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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Medications, Treatments, Therapies >> Yoga and Reiki works for me...!!!
(Message started by: gobik on Sep 25th, 2007, 1:36pm)

Title: Yoga and Reiki works for me...!!!
Post by gobik on Sep 25th, 2007, 1:36pm

I am one of sufferer for past 9 years...and nothing seems to be working for me until I learnt Yoga which has some breathing techniques...The yoga I learnt was called as 'pranayama' and it is only consists of breathing different ways for about 21 minutes....This really works for me while I get the attack...I am in trouble only while in office due to the problem where there is no spot for me to do can check it up whether you have the yoga class available in your area in

And, sometimes if you feel terrible pain where there is no energy to do can try Reiki...this is another healing technique...which reals works in minutes...usualy my wife will do for me....( we can just njoy by taking rest in bed......:-) can check in google to see if any way of getting learnt..

These two are like medicines...which means, whenever you get attack...if you apply will go in minutues..(atleast for me....) can try that and let me know if that works....and most important...there is no side effect with these items and good for our health also...:-)

I know the pain of this beast....atleast I wanted to share my way of getting relieved...


Title: Re: Yoga and Reiki works for me...!!!
Post by Kevin_M on Sep 25th, 2007, 2:18pm

on 09/25/07 at 13:36:31, gobik wrote:
And, sometimes if you feel terrible pain where there is no energy to do can try Reiki...this is another healing technique...which reals works in minutes...usualy my wife will do for me....( we can just njoy by taking rest in bed

Several personal differences occur to me which would make this option impractical.

No energy from terrible pain is not the predominant feeling, it's an inability to consentrate, think, or even comprehend what people may say to me.  All mental rescources are undistracted from managing to somehow cope with extraordinary pain.

Discontinuing an attack "in minutes" can only be accomplished for me by abortive intervention constricting throbbing, expanded vessels in head.

Resting in bed during an attack is not a capability for me when you feel like you've been smacked in the temple with a ball pein hammer, more less being agreeable to someone touching.

Glad it works for you.

Title: Re: Yoga and Reiki works for me...!!!
Post by seasonalboomer on Sep 25th, 2007, 2:27pm

on 09/25/07 at 13:36:31, gobik wrote:

I am one of sufferer for past 9 years...and nothing seems to be working for me until I learnt Yoga which has some breathing techniques...The yoga I learnt was called as 'pranayama' and it is only consists of breathing different ways for about 21 minutes....This really works for me while I get the attack...I am in trouble only while in office due to the problem where there is no spot for me to do can check it up whether you have the yoga class available in your area in

And, sometimes if you feel terrible pain where there is no energy to do can try Reiki...this is another healing technique...which reals works in minutes...usualy my wife will do for me....( we can just njoy by taking rest in bed......:-) can check in google to see if any way of getting learnt..

These two are like medicines...which means, whenever you get attack...if you apply will go in minutues..(atleast for me....) can try that and let me know if that works....and most important...there is no side effect with these items and good for our health also...:-)

I know the pain of this beast....atleast I wanted to share my way of getting relieved...


Hey Gopi,

Me too also wanted real fastrelief and found me too wanting to relieve myself when read your post.


Title: Re: Yoga and Reiki works for me...!!!
Post by vietvet2tours on Sep 25th, 2007, 2:37pm
So much bullshit and so little time.

Title: Re: Yoga and Reiki works for me...!!!
Post by UN solved on Sep 25th, 2007, 3:02pm
And another great reply from the vet.  You're such a great 'member' with valueable input !  ::)


Title: Re: Yoga and Reiki works for me...!!!
Post by gobik on Sep 25th, 2007, 3:45pm

In my case, I will get some kind of signal that the attack is going to start in 5-10 min. During that period, if I am fine...I will start Yoga breathing....If I am tired...then I will ask my wife to do Reiki for me and I will lay down in bed...

