etc. etc. I continued to use a menthol product with bad hits or heavy shadows.
My miracle was discovering CB. This has been life saving for me. But sometimes there are breakthrus and even though they are shorter and milder, I reach for the Bengay or Tiger Balm---whatever.
For me it's just part of the program.
Rubbing it on the sore part of your neck/shoulder or temple helps. I think it helps in two ways. Relieves the tension and the vapors help open the sinus. I used to put a dot of Icy Hot on a hot washcloth and inhale the vapors. My doctor thought it was silly but not harmful.
I can say it was helpful. Yes, maybe you could overdo and maybe it could be toxic.
Luckily these days I don't need it much.
But it is part of my kit, along with ice, ginger,Red Bull and a cold sinus rinse. Also the nasal inhalers for stuffy sinus is pretty handy.
And it's sort of like garlic and vampires. Keeps those pesky people away.
The patches are pretty handy also, for those long shadows.
It helps but not a miracle.      

Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by VinceFromOhio on Oct 16th, 2007, 7:55am

on 10/15/07 at 21:45:05, woodeyepegleg wrote:
This is my first post to this site and I will have to say, I just had a great laugh from the posts and people trying the bengay.  I almost ran to walgreens as I read it.  

"It didn't abort a hit, but suddenly I find I'm winking at men in parking lots." has got to be the funniest thing I've read in a while.  Thanks for the laughs.

You're quite welcome! ;;D

Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by mcf69 on Oct 16th, 2007, 11:51pm

on 10/15/07 at 17:26:31, VinceFromOhio wrote:
OK, I tried the "Bengay" thing.  It didn't abort a hit, but suddenly I find I'm winking at men in parking lots.

LMAO!!!  Good one Vince!!!!  Thanks for the laugh.

Ben (not gay)

Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by Emily on Oct 17th, 2007, 6:27am
Surely anyone claiming to have stumbled upon a 'miracle' or a 'cure' is a little suspicious? Either that, or we're all delusional with our headaches and meds...  [smiley=bomb.gif]

Were Bengay's sales figures particularly low last month?

Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by VinceFromOhio on Oct 17th, 2007, 6:38pm

on 09/26/07 at 21:16:32, ski2k wrote:
  Go to your nearest "herbal remedy" store, and try to find Dragon Balm. It comes in (I think) 2 kinds, White and Red.

Adam, thanks....I found the stuff (I think)...'cept it's called "Tiger Balm" at the natural foods store where I shop. I got the red stuff....extra strength. It IS waaay stronger than Bengay, so I didn't have to use that much. I applied it to the base of my neck, mainly on the right side (where my ha's are) and up the back of my neck.

Although it's not any kind of an abortive thing, it does help fend off a 2nd hit during the night by keeping me "cool". The heat associated with what happens to me when I fall asleep will ALWAYS trigger a hit....I've been getting up 3-4 times every night.

Anyway, thanks for the tip. I can't use Bengay anymore because the rubbing alcohol inside it was triggering clusters just as if I'd slammed a beer. I'm still not comfortable with trying the Tiger Balm on my forehead (near my eyes) or my temples....but I'm VERY curious as to how that might help right before bedtime. Last night I tried two 1mg tablets of melatonin for the first time and it did absolutely nothing for fact, when I did wake up from a hit I had a harder time fighting it because I was more "woozy" than usual.

Lastly....great news about your success with the RC's. I sure wish that had worked for me!!


Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by thebbz on Oct 18th, 2007, 12:57pm
Bengay is not a treatment for CH. :-* Its a really happy guy named Ben.

Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by TomM on Oct 19th, 2007, 5:13pm

on 09/26/07 at 22:05:30, seasonalboomer wrote:
Ben Gay is not a miracle.

But the Miracle bra is!

I think this guy is a troll.

Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by vietvet2tours on Oct 19th, 2007, 5:37pm
Seems to be a lotta goofballs around here lately.


Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by VinceFromOhio on Oct 20th, 2007, 8:49am

on 10/19/07 at 17:37:58, vietvet2tours wrote:
Seems to be a lotta goofballs around here lately.

You're SO right. I mean, everyone knows the patented Miracle Bra looks like THIS:


Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by TomM on Oct 23rd, 2007, 12:27pm
Did someone mention patents????  My office.  :)

Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by dnnyfrg on Oct 25th, 2007, 6:24pm
wow im gonna try that tonight. Taking a really hot shower helps take away the pain to but if you get out before it ends the pain comes right back

Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by kcopelin on Oct 26th, 2007, 11:07pm
Many moons ago (in 1994) I tried capascian based cream on the cluster side of my head.  Oy vey!  I even put a bit on a Q-tip and put that up my nose. Blistered my skin-so then my CH was more visible :o. Did nothing for the headache.  Listen, when dealing with this kind of pain I think most people would do just about anything.  

However, some things are just plain bad ideas, and I believe that rubbing Bengay around your eyes falls into this category.

Just my humble opinion (which in my universe is correct) ;;D

PFDAN y'all
kathy (who cannot believe she posted to this) ::)

Title: Re: Bengay is a MIRACLE!
Post by doogiebklyn on Oct 29th, 2007, 2:56pm
I've never had any sexual side effects.  I would be curious to learn if people have, and how.  Except that I will be in too much pain to have sex ;;D

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