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(Message started by: Sandy_C on Sep 24th, 2007, 4:03pm)

Title: Relief in 10 to 30 mins??
Post by Sandy_C on Sep 24th, 2007, 4:03pm

I just happened on this site.  In reading the article, it said that the study found that 50 percent of the patients using the lower dose and 63 percent using the higher dose experienced pain reduction within 30 minutes.  

If 50 percent of the patients said they had relief within 10 minutes, zolmitriptan might be a real Godsend.  But if relief takes up to 30 minutes, heck, the hit is usually over by then, so no wonder people say they have relief.

Pain reduction for a clusterhead needs to be within minutes of onset, not within 30 minutes of onset.   Am I misreading this?  This just doesn't sound like much of a help to me.


Title: Re: Relief in 10 to 30 mins??
Post by UN solved on Sep 24th, 2007, 6:02pm
A med that takes 30 minutes to abort is no good in my book ! Too long !

AS far as this reprt in general ... I see these medication trials in the HA centers that I've been to. Many say that they're looking for individuals for the particular trial and it names the medication that they'll be using. To me, it seems that this throws off the accuracy of the trial. Since those that have tried the particular med without success will not be interested, while those who have tried it with success will be much more likely to enroll in the trial, since the med will be supplied free along with doctors visits and compensation. After all, who wants to do a medication trial for a med they already know is not going to help ??  The patients in these trials already know it helps or less likely, they may have never had it.

What say you ??


Title: Re: Relief in 10 to 30 mins??
Post by Jonny on Sep 24th, 2007, 6:06pm
Zomig NS works for me just as fast as a Imitrex inject, but without any rebounds.

Title: Re: Relief in 10 to 30 mins??
Post by JohnM on Sep 27th, 2007, 10:39am
My hits have never, ever been as short as 30 mins - I wish! Most of mine lasted 2-3 hours with about 4 big hits a day

I reckon I could withstand the pain for 30 mins without imigran but several hours is another story.

Actually I withstood this 3 hour pain 4 times a day for 2 months  a year for about 25 years prior to 1995 when I found imigran inj. thinking back I really don't know how I did it!


Title: Re: Relief in 10 to 30 mins??
Post by BlueMeanie on Sep 27th, 2007, 2:15pm

on 09/27/07 at 10:39:07, JohnM wrote:
My hits have never, ever been as short as 30 mins - I wish! Most of mine lasted 2-3 hours with about 4 big hits a day.  I reckon I could withstand the pain for 30 mins without imigran but several hours is another story.

It would be extremely helpful for those who are like John. Prior to Trex, I don't recall ever having a hit lasting less than 45 minutes to an hour. It's not only the relief you get within 30 minutes, but by having relief, you don't have to spend the next 3 hours hurting from the aftermath. There are those who get 8-10 hits lasting 30 minutes and those that get 3-5 hits lasting hours. Guess it depends on which type you are if 10-30 minutes will help.  :-/

Title: Re: Relief in 10 to 30 mins??
Post by black on Sep 27th, 2007, 3:50pm
if i understand well imigran helps most of u abort in less than ten min???!i thought it is a miracle med cause helps me abort in half an hour!i am losing something?30 minutes of pain is too much???if all of these crap we are taking as abortive and u expect to relief in less than 10 min or immediately , than there would be no reason to take all these tons of preacaution pills as therapy.not that i support any med and i really hate even mention them as it is a free advertisement for them but sorry if anyone is helped to relief in half an hour is blessed no matter what he/she using.if u have a miracle recipe that works the way ur saying pls inform me.

Title: Re: Relief in 10 to 30 mins??
Post by black on Sep 27th, 2007, 3:51pm
sorry if it is written in wrong mood/tone.still friends :)

Title: Re: Relief in 10 to 30 mins??
Post by assaultme on Sep 27th, 2007, 11:09pm
Guess I am lucky. 02 stops it dead in about 10 minutes. Imitrex injections (I have only used 2 times) also works in about 10 minutes or less.