Yes, you are right...sometimes even I ran into such a situation...where I cannot lay down calmly due to 'bang..bang' inside head...but if I can sense the 'signal' before it starts, then definitely it works for me...

And moreover...learning Reiki is very very simple...and you can do so much easy...I wish atleast if somebody can try and it works for them...Bcoz to overcome this horrible pain...we can do ANYTHING for it...

- Gopi

Title: Re: Yoga and Reiki works for me...!!!
Post by Sandy_C on Sep 25th, 2007, 3:49pm

on 09/25/07 at 13:36:31, gobik wrote:
you can try Reiki...this is another healing technique...which reals works in minutes...usualy my wife will do for me....( we can just njoy by taking rest in bed......:-) can check in google to see if any way of getting learnt..


Hi Gopi.

I'm so glad you "learnt" about Yoga and Reiki.

My only problem with your statement is with the Reiki treatment, where your wife does it for you, and you can enjoy by resting in bed (smiley face indicates to me that you enjoyed more than just "resting").  

From my personal experience with CH, resting in bed is not an option, whether my husband helps or not.  Resting, period, is not an option.

I'm happy this is working for you, but, frankly, I don't think you have CH.  Sorry.

Title: Re: Yoga and Reiki works for me...!!!
Post by Ctech on Sep 25th, 2007, 4:04pm
Hi Gopi,

Maybe if you “learnt” to sit on your hand for 30 min before masturbating it would fall asleep and feel like someone else was doing it during your CH ;)

Whatever helps...

Title: Re: Yoga and Reiki works for me...!!!
Post by seasonalboomer on Sep 25th, 2007, 4:09pm
Me Reiki Long Time.    ::)

Title: Re: Yoga and Reiki works for me...!!!
Post by Bob P on Sep 25th, 2007, 4:11pm

Yoga and Reiki works for me...!!!

Me too.  I had them build a new backyard fence last weekend.

Title: Re: Yoga and Reiki works for me...!!!
Post by kcopelin on Sep 25th, 2007, 4:18pm
As a former Reiki master I can state categorically that it does nothing for CH.  Sorry Gobi, but laying down while someone releases healing energy from their hands is total...well lets just say there is no way I could lay down while getting hit and heaven help the person who tried to hover over me.

Sounds like you may have some other form of headache.

And you should feel very blessed if that is the case.


Title: Re: Yoga and Reiki works for me...!!!
Post by Hikerguy on Sep 25th, 2007, 4:52pm
"consists of breathing different ways for about 21 minutes.."

I too breathe a different way for about 6-10 min 25lpm o2....seems to work just a little quicker..... [smiley=twocents.gif]

Title: Re: Yoga and Reiki works for me...!!!
Post by AlienSpaceGuy on Sep 25th, 2007, 7:14pm
Just another ill-defied 'life force' energy that exists only in the imagination of those who also can see the emperors new clothes.

The best what these Japanese exercises can bring is relaxation and stress release, exactly the opposite of what a clusterhead wants, because at this moment the beast likes to strike. But maybe it helps for tension headaches.....

I'm using the same breathing technique as Hikerguy.

IMHO, the main purpose of Yoga and Reiki is in helping to sell books and videos to learn them.    ::)


Title: Re: Yoga and Reiki works for me...!!!
Post by Kevin_M on Sep 25th, 2007, 8:43pm

on 09/25/07 at 19:14:06, AlienSpaceGuy wrote:
IMHO, the main purpose of Yoga and Reiki is in helping to sell books and videos to learn them.

and coincidently we have:

on 09/25/07 at 13:36:31, gobik wrote:
you can check it up whether you have the yoga class available in your area in

To assume this is an interest effective for clusters sufferers appears a miscalculation by response.  Asking of interest first would have seemed wiser rather than hearing so much truth displayed here.

on 09/25/07 at 15:45:10, gobik wrote:
sometimes even I ran into such a situation...where I cannot lay down calmly due to 'bang..bang' inside head

Interesting that I gave an example of being hit by a ball pein hammer and you describe cluster pain as a "bang, bang".   I don't think I've seen it described that way by anyone before.  

on 09/25/07 at 15:45:10, gobik wrote:
Bcoz to overcome this horrible pain...we can do ANYTHING for it

No, to overcome requires effective measures, not "anything".  

