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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Medications, Treatments, Therapies >> Antiinflammatorys ?
(Message started by: haubels on Apr 2nd, 2006, 9:32pm)

Title: Antiinflammatorys ?
Post by haubels on Apr 2nd, 2006, 9:32pm
I'll make this short and sweet. I've been a CH sufferer for 10 years, starting as episodic and recently chronic.
Last week saw a rise in the frequency of my attacks to every 4 to 7 hours. I was almost out of Imitrex and running out of hope.
For some reason I started to look at my recent "cluster calenders". I keep a running monthly calender on Microsoft Word of my attacks .Anyone that would like a blank calender can E-mail me. Anyways I noticed that the month prior I went into remission after I started taking Naproxen 500mg.(a very effective antiinflammatory) Twice a day for a knee injury.
Now within 4 hrs. of taking the medication again the attacks have stopped completely!
I know it"s to early to call this a "silver bullet" but i have to tell you that I am thrilled. Talk to your doctor and see if it works for you.
Good luck everyone! (

Title: Re: Antiinflammatorys ?
Post by Karla on Apr 2nd, 2006, 9:40pm
Tried it and it did nothing for me.  Usually indomethacin works for cph and is the only antiinflamatory that works for anything on this type of ha.  Ive tried other antiinflamatories and had no luck with them either.  I am glad you seem to be getting some relief with it.

Title: Re: Antiinflammatorys ?
Post by BikerBob on Apr 2nd, 2006, 11:37pm
Re: Naproxen



Title: Re: Antiinflammatorys ?
Post by AussieBrian on Apr 3rd, 2006, 4:41am
I just love it when someone pops out of the blue like that offering a little bit of hope and a little bit of help to us all.  Bloody good onya, haubels, reckon we're gunna get on well.

I tried anti-inflammatories a couple of times and the one you mention sounds familiar.  I recall it helped once or twice and that was about it but otherwise seemed to do no harm.  (It's also worth mentioning Celebrex, which I'm pretty sure is an anti-inflammatory, has recently been listed to have some side effects which may out-do it's usefulness.)

No need to knock when you get here, haubels.  Door's open and the beer's chilled to perfection,

Brian down under.

Title: Re: Antiinflammatorys ?
Post by Gator on Apr 3rd, 2006, 3:04pm
Another No-Go here, too.  Glad it works for you.

Title: Re: Antiinflammatorys ?
Post by cootie on Apr 3rd, 2006, 11:06pm
Even tho I don't have ch I can say that  anti-inflammatories make me swell up like a dead groundhog layin in the hot sun all day. Anyone else have that problem ? Took sumthin with that in it yesturday and gained 4 lbs overnite. Peein the pounds off Pam  :(

Title: Re: Antiinflammatorys ?
Post by NotH20 on Apr 4th, 2006, 1:26pm

It's been a LONG time since I've seen one of your posts and wow I sure have missed your humor.  I've just been away too long I guess.  Glad to see you and thanks for the laughs during the hectic work day.


PS Haubels - haven't tried it but so glad that it's working for you.  Keep us posted   :)

Title: Re: Antiinflammatorys ?
Post by Mikey99 on Apr 7th, 2006, 9:18am
Don't worry about the daytime  hits.  They  are perfectly normal  for  episodic  clusters.  I  have  had them for  many  years.

My neuro  never  gave  me  naproxen but he did give  me  verapamil  and  depakote  but I have always  had bad reactions  to the  preventives (anti-inflammatories).

I usually always  see my  GP  before the  neuro  when in cycle so I told  him the neuro  wasn't  helping much.  

My GP  feeling good that day offered to write me a prescription.    He  suggested that I take  some  nasonex  and  use  imitrex  as an abortive.  Now  I know  that  nasonex  is not for  cluster headaches  but then again,   what  is?

Surprisingly,  the  nasonex worked as a preventive  for  me.

If  you still take  meds  (which  I don't anymore) and you cannot  take  preventives,  this  might be  an option  for  you.

Title: Re: Antiinflammatorys ?
Post by StressFree on Apr 10th, 2006, 3:20pm
Regarding Naproxin coated Imitrex:

Perhaps the goal (and effect?) is to give a drug that stops a cluster attack and the other drug keeps it from breaking through again. Aleve is said to last for 12 hours. Like Ibuprofin and the other NSAIDs there are limits to how much a person should take. I always take Aleve for shadows and sometimes in hopes of staving off a cycle. I've gone up to 6 years between cycles. Not sure why so long, but I do Thank God for it! Rich

Modified to note - I meant to post this to the link BikerBob provided. Aleve was of some help for me, but I wouldn't rely on Aleve by itself.

Title: Re: Antiinflammatorys ?
Post by cootie on Apr 10th, 2006, 10:56pm
Doc told me anythng over 1400 mg's a day of tylonal type meds was dangerous and can ruin the liver......just thought I'd add that. FYI girl Pam Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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