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(Message started by: bothofus on Nov 24th, 2006, 8:31am)

Title: Do you remember the FIRST imi shot?
Post by bothofus on Nov 24th, 2006, 8:31am
I remember talking to my gp in the early 90's when he informed me that imitrex was now available as a prescription.  I asked about it, and he told me that is why he wanted the office visit so he could discuss this option.  The auto injecter was about 6-8 inches long with a safety catch, sort of like on a firearm.

I had laid down for a badly needed nap and after about 45 mins woke with a bad one.  Wife and kidds were gone to town.  I set it up, fired the trigger, held in place a few seconds, and then waited.  After a few seconds, seconds mind ya, I was thinking it was no good.  And then just like a breath of fresh air, POOF, gone!  Felt like somebody hit me in the neck with a 2x4 a few seconds later, but that was nothing.  Could not believe the relief and was so happy I wanted to jump up and run around.  Like having my life back.
So, do ya'll remember?

Title: Re: Do you remember the FIRST imi shot?
Post by chopmyheadoff on Nov 24th, 2006, 8:47am

at a mates barbeque.
felt a hit coming - it had already been a week from HELL with a regular 3pm hit on my LEFT side (im a righty) that was really dirty kip 10+ . .  the WORST EVER.

i wasnt diagnosed at this time (only 4 months ago)
so went home to hide and suffer on my own like i always did.
but this one was different, i was SCREAMING and i just though "thats it". im off to the hospital a+e and if they cant stop these "migranes" im gonna kill myself.

got there and the nurse took one look at me and rushed me into a cubicle ahead of everyone else waiting (got some funny looks).

explained my symptoms and before i knew it a doctor whipped out what i now know as an outoinjector and stabbed me in the leg.
straight away he said "has it gone ?" .

i managed to splutter "no" but before if finished saying the word . bang, gone. like it was never there.
my sweating stopped immediately.

this was without doubt the happiest day ever in my life.
i cried all the way home and then all the way back to the barbeque with joy  :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Title: Re: Do you remember the FIRST imi shot?
Post by bothofus on Nov 24th, 2006, 8:55am
Hey chop, yeah I was on a first name basis at the er to get them.  The bill was over 100 bucks each time.  That's why I asked him If I could give myself one at home.  Shoot, even if it was 100 bucks for 2 shots I would be saving money.  Was soooooo glad it was available for home use.
Now that I think about it, the injector was blue/gray i think.  Held on to that sucker for a long time.  Have lost it since.  Wouldn't work with the needles nowadays anyway.

Title: Re: Do you remember the FIRST imi shot?
Post by Tybo on Nov 24th, 2006, 9:04am
I remember mine very well,as it was only yesterday ;;D

Couldn't believe how fast it worked.

It's put our minds more at rest now,as we're going away over christmas.
I had the O2 organised for when i get there,but it was the flight i was worried about.
I had a hit on a plane a few years ago,and it was not an experience i wanted to have again :o

Got another ten jabs ordered from the doc this morning ;;D
I can't believe,after all these years,i've got hold of something that kills it instantly .

I'm looking forward to the holiday now :D

Title: Re: Do you remember the FIRST imi shot?
Post by chopmyheadoff on Nov 24th, 2006, 9:52am

on 11/24/06 at 09:04:36, Tybo wrote:
Got another ten jabs ordered from the doc this morning ;;D
I can't believe,after all these years,i've got hold of something that kills it instantly .

[smiley=me&mb.gif]    [smiley=sayyes.gif]

Title: Re: Do you remember the FIRST imi shot?
Post by prcole18 on Nov 24th, 2006, 10:54am
Remember it well, pure bliss, couldn't believe how quick it worked.

I never leave home without one!

Title: Re: Do you remember the FIRST imi shot?
Post by Redd715 on Nov 24th, 2006, 11:31am
I can't access my pics from my work computer, but I'll post a piture when I get home today of the first auto injector.  

It's 14 years old at least.  Back when they told me I had "massive migrains" (didn't know that there was no such thing at the time, I just knew the damn stuff worked like magic).  

Doc gave it to me for the first time at his office.  I was estatic to have had it work so well.  

Title: Re: Do you remember the FIRST imi shot?
Post by UN solved on Nov 24th, 2006, 4:59pm
Yes, I remember the first Imitrex shots. I had that big ole injector kit. It came with a black zipper bag to hold the injector and meds in. I was happy as heck to have something that finally stopped the attacks once they started. Been using the stuff every since.


Title: Re: Do you remember the FIRST imi shot?
Post by E-Double on Nov 24th, 2006, 7:36pm
First time was a full statdose......sent my whole body on fire and killed the attack but felt like shit after.

I have never used a full again.

Split the doses if needed

Title: Re: Do you remember the FIRST imi shot?
Post by bothofus on Nov 25th, 2006, 6:26am
I had forgot about the zipper bag.  



