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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Medications, Treatments, Therapies >> Stop Grinding your Teeth
(Message started by: Randy_Pippin on Oct 11th, 2006, 10:38pm)

Title: Stop Grinding your Teeth
Post by Randy_Pippin on Oct 11th, 2006, 10:38pm
After the Doctors and CT Scan gave me no help, I just went home and suffered with my Cluster Headaches as I had before. Losing sleep was one of the many side effects.

So now I need a tooth pulled, so it's dentist time. The Dentist checks me out, I mention I didn't sleep well as he noticed I was kind of sluggish.

After he asked me why and I told him about the horrible 'migraines' (As that's what I thought it was), he said it might be a result of me Grinding my Teeth at night.

The Dentist noticed some evidence of it and asked me if I ever catch myself grinding my teeth. I did, a lot, not realizing it was a problem. He told me that it is a major cause of headaches during the night.

He said when ever I notice myself grinding my teeth in the day, to stop myself, think about it and eventually I stopped at night. The Headaches were gone!

I read stories on how the 'Cluster headaches' start after people go to sleep. Who knows, maybe there is a link of some kind. Maybe grinding your teeth is part of the cluster headache problem.

I know that when I experienced them, I wanted to die. And it would last for days as I was still grinding during the entire time due to stress.

I would love it, if this information helps, even if it helps just one person. I would love it even more if it helped hundreds. The doctors couldn't or wouldn't help me, but the Dentist had the solution. Well, for me anyway.

I still have the head rush type instant 'brain freeze' pain come, the way I deal with it is to tighten my muscles in my legs and arms and keep breathing, this causes the blood to flow to the muscles and out of the head (I guess) where it causes the swelling and pain to subside in a matter of seconds.

Title: Re: Stop Grinding your Teeth
Post by chewy on Oct 11th, 2006, 10:49pm

but the Dentist had the solution.

::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: Stop Grinding your Teeth
Post by Linda_Howell on Oct 11th, 2006, 11:52pm

I just went home and suffered with my Cluster Headaches as I had before.

   So you said that the Dr. and the CT scan did you no good.   How did you/they determine you have cluster headaches then?

   Look to the left....see the cluster traits link?  click on it and get back to us

            PLEASE.    We'd like to help you.

Title: Re: Stop Grinding your Teeth
Post by Linda_Howell on Oct 11th, 2006, 11:57pm

one more thing......

Please do not have any more dentisrty done solely thinking that will cure you of cluster headaches until you've done your homework.  Way too many people have had all their teeth pulled in a,   too sad effort,  to rid their pain.

Cluster headaches are much more complicated than that.

Title: Re: Stop Grinding your Teeth
Post by georgej on Oct 12th, 2006, 1:05am

Don't think so on the tooth-grinding thing.  No disrespect to your dentist--I'm sure that tooth-grinding may cause headaches, but I don't think it causes cluster headache.  Cluster headache is a neurological condition.

Read the "cluster traits" link at the left side of your screen.  

I've never ground my teeth at night.  My wife EJ, used to.  (She doesn't anymore.)  It was an unbelievably horrible sound--like a parrot sharpening its beak on a rock.  Made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.  

Yet I get CH, and she never has.

As Linda said, please take the cluster quiz at the left side of your screen and get back to us.  

I'm also a bit flummoxed by your technique of tensing your muscles, causing your headaches to vanish "in seconds".  If tensing up made cluster headaches go away, most of us would have cured ourselves years ago.

They don't last "for days", either.

Again, get back to us after you've done a bit more research.



Title: Re: Stop Grinding your Teeth
Post by kcopelin on Oct 12th, 2006, 1:33am
Years ago I was given a mouthpiece to wear at night-to stop my teeth grinding-which I was not doing-but it didn't help.  Duh.  I wasn't gringing my teeth, I was having clusterheadaches.  However, grinfing your teeth will give you a headache and interfer with sleep-just doesn't cause Chs.  Recently someone posted on this board that we have clusters because we're so nasty. That explains it to my satisfaction.  Am trying to be nicer. ;;D
Did however, have all my wisdom teeth yanked-which sure explains alot about me :P
kathy (who still has most of her teeth)

Title: Re: Stop Grinding your Teeth
Post by TxBasslady on Oct 12th, 2006, 4:09am

on 10/12/06 at 01:33:15, kcopelin wrote:
 Recently someone posted on this board that we have clusters because we're so nasty. That explains it to my satisfaction.  Am trying to be nicer. ;;D

ROTFLMAO    [smiley=laugh.gif]  


Title: Re: Stop Grinding your Teeth
Post by rickyshot on Oct 12th, 2006, 11:28am
I wish I had all the money I spent on bullshit treatments which may be good for other headaches but not clusters. I did the dentist thing too in the past which included pulling a wrong tooth and a mouthpiece for TMJ all kinds of shit like that.

