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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Medications, Treatments, Therapies >> Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell damage?
(Message started by: victoriawatson on Sep 11th, 2007, 10:46pm)

Title: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell damage?
Post by victoriawatson on Sep 11th, 2007, 10:46pm
I was so excited yesterday because I was going to start my O2 therapy....Then I told my sister about it. She replied that she had recently read an article on cell damage caused by pure O2 in a medical journal. (She's a teacher so she has strange reading habits!) So I Googled it and sure enough there is research published recently (May 2007) from UCLA showing that pure oxygen can cause damage in brain cells! Great! Just when I thought there was hope via a "safe" treatment for my clusters!

Any thoughts on this?

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by Brewcrew on Sep 11th, 2007, 10:50pm
If you breathe it for about 20 hours straight, sure.

What do you think fighter pilots do? Pure O2 on demand for hours at a time.

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by victoriawatson on Sep 11th, 2007, 11:00pm
Hmm...true, in a way. But the pilots aren't wearing the rebreather masks, right? So it would be a mixture of O2 and carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, etc. Plus one of the troubling aspects of the report is that they could actually see  damage to the brain cells via MRI within minutes, not hours. I wish I could post the article here, but I'm not that proficient with my computer.

Anyway, I am not going to abandon my O2 therapy,  but maybe modify it so I am not breating pure O2, but a mixture of regular air and O2. Hopefully that will still work.

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by Kevin_M on Sep 11th, 2007, 11:11pm

on 09/11/07 at 23:00:59, victoriawatson wrote:
Plus one of the troubling aspects of the report is that they could actually see  damage to the brain cells via MRI within minutes, not hours.

It's that free radical thing I'd guess.  But would that timespan be on humans or rats?

Astronaut John Glenn went into outer space at the age 76.  I guess I don't worry about it too much.

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by nani on Sep 11th, 2007, 11:11pm

on 09/11/07 at 23:00:59, victoriawatson wrote:
so I am not breating pure O2, but a mixture of regular air and O2. Hopefully that will still work.

It won't. I spent most of my life damaging brain cells (including damage done with meds), I'm not giving up effective relief for a few more.

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by George_J on Sep 11th, 2007, 11:38pm

Everything's a trade-off.  

I doubt that a CH attack does us much good either.

Best wishes,


Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by Kevin_M on Sep 11th, 2007, 11:53pm
Good find George, I was checking for problems in space travel, she mentioned "cell damage" which is associated with free radicals.

from link provided:

"When the children inhaled pure oxygen, their breathing quickened, resulting in the rapid exhalation of carbon dioxide from their bodies," said coauthor Paul Macey, associate researcher in neurobiology. "The drop in carbon dioxide narrowed their blood vessels, preventing oxygen from reaching tissue in the brain and heart."

Despite a lot of things otherwise happening, isn't the narrowing of the blood vessels the reason we use it?  Too much oxygen and the brain narrows the blood vessels, or something like that.

The point made about tradeoff and CH attack is the decider I guess.

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by vietvet2tours on Sep 12th, 2007, 12:13am

on 09/11/07 at 23:00:59, victoriawatson wrote:
Hmm...true, in a way. But the pilots aren't wearing the rebreather masks, right? So it would be a mixture of O2 and carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, etc. Plus one of the troubling aspects of the report is that they could actually see  damage to the brain cells via MRI within minutes, not hours. I wish I could post the article here, but I'm not that proficient with my computer.

Anyway, I am not going to abandon my O2 therapy,  but maybe modify it so I am not breating pure O2, but a mixture of regular air and O2. Hopefully that will still work.
You do that ya maroon.

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by artonio7 on Sep 12th, 2007, 5:27am
Go see a doctor... if you are healthy enough to use o2 as an abort for Cluster Headaches your doctor will tell you. Perhaps he will even give you a perscription for o2.

Before you go to see your doctor, go to this link and read all of the resources  available there.

with warm regards,

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by tommyD on Sep 12th, 2007, 5:40am
Like Kevin said, the article doesn't seem to be about free radicals, but about reactions in the brain triggered by a lack of carbon dioxide.

