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(Message started by: JimLaff on Jul 11th, 2006, 4:42pm)

Title: Hopkins Research on Shrooms
Post by JimLaff on Jul 11th, 2006, 4:42pm
I came across this article and thought that some of us would be interesed in it. It has nothing to do with cluster headache but it is a study done by Johns Hopkins on the effects of mushrooms. I have already e-mailed them and suggested a new study on CH. Enjoy.

Title: Re: Hopkins Research on Shrooms
Post by BMoneeTheMoneeMan on Jul 11th, 2006, 7:49pm
I heard about this today on the radio, I thought it was St Johns U though.
Im not sure why they tested it, but they say 36 people tried a full dose of mushrooms.  2 months later, 33% of the people were happier, more active, more optimistic and cherished life more.  Another third of the people were scared shitless when they were on the mushrooms.

36 people is a pretty small test group anyway.

Title: Re: Hopkins Research on Shrooms
Post by unsolved1 on Jul 11th, 2006, 10:32pm
It also made Yahoo news;_ylt=AhTEE_16ZwmnRoNhWaxkiZER.3QA;_ylu=X3oDMTA4NW41NTlyBHNlYwMxNzAx


Title: Re: Hopkins Research on Shrooms
Post by bluebrain on Jul 12th, 2006, 2:40am
WONDERFUL, we have to keep the MOMENTUM, no doubt that a lot is going to happen in the near future, I'm doing as much as I can here in Europe, not an easy job, but A. Sewells/Neurology article has been of great help, do hope a lot of news from the convention even though I myself not being able to participate. The dutch health departament has a very good article about Ps. mushrooms, but still cannot find something about Ps. and 5HT-1b receptor other than in clusterbusters website, best regards Bluebrain

Title: Re: Hopkins Research on Shrooms
Post by CHvsTN on Jul 14th, 2006, 11:20am
It's only very recently that I heard of CH - from my neurologist. Apparently I've (probably) been suffering from it for years. So I've just started my research...

The 'shroom approach sounds like an adventure worth taking, but where mushrooms are concerned, I'm a bit "in the dark" ('scuse the pun). ::)

I now live alone (my wife couldn't stand the pain!) and am hoping for some reassurance that if I take some, unsupervised, I'm not going to do something stupid like eat my hand off, mistaking it for an apple.

Also, if there's anyone reading who goes 'shroom hunting in the UK, what kind of spots are they likely to grow in? - and do you also agree that 10-12 Liberty Caps are about the correct dose?

Roll on September!


Title: Re: Hopkins Research on Shrooms
Post by Kris_in_SJ on Jul 14th, 2006, 12:03pm
Ritchie -

Before you go experimenting, please be sure to check out  You certainly don't want to eat your hand off thinking it's an apple.

You might also try a PM to Pink Floyd, one of our resident experts.

Best Wishes,


Title: Re: Hopkins Research on Shrooms
Post by JeffB on Jul 14th, 2006, 5:22pm
You won't eat your hand off but it will be hard not to smile.
I don't know about 10-12 caps, seems like alot. Whenever they're around we measure them in grams and ounces. If you had a sandwich baggy and pictured dried shrooms (tops/stems) stretching the length of the bag and about an inch deep, thats what we would call an eighth. Every shroom I've had has been grown by a person so I would careful about picking a shroom in the woods and eating it. There was an asain family that picked and ate some shrooms in the redwoods all but 1 died. But if you do get the real deal.....have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Hopkins Research on Shrooms
Post by LeeS on Jul 15th, 2006, 6:13am
Hi Ritchie – here's some advice I received from a friend: you're right to go by quantity not weight.

Small Liberties are just as potent as big ones - do not make a distinction. In fact big shrooms tend to be older and therefore less potent if anything. It is important to mix the sizes to regulate the dose.

6 = threshold
12 = level 1
24 = level 2
36 = level 3

Recommend 6-12 shrooms for clusterbusting. Start with 6 if you don't want to bite your hand off ;). Don't forget too that it appears easier to prevent a bout from occurring rather than stop one aleady established, so aim to get your timing right.

Do a search on the internet for some piccies of LCs – the "mushroom john" site was good if I remember rightly – I'll dig out a link, or IM me and I'll mail you some photos.  They tend to grow almost everywhere (cow fields are good) in the UK but especially in Wales if you're ever there. Try and pick them early in the morning just after the dew dries up.  Do not wash them and handle with care.

Shrooms should be dried on the day of gathering using a desk fan blowing cold air over them. Do not use heat or hot air. Once dry, pack them in a sealed air tight bag, with a sachet of desiccant, and with the air squeezed out.  Build a 'drying chamber' for best results but not usually necessary for LCs. Store in a cool dark place – the fridge is good but don't let the ex-wife make a salad with them or put them on the kids pizza!  :o

I'm hoping to be putting my wellies on this year too now that the UK Government has banned the sale of fresh mushrooms.  Don't forget that picking LCs is now also illegal - apparently the only loophole in the law now is eating them without picking them - a bit like a grazing cow but I wouldn't risk it! :P

All the best with it, but if you can't wait that long, check out LSA containing seeds at clusterbusters, a very good starting point for many.


Edited to add link:

Title: Re: Hopkins Research on Shrooms
Post by CHvsTN on Jul 17th, 2006, 5:35am
Thanks to everyone for their advice. This site is invaluable, and its members so helpful.

Do any of the scientists among you know if what I'm about to suggest is feasible or just plain stupid:

What about making tea from fresh shrooms, letting it cool, and then freeze the solution as a form of preservation/storage. You could then just defrost and boil again. Or... Add some flavouring to the solution before freezing, pour into a mould for ice lollies, freeze,  then "lick the pain"  [smiley=laugh.gif] when required.

What do you think?


Title: Re: Hopkins Research on Shrooms
Post by LeeS on Jul 17th, 2006, 8:03am
The best way to preserve fresh shrooms is to dry them thoroughly (cracker dry), seal them in an air tight container with dessicant and pop them in the fridge.  I've managed to keep them well-active for more than a year by using this method.

The jury's still out in respect of freezing: some swear by it whereas others claim that freezing breaks down the active ingredient (psilocybin).


Title: Re: Hopkins Research on Shrooms
Post by tommyD on Jul 19th, 2006, 6:11am

The jury's still out in respect of freezing: some swear by it whereas others claim that freezing breaks down the active ingredient (psilocybin).

My humble claim: Freezing will not break down the friendly molecules - just the opposite - the lower the temperature the slower the oxidation reaction.

But be careful to avoid condensation or your nice, dry shrooms will turn into a soggy mess. The key here is to make sure cold shrooms don't come into contact with warm, moist air.  Seal the package well. Take it out of the freezer and let it warm up to room temperature before unsealing.

The big culprit though is light - ultraviolet light in particular will break down our friendly little molecule quite quickly. so keep those shrooms in the dark.  Of course, the light bulb does indeed go out when you close the door, so the freezer is a nice, dark place. A wrap in tin foil (you may use your hat) or brown paper or using some sort of opaque container also helps.

Well stored, shrooms should keep their potency for two or three or who knows how many years,

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