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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Medications, Treatments, Therapies >> o2 can be bad ?
(Message started by: G on Nov 5th, 2006, 11:28pm)

Title: o2 can be bad ?
Post by G on Nov 5th, 2006, 11:28pm
I recently heard that prolonged use of 100% oxygen will scar your lungs,like falling asleep with it on.Anyone ever heard of that??

Title: Re: o2 can be bad ?
Post by nani on Nov 5th, 2006, 11:36pm
Yes. It's true. We use 100% O2 with a non-rebreather mask. We should not use it for more than 15 - 20 minutes. Odds are, if it hasn't aborted a hit by then, it won't. Cut the elastic strap on your mask and hold it in place. This way there's no danger of falling asleep with it on by mistake.
pain free wishes, nani

Title: Re: o2 can be bad ?
Post by Barry_T_Coles on Nov 5th, 2006, 11:39pm
Hi Gary & welcome.
For me o2 can only be good, it works a treat and can kill a biggie real quick.
Here's a link to o2 tips that was reposted a couple of weeks ago, there's a huge ammount of info there.;action=display;num=1142748998


Title: Re: o2 can be bad ?
Post by G on Nov 6th, 2006, 12:09am
Hi & thank you  ;;D I may have missed it ,but I also heard there are machines I can get to refill my tank at home? I used to lug my two bottles up to the fire station ,I'm going to give oxygen another go,this time i'm getting a big tank that will last !!  ;)

Title: Re: o2 can be bad ?
Post by chopmyheadoff on Nov 6th, 2006, 3:06am
by the way , do you realise that if you fall asleep with your mask on and your tank runs out you may suffocate ??

Title: Re: o2 can be bad ?
Post by LeLimey on Nov 6th, 2006, 5:07am
We are told to cut the straps off our masks here as it goes for precisely that reason. You might think it doesn't fit well enough but when you breathe in you suck it against your face so it IS possible. Be careful chums!

G, oxygen scarring is possible according to my neuro but only really for people who are using it at a higher flow than 2-4 lpm if they are using it for about 18 hours a day.. for all we use it at a time we're not really at risk

I hope that helps,

Title: Re: o2 can be bad ?
Post by G on Nov 6th, 2006, 5:09am
I wish I had known that ten years ago,many many times I fell asleep with a mask strapped to my head.....I used to tie a rubber band around the bag(to block it or keep it filled for a quick rush)

Title: Re: o2 can be bad ?
Post by AussieBrian on Nov 6th, 2006, 5:25am
It can also have side-effects if you smoke while using it.

Title: Re: o2 can be bad ?
Post by brewcrew on Nov 6th, 2006, 7:24am
Notice that the Clustermasx has no strap. If you can't hold it against your face with your own hand, it ain't gonna work.

Besides, those little green elastic straps don't work for shit.

Title: Re: o2 can be bad ?
Post by kcopelin on Nov 6th, 2006, 12:47pm
Brian you crack me up!!!!
There is also the potential, if you break off that square thingy, that your E tank will become a rocket-taking out an entire apartment building.  That's what the VA told me and they would never, ever, ever exagerate.
PFDAN y'all

Title: Re: o2 can be bad ?
Post by Margi on Nov 6th, 2006, 1:06pm
I did read something a couple of weeks ago that folks with liver/kidney disease are not good candidates for oxygen therapy.  I wish I had bookmarked that site.  There was a potential for risk, even with low flow rates and those stupid nose cannule thingies.  I'll see if I can find it again.

Title: Re: o2 can be bad ?
Post by vietvet2tours on Nov 8th, 2006, 11:11am

on 11/06/06 at 07:24:32, brewcrew wrote:
Notice that the Clustermasx has no strap. If you can't hold it against your face with your own hand, it ain't gonna work.

Besides, those little green elastic straps don't work for shit.

Title: Re: o2 can be bad ?
Post by floridian on Nov 9th, 2006, 10:10am
You might reduce potential side effects of Oxygen by taking anti-oxidants.  

Vitamin C and Vitamin E are the two that come to mind immediately.  C is water soluble and protects one set of tissues, E is fat soluble and goes elsewhere in the body. C is cheap, E costs a bit more.  A glass of tomato juice each day will add a good amount of lycopene and carotenes.  Any fruit or vegetable with lots of natural color probably has a good amount of anti-oxidants.

Other 'exotic' anti-oxidants include OPCs (grape seed extract, pycnogenol, pine bark extract), alpha lipoic acid, n-acetyl-cysteine, green tea, turmeric/curcumin, others too numerous to mention.

Title: Re: o2 can be bad ?
Post by LeeS on Nov 9th, 2006, 10:27am
The safety issue of O2 came up elsewhere some time ago, and mirrors what that daft bat others have said:

On the topic of oxygen "scarring the lungs":

Believe it or not, oxygen is a toxic, corrosive gas that causes incredibledamage to everything it touches. There's a reason why "antioxidants" are promoted so heavily in the neutraceutical industry. Three billion years ago the build up of oxygen in the atmosphere was the first huge environmental catastrophe the planet ever saw, and life nearly died out until aerobes evolved capable of handling it.