It seems the lack of CO2 triggers the hypothlamus to do stuff is doesn't normally do, actually reducing the amount of oxygen reaching the brain, which is a bad thing when you are trying to revive someone or counter an asthma attack.  But we are clusterheads, and the hypothalamus is already doing stuff it doesn't normally do.  

Note this:

"Adding carbon dioxide to the oxygen relaxed the blood vessels, allowed oxygen to reach the heart and brain, calmed the hypothalamus and slowed the release of dangerous chemicals," said Macey.

The article is about situations very different from a cluster headache attack - it is about emergency resuscitation, and how to get enough oxygen to the brain in situations where a lack of oxygen could be damaging brain cells.

The experience of clusterheads is that we need as close to 100 percent O2 as possible -  less than that reduces its effectiveness. The clustermasx is designed to deliver maximum O2, and that's why it works so well.

The thing that worries me about this study is that techniques for dealing with asthma or other breathing problems will be applied to cluster headaches.  


And no one here is a maroon. Or even magenta.

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by Brewcrew on Sep 12th, 2007, 8:24am

on 09/11/07 at 23:00:59, victoriawatson wrote:
But the pilots aren't wearing the rebreather masks, right? So it would be a mixture of O2 and carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, etc.

No, fighter pilots have a mask that completely seals around their nose and mouth and is hooked up to what is called a demand regulator. They get as much 100% O2 as they need simply by breathing (in other words, it's not a constant flow, but flows whenever the pilot breathes).

Talk to Batch - he knows.

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by Kevin_M on Sep 12th, 2007, 8:45am

on 09/12/07 at 05:40:32, tommyD wrote:
The thing that worries me about this study is that techniques for dealing with asthma or other breathing problems will be applied to cluster headaches.  

Good point.

Based on their findings, the researchers strongly encourage healthcare providers to add carbon dioxide to oxygen dispensation, especially when resuscitating infants or administering oxygen for more than a few minutes.

Earlier data on high oxygen's harmful effects have already resulted in policy changes overseas. Instead of using straight oxygen, many European hospitals now resuscitate patients with room air, which contains a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide; or with a blend of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Which would certainly be ineffective for us.

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by George_J on Sep 12th, 2007, 9:14am
A little more poking around.  Here's the primary source:



Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by mynm156 on Sep 12th, 2007, 2:06pm
Hi I have patients on high amounts of O2 for long periods of time DAYS and for the most part they all seem fine.  It bugs me when this type of topic shows up because we never REALLY know the validity or true account of how these conclusions were formed.  I can say to you without a doubt that EVERYONE who drank milk in 1812 is dead.  

Good Vibes


Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by Kilowatt3 on Sep 12th, 2007, 2:36pm

on 09/11/07 at 23:38:53, George_J wrote:
Everything's a trade-off.  

I doubt that a CH attack does us much good either.

I subscribe to the Norm Peterson theory - The brain cells that are killed by oxygen are the slow and the weak, same as those killed by alcohol.

This actually contributes to the betterment of the herd <G>.

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by Ctech on Sep 12th, 2007, 5:59pm
I posted this in the "getting to know ya" section of the board, but I will say it here also...

  I just started using 02 this cycle and it is great! I read the same info that you did about the brain cell damage but compared to the other “legal” treatments out there I will take my chances with the 02. Besides, I’m sure I have caused more damage to my brain over the years by banging by head into walls then the 02 will do.

The 02 cut my pain time from 1 to 3 hours down to about 10 to 15 min. in most cases. I just hope it damages the beast along with the brain cells!


Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by barry_sword on Sep 12th, 2007, 7:08pm
Banging my head on a washing machine is a little hard on the brain cells also. :P

I am 48, exercise a lot, and use o2 to abort my hits. It works for me and no side effects. I am willing to chance anything if it makes the pain stop.

o2 is my hero, with no outside air, just pure o2.


Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by Sean_C on Sep 12th, 2007, 10:19pm

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by assaultme on Sep 12th, 2007, 10:55pm

on 09/12/07 at 19:08:14, barry_sword wrote:
Banging my head on a washing machine is a little hard on the brain cells also. :P

I am 48, exercise a lot, and use o2 to abort my hits. It works for me and no side effects. I am willing to chance anything if it makes the pain stop.

o2 is my hero, with no outside air, just pure o2.


