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(Message started by: findjoshua on Sep 18th, 2007, 9:51pm)

Title: Verapamil, Heart Rate & Exercise
Post by findjoshua on Sep 18th, 2007, 9:51pm
I recently started taking Verapamil for CH.  While I'm delighted that it's working, I also noticed that while working out at the gym (which I use a heart rate monitor during) I was having the hardest time hitting my target heart rate.  It took me about an hour before I realized the verap was probably lowering my hr.  

My question is to others who take verap and exercise frequently and use heart rate as a benchmark.  Do you actually work harder to get the heart rate up?  Is that safe?  Or should I adjust my level of effort for a lower rate.  I will ask all of this to a doc, but I was just wondering what folks personal experience was.


Title: Re: Verapamil, Heart Rate & Exercise
Post by MR_FLOOR on Sep 19th, 2007, 4:20am
Hey Josh,

      I'm not a doctor,but I do know that Verapamil is a high blood pressure med and I recently went for a stress test and it took forever to get my heart rate to the rite rate to complete the test and the doc said no wonder your taking Verapamil,so I just assumed it had something to do with it.Once again I'm no doctor,but I don't think it's anything to worry about.To me Verapamil is a wonder drug.


Title: Re: Verapamil, Heart Rate & Exercise
Post by DennisM1045 on Sep 19th, 2007, 7:37am
Hi Joshua,

I had very similar symptom with Verapamil.  My resting HR went down below 50bpm and my regular 150bpm workout rate went down to 115bpm.  I felt my workouts wern't as effective as before but that could have been in my head  ;)

I had the worst time with dizziness in my yoga practice.  In any inversion, even simple stand forward bends I'd lose my balance and have my vision go dark.  Eventually I had to back off on it.

Dave, I had similar problems with a stress test.  Never got above 95% of target.  I ran till I almost fell over.


Title: Re: Verapamil, Heart Rate & Exercise
Post by birdman on Sep 21st, 2007, 8:51am
I would do whatever workout you normally do and not use your heartrate as a benchmark for success.  Do your normal amount.  The verap will definetly keep it from raising but you are still burning calories and whatnot.  While taking verap I use my heartrate as a guide to let me know when I am taking to much, ie my heartrate is way too low.  Bottom line, heartrate will not be a good benchmark will you are taking verap.
My $.02.

Title: Re: Verapamil, Heart Rate & Exercise
Post by southwalessunshine on Oct 3rd, 2007, 4:25pm
I'm just about to start verapamil for the first time tomorrow.  I had to have an ecg to monitor my heart rate when I got it prescribed yesterday as does lower the heart rate and Ihave to raise the amount of verapamil every 2 weeks until I find the level that works for me.  With each raise I have to have another ecg.  I'm guessing that if verapamil is intended to lower your heart rate then it would be more difficult to get it up to your usual rate whilst exercising.  Can you try exercising without using your heart rate as a benchmark?  
It's interesting how this drug is causing side effects whilst exercising.  I'm a yoga and pilates freak but had to stop a few months ago when my cycle changed and I got hit during class.  I was hoping that once I was established on the verapamil I could go back, but now I'm not so sure.  

Title: Re: Verapamil, Heart Rate & Exercise
Post by barry_sword on Oct 3rd, 2007, 5:41pm
I'm on 480mg Vearapamil daily and still do all the stuff I normally do such as mountain biking, lots of walking all day at work, cutting the grass ect. I am not saying this is for everybody but I know I can do it while taking Verapamil.
I find it takes a little more effort to bike but still can do regardless of the med.
As a member said to me once, "how was the biking today? Kinda feels like dragging a piano along behind you while riding". It is not that bad but I am a little more sluggish than normal. Ask your Doc to make sure.

  Barry :)

Title: Re: Verapamil, Heart Rate & Exercise
Post by DennisM1045 on Oct 3rd, 2007, 9:02pm

on 10/03/07 at 16:25:40, southwalessunshine wrote:
Can you try exercising without using your heart rate as a benchmark?  

Sure!  Go by how you feel instead.

I was hoping that once I was established on the verapamil I could go back, but now I'm not so sure.  

Remember, everyone is different.  You won't know till you try.  

I was out of cycle when I tried verapamil the last time.  After meeting with my neuro I'm going to try verapamil again with my next cycle (assuming my current cycle ever ends  >:( )  The goal will be to get off even this low dose I'm on now (120mg) when this cycle ends.  Don't get ahead of yourself hon.

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