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(Message started by: CUE on May 26th, 2006, 10:42pm)

Title: Imitrex tip question
Post by CUE on May 26th, 2006, 10:42pm
Hey everybody. I have tried the Imitrex tip found on this site, and I have had some interesting success in aborting my CHs with half-doses. However, the one concern that I have is in reusing the needles since you obviously have to do so with the auto-injector needles. I considered checking out whether or not I could get Imitrex in vial-form in my area, but in the mean time I was wondering what if anything others might be doing to make sure the needles remain clean. In other words, does anyone whom uses this tip actually clean the needle following each use or just simply avoid allowing the needle to contact anything other than the skin? I was wondering what some others' thoughts might be on this subject.

Title: Re: Imitrex tip question
Post by unsolved1 on May 26th, 2006, 11:20pm
I personally don't re-use any needles, never have. But I've always had a plentiful supply of medication. If you must re-use a needle, clean if immediatley after use with an alcohol swab. Don't let it touch anything else.

Imitrex is available and usually not hard to get. You just have to get the RX for it.


Title: Re: Imitrex tip question
Post by E-Double on May 27th, 2006, 7:14am
When I used the "tip" I would wipe down the needle with alcohol pads or lett it bathe in alcohol for a moment.

The only problem, if you even consider it one, was the needle was not as sharp.

You should really push for the vials if there is a limit on your stats.....Some can only get 2 stats but 5-10 vials. Some even more.

Title: Re: Imitrex tip question
Post by Squanto on May 27th, 2006, 8:02am

The vials are really more cost effective and allow you to modify you dosage more easily.  I was able to get 6 doses out of two vials. That is, drawing up both vials at once - then shooting up 0.2 ml per shot. That dose was effective in aborting the CH for me. Your mileage may vary.

Get yourself some insulin or allergy shot syringes/needles.  They are calibrated in tenths of ml and the needles are small and very sharp.

In direct answer to your re-use question:  I re-use mine until the 2-vial fill is finished.  Then I discard the syringe and needle.  I lightly swipe the skin area to be "shot" with a little dab of rubbing alcolhol before shooting. I don't wipe the needle, either before or after the shot. I'm careful not to  touch the needle with anything but the skin I'm shooting through. I've NEVER had any problem doing that (i.e. infectiion, soreness, etc) The insulin/allergy needles seem to be as sharp for the 6th shot as it was for the first.  

I've used both the front of my thighs and in the skin of my abdomen (love handles) as injection sites.  I stay away from the area around my belly-button - that seems to reduce bruising or bleeding under the skin.

Added note: You might want to check your blood pressure  after you inject the Imitrex ( say an hour or so later.)  I found that the bigger Imitrex dose really spiked up  my blood pressure and didn't give any more relief than the smaller 0.2 ml dose.

Good luck,

Title: Re: Imitrex tip question
Post by CUE on May 27th, 2006, 11:00am
Thanks for the replies. I think I will bring up this question with my doc next week. A possible problem with submerging the pre-filled syringe in alcohol might be that some alcohol could be drawn into the syringe much like a paper towel in water. It's just a theory, but I wouldn't want to be injecting alcohol along with the "life-saving" Trex, by no means.

My interest in using partial dosages of Trex are for a number of reasons. For one, there is no need to take more than is necessary to abort the attack, and I think Glaxo should consider producing 3mg or even 2mg statdose kits. Another reason is to allow yourself to be able to abort more than 2 CHs within a 24-hour period while still remaining in the safe dosage area. Of course, the final reason is simply to save any money possible with such an expensive drug.

I agree that the vials seem to be the best option in the long run provided that I can convince the doc and find them to be available somewhere around here (I live in the middle of nowhere).

Title: Re: Imitrex tip question
Post by chewy on May 27th, 2006, 11:10am
Alcohol wipe and place back into holder it came in. Simple

Title: Re: Imitrex tip question
Post by Redd715 on May 27th, 2006, 11:17am
Pharmacy's can and will order vials if percribed.  There are also ways around that if need be.  empty vials can be purchased over the internet, and the stat doses can be discharged into them.  Then draw up the liquid gold into the insulin syringe.  

Diabetics who use auto injecters routinely reuse the same needle untill the cartrage is empty with no issues.  

Glaxo has come out with a 4mg stat dose but it's not yet widely available, nor is the cost much less than the 6mg. from what I've read.  

Though I'm relying on alternative treatment methods at this time to control my CH, (chronic sufferer here) I do keep vials and a box of syringes on hand in case of emergency.  

Title: Re: Imitrex tip question
Post by jmorgan52 on May 27th, 2006, 11:45am
I have been using the tip for a few years now. I get 2 or 3 doses from the autoinjector syringe.

I make sure never to touch the needle on anything other than the thigh it is going straight into and then touch only the glas vial to carefully return it to the plastic case it came from. Next time I use it I check to make sure the needle is still straight and did not get bent last time I put it in the case, and away we go. I never use wiping alcohol or anything else to "clean" the needle and never had any problems to date.

I reckon that using insulin needles is more hassle and trouble than it is worth. The Tip works great as it is, but I do feel the needle is sharper first time around than the 2nd or 3rd time, but it is worth it to use less meds and save money and valuable hard to get meds!

Title: Re: Imitrex tip question
Post by ray4903 on May 30th, 2006, 12:03pm
Re Imitex question-- one way that I have used is to get at least one regular vial - then buy a bunch of needles - all pharnacies have them and they are cheap and re-usable- you can get about 20 for a few dollars. If you cannot get imitrex vials on a regular basis- then get one empty one- then take the one which comes with the injector kit - dissassmeble it so as the capsule is exposed - take one on the needles and draw all the imitrex out of the capsule into the needle and then put it in one of the vials. The vials are self-closing with the rubberized top.
Then when using- take a clean needle and draw what you need - I have found that I can get 3-5 uses out of one vial and it still works very well and definitely stretches out the imitrex. Start with a small dose and you can increase to see how much it takes to work.. The smaller doses sometimes take a little longer but they stop the CH.
When using needles multiple times - one thing that happens is that the needle can get bent and dull ( they are razor sharp) which makes them difficult and sometimes painful to use.
Hope this helps. I have been doing this for a while now and it works well. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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