Then what the heck am I doing !!! I went and got a mask from my local Heckman health care store. I told them a "non re-breather" mask like I was told to do.
It has a plastic bag attached to a tube. The way it works is: it fills the bag with pure 02 (I can regulate it) when I breathe, it empties the bag and a one way valve opens up to let in outside air. When you exhale, the exhaled air leaves via the same tube as the additional inhaled air. If it didn't let in extra inhaled air, the bag would collapse and you wouldn't get enough air....that is unless you cranked up the regulator to way past 15 lpm.

I mean, do I have the wrong type? or are y'all saying I should crank up my 02 supply high enough to get pure 02?
Thanks, Dave

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by assaultme on Sep 12th, 2007, 11:00pm
Sorry, I forgot to say that it is working for me. Would it work even faster if I did pure 02

I'm gonna guess I have something confused here cause I'm new to this crap. But please advise.
Thanks, Dave

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by Sean_C on Sep 12th, 2007, 11:37pm
Hi Dave,

The non rebreather mask has a circle with little holes on the sides, we usually tape those holes so you can't breath the outside air with your o2. However, its VERY important that you remove the elastic strap that holds your mask on your face, in the event you fall asleep after your hit or something, if you don't, you could suffocate if the oxygen bottle empties.

The clustermasx is already geared up for this, its well worth the little money it costs.

Lastly, turn your regulator to a level that keeps the bag half full for you, any more than that is just wasting it.



Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by assaultme on Sep 13th, 2007, 12:06am
Ok Sean, I'm gettin it now. Thanks for the clarification. Fortunately I don't need it to sleep. Have only been woke up a few times.  I'm going to try more 02 and less outside air. Sounds like y'all have good luck with it. I would think it will help abort even quicker than it is for me now.

 One thing is for sure, this site has been a great help to me. Try calling your Doc. for stuff like this. Sure, he will be glad to help for the low low price of $1,000 an hour  [smiley=laugh.gif]
Cheers, Dave

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by barry_sword on Sep 13th, 2007, 6:34am
I use a Clustermasx at home and when using it I keep it on my face the whole time until the hit subsides, then I keep breathing the o2 for a few minutes afterwards. Some lower the flow rate after the hit which also saves on the o2.

In my car I have a non-rebreather mask and a portable tank. I put my thumb over the small vent to stop outside air but after I inhale I hold for a few seconds then pull the mask away to exhale. I repeat this until the hit backs off.

It was a little awkward at first but it did not take long to get the hang of it. I hope you find success with using o2.


Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by Batch on Sep 13th, 2007, 4:18pm
Hey Victoria, Folks,  

Just a few things on O2 Therapy and Fighter Pilots...  





2.  Brewcrew was 100% on target about oxygen toxicity.  You need to be breathing 100% O2 for 18 to 20 hours continuously without a break to start feeling the symptoms of oxygen toxicity.  I doubt any of you have the O2 cylinders on hand to pull that dumb stunt...

3.  All Navy and Marine Corps pilots that fly tactical aircraft (not transports or helo's) have been breathing 100% oxygen from takeoff to touchdown for over 60 years on missions lasting 2 to 7 hours in duration... The US Navy considers this practice very safe.  After all, it takes over $1 million dollars to train a Naval Aviator today, and then the Navy gives them a jet costing well over $30 million dollars to fly around to protect us, then land on an aircraft carrier day and night...  I don't think they would be so foolish to knowingly take a risk on that investment if breathing 100% oxygen was not completely SAFE!!!

4.  The oxygen mini-regulators Navy and Marine Corps pilots use provide them with 100% O2 with a slight positive pressure ~ 2 to 5 inches water pressure depending on the cabin altitude.   Other than that, they operate very much the same as the demand valve that EMTs use or a SCUBA regulator.  There is NO dilution of the 100% O2 or mixing of exhaled breath containing CO2 or ambient air with a Navy mini-regulator or EMT demand valve.

