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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Medications, Treatments, Therapies >> Cure for Clusters?
(Message started by: Greg_Swan on Dec 26th, 2006, 3:21pm)

Title: Cure for Clusters?
Post by Greg_Swan on Dec 26th, 2006, 3:21pm
Cure for Clusters?

I feel like I’ll be received as someone pimping AMWAY when I tell you what I discovered, but since I know better- that people are open to ANYTHING to make it stop- like me- 2 nights ago (Suicide looking real attractive, but if I ended up in hell- Cluster Eternity seemed a lot worse than the max 3 hours). So I got Jerrified!

Jerry Zelm- the man who walks on water. Jerry Zelm- a CHIROPACTOR.
That’s the good news. The bad news- his practice is in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin.

I showed up at his HOME door Christmas Day. His wife took one look at me and said “C’mon in- he’s taking a nap.” He did his thing in his practice connected to his home. He adjusted me, like all of them seem to do ( I tried others covered under my then insurance- they weren’t the Rolls Royce- they weren’t in Jerry’s league) – Jerry used heat sensitive diagnostics and closely following the “Picture (X-Ray) as a map, and identified points on my lower spine, middle back, and neck. I’m in the middle of a cluster series and I remember Jerry back in ’97 when I first showed up at his door as a last resort. (In didn’t know about clusters, neither did the clueless doctors).  I had cat scans, the works before I showed up. He saw my ½ bottle of eaten aspirin and was shocked, knowing what is does to my kidneys. He said “Greg, you’re going to walk out of here without headaches.” Guarded hope rose in my heart. But it worked- not a cycle running out- it stopped that night! A few shadows, but after a couple visits…nothing.
The beast came a callin’ again recently- worse and worse. DO I want to flip $30 to Jerry?  Uh, yea, I do.

So Christmas day, 2006, having a Kip 10, (Apparently I was too cheap with a Kip 9) I went to his house. Should I care if I’m interrupting a family meal I thought?  Naw!  Afterwards, I slept for nearly 24 hours. Jerry is the man- he just knows. Other Chiros haven’t in my experience. I told him I knew a group of people that may well want what you’ve got to give. They’re too small for the Pharmaceuticals to pay much attention to, but big enough to fly across the country and keep you busy. All I can do is tell you- don’t shoot the happy messenger.

I’ve even got his home number and I’m guarding it- it’s the Bat Phone. I’m sure all this other stuff helps/works too- oxygen, meds- I’ll get them as back ups because I must never have that pain again- ever. But JERR-REEE, JERR-EEE IS the cure. He’s 60, corny, cheesy, respectful, very kind, Christian- and obviously very smart. I’d be a selfish, careless person if I didn’t post this. You’ll know what to do with this information. Tell him Greg sent ya. PFDAN to all, and to all a good night!

                                               Greg Swan
                                               262 751 8779  

Heeeeeere's Jerry!          
Gerald Zelm, DC
Oconomowoc, Wisconsin Zelm Chiropractic Office
   880 Summit Ave.
   Oconomowoc, WI 53066

Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by brewcrew on Dec 26th, 2006, 3:28pm
Good for you.

Maybe he could teach my chiropractor how to cure cluster headaches.

Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by eddie on Dec 26th, 2006, 3:30pm
to cheap with a K9 ?  [smiley=huh.gif]

Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by Kevin_M on Dec 26th, 2006, 3:31pm

on 12/26/06 at 15:21:20, Greg_Swan wrote:
So Christmas day, 2006, having a Kip 10, (Apparently I was too cheap with a Kip 9) I went to his house.

Greg, I got stuck getting past this.

Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by Greg_Swan on Dec 26th, 2006, 3:51pm
K-9 sticking you? It was the day before Christmas, and all through the house, not a single present was waiting for my kids- their dad was a louse. That's right- I couldn't afford it.

I got some money Christmas morning and we all know what the priority is- a get out of hell (for $30) card. I'm self employed or un-employed at the moment- and uninsured. Jerry told me NEVER let money be factor again- he didn't have to say it twice, like when he gave me his home phone number.

Just like no one can tell you you don't hurt, no one can tell I do now.

Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by Redd715 on Dec 26th, 2006, 3:54pm
I think the part that has us ALL stuck is how,

with a Kip10

you managed to go ANYWHERE....

Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by UN solved on Dec 26th, 2006, 5:33pm
I've heard that peanut butter has also worked for some folks.  ;;D


Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by chewy on Dec 26th, 2006, 5:49pm

and obviously very smart

Must be. He took you for 30 bucks.

Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by TonyG1 on Dec 26th, 2006, 8:53pm

on 12/26/06 at 15:54:44, Redd715 wrote:
I think the part that has us ALL stuck is how,

with a Kip10

you managed to go ANYWHERE....

Couldn't have said it better myself Redd !!!  That fact in and of itself was a X-mas miracle !!! :)

Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by chewy on Dec 26th, 2006, 10:20pm

All I can do is tell you- don’t shoot the happy messenger.

Just make sure Uncle Jerry kicks back that 5%
a group of people that may well want what you’ve got to give. They’re too small for the Pharmaceuticals to pay much attention to, but big enough to fly across the country and keep you busy.

Tell him Greg sent ya.

Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by Redd715 on Dec 26th, 2006, 10:33pm
Maybe Greg works for the Airlines and can get a kickback from them too?  

Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by georgej on Dec 26th, 2006, 10:42pm

on 12/26/06 at 15:21:20, Greg_Swan wrote:
You’ll know what to do with this information.

You're right.

Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by tanner on Dec 26th, 2006, 11:45pm

Greg, I have read this thread several times today and have kept myself from posting my thoughts because I don't know you or your history with CH.

I am close to the end of my personal rope in dealing with the beast and the only response I can give you is that perhaps you don't understand the Kip scale. I am chronic and I have found that I won't/ can't drive myself safely once I get to a k6/7.
my wife has used all of her sick days from work to take me to appointments or pick me up leaving a car behind to avoid the very real risks involved.

I am happy that you have found relief from whatever kind of pain you have been living with, but I think possibly you don't understand the meaning of a K9/10 the same way most of us here do. I hope that if you are sincere you will take what I am saying in the spirit I intended.

If I had to choose one positive thing I gain from this place it would have to be the feeling that I am not unique or alone.

You might want to do a bit more research into CH before you post "cures" that simply cannot work for what ails us.


Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by brewcrew on Dec 26th, 2006, 11:52pm
Tim - You, sir, are the gentleman I find I can't be sometimes.

Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by BigCoffinHunter on Dec 27th, 2006, 8:41am
Yeah, the spine is...putting pressure...on the hypothalamus!
That must be it!

Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 27th, 2006, 11:47am

Tim - You, sir, are the gentleman I find I can't be sometimes.

WONDERFUL response Bill.  Could not have said that better if I was a gentlman..which I'm not.

Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by mynm156 on Dec 27th, 2006, 1:53pm
I will never get enough of these guys.  Must be the x-mas spirit that kept this guy from some serious flame.  

Good Vibes my Brothers and Sisters.


Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by floridian on Dec 27th, 2006, 1:59pm
I agree with Tim - much above 5, and I can't drive. My affected eye becomes swollen and hypersensitive. I can focus it for a moment, then it tears up and I have to close it.

Curious as to how a nerve block works - injections of an anesthetic and/or steroid that goes into the neck.  All the literature suggests that these can help some people, in spite of the fact that the needle does not go near the hypothalamus.  Maybe popping the knots out of the neck can calm down a neural circuit that (for some people) feeds into CH?

Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by BigCoffinHunter on Dec 27th, 2006, 2:04pm
I'm guessing the hypothalamus is still sending out its crazy signals, but the nerve isn't transmitting the pain signals, or prevents the blood vessels from swelling.

Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by purpleydog on Dec 27th, 2006, 4:22pm
My chiro adjusts my back, and my neck. Doesn't do anything for my CH. Will tone down a migraine sometimes.

Greg, while I understand you mean well with your post, chiropractic is not a viable treatment for CH. You can search on the subject here, it has been discussed, and dismissed many times.

For your CH, please read the wealth of information to the left, there are many viable treatments, tried and true for a lot of people. Prescription, and herbal (I'm thinking of kudzu here), and there is a site for alternative treatment too that works for some people.

I am glad the chiro seemed to help you. Just a word of advice. There is no cure for clusterheadaches. You want to be careful saying that word around here. We get people here claiming a cure, and after all the bullshit we get, from our un-educated, unwilling -to -help docs, to well meaning friends, relatives, and total strangers, when someone mentions that word, it gets under our skin, to put it politely.

