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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Medications, Treatments, Therapies >> Reflexive foot massage
(Message started by: Marek on May 4th, 2006, 12:59pm)

Title: Reflexive foot massage
Post by Marek on May 4th, 2006, 12:59pm
I've tried using reflexive foot massage after reading about it in a book just for the check of it. I was really surprised when I noticed that the pain got less severe very quickly. I haven't seen the method mentioned here, so I give it for you to try. I would be very happy if it could help even one of you. Hopefully it does for many more :)
A point to press for the temple is on the side of the first toe facing the second one and the points for the eye are located on the sole just below the toes - see the picture. The trick is to press these points hard and firmly. You should feel a pain which is greater than that induced just by pressing the skin - the pain for the eye points can be quite intensive, which should give you a clue where to press. Also, after some time, you should feel warmth coming to the pressed places. And of course some relief in your head! :D
I get very good results especially when I combine it with oxygen. For the last few hits it took only about 7 minutes to abort them, with almost no pain involved, except for the twisted leg :)
The massage also helps me when I haven't got oxygen with me, although it's only partially effective - I haven't noticed the hits to shorten, but nevertheless it takes a few KIP of the scale.
If you can't twist your leg or sitting is too painful for you I'd try twisting your sole and bending the first toe outside as if the points were actually pushed - it helps as well.
I'd also recommend massaging these points between the hits, as it's said to make the organs stronger.
I haven't used the method long enough to experiment with the other points, for instance I still feel the normal occasional pain in the cheek (when it gets paralysed), as I haven't noticed a point which I should press in this case. Maybe one of you will figure this out. It's probably somewhere on the first toe.


Title: Re: Reflexive foot massage
Post by Charlotte on May 10th, 2006, 1:40pm
Thank you, Marek.

I printed it out but I haven't had a chance to try it, yet.


Title: Re: Reflexive foot massage
Post by Bob P on May 11th, 2006, 1:03pm
Do you have to do both feet or is the right foot for right sided hits and the left foot for left siders?

Title: Re: Reflexive foot massage
Post by BobG on May 11th, 2006, 7:41pm
Hello Marek,
I've never heard of such a treatment but if it works even a little then go for it.

But, if it proves to be ineffective, let's just keep it to ourselves. I'm going to tell the wife that it really works and I need her help.

"Hey Hon, rub my toes. I have a headache."

I'm getting excited just thinking about it.  ;;D

Title: Re: Reflexive foot massage
Post by Charlotte on May 11th, 2006, 8:02pm
You know, whatever works, even a little.  Right.

You can tell her it helps to rub the back of your neck, in the middle, too.

Are you the Bob married to Sarah?


Title: Re: Reflexive foot massage
Post by BobG on May 11th, 2006, 8:27pm

on 05/11/06 at 20:02:23, Charlotte wrote:
Are you the Bob married to Sarah?

No, my wife is Renon. Bob P is married to Sarah.
How can you tell us apart, you ask? He's the tall, handsome, rich, well educated, California stud.
I'm the other one.

Title: Re: Reflexive foot massage
Post by chewy on May 11th, 2006, 8:51pm
CH is the most intense pain known to man.

Rubbing my feet eases the pain.

Somehow I'm just not making the connection.

Title: Re: Reflexive foot massage
Post by Jonny on May 11th, 2006, 9:03pm

on 05/11/06 at 20:51:28, chewy wrote:
Somehow I'm just not making the connection.

It has to do with the Tri-nerve thingy that goes from your brain to ones foot.

Com'on....get with it, Bro!

Title: Re: Reflexive foot massage
Post by brewcrew on May 11th, 2006, 9:34pm

on 05/11/06 at 20:51:28, chewy wrote:
CH is the most intense pain known to man.

Rubbing my feet eases the pain.

Somehow I'm just not making the connection.

The foot bone's connected to the leg bone.
The leg bone's connected to the hip bone.
The hip bone's connected to the....

You get the picture.