5.  Ozone (O3) IS a very different animal.  It is very reactive and easily disassociates to O2 and a single atom of Oxygen (O) called a free radical.  Ozone is not good for us although there are some that pump it up their backsides (colonics) to clean their odiferous bowels.  

100% Medical Oxygen is as pure and free of Ozone as chemically possible.  

Victoria, you can also Google any one of over a 100 articles written in the last few years by Neurologist, Pulmonologists, Scientific Researchers, and Respiratory Therapists, or even the Naval Flight Surgeon’s Manual, that will tell you Oxygen Therapy for Cluster Headaches is safe and that breathing 100% Oxygen at one atmosphere (1 ATA) is safe.  If you’re going to go looking for an answer to your questions on the Internet, pull down a bunch of them to make sure you get a consensus in order to be better informed…

Finally...  If you've ever wondered what "FOX 2" and "CHECK SIX" meant under my logo at the left of my posts, I'll tell you.  "FOX 2" is a transmission that fighter pilots make over their radios when they shoot a heat seeking Sidewinder Missile at a hostile target. They make this transmission to other aircraft in their flight to let them know they're shooting at a bad guy.    "CHECK SIX" is another fighter pilot radio transmission they make. If you hear "CHECK SIX" directed at you, it means someone in your flight spotted a hostile bad guy sneaking up on you from behind or your 6 O’clock position.

In a training environment where you and a member of your squadron or a friendly simulating a hostile adversary get into a dog fight (air combat training maneuvers against similar or dissimilar aircraft), and you manage to beat them with superior tactics and airmanship, and you saddle up at their Six O’clock position within gun range...  You make the radio transmission "FOX 2 - CHECK SIX."  That transmission will let them know that a simulated Sidewinder is about to fly up their tail pipe, and when they turn and see you...  They know they're toast.

So you say, "What's this all about..."  

This is the United States of America, land of the free and home of the brave.  We have this thing called the First Amendment that lets you say almost anything.  People can say what ever they want here on the boards and I am perfectly comfortable with that.  

That is unless they're the scumbag communists at and they take a cheap and un-American shot at guy like General Petraeus, who is trying to keep us safe from some very evil animals that pray to die in order to kill us.

OR, until one of us says anything that would scare or prevent another one of us from using the most effective and least expensive cluster headache abortives available to us, Oxygen Therapy...   THEN START CHECKING SIX…  I'll be down in the weeds or up in the sun, you'll never know where, and I'll come gunning for you with a verbal sidewinder...   So when you hear "FOX 2" "Fight's On" it’s likely to be me.

By the way...  If I slip up and say something that screws the pooch, or offends one of you unduly, I'll expect the same treatment...

V/R, Batch
An old Fighter Pilot,
an older Chemist,
and, your friendly OUCH O2 Pusher

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by ClusterChuck on Sep 13th, 2007, 4:33pm
KERAP!!  Batch got here before I did!

Listen to what he says!

Also, please remember, there are plenty of "doctors" out there looking to get a name for themselves.  They are human beings, too.  And there ARE some bad apples in their midst, just like in the "non-doctoral" population.  You give them money, and they will say ANYTHING you want them to say!



Loading up the AK-47, packing extra ammo, and I'm gonna go find this ba$tard ...  OOOPPPSS!!!  I guess that is not the politically correct thing to say ...

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by Ctech on Sep 13th, 2007, 6:04pm
Anyone know where I can get a Cluster Masx? I went to the web site and sent an email requesting one, but they sent me back a response saying that there is something wrong and that they could not receive payments, so they can't accept orders???

They said they would let me know when they were able to take payments again, but that's been like three weeks ago already...


Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by Batch on Sep 13th, 2007, 6:44pm

Ben is obviously having a problem...  Until he gets back in service and on his feet, be creative.  

The Clustermasx™ is made of commercially available components.  Ben just did a good job of packaging them.  There are other non-rebreather O2 masks out there on the internet.  They are just harder to find.  

Look under NRB O2 masks, medical gas dealers, nebulizers, and EMT suppliers...  They're out there.

