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(Message started by: NorCal78 on Mar 6th, 2007, 1:23pm)

Title: Going on Verapamil
Post by NorCal78 on Mar 6th, 2007, 1:23pm
My doc said that she's going to start me on Verapamil, I was just wondering about this med, I've read alot about it on this board but just wanted to know what it's all about.  I realize it's used as an preventative for CH but what exactly is it?  I'm in the middle of a cycle, (hopefully toward the end being that I've been having HA's again for nearly 3 weeks) but I'm just wondering if it will have an effect in mid cycle.  Is it known to stop a cycle?  Also because I'm episodic and not chronic (knock on wood) how will I know how long to take it for?  These are all questions I can and will ask her on Sunday when I go in to meet with her but I thought I'd ask some real experts  ;) .  if any of you have some experiences good or bad, I'd love to hear about them.  Oh, and I also am taking Imitrex (shots & pills) I'm wondering if you can take both of these medications simultaniously....


Title: Re: Going on Verapamil
Post by Linda_Howell on Mar 6th, 2007, 1:29pm

You can read about it here:

 One of the first drugs most Dr. put their patients on for CH, is Verapamil.  It did nothing for me, but I'm certain that others for whom it has worked will be by to talk to about it.

Title: Re: Going on Verapamil
Post by Kevin_M on Mar 6th, 2007, 1:40pm

on 03/06/07 at 13:23:25, NorCal78 wrote:
if any of you have some experiences good or bad, I'd love to hear about them.  Oh, and I also am taking Imitrex (shots & pills) I'm wondering if you can take both of these medications simultaniously....

Maintain some grains and vegetables in your diet for fiber or, me being a guy, the seat comes down less often.  Keep in contact with your doc as to its effectiveness, the dosage can be regulated.
 I've taken Imitrex with verapamil quite often, they were prescribed together for me.

Title: Re: Going on Verapamil
Post by TonyG1 on Mar 6th, 2007, 6:06pm

on 03/06/07 at 13:23:25, NorCal78 wrote:
 Is it known to stop a cycle?  Also because I'm episodic and not chronic (knock on wood) how will I know how long to take it for?

Oh, and I also am taking Imitrex (shots & pills) I'm wondering if you can take both of these medications simultaniously....


NorCal -- I can only share my personal experience Verap is very effective for me in preventing CHs -- it does take a little time of being on the medication to become effective (i.e. a couple of weeks generally for me) -- Sometimes it doesn't prevent a CH totally; however, usually lessens the intensity and frequency until the cycle winds down.  I personally prefer to be on the lowest dose I can get by with as it lets me know when the cycle is winding down.   Being episodic as well, the millon dollar question is when do you stop taking it ... DO NOT just stop taking it without talking with your doctor -- it is one of those drugs that you need to taper the dosage on until the doctor says its ok to stop.    It works for some and not others; however, it hasn't ever failed me.  Generally, you have to find what works for you.  What dosage did she put you on and why type (i.e. -- regular release, extended release?)

I've personally never had an issue with triptans ( Imitrex or Maxalt) while on the verap.

Title: Re: Going on Verapamil
Post by chewy on Mar 6th, 2007, 6:25pm

usually lessens the intensity and frequency until the cycle winds down.

That has always been my experiace with verap.

I use 480 mg per day. I terminate the verapamil after I have gone a full two weeks without a hit.

Title: Re: Going on Verapamil
Post by NorCal78 on Mar 7th, 2007, 4:27am
Not sure the dose, or type of tablet she's going to give me.  I'll find out on sunday and I'll definately make sure to post the results - good or bad.  Thanks for the info...
Is there one better than the other as far as treating CH specifically, for instance alot of people take Imitrex here but obviously the injectible (sp?)  form is preferable for most (myself included) I'll make sure to ask for the one that's best suited to treat these awful visits from the beast we all know and HATE!


Title: Re: Going on Verapamil
Post by chewy on Mar 7th, 2007, 6:14am
I use the vials so that I draw only the amount that I need.

Title: Re: Going on Verapamil
Post by barry_sword on Mar 7th, 2007, 6:39am
NC78, I am on 360mg daily Verapamil and it is doing it's job for me. Been in cycle since Nov. 06 so my cycle should be ending according to my history.

Beast started hitting again so went back on Prednisone taper to kick his ass!! I guess this cycle is going out with a bang, time will tell.

PFDAN  Barry

Title: Re: Going on Verapamil
Post by Bob_Johnson on Mar 7th, 2007, 8:45am Dr. Robbins site. Then explore the entire site by deleting everything following. com/ and then hit enter.
Here is a link to read and print and take to your doctor.  It describes preventive, transitional, abortive and surgical treatments for CH. Written by one of the better headache docs in the U.S.  (2002)  

Title: Re: Going on Verapamil
Post by Bob P on Mar 7th, 2007, 11:25am
Verap is a calcium channel blocker normally used to treat high blood pressure.  I believe it blocks the calcium ion from entering the blood vessel wall cells, causing them to expand/relax.

It's kind of like Chewy when he's drunk.  Get enough beers in him and he ain't movin' for nobody.  Get enough Verap in and the blood vessels ain't gonna move for no CH.

