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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Medications, Treatments, Therapies >> 2 red bulls?
(Message started by: 5yearsteve on Jan 15th, 2007, 10:48pm)

Title: 2 red bulls?
Post by 5yearsteve on Jan 15th, 2007, 10:48pm
Well I have tried red bull. It seems like it holds back the HA for a little while but does not abort for me. Should I try 2 red bulls or call it quits? Has anyone ever tried 2 of them? I did drink it when the first signs of an attack were appearing. Out for 4 attempts it didnt abort any.  

Title: Re: 2 red bulls?
Post by froggy on Jan 15th, 2007, 11:23pm
My husband has been trying "Monster Khaos" this week. After trying the drink 3 days in a row (one can per day) with no luck, today's dose (1/2 can) finally got the headache, but only for about 20 minutes.  May not be good enough, but it's slightly promising.

We have 3 cans to use up and will keep trying.  People have written in stating good results.  

As far as a second dose, the warning on the can (Monster Khaos that is) says, no more than 3 cans per day.  I would imagine if you can handle the caffeine buzz a second wouldn't hurt if the directions say 3 allowed per day.  

*As always, careful of the Taurine mixing with Verapamil.

Best of luck!

Title: Re: 2 red bulls?
Post by midwestbeth on Jan 16th, 2007, 8:52am
One Red Bull didn't help me much either, but  If I drink two at the frist sign of being hit, it usually aborts the ch withing 10 minutes.  If I do this in the evening, I'm awake for at least 3-5 hours after.  Good Luck

Title: Re: 2 red bulls?
Post by cmoore on Jan 16th, 2007, 2:44pm
There are many, many energy drinks out there that all have basically the same ingredients - caffeine, taurine, B vitamins, flavoring, and preservatives.

I have pretty good relief with energy drinks and tend to stick to a couple of different brands:

1. Go Girl*
2. Diet Rockstar
3. Sugar Free Redbull

I normally get sugar-free energy drinks because I am kind of a diet freek, but I recently wondered if the sweeteners in the drinks intensified CH. After trying both sugar free and regular on many different occassions, I think that there is no difference between the two and how they relate to my CH.

*Go Girl is a sugar free energy drink that I think may only be available in Northern California with possibly limited availability in Southern California. The ingredients can be found here:

This is pretty much the drink that I prefer, and its always funny going to by it, because I am a guy and the can is bright pink with "Go-GIRL" written across it. CH adventures, always the oddest....

Title: Re: 2 red bulls?
Post by JeffB on Jan 16th, 2007, 7:50pm
Go Girl is made by Nor Cal Beverage, which will no longer make soda's.

Title: Re: 2 red bulls?
Post by Chrisjg23 on Jan 17th, 2007, 11:44am
Hi all,
I'm one of the big supporters of Monster some instances I have also tried and had success with Red Bull and the SoBe drink...

I can't explain the reason it works so well as an abortive, but I will explain my situation. About 4 weeks into my episode, which started two days before Turkey Day, I read about Red Bull and tried it...didn't like the taste, though. I then purchased Monster Khaos and found the taste to be better. Whenever I felt a CH coming on, I'd wait a few minutes just to make sure it was more than a shadow and then I'd literally pound a glass or two of Monster ice cold. The pounding is literally that, a breath or two and down the hatch.

Just like that, CH gone within 5-8 mins. Oddly enough, I haven't had any "energy effects", meaning I don't feel any more energized than I did before the CH. I keep the drinks in my desk (I'm a high school teacher) and I have had to drink them warm...same success rate, though. Maybe it's the pounding...

I will also note that I am on Verapamil 360mg/ day(120 in the am and 240 pm) and I don't drink the energy drinks for any other reason than to abort a CH. I'm currently in week 8 (this is my first ever episode) and I've been lucky to find something that works. For the last 2-2.5 weeks, I've had no more than one CH per day usually between 7-9 am...Hopefully, I'm nearing the end...

Hope this helps,

Title: ThTRe: 2 red bulls?
Post by froggy on Jan 17th, 2007, 8:37pm
Great news on the Monster Khaos.  As I wrote earlier in this thread, my husband just started to try the MK drink this past week and at first it really didn't do anything.  I found out that he wasn't "pounding" it down.

Yesterday and today, he "pounded" the MK drink down and wadda you know, each headache went away within 10 minutes.  Promising.

(The only preventative he's on right now is Innopran XL 120 mg and his headaches are really hard to abort)

Title: Re: 2 red bulls?
Post by gonz2112 on Jan 18th, 2007, 12:09am
I have not have Red Bull or Monster abort a headache by itself. Perhaps it would if I waited a little longer, but my hits have been ramping up really fast. With a bunch of Imitrex in the medicine cabinet and an H tank of oxygen in my closet I just can't see waiting and suffering if I don't have to.

Once after trying o2 for 20 minutes the HA was knocked down a couple clicks, but I knew it would be coming back once I stopped the o2. I decided to drink the other half of the Monster I had started (the equivalent of a 2nd Red Bull) and in 5 minutes I was PF.