One link that will give you some good ideas follows:

We hope to have some handy links available once we've found some good qualified vendors ready to deliver at a good price.  You don't need a mask if you can get a mouth tube and reservoir bag with a good inlet and exhaust valve system.

V/R, Batch

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by DennisM1045 on Sep 13th, 2007, 8:12pm

on 09/13/07 at 16:18:49, Batch wrote:
OR, until one of us says anything that would scare or prevent another one of us from using the most effective and least expensive cluster headache abortives available to us, Oxygen Therapy...   THEN START CHECKING SIX…  

I was waiting to see how long it would take for you to shoot down this thread.  Nice job Batch... as usual  ;;D


Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by Ctech on Sep 13th, 2007, 9:56pm
Thanks Batch,

I did not know that I could buy the components to build my own cluster mask; I will start searching A.S.A.P!

I hate the mask(s) that I have, I have to hold it real tight around my face which digs into my nose and is just a pain in my ass. Also the flaps on the side do not always close like they are supposed to do which makes it less effective.

P.S. - I thought that the cluster mask was made by a company (not by a fellow cluster head) so I am much more understanding now  ;)


Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by Batch on Sep 13th, 2007, 11:31pm
George's good work in finding the link below, brought up a couple good points.

I might add that there's another good paper by the Journal of Applied Physiology at:

I've read through these links and several more with similar or related findings.  It's heavy reading.

There are two points here.  The first I spoke about in one of my earlier posts, that you can go out on the Internet and find at least one article that says what you want to hear, but if you pull down a bunch of them, on balance, you will find a different story.  The lesson here is be critcal in reading articles like this.  If you noticed, many are very technical and so narrowly focused, they fail to bring their findings into a relevant picture or focus.   In most cases, they merely state the fact that they have proven their hypothesis.

The second point is about hyperoxia and hypocapnia being bad for your brain because it causes vasoconstriction needs to be taken with a grain of salt...  Now I've got three questions for you.

What, pray tell, do you think imitrex does to your cerebral vascular structures or cardiac tissue?  

Hmmm... If you say constrict them, you're correct.  That's exactly why the FDA approved it as a cluster headache abortive.  Imitrex is also contraindicated if you have an ischemic heart condition or some other vital organ being starved due to poor circulation for some reason.  

Now for a second question...  What is the most commonly held source of the pain we feel in a cluster headache attack? By commonly held I'm referring to an opinion based on a lot of studies and held by the significant majority of Neurologists.

If you said the pain was coming from the cerebral vascular structures in and around the trigeminal nerve that have become dilated by an as yet unknown triggering mechanism...  You're correct again!

Now for the Hat Trick...  Answer the following question and you win the cluster headache bee...  What is the abortive treatment of choice prescribed by the majority of Neurologist in treating cluster headache attacks?  It's a treatment that works for most CHer's most of the time and it has virtually no side effects as it constricts the dilated cerebral vascular structures in and around the trigeminal nerve.

If you said Oxygen Therapy at 7 liters/min or if you subscribe to Dr. Todd Rozen's recommendation, and said 15 liters/minute, you understand what medication you are taking and why...  Good on you.

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by ClusterChuck on Sep 13th, 2007, 11:49pm

on 09/13/07 at 21:56:47, Ctech wrote:
I hate the mask(s) that I have, I have to hold it real tight around my face which digs into my nose and is just a pain in my ass. Also the flaps on the side do not always close like they are supposed to do which makes it less effective.

Chris, I have stopped using the non-rebreather masks, as they come to us.  I agree, the seal SUCKS, especially if you have any facial hair.

The way that I got arouond that, I took the mask off the valve, and threw it away.  I just suck directly on the valve attached to the bag.  I breathe through the mouth only, and then put my tongue over the flapper valve when I exhale.  It works for me!

Try it!


Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by Ctech on Sep 14th, 2007, 1:09pm
Thanks Chuck, sounds like my next plan...

Do you still need to set the LPM the same without the bag? Also do you think adding ice helps any? I have not tried that yet...


Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by billyjoe on Sep 14th, 2007, 1:26pm
I'd be curious to see a MRI during a CH, and after O2.  Does anyone know of any MRI experiments on CHs?