It is a neurological event and if you really suffer clusters the dentist won't have the answer. You obviously have some other type of headache. God I hope you don't have clusters too.

BTW that shit did not even help my migraines. They are too complicated another neurological event.

Clusters and migraines are not just bad headaches. People still don't get it. And there are many snake oil salesman waiting to fleece you out of your money.

Alternative approaches which have been proven on this board to help but THERE IS NO CURE Get that through your head.

Energy Drinks
Vit B and magnesium
Ice or cold therapy
Oxygen (the best one for a hit)
Busting with ethogens morning glory seeds. Baby woodrose seeds, mushrooms (study being done in Harvard) and is a great control.

Title: Re: Stop Grinding your Teeth
Post by Charlotte on Oct 12th, 2006, 11:31am
yes, there is no cure.


Title: Re: Stop Grinding your Teeth
Post by no-one on Oct 12th, 2006, 12:52pm

I am sorry to inform you but grinding your teeth will not cause clusters Yes you can and will get major headaches from your grinding, but they are caused by your TMJ. They are very painfull and I am glad that you have found a way to stop your headaches. A hard night gaurd is the best way to stop grinding your teeth, I am very surprised your dentist didn't recomend one for you.
I pray that you don't have clusters, as others have said take the quiz on the side to help figure out what type of headaches you are really having. Where you seeing a Neuro or your faimily Dr.??
Pain Free wishes
the toothfairy

Title: Re: Stop Grinding your Teeth
Post by Gator on Oct 12th, 2006, 3:06pm

on 10/12/06 at 11:31:43, Charlotte wrote:
yes, there is no cure.



Title: Re: Stop Grinding your Teeth
Post by tanner on Oct 12th, 2006, 3:41pm

 Had all my teeth pulled when I was 20

 Migraines didn't go away till I was 26

 Clusters started when I was 33

 Am now 53, Zero PF days

 Maybe a grinder will work....anyone have a Milwaukee?

Title: Re: Stop Grinding your Teeth
Post by AussieBrian on Oct 12th, 2006, 7:23pm
Dear Kid,

Thanks for the tooth and here's your five dollars.
I'll be back tonight for the rest of them.

The Tooth fairy.

Title: Re: Stop Grinding your Teeth
Post by Flash on Oct 13th, 2006, 6:44am
I got told this grinding teeth crap back in 1986.  Discovered the most satisfactory way to alleviate teeth grinding was to punch my GP.  Repeatedly.  Till he saw sense.

Title: Re: Stop Grinding your Teeth
Post by Flash on Oct 13th, 2006, 6:45am

on 10/12/06 at 15:41:50, tanner wrote:

 Had all my teeth pulled when I was 20

 Migraines didn't go away till I was 26

 Clusters started when I was 33

 Am now 53, Zero PF days

 Maybe a grinder will work....anyone have a Milwaukee?

Have you had your jaw removed yet?  There is a 0.01% chance that this will cure the problem, and I'm sure there's a quack somewhere that would perform the procedure for $10,000.  Let me know how you get on :)

Title: Re: Stop Grinding your Teeth
Post by Flash on Oct 13th, 2006, 6:50am

on 10/11/06 at 22:38:52, Randy_Pippin wrote:
I still have the head rush type instant 'brain freeze' pain come, the way I deal with it is to tighten my muscles in my legs and arms and keep breathing, this causes the blood to flow to the muscles and out of the head (I guess) where it causes the swelling and pain to subside in a matter of seconds.

Try placing a cold chisel on you temple.  Then get someone to knock it into your brain with a sledgehammer.  Then coterise the would by aiming a blowtorch into the eye socket.  Then attach electrodes to every tooth on that side of your mouth and zap your self with 240V AC 13 amps.  Finally pout some molten steel into your ear.

Does the pain feel anything like that?  No???  Well at least now you know that a cluster headache is.

Thanks for your interest.

Title: Re: Stop Grinding your Teeth
Post by BB on Oct 13th, 2006, 8:05am

on 10/13/06 at 06:50:36, Flash wrote:
Try placing a cold chisel on you temple.  Then get someone to knock it into your brain with a sledgehammer.  Then coterise the would by aiming a blowtorch into the eye socket.  Then attach electrodes to every tooth on that side of your mouth and zap your self with 240V AC 13 amps.  Finally pout some molten steel into your ear.

Does the pain feel anything like that?  No???  Well at least now you know that a cluster headache is.

Thanks for your interest.

Excellent description! One to bring to the doc for further education ..