Welcome to the board. Sorry you have to be here. Feel free to ask any questions. And also to the left, is an explanation of the kip scale. you may want to take a look at it.

Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by Jonny on Dec 27th, 2006, 7:27pm
What the fine folks here are trying to say is....."If you come here and yell CURE, you have better not had a fucking CH in the last fourty fucking years"

Because until you can you are just talking out your ass...kinda like Jim Carey did....remember? ;;D

Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by brewcrew on Dec 27th, 2006, 7:55pm

on 12/27/06 at 19:27:45, Jonny wrote:
Because until you can you are just talking out your ass...kinda like Jim Carey did....remember? ;;D

You mind if I ass you some questions? ;;D

Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by Jonny on Dec 27th, 2006, 8:46pm

on 12/27/06 at 19:55:13, brewcrew wrote:
You mind if I ass you some questions? ;;D

Thats the one.....LOL ;;D

Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by chopmyheadoff on Dec 28th, 2006, 10:00am
@ greg swan - 3 words - no fucking way

to all my other learnerd friends . .

i have driven with the single most evil nasty dirty kip 10+ i have ever had.

i didnt want to, and iv obviously had unbarable ones before but this one . .  OH MY GOD.

anyway, just to say that IT IS possible to drive whilst k10'ing !!

admittidly i couldnt see very much, and i must have looked like a mad man with no top on, pouring with sweat and swearing and screaming.
but i got there

left the car parked at a jaunty angle right in the ambulance bay  ;;D >:(

Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by seasonalboomer on Dec 28th, 2006, 10:15am

on 12/28/06 at 10:00:08, chopmyheadoff wrote:
@ greg swan - 3 words - no fucking way

to all my other learnerd friends . .

i have driven with the single most evil nasty dirty kip 10+ i have ever had.

anyway, just to say that IT IS possible to drive whilst k10'ing !!

admittidly i couldnt see very much, and i must have looked like a mad man with no top on, pouring with sweat and swearing and screaming.
but i got there

left the car parked at a jaunty angle right in the ambulance bay  ;;D >:(

you guys drive on the wrong side of the road anyway -- so how hard could it have been?
:-X   :-X


Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by chopmyheadoff on Dec 29th, 2006, 4:29am

on 12/28/06 at 10:15:26, seasonalboomer wrote:
you guys drive on the wrong side of the road anyway -- so how hard could it have been?
:-X   :-X


pmsl - we drive on the right side scott, the RIGHT side  ;)

Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by B14CK5H33P on Dec 29th, 2006, 6:51am
There is absofuckinlutely I could drive a car past a Kip 9 without driving into a fucking wall!!!

Only thing I could drive during a kip 10 is my head or fist through a wall, or my hand down hard enough on the floor to break my thumb. It might just be me but I'm weird like that.

Peace & Happy Happy Joy Joy,
Carl D

PS - I had my neck fixed years ago by an excellent Chiro, but it didn't cure my clusters. It is out of alignment again though, and am going to a Chiro who is also a massage therapist and does accupuncture. While it may do nothing for the CH, I am hoping it will help with insomnia and stress.

Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by ax on Dec 30th, 2006, 3:27am
Function with a k10+ ? It can be done.

About 8 years ago in a cycle I was having one of the worst CH ever. Through all the years there are only 3 HA's that I can say were truley K10+ ... The memories stand the test of time.

This particular one had me to the point that I could not walk or talk. I honestly think that the pain was comparable to being hung from my eye socket hoisted in the air with a red hot steel hook.

Sitting Indian style on the couch, sure that I couldn't survive, I waited for death to relieve me.

Now the time is about 1:00 am. Somebody comes knocking on my front door. I had no problem ignoring this. But then my wife in her nighty, gets out of bed and opens the door. I instinctively an immediately jumped up and ran to the door pushing her away from it hard enough to knock her down. Standing at my door was two drunk black guys and I had every intention to hurt these guys before they came in. I don't remember what I said, but I spoke clearly loudly and put on as good of a bluff as I could to make them believe I was going to kill them. They quickly left saying they had the wrong house.

After I closed the door and locked it, I told my wife to go to bed, we'll talk in the morning. Then I resumed hell from where I left off.

This was one of the moments in my life that told me who I was and what I was capable of. CH's are second -family first.

