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(Message started by: talbers on Jun 3rd, 2006, 8:32am)

Title: First Successful Medicine Cocktail
Post by talbers on Jun 3rd, 2006, 8:32am
I started a headache cycle back around the second week in April.  Ramped up pretty quickly (in about 3-4 days) to 6-9 headaches a day.  Unusual for me, as I usually start out very slowly, and like a bell curve, kind or ramp up in frequency and pain, peaking, then ramping back down.  Was a bit surprised at this cycle.  In any case, I started taking 120mg of Verapamil in the morning, and 10mg of Amitriptyline plus 9mg Melatonin at night.  I was to do this for 2 weeks, then double the Verapamil and Amitriptylin.  I doubled the Verapamil, but not the Amitriptylin as it, plus the Melatonin, was making me stupid in the morning.  In any case, I started taking all of this stuff around the end of April, so was probably feeling the full effects of it by the second week in May.  Since the second week in May, I've had a total of 5 headaches.  Usually getting the week off, and fielding a couple of low pain headaches on the weekend.  Nothing 2mg of Imitrex can't stop dead.  This is the first time I can remember (headaches since 16, now 33) that I've ever had any success with any medication.  I thought I might just be coming out of my cycle, but I've never had a 6 week one.  In fact, my last cycle was 6 monthes.  Thought I'd share.  Perhaps it will help someone.

PS - Other things I'm doing concurrently are downing a monster cup of tea first thing when I get to work (9AM).  Probably in the neighborhood of 32oz. of water with two tea bags.  Then drinking a good amount of water throughout the rest of the day.  Not to the point where I live in the restroom, but a good amount.  Same tea mug, probably filled 3-4 times with water.  I was hydrating pretty heavily before I started all the medication, and didn't see too much improvement, so I don't know what part the water is playing.  Don't care really.  I'm not changing anything I'm doing.

Title: Re: First Successful Medicine Cocktail
Post by pattik on Jun 3rd, 2006, 10:55am
Thanks for writing down your formula for us.  Since we are all different, the more information to try, the better.  It sounds like this is really working for you if your cycle has been shortened that much.  

Title: Re: First Successful Medicine Cocktail
Post by talbers on Jun 3rd, 2006, 2:40pm
It seems to have done something, that's for sure.  I've tried both Verapamil and Amitriptylin, just not at the same time.  The craps of it is, that it probably won't work the next time.  At least I'm getting relief now though.  That's all that matters.  Hopefully this mixture will help someone else.

Title: Re: First Successful Medicine Cocktail
Post by Guiseppi on Jun 3rd, 2006, 5:54pm
It's so danged exciting to finally stumble onto the cocktail that works! Personally I get a feeling of power over the beast. He still stalks me, but I'm no longer running away defenseless!! Congratulations, I couldn't be happier for you.


Title: Re: First Successful Medicine Cocktail
Post by chewy on Jun 4th, 2006, 9:05am
You may find that another small bump on the verapamil will bring additional relief.

Add a predinisone taper and you may break the cycle entirely.

Title: Re: First Successful Medicine Cocktail
Post by Bob P on Jun 4th, 2006, 11:20am
If you are getting relief from 240mg verap and 10mg elavil, you're one lucky dude.  Those are both very low doses!

I've been on 480mg verap & 50mg elavil with no luck.

Hope it keeps on helping you.

Title: Re: First Successful Medicine Cocktail
Post by talbers on Jun 4th, 2006, 8:56pm
Low doses indeed.  My blood pressure is low as it is.  Fingers tingle a bit with the 240mg.  Thanks for all the positive feedback. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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