People take anywhere from 120mg/day to 1080mg/day.  Most frequent side effect is constipation.  People usually start at 240mg regular release type a day.  Increase by 120mg every 4-5 days until side effects prevent going any higher or the CH stops.

Title: Re: Going on Verapamil
Post by burnt-toast on Mar 7th, 2007, 3:10pm
Here's another link that will be helpful

Working closely with your doc. will be important to get the best results.  

I take a combination of 1200mg Lithium Carbonate,  and 720mg Verapamil daily with 9mg Melatonin 30-40 minutes before bed.  Far from a cure but significantly reduces severity/frequency of attacks.

In my experience the most difficulty came from finding effective dosage levels while minimizing side effects and establishing a regular dosage schedule that would keep blood levels most consistent.  If I miss a dose or get off schedule by an hour or more, I going to be put through hell.

Results should be expected just inside a week - building stable blood levels is important.

By experimenting (under supervision of my doc.) I found  that exceeding 720mg Verapamil improved results - but caused painful leg/ankle swelling - My doc. considered this a minor side effect but it was extremely uncomfortable to walk so we backed down to 720mg.

Hope this helps in some way.

Best wishes,



Title: Re: Going on Verapamil
Post by Judge_Smails on Mar 7th, 2007, 3:26pm
I just started Verapamil as well.  This is my first time using it so I've got my fingers crossed.  I'm starting at 240mg and I've got a Prednisone taper as well to give the Verapamil time to kick in.

I'll keep you posted as to how it works for me.

Good luck!

Title: Re: Going on Verapamil
Post by Judge_Smails on Mar 19th, 2007, 8:52am
Just a quick update -  I've been on Verapamil and a Pred taper for about 2 weeks now (first time trying Verapamil) and I have to say it's been working great so far.  Since I got my first hit about 2 weeks ago and then started on the meds I've really only had a few shaddows - for one I popped an Imitrex tablet because I was going to dinner and didn't want to take a chance, and the others weren't a problem.

I tried a Pred taper last cycle (with Topamax - I know) and while it helped lessen the frequency of the hits I was getting it didn't stop them.  I'm on the last legs of the Pred so I hope when I'm down to just the Verapamil it will still be working as well.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Title: Re: Going on Verapamil
Post by KillerQueen on Mar 19th, 2007, 4:33pm
I have a quick (and gross) question.  The doc is tapering me off the prednisone and gave me verapamil.  Did it cause horrible stomach pain and diarrhea in anyone else, or is it just me?  If so, does it go away as my body gets used to it?  I read that some folks get constipated, but it seems to be having the opposite effect on me...

Title: Re: Going on Verapamil
Post by KillerQueen on Mar 19th, 2007, 4:44pm
One more question (this isn't gross):  My GP (still waiting for a neuro to fit me in) told me to "taper off the prednisone" but didn't give me any great instruction nor guidelines on how to do that.  I was taking 30mg., so this week, I'm thinking of trying 20mg (while starting verapamil) and I guess next week I'll try only 10mg, and none the following week.  He pretty much told me to try less & less until I didn't need it anymore.  Have any of you done it more quickly than what I'm thinking of, or a little more gradually?  I'm terrified to stop the pred, since I did once before (thought the cycle was over) and they came back with a vengeance.  Isn't it terrible to be afraid to stop taking medicine that makes your heart beat like crazy, your blood pressure go through the roof, and make you just generally feel like sh!t, because of fear of having another CH?  These are new to me, and before, I never liked taking pills.  Now I'm afraid not to take them...

Title: Re: Going on Verapamil
Post by Judge_Smails on Mar 20th, 2007, 8:12am
No stomach problems for me so far on any of the meds.

As for the Pred, I was taking 60mg for 5 days, then 40 mg for 5 days and now 20mg for 5 days.  Obviously each person is different, but from what I hear that's a pretty standard Pred cycle.  I don't want to question your Dr, but 30mg seems to be a pretty low starting dose from what I've seen on the board.

Title: Re: Going on Verapamil
Post by KillerQueen on Mar 20th, 2007, 8:44am
Thanks, Judge...She actually told me to start on 30mg and see if it helped and that I could increase up to 50 mg. per day if needed.  The 30 mg. did help a lot, so I never increased, since I hate the side effects of the pred.  On 30, I had a few attacks, but the severity was minimized (less than an hour each), and I was only having 1-2 per night, rather than 5-6, so I stuck with 30mg.  I've been doing 20mg. for the past week, and only had two bad nights (I was out of town at a business function, so I think since my normal schedule was way off, that may have brought them on).  Ever been at an insurance convention where you couldn't have even one cocktail?  Yeah, brutal... :)

Title: Re: Going on Verapamil
Post by Judge_Smails on Mar 20th, 2007, 10:12am
Actually, I can relate - I was just in Vegas for a week for our national convention!  No drinking for me, other then a few Red Bulls when I felt a shadow.

I was really nervous about going on the trip with my cycle starting, I was very close to getting some O2 delivered to my hotel room just in case I needed it.  Luckily I only had 1 minor hit that I stopped with Imitrex.

I really hate being on all of these meds during my cycle, but it's only a month, so like all of you I bite my tongue and bare it.  Anything to keep the beast at bay. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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