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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Medications, Treatments, Therapies >> Has anyone tried acupuncture?
(Message started by: Melvyn on Jun 19th, 2006, 8:39pm)

Title: Has anyone tried acupuncture?
Post by Melvyn on Jun 19th, 2006, 8:39pm
Some friends say that they have heard good reports about acupuncture. I've just started Melatonin and will keep that up for a couple of weeks to see how it goes.

Getting to the stage where I'm starting to think that nothing will ever cure it and maybe it's best to just accept it. Zomig tabs usually stop the attacks - but you know how it just gets to you sometimes - buggers up my sunny disposition and rules my life. Well that's my self pity and rant session over.



Title: Re: Has anyone tried acupuncture?
Post by Katherinecm on Jun 20th, 2006, 10:32am
There are several posts about accupuncture over the past several years if you do a search. A few people said they had some luck with it, but many of them it didn't work the next cycle, so I suspect that they were at the end of their cycle anyway. Most people have no luck at all.


Title: Re: Has anyone tried acupuncture?
Post by E-Double on Jun 20th, 2006, 11:32am
Helped relieve tension in my neck but did nothing for the clusters

Title: Re: Has anyone tried acupuncture?
Post by Steve_Gn on Jun 22nd, 2006, 7:50am
I have had very good luck with this treatment.
It took about 3 years worth of trying, but my therapist has finally hit the right combination.
After a visit the CH's will subside for about 3 weeks and then I go back for another round.
If you go in, there is a pressure point for the thalamus on the left ear.

Title: Re: Has anyone tried acupuncture?
Post by chewy on Jun 22nd, 2006, 9:03am
Worthless for CH.

Title: Re: Has anyone tried acupuncture?
Post by seasonalboomer on Jun 22nd, 2006, 10:03am
Right up there with "chiropractic" IMHO. There are so many other options to help manage cluster that wasting time and money on Acupuncture is simply that, wasting effort and emotion.

Do you have O2? If not, get it. The time spent arranging to get O2 will be a fraction of that for repeat acupuncture treatments. And you'll find that 60-70% of people on this board will be able to say that O2 works to knock out a CH as an abortive.

Also, re: the "cure" word. Without wanting to appear gloomy or fatalistic, I accept that a cure is not likely imminent for Cluster and that time spent looking for tools to fight CH -- and to manage CH is time well spent. And much better for my own mental health than being disappointed that something "works" or doesn't work as a "cure". What works today may well be the end of a cycle anyway. so, you try it again and it doesn't, then you move on to the next thing knowing that it might work. It's not an elegant solution but one I personally can live with a lot better.


Title: Re: Has anyone tried acupuncture?
Post by chewy on Jun 22nd, 2006, 8:57pm

Right up there with "chiropractic" IMHO. There are so many other options to help manage cluster that wasting time and money on Acupuncture is simply that, wasting effort and emotion.

Do you have O2? If not, get it. The time spent arranging to get O2 will be a fraction of that for repeat acupuncture treatments. And you'll find that 60-70% of people on this board will be able to say that O2 works to knock out a CH as an abortive

Right on the money!

Title: Re: Has anyone tried acupuncture?
Post by wildhaus on Jun 24th, 2006, 12:56am
Acupuncture will not take the CH away! Or for that meter the pain! I don’t think there is any thing
Yet that will take it (CH) away, and if some one has – do let me Know!  There are of curse meds that help us manage better the cycles, or abort the pain during an attack (for me O2 will do, or Zomig nasal).
And still (chewy, pls lets not start and use mud!  ;;D ) In cental Europe in some Pain clinics including the one I use
Acupuncture is used in combination with meds. (Preventives) like stalatum Blockade or GLOA,
As well as other, and it is used as (Acupuncture)a supplement, in order to manage better the pain.
And all the effects that CH carries with! From my experience, and I went with the combination of
Stelatum / GLOA (Bupivakain / Buprenprphin) and acupuncture with a very good results! As well
As using help in managing the said effects….  And all in all it helps me go through a cycle and mange it better then I did during the first cycles!


