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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Medications, Treatments, Therapies >> Can anyone tell me about Stadol?
(Message started by: I Cant Dance on May 7th, 2006, 10:24pm)

Title: Can anyone tell me about Stadol?
Post by I Cant Dance on May 7th, 2006, 10:24pm
Addictive Narcotic...successful for anyone? [smiley=huh.gif]

Title: Re: Can anyone tell me about Stadol?
Post by unsolved1 on May 9th, 2006, 7:55pm
I use Stadol along with Trex. I give myself a 2mg IM injection and take with 3mg of Trex. It helps sometimes and sometimes it just seems to make it worse. It can be addicting but I don't feel that I am addicted to it (so far)

whatever works!

Title: Re: Can anyone tell me about Stadol?
Post by Karla on May 9th, 2006, 9:20pm
I have taken stadol nasal spray by itself since insurance limits imitrex.  It works but it knocks me out.  I found it to be addictive.

Title: Re: Can anyone tell me about Stadol?
Post by vietvet2tours on May 11th, 2006, 12:54pm
Yep it bout killed me.Hufffffffffffff oxygen.

Title: Re: Can anyone tell me about Stadol?
Post by Skyhawk5 on May 12th, 2006, 12:23am
Stadol has been a big help for me, but this is not very common for most CH'rs. My Neuro. says you will either love it or hate it, and it is a dangerous drug if misused. I have tried almost every Medicine available and now find that if the O2 doesn't stop the attack the Stadol (even if it doesn't stop it) is the most helpful drug I've used in the last 9 of 18 years of CH. It helps me lose track of the time the hit takes, but such a strong Narcotic can make me lose track of much more. Like other abortives it also is time sensitive to the hit. I hope it's helpful for you but PLEASE be as careful as you can.
Skyhawk 5,      Don(S)

Title: Re: Can anyone tell me about Stadol?
Post by heartlessgrl on May 13th, 2006, 2:30am
Well I've been on stadol for over a year now. And I don't like it.   It don't seem to help.  Oh for the little ones the warning headache it will stop but when that bad one comes around.  Well the Stadol is a joke..  Plus it taste so bad, And if your like I am,  Get sick and it only makes it worse.. And  It is said to be very addicting But i've not had any problems with that. It makes me to sick.

Title: Re: Can anyone tell me about Stadol?
Post by jckgales on May 23rd, 2006, 6:45am
Have been on stadol for over a year. I use it with 02. I think the best part is, that when you think your about to lose it from the pain the stadol kicks in and either knocks you out or takes that edge off until the combination of both kick in. But be very careful It is very dangerous, and the more you use the less it works.  

Good luck

Title: Re: Can anyone tell me about Stadol?
Post by gore2424 on May 26th, 2006, 6:15am
Hi I used stadol for about a year BUT I took myself off of it cause I was misusing it was taking it at work too much I loved the high and rush it gave me I lied to get more than I needed was opening it and adding 1/2 water so it would last longer so it has been the only med that I myself said no it was too addictive for me Terry

Title: Re: Can anyone tell me about Stadol?
Post by StressFree on May 26th, 2006, 3:44pm
Years ago I tried it and had mixed results. It gave me some really wierd dreams and always made me want to sleep. Not a pleasant drug at all. It would help some, but attacks got so bad toward end of cycle that no abortive, O2, or Stadol seemed to help at all. Then cycle stopped suddenly. Picked up the refills anyway, and kept it in the fridge for about 6 years. Last cycle, tried it again and it worked miraculously. I think it aged like fine wine, maybe turned into morphine? Anyway, I alternated the stadol nasal spray with Maxalt (a triptan) and both worked to successfully abort attacks through the whole cycle. Attacks seemed less severe when they did break through, and the cycle seemed shorter than usual. Stadol worked within 10 minutes when used immediately. Use it carefully. Likely high danger of overdose with that stuff! Best of luck, Rich

P.S. For those episodics with only a couple of hits per day;At worst phase of a cycle try taking the maximum of 2 Maxalt with a cup of hot water at first sign of attack. I was getting relief within 15 minutes. Much more bearable than the normal 60 to 120 minute KIP10!!! I used this regiment along with 180mg VerapamilSR twice a day for the entire cycle, and a successful Prednisone taper initially. This all seemed to prevent cycle from turning into multiple hits throughout the day and night as I've had previously. Also I used a TENS unit to shock the daylight out of my jaw, temple, and back of neck a couple of times a day! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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