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by Batch on Sep 14th, 2007, 9:44pm

Not sure if an MRI will work but a PET will.

see following link;action=display;num=1111520707

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by billyjoe on Sep 15th, 2007, 9:49am
Thanks for the pointer, Batch, Here is the article :

I imagine this is old news to many but I found this interesting:

"But using a new scanning technique, doctors have established that cluster headaches are likely to be caused by excessive growth of grey cells in one part of the brain.

It is the section that governs the body clock, which could be responsible for the regularity of the headaches' appearances. "

"Our results demonstrate for the first time the precise location in the brain involved in cluster headaches and help to explain why this condition shows such striking seasonal variation and clock-like regularity," said Professor Goadsby.

One thing I don't understand is the importance of excessive grey cells.  What does the growth of grey cells indicate?  

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by George_J on Sep 15th, 2007, 10:11am
A bit more detail:

I don't believe there is a clear understanding yet what this structural abnormality means in terms of function.  Nor is it clear to me whether the structural abnormality of the gray cells in the posterior region of the hypothalamus is something we're born with, or does it develop later in life?  Is it spontaneous, or does it develop as a result of something else?  

Many other questions...few answers at this time.  

Perhaps further research will be enlightening.

Best wishes,


Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by victoriawatson on Sep 15th, 2007, 11:33pm
Hi everyone kind enough to post a reply to my question about oxygen. I've been out of town, so unable to reply to any of the posts.

Firstly, my question about the efficacy versus the risks was a valid one, and was not meant to inspire fear in anyone. I am not a fear-monger, merely a seeker of information. I truly appreciate the TONS of great information supplied to me by my fellow CH sufferers. THANK YOU!!

Secondly, armed with these varied viewpoints, and factual bits of information, I plan to use the O2 at the recommeded levels of 15LPM (or higher if need be). I had already received several tanks and the up the nose tubing from the supplier, when my sister told me about the articles, and hence I posted my question to see if you guys had knowledge about the studies and related articles.

Thirdly, I appreciate everyone who gave me great factual infomation and those of you who provided a bit of levity about the situation. I do not, however, appreciate those few who found my simple question so threatening that they resorted to childish tactics like name calling and threatening me with a missile attack. (As if that was even possible in this cyberworld!) Lighten up it was just a question FF's sake! ;;D

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by George_J on Sep 16th, 2007, 12:06am
In future, it would be helpful to post a link to an article citing specific research.  It's hard to discuss something in any detail if we don't know what we're talking about.  

There was enough information in the material you originally posted to ferret out a secondary article and the primary source--but that isn't always the case.  I note that you made reference in your first post to the fact that you googled it and discovered (an) article.  To post the link, it's as simple as copying and pasting the URL to the body of your post.

Fair enough?  



Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by ski2k on Sep 16th, 2007, 12:14am
  Glad to hear you're giving it a try! You mentioned you had been given the tanks, and the nose tubes. What you really need to use instead of the tubes is a nonrebreather mask. Using the nose tubes doesn't give you the amount of pure O2 you need for this treatment to work. You end up inhaling a lot of outside air using the tubes, and greatly lessen the effectivenes. You should be able to get a nonrebreather mask from the same place you got the O2.
  Try not to take things here too personally. I agree some of the "name calling" you got was uncalled for, but I believe people were just trying to let you know how strongly they felt about the importance of O2 as a treatment option. It works so well for a lot of us, it's easy to take it personally when someone mentions the idea that it might not be good for you. Like trying to take a pipe from a crackhead. [smiley=laugh.gif]
  Best of luck with your treatment. I really hope it works well for you!  Keep us posted with your results, and use a mask!

Take care and PF wishes,

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by victoriawatson on Sep 16th, 2007, 12:31am
Merci, Grazi, Gracias, etc. etc. ;;D

Adam and George, thank you both for the tutorials in URL's and O2 masks. I promise to try both, although I am not adept at either skill.  :o

I am going to take a nibble of Imitrex, some Monster Lo-Carb, and breathe in some O2 now, so that I can hopefully spend the night in my bed rather than standing on my head in the living room. It is so cool that you guys understand what I mean by that. Even my friends with severe migraines don't understand why I hit myself in the head and stand on my head to HELP the pain! Nite nite and I hope you have many PF nights!