All done with a k10+
...It can be done


Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by MaxPayne on Feb 28th, 2007, 9:15am
Cant even talk to anyone during a kip 10, and if anybody talked to me, they'd probably be decked out flat and I wouldn't even have remembered it. When Kip 10 is going full blast I can't even think, only try to cope. I never remember the pain afterwords, I think it's too much for the mind.

Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by jlk on Feb 28th, 2007, 10:26pm
I have had a few kip10's and wound up in the er.  I guess mine vary.  I've managed to do trials with  lower kips but that is kind of do or die (um, yes, I do win'em).  

With clusters coming regularly alot of us do what we have to do but at the higher kip levels I do  not try to drive or do trials or anything critical where people could get hurt.

I feel hestitant about this chiro thing since I'm new to this site and it's obvious many of you guys thinks spinal issues are not the cause.  I went to a doctor of osteopathy after 23 years of headaches.  She did an xray that showed C-1 looking like a bowtie on crooked.  She adjusted my neck and my headaches went way down.  When C-1 is in, I get far fewer headaches.  I don't pretend to understand it, but there it is.  She says that the pressure on the spinal cord causes headache problems.  All I can tell you is that I've been diagnosed by various neurologists as atypical chronic cluster and it helps me.  (you've got to go to someone who  is good with headaches though; one lady chiro adjusted me and my headaches went crazy for several months.)

As for the other headaches, which are a regular thing and chronic, I don't really have any good theories as to source or cure.   Sure wish I did.

Hope you are all having a better evening than I am; I'm on the second of the day, a Kip 2 so far; lets hope the trex kicks in soon.  Will someone tell me how bad the injections are if you hate needles, particuarly when in pain?  I'm thinking of going for it.

Thanks!  Jules

Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by JohnM on Mar 2nd, 2007, 4:33am
the trex injection is a breeze.

It is a pre-loaded auto injector pen that you push against your upper thigh and then press the button on top.

It is painless and quick. Sometimes there is a mild sting for a few moments afterwards. Nothing to worry about!

I find that sitting on the loo with my trousers down is the best place to inject  ;;D


Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by BMoneeTheMoneeMan on Mar 2nd, 2007, 11:31pm

on 02/28/07 at 22:26:59, jlk wrote:
 Will someone tell me how bad the injections are if you hate needles, particuarly when in pain?  I'm thinking of going for it.

Thanks!  Jules

Its fine.  I have a pretty big phobia about needles, but the injection is not bad.
John described the auto-injector.  They are quite easy, but you can not measure a smaller dose with them unless you do the imitrex tip to the left of your screen.  
I use vials of Imitrex and syringes for insulin.  I shopped the smallest guage needle i could fine, and i just use that.  The needle is smaller in length and width, so i think its better.  I inject into one of my fat rolls.  
No, no, not on my chin, one of my fat rolls on my stomach.


Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by jlk on Mar 4th, 2007, 7:21pm
I'll try it.  Thanks for the suggestions.  No headaches today, it's a miracle!  I owe it all to clean living! extra water! rest! positive attitude!  (Just kidding.  don't we always have a special handle on headaches until they show up again?)



Title: Re: Cure for Clusters?
Post by kcopelin on Mar 5th, 2007, 10:09am
Chiro did not help my CH-I have seen several chiropractors through the years-fondly remember the one who tried to "adjust" my teeth, and then told me these headaches were from a wound I sustained while protecting my land from the Yankees during the civil war.
It was an interesting thought, but I'm really not that old....Asked him where he got that from-said his angel told him (said angel was hovering near the ceiling in a corner-I didn't see anything)
Anyway-massage is BAD for me-never relax!!!!  Chiro has in the past (not with Dr. Wacko above) opened up blood flow-could feel heat flushing my head-again-that is NOT GOOD.  
That said, I believe any port in a storm-if you feel better after visiting your chiropractor, or having a colonic irrigation, or doing biofeedback great and good on you.  
I have driven with a Kip8-to the ER-one of the most stupid stunts I have ever pulled-I am so lucky that no one was injured and that I was not pulled over by the cops as I has driving at 3 am, max speed 10 miles an hour, rocking back and forth and a bag of frozen peas taped (thats right, taped) to my face.  Windows wide open.  I will never ever ever try that stunt again-I coulda killed someone.  Desperation does that sometimes though.
I wouldn't make it to the car with a KIP 10.  Just my dos centavos.

PFDAN y'all
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