Title: Re: Do you remember the FIRST imi shot?
Post by Redd715 on Nov 25th, 2006, 7:00am

This is still around here somehwere.  I took it to Nashville as a show and tell.  (Yeah call me a nerd)

Title: Re: Do you remember the FIRST imi shot?
Post by bothofus on Nov 25th, 2006, 7:05am
That's it !!!!!!!!!!
At least I remembered the colors right.
I guess I am going to have to get somebody here to show me how to post pics and urls.  I have built about 5 computers from scratch, but don't kmow how do that stuff.  Also how do yall do the IM?

Title: Re: Do you remember the FIRST imi shot?
Post by brewcrew on Nov 25th, 2006, 8:57am
15 years with this shit and I have never taken Imitrex. O2 and sometimes Maxalt and they're almost always gone in 10-15 minutes. I've never had to stick myself, and for that I consider myself fortunate.

Title: Re: Do you remember the FIRST imi shot?
Post by andersekbom on Nov 28th, 2006, 12:15pm
Well, I guess me 2... ;)

After I took the Imigran (the swedish name for Imitrex) shot in my thigh for the first time, when the rush of the drug washed through my body, I remember thinking "so THIS is how it feels to be a junkie..." ;)

And then: first the sweet bliss of relief. Then, the not-so-blissful nausea kicked in...

But that passed, and I've been helped by Imigran/Imitrex ever since (on nasal sprays now)...

Title: Re: Do you remember the FIRST imi shot?
Post by Judge_Smails on Nov 28th, 2006, 1:32pm
I was actually at college the first time I ever took Imitrex, because it was the first time I was ever diagnosed correctly.
I had a cycle start up in the middle of the semester and I went to see the Dr at the infirmary and he knew exactly what the cause was.  He experimented with some prevents (eventually settled on Sansert) and told me about the Imitrex injection.  

I remember stumbling into the infirmary with an absolute killer and 1 min after the nurse gave me the shot I was back to normal.  She commented that it always amazed her how well the Imitrex injections worked.  Only problem was the 1 injection per 24 hr limit.

By the time I got my next cycle (2 years later) I was taking the imitrex pills.  Last cycle I tried the nasal spray.  I still haven't tried the self injections, not sure why, they are very effective for me.

Title: Re: Do you remember the FIRST imi shot?
Post by B14CK5H33P on Nov 28th, 2006, 2:08pm
My first attempt with Trex came after going chronic. It didn't work.
Then tried Migranal nasal - which about blew my head off!!!
Ercaf tabs started working, but I was using so much of it, the circulation was shutting off to my toes and causing bad things to happen so I was ordered off of it.

Went to o2, but only recently learned WHY I wasn't getting the full benefit of the o2. I was always hunched over, hyperventilating into the mask. Then someone told me it was the same effect as kinking a garden hose - the water only trickles out. You have to sit straight up and breathe normal.

August 2003 a local CHead had some Trex and asked me if I wanted to give it another shot - pun intended.
Lo and behold - it worked! Then I started splitting doses... it helped, it then started causing wickedass rebounds and now I do everything in my power to avoid Trex. Frova tabs keep the beast at bay for much much longer.

However, in the event I HAVE to take Trex - it works most of the time.

Carl D

Title: Re: Do you remember the FIRST imi shot?
Post by JeffB on Nov 28th, 2006, 4:35pm

on 11/25/06 at 07:00:14, Redd715 wrote:

This is still around here somehwere.  I took it to Nashville as a show and tell.  (Yeah call me a nerd)

I'll NEVER forget the first shot. I went from wanting to take a hammer to my head to wanting to go dancing in a matter of minutes.

Title: Re: Do you remember the FIRST imi shot?
Post by Linda_Howell on Nov 28th, 2006, 5:41pm

Also how do yall do the IM?

  Carl, if by IM you refer to instant messages,  under each persons name on their posts you will see a little envelope.  One is for IM'ing them and some have another one for their e-mail.   Just click on the one that says IM and a box will appear that you can type a message to them that will will only be seen by the two of you.   To retrieve a message from someone else..just look up at the right hand corner of all pages and it will say    "Hey Carl, you have  XXX messages"  Click on that to view it.

 If you are referring to something else, then I have just wasted some of DJ's band-width.  lol   ;;D

Title: Re: Do you remember the FIRST imi shot?
Post by bothofus on Nov 28th, 2006, 7:52pm
Hey Linda, that's what I was talking about, so no waste of bandwith.  I figured it out later that day.  Still need to know how to post a pic tho.

Title: Re: Do you remember the FIRST imi shot?
Post by taraann on Nov 28th, 2006, 8:56pm
Felt like every blood vessel in my body head to toe was bursting...head still hurt and so did everything else :P lucky me

Title: Re: Do you remember the FIRST imi shot?
Post by JDH on Nov 28th, 2006, 11:30pm
I remember Jonny calling it a "pain drain" and that's as good of a description as I've ever heard. I was sitting there hurting real bad, I stuck that auto injector in my thigh and I could just feel the pain draining out of my body within a manner of minutes....nice!
But as good as it works I really believe it makes things worse by causing rebound h/a's and extending the cycle.

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