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(Message started by: RichardN on Nov 28th, 2006, 10:42am)

Title: Prednisone - Not CH - Help for Grandson
Post by RichardN on Nov 28th, 2006, 10:42am
Hey Guys . . . Need Some Help/Guidance

 My grandson Alex (age 9) who has an "asthmatic reaction to allergens" and has used inhaler for quite a while, recently had several attacks that prompted immediate doc visit.

 Doc prescribed 1 tsp liquid Pred (believe 5 mg) every 8 hours,  Had first dose 11:00 am yesterday . . . ha followed within an hour . . . tapered off by 7:00 pm . . . back again within an hour of 2nd dose.

 ha is not CH (thankfully).  Is middle top of forehead at hairline.

 Has bronchial "clamping" from the allergic reaction, which is causing lung scarring . . .  Pred is making the lungs feel better, but obviously bringing on the ha.  He's supposed to take at above dose for five days.  Appt being made with allergy specialist and call has already been made to doc this morning re the headaches.

 Alex is a GREAT kid . . . we (and his mom) share a rare skin condition (EB) and he has seen me have a KIP 8 which attacked within a few minutes of picking him up at school a couple months ago, rocking and moaning and huffing 02 in the Dairy Queen parking lot for 20 min, while trying to explain the condition so he wouldn't get freaked (which he didn't)

 Any advise would be appreciated.  Ibuprofen didn't help at all.

 Be Safe   PFDANs


Title: Re: Prednisone - Not CH - Help for Grandson
Post by Linda_Howell on Nov 28th, 2006, 11:12am


 My son has had asthma since he was two.  This worked very well for him and there were no side-effects such as you describe.  May want to ask his Dr. if this would be better for him.

Theophylline as a bronchodilator in COPD and its combination with inhaled beta-adrenergic drugs
JW Jenne

The bronchodilating action of theophylline in COPD has been examined, with emphasis on its combined use with inhaled beta 2 agonists. The suggestion is made that failure to recognize the nonlinearity of the dose-response curves for bronchodilators has resulted in underestimating their combined action. Recent studies suggest that systemic theophylline has somewhat different actions on the airways in COPD than inhaled beta agonists, and that more bronchodilation may be possible when the two are used together than large doses of either one. By analogy, with asthma the suggestion is also made that the addition of theophylline is also likely to provide a more constant bronchodilation, reducing peak-trough variations in flow. The most complete clinical comparison to date suggests that, in currently sanctioned doses, a regimen containing both theophylline and an inhaled beta 2 agonist provides significantly greater bronchodilation than either drug alone, with fewer patient withdrawals. Further carefully designed studies are needed to resolve this issue, and particularly, to identify those patients who will derive the greatest benefit from a combined regimen.

Good luck.    Linda

Title: Re: Prednisone - Not CH - Help for Grandson
Post by RichardN on Nov 28th, 2006, 11:26am
Thanks Linda

 Messaging daughter (Heather) now to read the above.  

 Be Safe,


Title: Re: Prednisone - Not CH - Help for Grandson
Post by LeLimey on Nov 28th, 2006, 11:30am
I had terrible side effects from pred (not for ch) and I was on it for 8 months solidly before switching to another steroid called budesonide. IF he has to be on steroids, there might be better options for him than pred, that would be worth discussing with the doc too Ruchard, I hope the kiddo is better soon. Nothing is more devastating than seeing your child (or grandchild) sick. I'll be thinking of you all, please update us

Ps I wasn't recommending budesonide as such, just pointing out there are options! (I ended up back on pred anyway more's the pity)

Title: Re: Prednisone - Not CH - Help for Grandson
Post by Guiseppi on Nov 28th, 2006, 12:20pm
My daughter, now 22, had horrible asthma as a baby and didn't respond well to the pred. They put her on that theophylin, (spelling?) in the form of "Theodur Sprinkles" Was like injecting her with speed she would become so animated! But opened up the bronchs very quickly. Good luck, watching your kid struggle to breathe is a horror beyond belief.


Title: Re: Prednisone - Not CH - Help for Grandson
Post by Hildebeest on Nov 28th, 2006, 4:00pm
Thanks to everyone for your replies. :)

Alex is doing much better this afternoon; breathing a great deal easier.

Doc has advised to stop the prednisone now and wait for the consult with the allergist on Friday, then go from there.

FYI, this 'clamping-down' reaction doesn't happen very often, and seems loosely seasonal, though we haven't been able to correlate the reaction with any particular place or thing or activity. Doc surmises ragweed is the culprit, as it is for so many...hopefully we'll begin to get some answers Friday. I will definitely ask about theophylline during our appointment.

Also, in addition to occasionally using his inhaler, Alex takes 5 mg Singulair once daily. For the most part, this combination works well to keep his breathing even... but these intermittent nasty reactions are scary, and I hope we can find the source soon.

Thanks again.  ;;D

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