For me either 8 or 16oz. of Monster along with o2 seems to be a good combo. It seems I can abort more often and more quickly than with o2 alone. So I do think that 2nd can of Red Bull can help when the 1st doesn't.

Some of these drinks have warnings about drinking only a certain amount in one day so use caution.
Otherwise, you Go Girl!!


Title: Re: 2 red bulls?
Post by froggy on Jan 18th, 2007, 1:39am
Yeah, everything is good to go with the Monster Khaos if it's not night time.  If my husband could drink one right now he would, but it would keep him up all night.  Hopefully even with the pain, he'll fall asleep, then we can start again tomorrow.

Title: Re: 2 red bulls?
Post by kcopelin on Jan 18th, 2007, 9:35am
3 cans of Monster(16 oz size) equals 6 servings.  I, for the first time, poured my Rock Star Zero Carb over ice-nice color.  Have looked at others and all I can say is thank goodness for cans we can't see through.

Title: Re: 2 red bulls?
Post by brewcrew on Jan 19th, 2007, 1:51pm

on 01/18/07 at 09:35:19, kcopelin wrote:
3 cans of Monster(16 oz size) equals 6 servings.  I, for the first time, poured my Rock Star Zero Carb over ice-nice color.  Have looked at others and all I can say is thank goodness for cans we can't see through.

Kath - I usually dring Diet RockStar (the Zero Carb is hard to find around here for some reason), and I've noticed that it comes out the same color as it goes in. That kind of iridescent yellow.

Title: Re: 2 red bulls?
Post by sandie99 on Jan 24th, 2007, 5:42am
Red Bull and Red Devil work brilliantly with my hits. Here's how I do it: the second I feel ch hit I run to the kitchen, get the ice-cold energy drink can, put some ice to a mug and pour the drink. Then I drink is as fast as possible. Ch is gone within 5 minutes (usually less).

I know that not every clusterhead needs his/her drink to be ice cold nor drink it with ice. But I have noticed that I need to. I tried once energy drink which was warm and that tasted discusting and it didn't help.

I'm short and thin and I usually do not need more than one energy drink can/ day. I recall that I've needed 2 only once.

If you think that energy drinks can help you, give them a try. I remind you that I do not use verapamil or other doc subscribed meds, just energy drinks, caffeine tabs and vicks red energy tabs (which contain caffeine, taurine & guarana). I have taurine supplements waiting. And I do not use caffeine otherwise (no coffee, no coca-cola etc.), just when I get hit.

PF days for all,

Title: Re: 2 red bulls?
Post by froggy on Jan 24th, 2007, 12:05pm
Sandie, thanks for the "over ice" tip.  How are you taking the Taurine tabs?  We bought a bottle but they are just sitting there.  Don't know how to really use them.


Title: Re: 2 red bulls?
Post by limeandcuervo on Jan 26th, 2007, 4:17pm
Howdy all, new to the boards just wanted to throw in my 2 cents. I read about the red bull here and tried it with great success. The large cans work best for me, I did have to slam them for it to work. I live in Texas and a large can in about 2.50 here. I have found an energy drink called "Rip It" that is 99 cents and a few ounces larger than the large red bull. This works great for me, hope it is available to some of you.

Title: Re: 2 red bulls?
Post by bejeeber on Jan 26th, 2007, 8:25pm

on 01/19/07 at 13:51:37, brewcrew wrote:
... I've noticed that it comes out the same color as it goes in. That kind of iridescent yellow.

That'd be the B vitamins passin thru.

Title: Re: 2 red bulls?
Post by kcopelin on Jan 28th, 2007, 9:40am
Yep-slamming the drinks, any of the energy drinks that have caffeine and 1000 mg of taurine and B vits.  Although I like the taste of Zero Carb, I also buy RipIt diet @ $1 a can or two little cans for $1.  Since for me it takes a bit more than one serving, I go with the bigger cans.  If half the can-slammed doesn't cut it, I can slam some more.  If it does, the stuff keeps okay in the fridge.
I try not to look at results in the porcelin throne.  I think that's a guy thing ::)
BTW, DavCon looked like a great time!
PFDAN y'all,

Title: Re: 2 red bulls?
Post by Russ_T on Feb 7th, 2007, 9:00pm

on 01/15/07 at 23:23:36, froggy wrote:
My husband has been trying "Monster Khaos" this week. After trying the drink 3 days in a row (one can per day) with no luck, today's dose (1/2 can) finally got the headache, but only for about 20 minutes.  May not be good enough, but it's slightly promising.

We have 3 cans to use up and will keep trying.  People have written in stating good results.  

As far as a second dose, the warning on the can (Monster Khaos that is) says, no more than 3 cans per day.  I would imagine if you can handle the caffeine buzz a second wouldn't hurt if the directions say 3 allowed per day.  

*As always, careful of the Taurine mixing with Verapamil.

Best of luck!

I am a newbi to this site, first cycle of CH was about three years ago, PF for 3 years and now the beast has been back for about 5-6 weeeks.  I have learned some things from this site but am curious about any interaction between Varapamil and Taurine.  I am on a very low dose of Varapamil and am considering asking my neuro t oincrease it as it worked in the past in preventing the CHs.  I also have tried the energy drink and found that these or very strong coffe will hold off the CH for about an hour or so but does not totally abort it.

