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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Medications, Treatments, Therapies >> Is it OK to let ground up RC soak for 24 hrs?
(Message started by: bejeeber on Apr 17th, 2007, 5:37pm)

Title: Is it OK to let ground up RC soak for 24 hrs?
Post by bejeeber on Apr 17th, 2007, 5:37pm
What if you ground 30 RC seeds up and set them soaking for a couple hours with the intention of taking them before bed, then actually FORGOT to to take them? :-/

Would you just refrigerate them and take them the next night, or would it be bad for some reason to let 'em soak that long, so they should just be tossed?

A curious clusterhead wants to know.  :P

Title: Re: Is it OK to let ground up RC soak for 24 hrs?
Post by BikerBob on Apr 17th, 2007, 6:06pm
It should be fine. I don't think there's any significant difference between soaking them in water for 2 hours or 24 hours.

I wrote this for the CB FAQ over a year ago:

3. LSA hydrolysis (extraction)
Do not heat as is done with extracting psilocybin from mushrooms. Soaking in water is sufficient.
The process involved isn't really "extraction", it's hydrolysis of the ergoline alkaloids into LSA. Hydrolysis is a chemical process of decomposition involving the splitting of a bond and the addition of the hydrogen cation and the hydroxide anion of water. Soaking the entire crushed seeds (including hulls) in wine for 24 hours doesn't "alter the LSA into something more powerful". What it does is hydrolyze the ergoline alkaloids into much more Lysergic Acid Amide.
The efficacy may be due to the combination of ergoline alkaloids and LSA. Hydrolyzing all of the ergoline alkaloids into LSA may be less effective in treating CH. The unwanted (non-ergoline) alkaloids are not hydrolyzed into LSA, but their decomposition from alcohol may reduce their negative effects.

I suspect that soaking them in wine for 24 hours produces a lot more LSA than those same seeds would have produced if they were soaked in water for 2 hours. Also, never consume the husks of HBW seeds. There's no telling what that horrible stuff in the husks will do to you.


3.1 Rivea corymbosa
It is believed a better way to ingest them than crushing the entire seeds and soaking them in water for 2 hours is to" Crush the seeds and Infusing them in wine for 12-24 hours".
Soaking for longer than 2 hours may produce a much stronger effect than is necessary and it is recommended to only soak them for two hours.The ergoline alkaloids can be hydrolysed into Lysergic Acid. That is the reason for infusing the seeds in wine or water for 2-24 hours.
I understand and appreciate the fact that alcohol is a major CH trigger. However, if one shot glass of white wine once a week is not a CH trigger for you; I'd say that optimal effectiveness would be soaking in white wine for 2 hours rather than wine for 24 hours or water for 2 hours.



Title: Re: Is it OK to let ground up RC soak for 24 hrs?
Post by bejeeber on Apr 17th, 2007, 7:00pm
Biker Bawb ROCKS! ;;D

Thanks man.   :)

Title: Re: Is it OK to let ground up RC soak for 24 hrs?
Post by Bob P on Apr 18th, 2007, 5:51pm
What if you soaked them in Red Bull?   Hmmmmmm! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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