Seeing JohnM's post... I have to wonder how he took it that long too !!! Guess you had no choice. When I first got it, I had no idea what was happening to me. Only 1 or 2 big hits a day, but after 2 or 3 weeks, I seriously thought something was gonna have to give or I would die.

 I agree, 30 minutes is a very long time to suffer. It's better than no relief at all, but man!!! 30 minutes of that pain is nearly unbearable !!!
Cheers, Dave

Title: Re: Relief in 10 to 30 mins??
Post by black on Sep 30th, 2007, 12:10pm
are we talking about injection or nasal spay?i am using the second one.dont know if there is a difference.

Title: Re: Relief in 10 to 30 mins??
Post by Gator on Oct 1st, 2007, 10:02am

on 09/30/07 at 12:10:16, black wrote:
are we talking about injection or nasal spay?i am using the second one.dont know if there is a difference.

The imitrex (imigran) injection works much faster than the imitrex nasal spray for most people.  The injection also seems to work for more people than the nasal spray.

For me, Zomig Nasal Spray works almost as fast as an imitrex injection - working in under 10 minutes.  

Both are expensive to the point of being cost prohibitive for many, if not most clusterheads due to the quantities needed.  Fortunately, 100% oxygen works quite well for most clusterheads when used properly and it much less expensive.  For example, I pay $22 for a welder's K tank that aborts about 50+ attacks (using a clustermasx) versus about $35 for one Zomig NS inhaler or $100 for one imitrex vial (from which I can get two aborts).

I agree that 30 minutes is way too long to suffer through a ch attack, but everything is relative.  If you normally go an hour or two or three, 30 minutes is sweet relief.

***Edited for spelling

Title: Re: Relief in 10 to 30 mins??
Post by Brettsta on Oct 2nd, 2007, 9:01am
Ok my 2 cents..

I have had ch's for 7 years now and have only had medication the past few weeks, prior to this i had nothing, just a facecloth n lots of water. Each attack would last between 20 mins to an hour.
Now i'm taking veramipil (240mg daily... which is a low dosage) and im having a lot of pain free days but the odd attack here n there, of which each attack is less than 20 mins and never more than a kip 7.
However, this morning i ran out of meds lol, thought i had anothere pack but i was wrong. This sucks, don't ever allow it to happen to u lol.
I go to sleep (as i work nights s i sleep throughout the day), and woke up about 45 mins ago after nearly 3 hours of sleep with a kip8. I dont know if missing jus 1 dosage of veramipil is the cause of this but its deffinately coincidential. First thoughts... fuck.... wat now? (i dont have oxygen)
Ran downstairs holding facecloth on head and made a strong coffee (3 heaped spoons of coffee and 2 sugars, no milk, use cold water in place of the milk) Necked it back and within 2 minutes no more headache.

Drink STRONG COFFEE!!!!! it really really does help me, energy drinks are good too but coffee seems to work even quicker for me!

Sorry i know its a bit long but hopefully will help someone, i was having a kip 8 and with no drugs got rid of it within 10 mins! Coffee rules! lol


Title: Re: Relief in 10 to 30 mins??
Post by cat1955 on Oct 5th, 2007, 10:51pm
I worked nights for 6yrs and woke up with unbearable h/a almost every day. I was misdiagnosed because CH is rare and I am a woman.  I don't work nights any longer and as soon as i got on a regular sleep schedule sleeping at least 6 hrs of dark sleep my headaches became almost non existant. I will never again work nights with CH. I have only had 4 visits to the ER in the last year and now am armed with imitrex injection just in case.  I have a dr that I have to tell what I want and need as far as meds. Because my h/a are not every day anymore I started on verapamil 120mg but have not increased the dosage. I would highly recommend working daytime hrs and sleeping at night but if that is not possible think about taking melatonin cause that is produced at night while you sleep in the dark.  Even if you don't have CH you need to do this if you work nights. It is more important for those of us with CH as studies show that we don't produce enough to begin with. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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