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(Message started by: panupreset on Nov 10th, 2006, 6:24pm)

Title: Going back to work next week
Post by panupreset on Nov 10th, 2006, 6:24pm
Hello Fellow Clusterheads,

I thought I'd make a post as its been some time since I last did. I first posted on CHcom onthe 26th July - the day after I started with CH and have been off work ever since, but my great news is that I'M GOING BACK TO WORK NEXT WEEK !

I took the helpful advice of many on here, as well as internet resources, so here's what I've been up to, though its not exactly a diary, so its not going to be in any specific order .....

1. I tried accupuncture

A big step for me as I'm needlephobic, but given the pain the Beast was giving me at the time, I'd have tried it being done with knitting needles !

Actually - and quite amazingy - It didn't hurt. It tingled a bit and whilst it didn't provide long-term relief it DID give relief for approx. 12 - 16 hours which at the time was certainly enough to get a decent bit of much-needed
uninterrupted sleep.

2. I had a CT scan

They found nothing wrong, thank God. No evidence of stroke, anneurism or anything like that. They even found that I DO actually have a brain, though they wouldn't give me a certificate to prove it  ;;D

3. Blood & Urine Tests

All generally normal, though comment made about my cholesterol (a bit high) and my weight ( a little bit higher than it should be - but hey, I'm "big boned"......) Another needle for the blood test and still didn't pass out ....... !

4. Saw a Specialist

A really nice guy and VERY helpful. He understood CH and was well informed and was the one person who's made the biggest difference to me - he changed my medication !

5. Changed Medication

I had initially been on codeine of various increasing strengths up to the point for 480mg per day. In addition, I wason 2 x 160mg Verapamil, 10 or 20 mg triptan nasal sprays (stayed away from needles for obvious reasons) and general ibuprofen throughout the day.

This all changed when my specialist told me that some of my headaches were likely being caused by codeine rebound – in effect, I was becoming a codeine junkie.

The new medication –starting that day – ONE 25mg Topiramate tablet just before bed.

The first week or so was absolute HELL. Without codeine, I had no painkillers so the Beast re-awoke with a vengeance, I felt like I was back to square 1. Then, ever so slowly at first, after about 6 days, the Top started to kick in.

I’ve been painfree generally now for nearly 5 weeks. Five glorious weeks. I’ve had a few close calls. An all-day shadow on about 3 occasions and one ‘blinder’ about 4 days ago, but the Beast slept

6. Changed diet

Coffee now is a no-no. Its nice cups of tea (Earl Grey, actually). I wasn’t a great coffee drinker, but my CH diary showed certain correlations so I binned it all together. I did like cheese but have cut down a lot, and given my cholesterol, won’t be indulging much anyway

I’m teetotal anyway, so alcohol isn’t an issue

7. Lifestyle

The heating has been turned down in the house as I now realise that high heat is one of my biggest triggers and was a major contributory effect of my initial attack. If it were down to me, I’d turn the heating off, but my better half likes a nice warm house and is more susceptible to cold than me.

If the house gets a bit too warm, I go outside. No matter what the weather, and the fresh air certainly seems to help, especially if there’s a nice stiff breeze.

So there you go. Far from a clinical test, but my personal experiences.

I’m just happy that I now seem to have a bit more normality back and can start to get on with my life.

The Beast sleeps at present and whilst I know he is there somewhere I hope he enjoys a long rest (forever would be ideal …..) If he returns, then I now have more knowledge of how to tame him and excellent medical support for helping control him.

My medication continues for the foreseeable future, at least the next 6 months, probably longer. I always carry a triptan nasal spray with me and a pocketful of ibuprofens. I carry a small bottle of cold water when its hot weather and I always try to smile.

I wish all fellow Clusterheads my very best wishes, not least for the coming Christmas and New Year; but also for as many pain-free days as you can get.

Kind regards


Title: Re: Going back to work next week
Post by bothofus on Nov 10th, 2006, 8:13pm
Hey, where ya going?  Hang around and share your world with others.  Sounded like ya were saying goodbye there.

Glad to hear ya got a good doc and the meds are working for ya.


Title: Re: Going back to work next week
Post by panupreset on Nov 11th, 2006, 1:33pm
Hi Carl - I'm going nowhere :)

CHcom is my new home from home and I've made many friends. I'll not be leaving, far from it

This place has been a rock for me whilst I've been feeling like crap


Title: Re: Going back to work next week
Post by nani on Nov 11th, 2006, 2:00pm

on 11/11/06 at 13:33:08, panupreset wrote:
CHcom is my new home from home and I've made many friends. I'll not be leaving, far from it

Well, I'm happy to hear that Tony!
I'm glad things are heading back to normal now... enjoy your painfree time.  :)

Title: Re: Going back to work next week
Post by andrewjb on Nov 11th, 2006, 2:16pm
:). this is wonderful news. andrew. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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