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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Medications, Treatments, Therapies >> Coca Tea???
(Message started by: Katherinecm on May 14th, 2006, 3:42pm)

Title: Coca Tea???
Post by Katherinecm on May 14th, 2006, 3:42pm
Hi everyone,

A while ago I asked my neurologist about something I read in the medical info page: cocaine nasal drops. She said they would work (something to do with dopamine in the hypothalamus), but are almost impossible to get, and I would need to basically try everything else first, including surgery. Ugh!!! You mean to tell me there is something that WORKS and for political reasons you can't get it to me? I have been having 2-8 attacks every single day for almost a year. The medications and lack of sleep make it impossible to work. This is suicidal levels of pain here. I don't really care if it's addictive if it works. Lovely FDA.

Since then I've been doing some research on Coca Tea. If you believe all the PR, in it's natural state (without the cocaine extracted) Coca is a healthful, nutritious, non-addictive substance. It is recommended by several American embassies in South America as the treatment for altitude sickness (headaches and nausea), as well as used by native people as a folk remedy for practically everything, but especially headaches.

I think this may be technically illegal in USA, but it seems a gray area. It is used as the major flavoring agent for coca-cola. At any rate it does contain cocaine, but extremely diluted. All of this made me wonder how it might effect CH, so I ordered some online from Peru. I got one of the cheaper brands I saw, including shipping it cost less than $20 for 100 bags of tea. Apparently even if it is illegal, coca leaves in their natural state cannot be smelled by drug-smelling dogs, though it is possible to get seized at customs.

First I brewed it as a tea to drink. It tastes like flat, unsweetened Coke. I drank when I was having a slight shadow- my eye was hurting but not pounding yet, my jaw was starting to hurt too. It didn't get rid of the pain, but it did stop it from getting any worse. Additional cups and it did lesson, although I wasn't paying attention to time very well, so it could be that it would have passed by then anyway. The next day I got a saline nasal spray from Target and, using a Kleenex, pulled the nasal spray mechanism away from the plastic bottle. I microwaved 2 teabags in about half a cup full of distilled water, then let the tea cool. I poured it in the bottle until it was overflowing (oops, too much!). I didn't realize at first that the bottle needs to have some empty air space in the top or instead of spraying the kind of mist that would be normal, it sends a direct squirt up your nose, similar to getting shot by a water pistol. I choked and coughed and tried to keep the fluid in my nose, holding it shut and catching the drips with Kleenex I took it immediately when I woke up for my first hit of the night (typically the worst one) and though the pain didn't disappear completely, it did lesson enough to let me go to bed, and I slept 5 hours without another hit.

Yesterday I took it for a real test: out with my mom, who I figured could observe the facial changes. We walked around a farmer's market for most of the morning, the exercise keeps hits at bay for me but when I sit down and relax I typically have a mild rebound hit. We were in a public library and I took out my spray when my eye and the back of my neck started that familiar burn. I had lots of Kleenex with me. Mom said it was incredible: the right side of my face and my right eye went from all red to normal in less than 20 seconds. I could still feel my heart beating in my eye, but no familiar stabbing pain to go along with it. So I dosed again, and this time all of the tingling & heartbeat went away.  Bad thing: I needed to use it again every maybe 10 minutes until that hit passed. In later doses I didn't need to do this so I am unsure if it was due to the spray bottle being too full and therefore not delivering a fine enough mist, or if it was just that for whatever reason that was an abnormally strong hit.

Side effects so far: Abnormally good mood. I am almost the same person as I was before I had CH. Is this due to being pain free? The cocaine alone? Will I rebound to an even lower mood than previously if I try to stop this? I seem to get slightly hyper and shaky, but this is equivalent to a couple of cappuchinos, and is far less annoying to me than the effects of Trex, which seems to only make things worse for me.

Expensive tea, but so far it's been cost effective. Bottle of saline nasal spray less than 2 dollars. Cost per tea bag less than 20 cents. Pain aborted effectively for the first time ever? Priceless.

Has anyone else tried this and had positive/negative effects? Can anyone tell me if it might be okay to combine this with RC seeds, or would that be dangerous?

Oh, Oxyen, triptans, nothing works. Topamax (300mg, 2x/day) has been the best preventative so far, mainly for the relief it provided in allowing me to sleep through the night, though the side effects are rather nasty.


Title: Re: Coca Tea???
Post by floridian on May 14th, 2006, 4:56pm
There are several articles in the medical research showing that cocaine can abort clusters, and that in abusers, cocaine can also trigger, but the cluster is aborted by more cocaine ... sounds like a nasty roller coaster for the purified drug.

Not sure about  the effects of the tea - in general, a dilute, natural product is going to be less addictive than a purified alkaloid, but ... ?  If you are feeling unusually energetic, it could be affecting you, as you stated.  Might only be a coffee withdrawl  when you quit (which bothers some people greatly, others not at all).

Also not sure about the legality; technically, anything that contains detectable cocaine is illegal. Another thing to consider is that a person is going to test positive for cocaine use if they go this route and have to pee in a cup, which could be trouble for many unless they have a prescription.

Title: Re: Coca Tea???
Post by Katherinecm on May 14th, 2006, 5:12pm

Yes, I guess it may be the coffee. Now that I think about it the energy is more likely the result of weaning off of Topamax (while planning to try RC).  ;)

Also, I did read online somewhere of at least one case where a police officer (routinely drug tested) came up positive for cocaine after he had been drinking it. They had first tried it on a trip to south america & it was reccomended. Some sites seem to say that coca tea is de-cocanized (just as coca-cola is), others say there is no such process.  His wife had ordered it online when she ran out of it back in the states, and had given it to him when he'd been sick. There was a court case and he won his job back, the judge ruled it was not cocaine. I didn't seem to bookmark it, but I'm sure I found this during a google search.

Still is possibly dangerous I suppose. I'm on medical leave anyway, but my job is not the type to require a drug test if I am able to return to work.

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