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(Message started by: sandie99 on Nov 29th, 2006, 5:57am)

Title: my taurine is here!
Post by sandie99 on Nov 29th, 2006, 5:57am
So the can I've been waiting for is finally here. :)

It's 500mg taurine supplement and it says in the box that take one tablet a day.

Now, before I begin taking taurine, is there something specific I should know?

I'm not taking other meds nor waiting it to help just like that.

Best wishes,

Title: Re: my taurine is here!
Post by floridian on Nov 29th, 2006, 7:13am

on 11/29/06 at 05:57:40, sandie99 wrote:
So the can I've been waiting for is finally here. :)

It's 500mg taurine supplement and it says in the box that take one tablet a day.

Now, before I begin taking taurine, is there something specific I should know?

I'm not taking other meds nor waiting it to help just like that.

Best wishes,

You've been drinking Red Bull, eh Sanna? Each Red Bull has 1000 mg of Taurine ... 2 of the tablets.  The tablets have less sugar, less caffeine, less B-vitamins.

I have a minor psychological issue along these lines - no problem downing a Red Bull, but a reluctance to take a taurine capsule - the capsules 'medify' things!  

Title: Re: my taurine is here!
Post by karma on Nov 29th, 2006, 7:15am
Hi Sanna,
I have been drinking RedBull pretty regularly for awhile, not for CH because I am epiosdic but because I Like the stuff, especially mixed with some grapefruit juice.
I did just start another cycle and added Taurine. My daily intake is probably around 6,000 mg. of Taurine. 1/2 tabs and 1/2 Redbull
Taurine by itself doesn't seem to have the same affect as Redbull, Taurine with strong coffee works almost as well. But When a hit is coming a Redbull along with 1,000 mg. taurine seems to be the best.
Maybe its the immediate affect of the liguid and the prolonged affect of absorbing the capsules.
One thing I have noticed is that the hits take much longer to ramp up and aren't as severe as before when they do break through.
Like you I haven't taken anything else (accept a couple rounds of RC seeds)
So far so good.
Good luck!!

Title: Re: my taurine is here!
Post by pattik on Nov 29th, 2006, 8:38am
Sanna, good luck with your Taurine trial.  I hope both you and Karma will keep us up to date with how it all progresses using the supplements.


Title: Re: my taurine is here!
Post by kcopelin on Nov 29th, 2006, 9:00am
Good luck with the taurine tablets!  Like Flo said, each Red Bull is 1,000 mg of taurine plus caffeine-so you may want to take them with strong coffee or tea.  Apparently there are problems with taurine when taking verapamil-since you don't shouldn't be an issue.  Let us know how it works, okay?  I had to stop taking mine becasue I am on verapamil-I still drink energy drinks but have cut back and didn't want to overdo with the tablets also.  
PFDAN y'all,

Title: Re: my taurine is here!
Post by sandie99 on Dec 1st, 2006, 5:53am

I don't have any recluctance in starting taurine tabs (I would have never got them if I did), I actually cannot wait to start! :D Because energy drinks help me, it made me wonder if taurine alone could help me as well.

I started this thread because I wanted to find out if there is something I should know about taurine tabs from those who have taken it before me.

With other meds I was refering to vermin, verpamil, imitrex, topamax...etc.

Best wishes & PF days,

Title: Re: my taurine is here!
Post by kcopelin on Dec 1st, 2006, 10:11am
I've never heard of vermin as a treatment for that like rats and lice and other varmits? How does one dose with those?  OM gosh the posiblitlites are endless.... [smiley=laugh.gif]
I really hope the taurine tabs work for ya-I did get B vits and magnesium also and still take those and another ingredient was L-carnitine.  I just picked the top three or so ingredients of the Rock Star.

Warmest wishes and prayers for PFDAN

Title: Re: my taurine is here!
Post by Barry_T_Coles on Dec 3rd, 2006, 4:08am
Hi Sandie
Good to hear you got your Taurine; how many in the container, mine come as 60 in the container and I take 3 x 500 mg a day at meal times along with amino acid chelated Magnesium 500 mg.

If you have the same experience as me you will find that it takes some time to get into your system and start to make any difference.
It took around 3 months before I got any noticeable relief I started on 14/04/2006 and got small periods of PF time until 23/08/06 to 2/10/06 before I got a 39 day break and now I’m currently sitting on 56 days without getting hit.
I still shadow to varying degrees but they are really only nuisance and have had a few try to ramp up but got nowhere.
What I have found is that you have to take them regularly or you may start to shadow badly
I have read as much as I can find about Taurine but can’t come up with any reason as to why it works but it is working for me, I wish you luck.

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