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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Medications, Treatments, Therapies >> always on same side?
(Message started by: Radha on Jun 18th, 2006, 1:19am)

Title: always on same side?
Post by Radha on Jun 18th, 2006, 1:19am
do your headaches always happen on same side without ever switching? every single time i get one, it is always on left side and i wondered if this is typical, or if it is supposed to change sides once in a while, and the pain always goes as far as the upper part of neck right under ear, thanks

Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by Jonny on Jun 18th, 2006, 3:19am
It can switch sides, I went 23 years left side and then it was right side for about three years......back to left side for four years.

Now its no side, it just went away.....thats big when you have been chronic for 30 years  [smiley=bigguns.gif]

Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by jmorgan52 on Jun 18th, 2006, 5:34am
I have always had mine on the right since I was a kid.  I'm 54 now. The pain is always mainly in the right eye and temple region, although after weeks and weeks of CH the tension HAs usually set in too with a stiff neck and that generally sore head feeling all day.

No HA's for me for almost 3 years now but I always keep my finger on the pulse of this site to keep up to date on treatments just in case they return - you can never trust this devil!

Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by brewcrew on Jun 18th, 2006, 8:52am

Left side since 1991.

Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by Redd715 on Jun 18th, 2006, 1:05pm
Primary Chronic for 22 years,  left side 99% of the time.

Only rogue hits on the right.

i wondered if this is typical, or if it is supposed to change sides once in a while

Thats just the problem with this beast...there is nothing
"supposed" about it at all. :-/

Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by Richr8 on Jun 18th, 2006, 3:23pm
right side fourteen years running.

Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by Kris_in_SJ on Jun 18th, 2006, 8:17pm
Always the left ... always the left.

Starts in my left sinus area and quickly ramps up to eye, jaw and teeth on that side.  When I don't get to my inject fast enough, the left side of my throat also.

Never had one on the right, though the beast has been known to change sides.  

PF Wishes,


Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by Radha on Jun 18th, 2006, 11:41pm
thanks to all of you for replying, i really appreciate the input, take care

Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by spidey426 on Jun 19th, 2006, 5:30am
yep, i'm a leftie too.. in a strange sorta way i would love to get one on the opposite side.. it would be quite a relief to give my left side a rest: )

and yeah, the neck pains.. ugh.. just got the beast an hour ago.. that's why i'm up at 5:30am...  pretty much gone but my neck and throat are killin me.. and those sore muscles you can only get with a really really good yawn: )

Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by mzrolwes on Jun 19th, 2006, 11:37am
My headaches, all kinds, are always on the right. I will get a fluke leftie about once a year and it always freaks me out.

Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by Karla on Jun 19th, 2006, 5:24pm
I always get mine on the right.  Only one time in 8 years have I gotten it on the left side.  It scared me big time.

Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by Charlotte on Jun 20th, 2006, 6:53pm
No.  Long time right sider.  Since 2002, have been getting some also on left.


Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by mynm156 on Jun 21st, 2006, 1:42am
Mainly left side for me but I do get some rightsided attacks now and then.

Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by MJ on Jun 21st, 2006, 2:21am

Right side 31 years.

Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by b0x on Jun 21st, 2006, 10:32am
Im a lefter. My left eye starts to itch an then BAM on the floor pressing my eyeball.  Just wondering because I do that a lot.  Are the lefties right hanned and the righties left handed?

Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by Katherinecm on Jun 21st, 2006, 10:35am
I always get them on my right side and I am right handed. The right side of my head was injured in a car accident a year or two before my first attack.

My dad had attacks on his left side. He was right handed, and had an injury to the left side of his skull in vietnam.

Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by b0x on Jun 21st, 2006, 10:40am
Ive had many injuries to my head so its hard to tell if its related.

Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by unsolved1 on Jun 21st, 2006, 10:42am
First 12 years I was episodic and right sided only. Then turned chronic and switched to left sided attacks. Can still have attacks on either side but mainly left sided now. 90+ % left sided


Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by lashultz on Jun 25th, 2006, 8:38pm
Always been a lefty.


Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by rhino on Jul 9th, 2006, 9:25pm
 Thirty years on the right side until this year and it switched sides.
 I have had them on the right side long enough that my face kind of droops on that side.
 I guess with it changing sides maybe my face will even out.
  Is there an upside to this story? :-/

Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by georgej on Jul 9th, 2006, 10:45pm
Forty years on the left side, exclusively.  It's why I look like this:   :-/



Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by LeeS on Jul 10th, 2006, 1:24pm
Mainly right, a few on the left, and once only, both sides simultaneously - not nice :-X

You got O2 Radha?


Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by BlueMeanie on Jul 10th, 2006, 2:55pm
Guesstimating, but someonewhere around 18 right side cycles and 2 left side cycles. Sumtin' like that.

Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by BKJ on Jul 11th, 2006, 2:39pm
95% of time on right with droopy eyelid, nasal congestion, teeth hurting etc. but only 5% on left with just drippy nose.  For some reason I can stand the left ones a little easier that the right even though the pain is as bad.

Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by jenrob2006 on Jul 11th, 2006, 2:46pm
I am always left.  Never have I had one on the right.  When I do have pain on the right, I actually feel safer that it wont turn into one because I have never had one there.  However, after reading these posts about it jumping, I dont think I will rest as easy.

Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by walkertexasranger on Jul 11th, 2006, 10:53pm
18 years - always on the left....   :-/

The pain does move around a bit from cycle to cycle, but never strays to the right.

Also, it is always in the same palce during the cycle.  

Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by NONI on Jul 16th, 2006, 7:23pm

Thanks Noni

Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by Radha on Jul 17th, 2006, 12:11am
i get some that only last a few minutes and then other times they last all day,

Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by sandie99 on Jul 17th, 2006, 12:21pm
Mine are usually on the right. But I've had few of them on the left side.

Best wishes & Pfdays to all,

Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by Summerbabe on Jul 17th, 2006, 9:34pm
Hi there I am a rightie...either side sucks big time...  :'( Chronic for 8 years always right side , fire pressure pain in right eye then stabbinng hot pain in the jaw , behind ear and then I am screwed...o2 to the rescue...good luck and so sorry for the pain you are in.. All my best, Summer 8)

Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by Radha on Jul 18th, 2006, 1:40am
if we are always getting on same side does that mean that that side of head has something wrong with it? defective in some way compared to the other side, there has to be something different on that side to explain why we keep getting on same side right?? was just wondering about this, so any input would be appreciated,

Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by Summerbabe on Jul 18th, 2006, 2:33pm
Hi Radha , thats a very interesting question you have , but according to my several tests, cat scans, emg tests . Thre is nothing wrong with the right compared to left , just an awful trait of classic CH...ITS TERRIBLE BUT VERY GOOD QUESTION...ASK YOUR NEURO , SEE WHAT HE/SHE SAYS ABOUT IT...I WILL TOO , I will keep you posted due to his answer..keep us updated...all my best to you, PFDAN, Summer 8)

Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by mr.c on Jul 18th, 2006, 2:54pm

I'm an episodic...  Had 'em since I was 17... now 41yrs.

Always left.

Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by Radha on Jul 19th, 2006, 12:00am
thanks dan for your reply and please keep us posted if you find anything out, thanks for saying i asked a good question!!

Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by FRANKYT1963 on Jul 19th, 2006, 12:10am

Title: Re: always on same side?
Post by toonzboss on Jul 19th, 2006, 2:53am
Yep,  since 86/87 always Left side and the best description that I can think of is like a hot pencil right thru my left pupil and out the back of my head, with conjestion left-side of my nose and pain along my Left upper and lower jaw, stiff neck watering bloodshot eye.

I've been Episodic from 86/87 to 01/02,  no ch from 02 to about 8 or 10 weeks ago and the last couple of weeks there have been maybe 2 or 3 that were very intense and seemed like maybe they were spreading to the right side, but other than that I've been a Lefty completely.  BTW  Starting in 84 until about 88 I was cat-scanned and MRId more than Evil Kinevil and nothing was ever found to account for ch, as far as I know.
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