Title: Re: Stop Grinding your Teeth
Post by FramCire on Oct 14th, 2006, 3:59pm
I have had headaches related to grinding my teeth.  They were nasty.  I got the mouthpiece ($1 generic football mouthguard) and they went away.  I thought they were the worst headaches I had ever had.

Enter the beast... now I would kill for headaches related to teeth grinding.  If i never got CH, I would have thought those headaches were bad, but now I realize there is no comparison.

I have had kidney stones, gall stones, and broken bones too... nothing compared to the beast at his worst.

Title: Re: Stop Grinding your Teeth
Post by Polly_C on Oct 21st, 2006, 9:38am

on 10/13/06 at 06:44:00, Flash wrote:
I got told this grinding teeth crap back in 1986.  Discovered the most satisfactory way to alleviate teeth grinding was to punch my GP.  Repeatedly.  Till he saw sense.

To stop myself doing the same I had to walk out on one occasion when a GP suggested it was teethgrinding - no, actually he insisted it was that even though I told him I knew what teethgrinding HA felt like, having done a bit in my time (teacher training brought it on) and it's NO WHERE NEAR the pain of CH (I didnt know I was CH at the time - was still struggling misdiagnosis and stupid GPs that wouldnt LISTEN to me). he pretty much told me to go away and see my dentist. well, what I did instead was went home, cried a bit, got frustrated and really mad then went online to find out for myself what could cause the most excrutiating pain Id ever experienced (and Ive had kidney stones too). Thank god for and the OUCH UK helpline people without whom I'd still be going through this cycle (currently at 2 months) with no relief or support. Im now on O2 and getting my life back together. thanks to all you CH supporters and organisations. great reading your posts.

Pol  :)

Title: Re: Stop Grinding your Teeth
Post by Polly_C on Oct 21st, 2006, 9:43am

on 10/14/06 at 15:59:14, FramCire wrote:
I have had headaches related to grinding my teeth.  They were nasty.  I got the mouthpiece ($1 generic football mouthguard) and they went away.  I thought they were the worst headaches I had ever had.

Enter the beast... now I would kill for headaches related to teeth grinding.  If i never got CH, I would have thought those headaches were bad, but now I realize there is no comparison.

I have had kidney stones, gall stones, and broken bones too... nothing compared to the beast at his worst.

kidney stones and CH? seems there's a few of us. is this some sort of trend or are we just really unlucky? yeah I thought kidney stones were bad but I seriously underestimated how much pain I could be in - now I know the score.

Title: Re: Stop Grinding your Teeth
Post by FramCire on Oct 21st, 2006, 10:41am

on 10/21/06 at 09:43:24, Polly_C wrote:
kidney stones and CH? seems there's a few of us. is this some sort of trend or are we just really unlucky? yeah I thought kidney stones were bad but I seriously underestimated how much pain I could be in - now I know the score.

I know kidney stones are a side effect of topomax (which I was on for a while), which many of us have taken (and enjoyed the stupidity that comes with it).

Maybe other drugs we take have it as a side effect too?

Back to the topic.  If you think you gtrind your teeth at night, buy a $1 football mouthgaurd (which your form in hot water) and try it out for a week.  My dentist told me to use it rather than get the $600 one he could make for me.   Most honest dentist EVER.  I wish I still lived in MA and could go to him.  Anyway, I used it for a month or two and now don't need it.

Title: Re: Stop Grinding your Teeth
Post by Karla on Oct 21st, 2006, 6:27pm
I had a dentist tell me the same thing.  I invested in a mouth gard and it didn't do anything to stop my cluster headaches.  A dentist can not help with ch.

Title: Re: Stop Grinding your Teeth
Post by jon019 on Nov 4th, 2006, 8:34pm

on 10/21/06 at 18:27:04, Karla wrote:
I had a dentist tell me the same thing.  I invested in a mouth gard and it didn't do anything to stop my cluster headaches.  A dentist can not help with ch.

No they can't. But mine DID diagnose the CH. (beat the GP's who had no clue) Prince of a man who researched my symptoms and REFUSED to pull the perfectly good teeth I insisted he yank.

Also grind my teeth and have been for 10 yrs BEFORE CH. All my teeth are flat (the ones I haven't busted). Never got a headache from it. Have gone through a half dozen very expensive mouthguards, but at least they save the teeth I've got left.

In my case, I don't believe there is any connection whatsoever between teeth grinding and CH. Both are a bitch, but the former is the common four legged kind and the later is a beast from hell.



Title: Re: Stop Grinding your Teeth
Post by r_headache on Nov 7th, 2006, 6:10pm
oh I have to worry about pissing out pellets (kidney stones)??? wonderful!!! I thought that the monster was bad enough.  But I guess that I have a high pain tollerance since i'm still around so b.b. size stones should be a relief!!!  LOL Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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