Even today, breathing pure O2 for too long will cause irreversible lung damage.  This tends to start at about the 16-18 hour point. It's more of an issue in the ICU where we frequently put people on 100% O2 for pulmonary problems then have to remember not to leave it on overnight. For the average cluster headache sufferer, this is not going to be a problem. Just don't fall asleep with the mask on!

Source: McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School


Title: Re: o2 can be bad ?
Post by Margi on Nov 9th, 2006, 3:32pm
Thank you Lee.

with love,
That Daft Bat

Title: Re: o2 can be bad ?
Post by Kevin_M on Nov 9th, 2006, 7:26pm

on 11/09/06 at 10:27:48, LeeS wrote:
On the topic of oxygen "scarring the lungs":

Believe it or not, oxygen is a toxic, corrosive gas that causes incredibledamage to everything it touches. There's a reason why "antioxidants" are promoted so heavily in the neutraceutical industry. Three billion years ago the build up of oxygen in the atmosphere was the first huge environmental catastrophe the planet ever saw, and life nearly died out until aerobes evolved capable of handling it.

Even today, breathing pure O2 for too long will cause irreversible lung damage.  This tends to start at about the 16-18 hour point. It's more of an issue in the ICU where we frequently put people on 100% O2 for pulmonary problems then have to remember not to leave it on overnight. For the average cluster headache sufferer, this is not going to be a problem. Just don't fall asleep with the mask on!

Source: McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School

Thank you too Lee, this shall be my definitive view on oxygen.

However, extracting this statement:

Three billion years ago the build up of oxygen in the atmosphere was the first huge environmental catastrophe the planet ever saw, and life nearly died out until aerobes evolved capable of handling it.

It would seem the rain of heavy astroid bombardment that came to an end 3.8 -3.9 billion years ago, preventing life, might be the first environmental catastophe the planet saw.  
 I'd agree net accumulation of oxygen could not take place until various reducing compounds were used up, of which iron in the crust and oceans would greatly affect this rate of absorbsion and all of it on the surface in contact with the newly formed oxygen must be oxydized before free oxygen can accumulate.  
 The process of using sunlight was the second stage in life's history, the evolution of chlorophyll the third when they moved to the surface but they evolved after first forming deep in the oceans.  The time it took for the Earth to acquire an oxygen atmosphere is responsible for the long delay between the origin of life and the origin of animal life but not likely life's near demise.  The oxygen-haters simply retreated to deeper waters to seek refuge, where they came from, in evolution.  Oxygen-loving bacteria took over the surface waters.
 Oxygen, as well as providing the ozone layer, was a more efficient way to yield energy to resist entropy, relating to the second law of thermodynamics, (every chemical reaction results in a loss of energy) bringing the ability for more complex life.  
I'm probably wrong and simply reading a different viewpoint of an oxygen atmosphere, but I agree with the corrosive part.  It was the more than billion years for the oxygen atmosphere to build up that would have allowed a smoother transition for evolution it seems than having a catastrophic effect on life.  

Sorry, this just bugged me a bit.   :)

Title: Re: o2 can be bad ?
Post by AussieBrian on Nov 9th, 2006, 11:30pm
If there was no oxygen in the world I wouldn't have that touch of rust in the bottom of the rear left-side door of my 4WD.  

Should I have to put up with this blindingly obvious side-effect just so a couple of CHeads can sleep at night?

Really, some people can be so self-centred!

Title: Re: o2 can be bad ?
Post by Barry_T_Coles on Nov 10th, 2006, 12:03am

on 11/09/06 at 23:30:51, AussieBrian wrote:
If there was no oxygen in the world I wouldn't have that touch of rust in the bottom of the rear left-side door of my 4WD.  

Should I have to put up with this blindingly obvious side-effect just so a couple of CHeads can sleep at night?

Really, some people can be so self-centred!

If it's a Toyota all loving care should be applied, if it's a Nissan take it round the back of the barn & shoot it. ;;D

Cheers Mate

Title: Re: o2 can be bad ?
Post by floridian on Nov 10th, 2006, 1:09pm
I forgot about that exotic anti-oxidant called melatonin - it also protects against some of the side effects of high oxygen regimes.  

Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2005 Nov;32(11):926-30.

   Protective effects of exogenously administered or endogenously produced melatonin on hyperbaric oxygen-induced oxidative stress in the rat brain.

       * Dundar K,
       * Topal T,
       * Ay H,
       * Oter S,
       * Korkmaz A.

   Department of Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine, Gulhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey.

