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(Message started by: I Cant Dance on May 13th, 2006, 12:55am)

Title: Saw Neuro AGAIN...
Post by I Cant Dance on May 13th, 2006, 12:55am
Trying Verapamil in a different way.  Have been taking extended release in the am.  Now, I am taking immediate release 30 min before the usual hits 3 x a day and one extended release at bedtime.  I am also starting trex injections.  got 6mg vials and will draw 2 mg at start of hits.  Scares me some, as I even got a tightened throat with zomig nasal.  If the trex does what it did before (weird chest pain) and does not work, I am afraid I will not be able to exercise which is my life blood coping method during a hit.

The worry with both of these is the cardiac deal.  I am getting in pretty damn good shape working out 3-4 times a day during hits, and just walking around, my heartrate is in the 40's. Sometimes at rest it is in the high 30's.  BP med kind of a risk.

That trex is expensive!

BTW...I have a ton of different meds that don't work for me, and I can't take them back.  What a shame, as there is a lot of money just sitting there that will not get used.  Maybe we should start like a black market prescription medicine

I am still sleeping through the night and being woke up by a ch between 5:30 and 6:00 each morning.  Occasional shadows from like 10-11, major hit between 1 and 3, major hit from like 6 to 7 and the minor hit at 9pm has been upgraded to a major 30-45 minute job at about 8:45 now.  At least I am sleeping.

Doc released me to work half days 8am to 12pm.  I am looking forward to getting back in the classroom and finishing out the school year with some of my students.  I want to see the seniors off.  Trouble is that I am not sure weather the school is going to let me go back half time.  Will have to wait till Monday to know while they seek counsel and understand their right, responsibilities and options....oh and what is best for

Sorry for the rant, as usual, a little chance to vent as I recover from a workout with fat bastard.  I made sure  that my neuro was on a first name basis with fat bastard today.  

Title: Re: Saw Neuro AGAIN...
Post by Tom K on May 13th, 2006, 1:30am
What needles do you have you using?  My doc perscribed me insulin needles.  3mg of 'trex is 25 insulin units, if you are careful you can draw up two and a half doses.  Sometimes even more.  Out of two vials, I can get 4-25 unit injections and 1-35 unit.  My pharmisist tells me that the vials have no preservative in it, so once you pop the blue top, you have to refrigerate it.  Even then you have about 2 weeks to use it before the potency starts to degrade.  What I have been doing is fill 5 needles and put them in the butter compartment or the egg compartment so they are away from the rest of the stuff in the frige.  Rub them between your hands to warm it up before injecting and then shooting it into my stomach, about 5" from the belly button.  It sounds like it would hurt, but it doesn't.  After switching from my leg to my stomach, the time it took to kick in dropped by 3 minutes.  YMMV  Hope you find some relief soon!  When verap worked for me, before I screwed up my doseage, I was on 1 extended at night and 1 in the am.  I have never heard about a quick release being mixed with an extended, but then again, I'm not a doc, just a patient.  Let us know how this works for you.

What did he say about the trileptal?  I'm down to 1-180mg of ext. verap at night and 2-150mg of tri twice a day and so far so good...

Title: Re: Saw Neuro AGAIN...
Post by E-Double on May 13th, 2006, 7:32am
the experts recommend to use the regular release version, not the slow release, sustained release or delayed release version, i.e. nothing with a SR, HR or ER suffix.

Your doc got it right.

This should help stabilize attacks and with less sideffects

Title: Re: Saw Neuro AGAIN...
Post by kayarr on May 13th, 2006, 8:07am
As for reaction time in an injection if you have been using a site for too long it builds up scar tissue and the medication won't absorb as well any more.  Switch up your sites.  (learned that from a diabetic grandson)

Title: Re: Saw Neuro AGAIN...
Post by Tom K on May 13th, 2006, 9:49am

on 05/13/06 at 08:07:42, kayarr wrote:
As for reaction time in an injection if you have been using a site for too long it builds up scar tissue and the medication won't absorb as well any more.  Switch up your sites.  (learned that from a diabetic grandson)

For me, it was actually that I was driving the needle into the muscle, not subcue, because I wasn't thinking. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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