Title: Re: Has anyone tried acupuncture?
Post by LeLimey on Jun 24th, 2006, 5:33am
Melvyn are you a member of OUCH UK?
Its a UK site which has info on all treatments available in the UK and how to get them as well as a helpline and a support and members board.
We need to get you sorted out young man!
Zomig tablets.... NO!
Tablets don't work fast enough for ch. by the time they kick in your hit is probably over anyway.
Zomig is available as a nasal spray which is much much faster. You can also get Imigran (referred to as Imitrex on this site) in an auto injector form which is even quicker but doesn't have such a long half life as zomig.
I can't remember, I know you are trying melatonin but I don't know if you are episodic or chronic. How long do your cycles last and how long do your hits last and how many do you get a day.. lets go back to basics and get you sorted so you can be a happy bunny again!  ;;D
By the way, my view on acupuncture is if you really want to put up with a bunch of pri*** just get yourself down to Sainsbury's on a Saturday!

Title: Re: Has anyone tried acupuncture?
Post by Melvyn on Jun 25th, 2006, 3:39pm

I'm episodic - Have been experiencing episodes every three years and this is my third. The last two lasted for about three months.

This is the first time that I've tried Imitrex and it works very quickly but I do find that the next hit is more intense usually a 9/10 so I had to take the Imitrex again.

With no meds I could get up to 6 attacks a day - including nightime. Within 4 or 5 days of starting the melatonin I've started to get my life back - I've started singing in the mornings again - neighbours may not be happy as my singing voice is hardly noteworthy but I am so happy.

It's funny how life seems so good and all the other problems so minor when the beast is under control.

Title: Re: Has anyone tried acupuncture?
Post by LeLimey on Jun 25th, 2006, 4:35pm
Imigranis very quick at bringing the beast to heel but like you found, it can come back with a vengeance!
Have you ever tried O2? It works in the same way but is much easier on the old circulatory system - you need to breathe it at 15 litres per minute through a non rebreather mask but there are many thousands of us who swear by it.

Title: Re: Has anyone tried acupuncture?
Post by Melvyn on Jun 26th, 2006, 5:35am
Haven't tried O2 - but maybe that's the next port of call if the melatonin stops working or doesn't do the trick next episode. The biggest problem with O2 is portability.

I work mainly from home writing and researching training courses but I also spend a reasonable amount of time travelling across the UK delivering said training courses.

I can see me with my laptop, screen, flip chart  and O2 equipment. I suppose it is difficult to address people with the O2 mask on and they tend to drift off if the lecturer stops talking - come to think of it they drift off when I'm talking so don't suppose it would make much difference!!

Title: Re: Has anyone tried acupuncture?
Post by LeLimey on Jun 26th, 2006, 7:08am

on 06/26/06 at 05:35:07, Melvyn wrote:
...come to think of it they drift off when I'm talking so don't suppose it would make much difference!!

I'm saying nothing!  :-X See?! Myself restraint at times amazes everyone and especially me  ::)
O2 is incredibly portable you'll be pleased to know, I have small cylinders, BOC call them CD cylinders and Air Products call them Freedom 400's. They are about 6 inches in diameter and about 18" to 2ft tall and they can be supplied with carry cases, holdall like bags. Definitely worth considering if portability has been a drawback. I swear by the stuff (and at it at times) For me, it has quite literally been a lifesaver.

Title: Re: Has anyone tried acupuncture?
Post by seasonalboomer on Jun 26th, 2006, 8:00am

Regarding the O2... It is best to not look at each "weapon" as the all or nothing answer, but instead as a portion of the arsenal. You can, of course as Helen suggests, get the portable O2 tanks that are fairly easy to carry with you, but if that doesn't work for you look at O2 as part of your overall answer.

I make it a math game. I'm lucky as most of my hits come at night, at home. Of which O2 has about an 80% success rate for me. That leaves 1 of 5 that I use the Triptans for. In your case, lets say you get only 50% at home and you can get a success rate on this level -- that leaves far fewer times where your nailing yourself with the Triptan (Zomig, Imitrex....) to get through. Many of us work in a little Red Bull (Taurine Energy Drink) for the occasional relief from a hit or other various remedies for certain situations and you can then say you've hitting them in a lot of different ways.

O2 is a savior to many -- think about how you might work it into your situations.

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