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by ClusterChuck on Sep 17th, 2007, 2:22am

on 09/15/07 at 23:33:06, victoriawatson wrote:
I do not, however, appreciate those few who found my simple question so threatening that they resorted to childish tactics like name calling and threatening me with a missile attack.

OMG, hun!  I hope my comment:

on 09/13/07 at 16:33:51, ClusterChuck wrote:
Loading up the AK-47, packing extra ammo, and I'm gonna go find this ba$tard ...  OOOPPPSS!!!  I guess that is not the politically correct thing to say ...

did not come across as it was directed towards YOU!!!  I meant the SOB that generated the article/report!  I was NOT threatening you!  You asked a very valid question!

Keep those questions coming!  We LOVE answering questions and helping fellow sufferers!


Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by vietvet2tours on Sep 17th, 2007, 11:46am

on 09/16/07 at 00:31:03, victoriawatson wrote:
Merci, Grazi, Gracias, etc. etc. ;;D

Adam and George, thank you both for the tutorials in URL's and O2 masks. I promise to try both, although I am not adept at either skill.  :o

I am going to take a nibble of Imitrex, some Monster Lo-Carb, and breathe in some O2 now, so that I can hopefully spend the night in my bed rather than standing on my head in the living room. It is so cool that you guys understand what I mean by that. Even my friends with severe migraines don't understand why I hit myself in the head and stand on my head to HELP the pain! Nite nite and I hope you have many PF nights!

::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by Sean_C on Sep 17th, 2007, 7:57pm

on 09/16/07 at 00:31:03, victoriawatson wrote:
Merci, Grazi, Gracias, etc. etc. ;;D

Adam and George, thank you both for the tutorials in URL's and O2 masks. I promise to try both, although I am not adept at either skill.  :o

I am going to take a nibble of Imitrex, some Monster Lo-Carb, and breathe in some O2 now, so that I can hopefully spend the night in my bed rather than standing on my head in the living room. It is so cool that you guys understand what I mean by that. Even my friends with severe migraines don't understand why I hit myself in the head and stand on my head to HELP the pain! Nite nite and I hope you have many PF nights!

I always stand on my head and try to drink a glass of warm milk when I get a really bad hit, give it a try guys. Let me know how you make out.

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by vietvet2tours on Sep 17th, 2007, 8:43pm

on 09/17/07 at 19:57:14, Sean_C wrote:
I always stand on my head and try to drink a glass of warm milk when I get a really bad hit, give it a try guys. Let me know how you make out.
That's some funny shit my friend.

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by nani on Sep 17th, 2007, 10:13pm

on 09/16/07 at 00:31:03, victoriawatson wrote:
stand on my head to HELP the pain!

:o  I can't imagine how that could help. Why send more blood to a place where the blood vessels are already 20 times their normal size? Yikes.

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by Brewcrew on Sep 17th, 2007, 11:21pm

on 09/16/07 at 00:31:03, victoriawatson wrote:
...and breathe in some O2 now, so that I can hopefully spend the night in my bed...

O2 as a preventative? Never heard of it.

...rather than standing on my head in the living room.

Sorry, this doesn't sound like CH to me.

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by George_J on Sep 18th, 2007, 1:20am

on 09/16/07 at 00:31:03, victoriawatson wrote:
so that I can hopefully spend the night in my bed rather than standing on my head in the living room.

Ow. [smiley=eek5.gif]

Title: Re: Anyone heard that pure oxygen causes cell dama
Post by RichardN on Sep 19th, 2007, 5:38pm
DITTO ! . . . to all the 02 pushers out there.

 02 is my only abortive (can't take Imitrex . . . arterie blockage and high cholesterol) . . . and I go NOWHERE without it . . . . 02 and this place gave me my life back.

 I have two Clustermasx's . . . one in the house and one in my van . . . definitely more effective than the regular non-rebreather mask . . . WELL worth the $$.

 Be Safe,    PFDANs

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