Title: Re: 2 red bulls?
Post by froggy on Feb 8th, 2007, 12:22am
Sorry I didn't respond earlier, I didn't realize you had asked me a question.

I'm not the most technical on this site but it seems that more and more people are trying the "Red Bull" type drinks and are having good-great success with them.  

So a person wrote in and said that he was having heart problems and told his neuro that he was drinking the energy drinks.  The doctor told him that mixing taurine and verapamil can cause heart attacks in some people.  (B14CK5H33P)

It's something to do with the blood pressure (Redd 175) and the fact that taurine "enhances the effect of some drugs" (by Wilbur)

I'm sure there's a more scientific answer, but this is how I see it.

Hope the headaches have subsided somewhat for you.

Title: Re: 2 red bulls?
Post by sandie99 on Feb 8th, 2007, 5:39am

on 01/24/07 at 12:05:16, froggy wrote:
Sandie, thanks for the "over ice" tip.  How are you taking the Taurine tabs?  We bought a bottle but they are just sitting there.  Don't know how to really use them.

You are welcome. :)

For the time being, I'm not using my taurine tablets yet. The can says that one tablet/day and one tablet is 500mgs. When I will begin taking them, I will follow the instructions first and see what will happen. I do recall reading from Barry's taurine trial that he takes bigger amounts of taurine than that.

I'm sorry that reply only now, I just saw that you asked me about taurine.

PF wishes,

Title: Re: 2 red bulls?
Post by froggy on Feb 8th, 2007, 10:53am

That's the same here, the bottle of Taurine is just sitting on the kitchen counter.  Don't want to put him on more pills if we don't really have to.  For now the Monster (6 days/week) Khaos and Imitrex (about 2x/week) is working for him.

It's been at least a few weeks and the Monster Khaos has worked 80% of the time.  The husband  takes only 3 doses max (1.5 cans) per day as to not get rebounds from the caffeine.

Title: Re: 2 red bulls?
Post by Wilbur on Feb 9th, 2007, 12:01pm

on 01/28/07 at 09:40:52, kcopelin wrote:
I try not to look at results in the porcelin throne.  I think that's a guy thing ::)

Look into the porcelain throne from time to time - it is a window to your health. :)

Title: Re: 2 red bulls?
Post by swimchica623 on Feb 9th, 2007, 8:51pm
Sugar free Red Bull...someone said this earlier, but I read it somewhere that sugar can change how effective the energy drink is, sugar free works better.
I take mine with a relpax under the tongue..relpax is a new tript. that takes about 10 minutes to work and seems to work ok, although I have never used it alone, its always gone down with o2 or red bull, so I'm not sure how effective it is but my neurologist seems to think it works...just think its odd that no one else has used it?
I'm on verapamil so red bull is researved for when I can't get to o2...only had to use it once but it worked!

Title: Re: 2 red bulls?
Post by Wilbur on Feb 9th, 2007, 8:56pm

on 02/09/07 at 20:51:47, swimchica623 wrote:
Sugar free Red Bull...someone said this earlier, but I read it somewhere that sugar can change how effective the energy drink is, sugar free works better.

I would need to see some scientific backup for this. Sugar is a less complicated molecule than aspertame.

Title: Re: 2 red bulls?
Post by swimchica623 on Feb 13th, 2007, 9:09am
sorry dont have any. :-/  i originally bought the sugar free cuz i didnt want all that sugar in me and afterwards heard sugar free works better....its worth experimenting with, anyway.

Title: Re: 2 red bulls?
Post by Brewcrew on Feb 13th, 2007, 10:40am

on 02/13/07 at 09:09:10, swimchica623 wrote:
sorry dont have any. :-/  i originally bought the sugar free cuz i didnt want all that sugar in me and afterwards heard sugar free works better....its worth experimenting with, anyway.

Since the time that I posted about drinking the Diet Rockstar, I have been doing a little experiment on myself. I have found that aspertame (Nutrasweet) seems to be a bit of a trigger for me. I went to Aldi and bought a case of Red Thunder (works out to be about 80 cents a can), and this, combined with O2 when needed, abort almost all of my low-level hits. I'd say if the Nutrasweet doesn't bother you, go for it.

Title: Re: 2 red bulls?
Post by LeLimey on Feb 13th, 2007, 10:45am
I had the opposite experience, I only drink diet coke usually but the diet red bull etc just didn't do it for me so I tried the "fat" stuff and lo and behold it worked!

I have used two cans in the past to abort one hit but I've only ever needed to do so when I've waited too long before chugging the first one

Hope that helps

Title: Re: 2 red bulls?
Post by froggy on Feb 13th, 2007, 10:53am
There has to be something to the sugar substitute.  Any time Tony has things like Low Calorie icecream or Low Carb anything, his headaches go off the chart.  He used to go through a case of diet coke (caffeine free) about every 4 days or so.  Now that we've knocked that down to maybey 1 can a day I think it has made a difference.

Not really a news flash, but I think the more raw and natural we can go as far as diet the better off we'd be.  Everything just breaks down easier in the body. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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