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(Message started by: firecracker7481 on Mar 6th, 2007, 12:52pm)

Title: Topamax
Post by firecracker7481 on Mar 6th, 2007, 12:52pm
So my Dr. is going to start me on Topamax...I have heard great things about this from my friends Dad if I can get past the intial few weeks of taking the drug...

Any thoughts???

Title: Re: Topamax
Post by Lobster on Mar 6th, 2007, 1:25pm
Hmmmm... where to start...
It works, kinda.

A few side strong side effects for me...

- Make certain foods 'taste like ass'
Read this.  Do a find on 'taste'.
Do you like beer?  You will not when you are on Topa.  Soda?  Same.  Other random foods will taste alien.

- Makes you dumb as a bag of hammers.  My MD called it 'mental slowing'.  It is kinda scary, because you clearly notice it.  I lost the ability to do simple math in my head.

Funny tale... I had an acquaintance who I did not care for... a stupid bastard... I mean borderline retarded.  But of course, he thought he was pretty sharp.
Well, one day he told me he started on Topa for something or other.  I told him my tale, to which he insisted that he had no mental slowing from Topa.
The moral of the story... Take your IQ and subtract 60.  Divide the remainder by 2.  Add 60 back.  That is your Topa IQ.

For example...
IQ of 110 == ((110-60)*.5)+60) = Topa IQ of 85
IQ of 75 == Topa IQ of 67.

Got that?  The smarter you are the more you will feel the Topa.

Title: Re: Topamax
Post by Gator on Mar 6th, 2007, 2:16pm
Some people here have reported that it worked for them.  In the research I have done, I have read that it should be started low (25mg) and tapered up slowly (25mg every 5 days) until it works or the side effects get too bad.  The upper limits for CH appear to be somewhere between 200mg and 400mg.

From a personal perspective, I have nothing good to say about Dopeymax.  It made my ch worse, gave me terribly vivid nightmares,  made food taste like shit and made me dumber than a box of rocks.  The wife ended up taking my car keys away because I was dangerous on the road.  Jane has never been embarrassed because of ch and my related behaviors, except when I was on this drug.  You couldn't pay me enough to take this med again.

LMAO @ Lobster's TopaTelligence formula.

Title: Re: Topamax
Post by Rosybabe on Mar 6th, 2007, 3:34pm

Do you know that one of Topamax side ef. is lowering your Pill efectiveness? yeah! right! the anti-baby pill!

and if you get pregnant while in Topamax your baby can be born with severe problems?...

you better be aware of all the nasty things coming with topamax...

Good Luck!!!

Title: Re: Topamax
Post by UN solved on Mar 6th, 2007, 6:41pm
I have nothing good to say about Topamax.
It made me too dumb to do 4th grade math.
It made everything taste like ass.
It gave me kidney stones Twice.

UNsolved  ::)

Title: Re: Topamax
Post by Shari on Mar 7th, 2007, 10:38pm
Three years ago when my husband was in a cycle we were told Sansert was no longer available. So the Doc put him on that Dopeymax. (good description)  He wandered around the house like a zombie in a stupor.
Everyone's body chemistry is different I suppose and what works for one may not for another, but this definitely did not work for him.
Needless to say we were relieved when we found the methysergide maleste.

Title: Re: Topamax
Post by sandie99 on Mar 8th, 2007, 4:35am
It sure didn't work for me... I got hit horribly and went to places without recalling why! ::) Dopeymax indeed.

I do hope that it works for you, though.

Best wishes,
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