First post, first impression.  

Fellow cluster sufferers support.  Hit the paypal button at the bottom of the page.  

Title: Re: Yoga and Reiki works for me...!!!
Post by gobik on Sep 25th, 2007, 11:40pm
Sorry looks like my post has sounded some kind of 'Ad' campaign for Yoga/Reiki...

I was diagnosed and told as CH on 2001 - until which it was mis-diagnosed and treated as sinus from 1998...I know how it takes life out of us...I rolled over bed like crazy....and cried like a baby...wondered why didn't my eyes burst during attack...verapamil used to keep me little bit peace..but not completely...I cry like baby to my wife asking her to help me...and she feels so restless and helpless to see me rolling over...It usually attack me during winter times and leave me alone for one year. Sometimes it occurs twice a year....each for 30-45 days duration...I have tried herbal treatment, water treatment....and doctors doesn't seems to be understanding at all....I felt veryyy much happy to see this website and showed my see how others are suffering like me....She could guess the kind of pain I am undergoing...and started all kind of prayer....

And one doctor suggested me to try this yoga thing...I had no hope...but dont' want to miss if at all if it works....I learnt that breathing yoga which will take around 30 min to do it....Since I usually get a signal that it is going to attack in 10 min small beat above temple and I will start this yoga that time.....and since this yoga will take around 30 min...during that time this beast will attack but not in full my was definitely controlled for that day....and I need to continue this until my cycle (30 45 days ) is over... this has become my usual medicine...since I couldn't find anything which can cure this....two year back..I learnt Reiki....and If my wife heals me during CH definitely works.....but not after it attacked....during attacks....I undergo as other regular CH sufferers...

The reason why I am writing such a big note, is due to the fact that something is working for me....will there be any single person who can be relieved with such a technique...I will be so glad to see that...bcoz I know this PAIN...

Still if you folks feel that I am an 'Ad' campain guy...lemme know I will delete my post....


Title: Re: Yoga and Reiki works for me...!!!
Post by Kevin_M on Sep 26th, 2007, 12:49am
It is compassion here to very careful to not let cluster sufferers be sidetracked by false hopes, due to the intense and prolonged consequences.  When knowing this pain that becomes understandable.  I tend to be trusting in the opinion of the very experienced here.

It has helped you, but considering the mechanism of this affliction I find it difficult to consider despite the openness of thought to counter the process involved.  Many are different in what is effective for each, more usually with preventatives.  

My brother does yoga and loves it, finds it hard to describe its benefits for him, he doesn't have clusters for which I'm glad.  

Your information has been posted, as well as contrary opinion by others experienced.  Appearance of possibly selling is not a light subject here with clusters, replying to remove that doubt is decent.  

Title: Re: Yoga and Reiki works for me...!!!
Post by sandie99 on Sep 26th, 2007, 2:37am
I'm glad that you've found something which works for you. :)

I practiced yoga a lot before ch begun and pilates regularly during my ch years. Both have helped me what comes to deal with life in general, but what comes to ch pain... nothing ( I have done yoga since ch become part of my life again).

But we're all different.

PF days for us all,

Title: Re: Yoga and Reiki works for me...!!!
Post by ski2k on Sep 26th, 2007, 9:35am
  I'm glad it works for you! I too learned yoga, but have NO success in using it to treat my cluster headaches. I WILL say that after an attack, the breathing techniques can (sometimes) help you get a little energy back, and not feel quite so wiped out.

Your results may vary..  ;)

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