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(Message started by: UN solved on Nov 23rd, 2006, 8:25pm)

Title: 7 'Jabs' in last 20 hours
Post by UN solved on Nov 23rd, 2006, 8:25pm
0h oh ! It's happening again !!  :-/  I'm needing bigger doses of Imitrex to stop the attacks. The 3 and 4 mg injections I have been using for so long have become ineffective.  

Today: 4 attacks (so far):
Attack #1 --> 4mg (relief within 40 minutes  :-X ) [ 1 jab ]
Attack #2 --> 6-7mg (relief within 5 minutes  :) )  [ 2 jabs ]
Attack #3 --> 6-7mg (relief within 5 minutes  :) )  [2 jabs ]
Attack #4 --> 6-7mg (relief within 5 minutes  :) )  [2 jabs ]

I'm headed to the pharmacy to pick up some vials !!!

UNsolved  :-/

Title: Re: 7 'Jabs' in last 20 hours
Post by E-Double on Nov 23rd, 2006, 8:46pm

on 11/23/06 at 20:25:28, UN solved wrote:
0h oh ! It's happening again !!  :-/  I'm needing bigger doses of Imitrex to stop the attacks. The 3 and 4 mg injections I have been using for so long have become ineffective.  

Today: 4 attacks (so far):
Attack #1 --> 4mg (relief within 40 minutes  :-X ) [ 1 jab ]
Attack #2 --> 6-7mg (relief within 5 minutes  :) )  [ 2 jabs ]
Attack #3 --> 6-7mg (relief within 5 minutes  :) )  [2 jabs ]
Attack #4 --> 6-7mg (relief within 5 minutes  :) )  [2 jabs ]

I'm headed to the pharmacy to pick up some vials !!!

UNsolved  :-/

Hiya Michael,

Is it possible that an increase in frequency is occuring due to "overuse"?
I hope not and sure as hell hope you are not going through a resistant period!!!
Is there anything else other than the jabs and the DHE treatments that you can use to abort?
Oxygen is ineffective correct?
Zyprexa did not work?
Preventatives are useless for ya ?

I'm sorry buddy!!!
I wish a break will come your way and really wish you could give your body a rest!

I'd take them from you if I could!


Title: Re: 7 'Jabs' in last 20 hours
Post by UN solved on Nov 23rd, 2006, 9:11pm
Thanks E   ;)

Sure, the increase in frequency may be related to the Imitrex. Who knows for sure ? It's the ONLY thing that will stop an attack after it has started though. It's a vicious cycle.  :-/

DHE won't abort for me ... but will prevent attacks if I take 2mg per day. I'll be starting that again Tuesday in Chicago. (along with more Histamine)

O2 has always been ineffective for me  :-/

Zyprexa didn't help any. I tried it like 4 or 5 times and suffered through the atacks.

Preventatives that work are steroids. I've been using the heck out of them though (too much). I'm down to 40mg of Prednisone per day and it's NOT enough. The docs don't even wanting me doing steroids now because I've been on them so much lately. I started my own taper out of desperation.  :-X Everytime I get to a lowered dose, the attacks restart !  :-/

Gotta hold out a few more days for some DHE !!


Title: Re: 7 'Jabs' in last 20 hours
Post by E-Double on Nov 23rd, 2006, 9:13pm
Best to you my brother!!!

Title: Re: 7 'Jabs' in last 20 hours
Post by Giovanni on Nov 23rd, 2006, 9:28pm
On the Prednisone taper I had gotten whacked 3 out of 4 times.  That's why I don't use it anymore.  That might account for your increased activity and perhaps even your resistance to the imitrex?

Splitting imitrex stat doses has never worked that well with me as I have to take a full shot to be effective.  I have noticed that the more I use imitrex, the more I need it.  Somewhat the same with Zomig, but maybe not quite as bad.  Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Anyway, best of luck to you.  Hopefully you'll find the right combo soon.


Title: Re: 7 'Jabs' in last 20 hours
Post by BB on Nov 23rd, 2006, 10:01pm

Hi Unsolved,

Sorry to hear you are going through a rough time  :(

How did you take the Zyprexa ? I ask because it didnt work immediately for my husband either . He kept trying it anyway every day for about 4,5 days , slowly increasing the dose from 2.5 mg to 5 mg to 10 mg. Then after a couple of days using 10 mg tablet, it suddenly worked and since then it worked for most hits. I would say it works for 90% of hits now. With Zyprexa and oxygen, he only needs to take Imigran ( Trex ) maybe every 2nd or 3rd day for the really bad ones or for when we are out.

Also oxygen didnt work at all for him in the first 2 months until he learnt the proper techniques and started it early enough. A clustermasx with a humidifier plus ice make the oxygen really cold and that works much better too. Even when the oxygen doesnt abort a hit it prevents the pain from ramming up too quickly to allow time for the zyprexa to kick in.

Ice on the neck, eye , temple on the cluster side and also on the lower back on the spine helps to reduce the pain considerably for him too, allowing him to remain calm enough to take slow, deep and regular breaths of oxygen.

Hope you find some relief soon. Painfree wishes to you.


Title: Re: 7 'Jabs' in last 20 hours
Post by chopmyheadoff on Nov 24th, 2006, 2:53am
dood - fcuk me..

you are one tuff man.
lots of people have a winge now and again and rightly so .  . but you get punished FAR worse than me  >:( and a lot of others on here aswell and we never really hear you moan about it, you keep your cool so well.

hat off to you fella . . id like to offer you words of advice but youve got tons more experience than me so i cant.

but i can say that i respect you and the way you deal with whats being chucked your way. keep the chin up bro, dont let the fcuker beat you

next time im feeling a bit sorry for myself ill kick myself and thank god for the pain free times.


Title: Re: 7 'Jabs' in last 20 hours
Post by sandie99 on Nov 24th, 2006, 4:27am
[smiley=hug.gif] [smiley=hug.gif] [smiley=hug.gif] [smiley=hug.gif] [smiley=hug.gif]

I wish you lots of PF time,

Title: Re: 7 'Jabs' in last 20 hours
Post by zuesthedog on Nov 26th, 2006, 9:46am
Man I really feel for you. I hope you get through this soon. I know we discussed the use of the tri stim before and you wernt impressed with the response from the Dr. i used. But man your trip through med hell sounds alot like mine did. I couldn`t be happier to be totally med free and pain free. Perhaps you could find a DR. near you that could or would do the procedure. I think I read where you have had nerve blocks with some success. This stim is just a nerve block that you control at your liesure.    Hope you feel better soon    John

Title: Re: 7 'Jabs' in last 20 hours
Post by UN solved on Nov 26th, 2006, 8:13pm
That was really weird, but not uncommon @ the same time. Thank goodness I'm back to my regularly scheduled hell. Only took 2 jabs yesterday and 2 jabs today. Turkey Day was a real pain!!

John - Yes, I remember contacting the doctor about that stim procedure and I couldn't get any information whatsoever.  [smiley=huh.gif] The only thing they would say was to make an appt and fly down to be seen.  :-/

Thanks everyone  :)

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