Title: Re: Reflexive foot massage
Post by Ueli on May 11th, 2006, 10:17pm
Some readings on reflexology:  Click here ( and also Click here (

Excellent reading for generally Distinguishing Science and Pseudoscience (

As an answer to
You know, whatever works, even a little.
a quote from the last link:
Joe Blow puts jello on his head and his headache goes away. To pseudoscience, this means jello cures headaches. To science this means nothing, since no experiment was done. Many things were going on when Joe Blow's headache went away - the moon was full, a bird flew overhead, the window was open, Joe had on his red shirt, etc. - and his headache would have gone away eventually in any case, no matter what.

Ueli                  [smiley=smokin.gif]

Title: Re: Reflexive foot massage
Post by Charlie on May 11th, 2006, 10:29pm
I suppose that it might make your feet feel good. Otherwise I'm with Ueli.


Title: Re: Reflexive foot massage
Post by floridian on May 11th, 2006, 10:59pm
Vigorous massage, especially of connective tissue, can lead to moderate increases of blood levels of endorphins and other feel good molecules, along with a reduction in stress related hormones.  That is one way that the feet are connected to the trigeminal nerve.  I don't think it would do more than bring the pain down half a Kip or so, if it helps at all. But there could be something of a real effect for some people.

Besides, what else you gonna do between dances when getting hit ? - no harm in massaging the feet.  Certainly better than head-banging, which probably also releases endorphins or distracts from the main pain (but causes other problems). I would go for a massage of the entire foot, with emphasis on spots that are stiff or tender.

There's another mechanism of non-endorphin pain relief caused by counter-irritation:

Brain Res. 2000 Apr 17;862(1-2):103-10.           The pain inhibiting pain effect: an electrophysiological study in humans.

   Reinert A, Treede R, Bromm B. Institute of Physiology, University Hospital Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany.

   This study examines the counterirritation phenomenon of experimental pain in human subjects. Phasic pain induced by intracutaneous electrical stimuli was simultaneously applied with tonic pain induced by ischemic muscle work. Pain ratings, spontaneous EEG and evoked potentials were measured. We found a significant reduction of phasic pain ratings during and 10 min after tonic pain. The late somatosensory evoked potentials as neurophysiological correlates of phasic pain sensation were attenuated until 20 min after tonic pain offset. The extent of phasic pain relief due to concomitant tonic pain was small but significant, comparable to the effect of a regular systemic dose of a narco-analgesic drug in this experimental pain model. On the other hand, no modulations in the late components of the auditory evoked potential and the power spectrum of the spontaneous EEG were observed. These variables reflect the attention and vigilance of the subject and are well-known to be affected by opioids. The only exception was an increase of beta power, which might reflect hyperarousal during tonic pain. These results support the suggestion, that the analgesic effect of heterotopic noxious stimulation in humans is based on the activation of a specific inhibitory pain control system. Systemic release of endogenous opioids is unlikely to be involved, because the typical effects of opioids on the EEG were not observed.

Title: Re: Reflexive foot massage
Post by Marek on May 12th, 2006, 10:29am

I printed it out but I haven't had a chance to try it, yet.

I wish no one had a need to try it... But hopefully it will help you, Charlotte :)

Do you have to do both feet or is the right foot for right sided hits and the left foot for left siders?

I'm a left sider and I massage just my left foot with one hand while holding the O2 mask with the other, but yesterday I was without oxygen and massaged both feet when hit - the effect was much better. Best of luck to you too, Bob P :)

As for the other comments - like I've said before, it helps me reduce the pain, so I don't keep it to myself. You want to try it - great, you don't - fine with me.

Title: Re: Reflexive foot massage
Post by Bob P on May 12th, 2006, 4:09pm

How can you tell us apart, you ask? He's the tall, handsome, rich, well educated, California stud.
I'm the other one.

Knock 60 pounds off me and I'd be BobG's identical twin.

BTW - my question was serious.  Does my left foot effect the left side of my head?

Title: Re: Reflexive foot massage
Post by Marek on May 13th, 2006, 6:35am

BTW - my question was serious.  Does my left foot effect the left side of my head?

My answer was serious as well. I've tried the left foot for the left side and it helps. I've also massaged both soles simultanously - it works better. But I've also seen some diagrams where the left foot is connected to the right head side and vice versa.
If you manage to stay calm while squating I'd recommend trying massaging both soles to see if it works for you. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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