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(Message started by: stacy3675 on Nov 20th, 2006, 12:02am)

Title: e.r. meds
Post by stacy3675 on Nov 20th, 2006, 12:02am
I have been on topamax as a preventive(lol) because I am unsure what it is preventing. I take Imitrex in all forms for abortive. I was just recently asked by neuro to switch to zomig n.s so I am going to give it a try. but as a emergency drug he said if preventve and abortive fail. he wants me to use stadol n.s. I don't do well with strong meds and thought I also read that didn't do much for ch is anyone using it or has used it? I didn't want to act like I wasn't thankful for his interest his compasson and willingness to try new things in my painfree search has been great but I don't want to waste time if this hasn't been successfull for anyone else.

Title: Re: e.r. meds
Post by Bill_G. on Nov 20th, 2006, 12:08am
    From what a pharmicist told me each spray is equal to ,I think 35mg. of demerol.  I have tried it before and at times had to use multiple sprays which rendered me unable almost to stand.
    For me the best abortive is o2 @ 10-15 lpm. Talk to your Dr. and give it a try.


Title: Re: e.r. meds
Post by stacy3675 on Nov 20th, 2006, 12:10am
I am working on getting the o2 approved with the ins but just wondered before  wasted more $ on somethng that may not work.

Title: Re: e.r. meds
Post by vietvet2tours on Nov 20th, 2006, 12:14am

on 11/20/06 at 00:08:36, Bill_G. wrote:
    From what a pharmicist told me each spray is equal to ,I think 35mg. of demerol.  I have tried it before and at times had to use multiple sprays which rendered me unable almost to stand.
    For me the best abortive is o2 @ 10-15 lpm. Talk to your Dr. and give it a try.

Yep what he said only double on the stadol it whacked me out and I'm good at drugs.

Title: Re: e.r. meds
Post by mynm156 on Nov 20th, 2006, 8:49am

Yes Stadol is a very strong drug and does not work for most Clusterheads but there are a feww that have had some success with it as long as you use it as directed using too much will really knock you out and it has a strong addictive quality they say it has something to do withits quick onset through the mucosal beds.  I have found that it doesnt comewith the FEEL GOOD side effect of other Narcotics but it has helped me.  I say It cant hurt to try it as long as you do it as directed and rememberif it helps or if it doesnt for that matter dont abuse it.

Good Vibes

Title: Re: e.r. meds
Post by Karla on Nov 20th, 2006, 9:32am
I took stadol ns for a couple of years.  I used it if my o2, imitrex failed.  It would knock me out with one spray I would fall asleep.  I found out quickly that I built up a dependence to it.  Meaning I needed more and more sprays to do the same thing.  However, it did work and knock out the ha. I found this to work for migraine and ch.  It really leaves you out of it and feeling spaced out.  

Title: Re: e.r. meds
Post by UN-solved on Nov 20th, 2006, 9:49am
It may help w/ some headaches ... but it's not a good thing to start doing (in the long run).

You need to keep searching for a preventative and an abortive med that works. Narcotics could cause even more problems and more headaches. It should be tried as a last resort.

Goodluck with whatever you try.


PS. Are you seeing a neuro or headache specialist ? If not, find one soon !!

Title: Re: e.r. meds
Post by taraann on Nov 20th, 2006, 3:45pm

on 11/20/06 at 09:32:11, Karla wrote:
I took stadol ns for a couple of years.  I used it if my o2, imitrex failed.  It would knock me out with one spray I would fall asleep.  I found out quickly that I built up a dependence to it.  Meaning I needed more and more sprays to do the same thing.  However, it did work and knock out the ha. I found this to work for migraine and ch.  It really leaves you out of it and feeling spaced out.  

My experience exactly and when I was ready to be done with it cause I was using it WAY too much I had a hell of a time with withdrawals getting off of it.  It's great short term and if you aren't going to need it daily (or as for me multiple times day in and day out) but only for a once in a while basis IMO.

Title: Re: e.r. meds
Post by jon019 on Nov 20th, 2006, 10:00pm
Hi Stacy,

By all means, give the Zomig NS a try. It has been amazing for me, works in  5-15 min and then protective for 12 hours after that. Plus, at least in Wa state, about 1/4 the cost w/o insurance.

No experience with stadol, but I don't think of narcotics as an abortive. More like an obliterative. Sometimes you just gotta get away. When desperate, and only when desperate (kip 9 and up) for extended period (4+ hrs), I have used liquid morphine to knock myself out. It works, but the next day is all shadows.



Title: Re: e.r. meds
Post by zuesthedog on Nov 26th, 2006, 10:03am
[quote author=mynm156 link=board=meds;num=1163998977;start=0#4 date=11/20/06 at 08:49:36]Hi,

Yes Stadol is a very strong drug and does not work for most Clusterheads but there are a feww that have had some success with it as long as you use it as directed using too much will really knock you out and it has a strong addictive quality they say it has something to do withits quick onset through the mucosal beds.  I have found that it doesnt comewith the FEEL GOOD side effect of other Narcotics but it has helped me.  I say It cant hurt to try it as long as you do it as directed and rememberif it helps or if it doesnt for that matter dont abuse it.

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