   1. Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) is a widely used treatment modality in many diseases. A known side-effect of HBO is the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Many anti-oxidants, such as vitamins C and E, riboflavin and selenium, have been used successfully to scavenge the ROS produced by HBO administration. 2. The aim of the present study was to determine whether melatonin, a newly discovered anti-oxidant, has a protective effect against the overproduction of ROS produced by HBO in rat brain tissue. 3. Seventy male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into seven groups as follows: 1, daytime control; 2, daytime HBO; 3, melatonin; 4, daytime HBO plus melatonin; 5, night-time control; 6, night-time HBO; and 7, night-time HBO under light exposure. 4. Hyperbaric oxygen was administered at 303 kPa for 120 min. Melatonin was injected at a dose of 10 mg/kg, i.p. Brain malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) levels were measured to elucidate oxidant status. 4. The MDA and SOD levels of groups 2 and 7 increased significantly. Exogenous (group 4) and endogenous (group 6) melatonin protected against HBO-induced lipid peroxidation. Exogenously administered melatonin (groups 3 and 4) had increased levels of the anti-oxidant enzymes SOD and GPx. 5. In conclusion, HBO caused oxidative stress and melatonin exhibited protective effects. Both endogenously produced and exogenously administered melatonin were found to be effective.

Not only does melatonin help me avoid going into cycle, it also protects my rat brain!

Title: Re: o2 can be bad ?
Post by artemis on Nov 10th, 2006, 1:18pm
Okay, so I'm not going to use this oxygen as much-it doesn't help that much anyway-sounds like some people get REALLY good results-I'm not one of melatonin...gonna pick some up cause it sounds like that could help alot of stuff.

Title: Re: o2 can be bad ?
Post by EDHASFORDS on Nov 10th, 2006, 1:51pm
Haven't been on the board for a while but I couldn't let this slip by!
I have been on 02 for 15 plus years sometimes 2 e-tanks per day! Yes, I have gone to sleep a few times with it still tied to my face! To this day no damage to my lungs! 02 has been my salvation many times!
I would not recommend that to everyone. But it has worked for me!
Also, good news for me on Botox! I had my injections 3 days ago and so far, not one cluster! I was suffering several per day before that! Again, it may not work for everyone but it did for me!

Edhasfords [smiley=cool2.gif] [smiley=cool2.gif]

Title: Re: o2 can be bad ?
Post by artemis on Nov 10th, 2006, 1:59pm
Botox injections?! Like they do to erase wrinkles?  It worked?!  Cool.  Wonder how that works?  Anyway, I have alot of reading to do,
this place is great

Title: Re: o2 can be bad ?
Post by Barry_T_Coles on Nov 10th, 2006, 8:03pm

on 11/10/06 at 13:51:20, EDHASFORDS wrote:
Also, good news for me on Botox! I had my injections 3 days ago and so far, not one cluster! I was suffering several per day before that! Again, it may not work for everyone but it did for me!

Edhasfords [smiley=cool2.gif] [smiley=cool2.gif]

Interested with the Botox, I saw an article on a TV show here in Oz only a couple of nights ago where they are treating severe migrane sufferers with Botox and the patients testify to it's effectivness but it's bloody expensive at around A$ 1500.00 every three months.
But if it works the cost would become insignificant.


Title: Re: o2 can be bad ?
Post by Barry_T_Coles on Nov 10th, 2006, 8:15pm

on 11/10/06 at 13:59:07, artemis wrote:
Botox injections?! Like they do to erase wrinkles?  It worked?!  Cool.  Wonder how that works?  Anyway, I have alot of reading to do,
this place is great

Yep same stuff, they couldnt or wouldnt say how it worked but from the testiments of the patients they are happy with the results.

But as in my reply to Edhasfords post the $ cost is high so for me I'll just keep looking into the fire imagining its the demon & when I wan't out chuck a bucket of water on it.  ;)Fizzzle ;;D

Title: Re: o2 can be bad ?
Post by artemis on Nov 10th, 2006, 8:24pm
Cool Barry.  I've tried imagery myself...sometimes I imagine the headaches are incoming messages from another dimension.  I may have overdone it in the 70's. ::)

Title: Re: o2 can be bad ?
Post by G on Nov 11th, 2006, 1:09am
Botox....Is that botulism toxin? like if you eat from dirty dishes??  [smiley=confused.gif]

Title: Re: o2 can be bad ?
Post by mynm156 on Nov 11th, 2006, 12:10pm
Folks lets THINK about this for a moment!  BREATHING IN OXYGEN EVEN @ 100% WILL NOT SCAR YOUR LUNGS!!!  If your DOCTOR Told you that THEY LIED!  I think that several of you already know I am a Respiratory Therapist and Premed Student  The ONLY thing that could happen to you if you fell asleep with the Mask on is you MIGHT MIGHT wash the Nitrogen out of your lungs which could cause your lungs to Collapse. Now if you had CHRONIC LUNG disease i.e. COPD where by which your body has changed is mechanism for breathing you could cause your body to STOP breathing. In this case, you are what is referred to as a CO2 Retainer you probably know this already.  So one more time NO OXYGEN WILL NOT SCAR YOUR LUNGS!!! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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