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(Message started by: Dragnlance on Mar 21st, 2006, 9:21am)

Title: Discovery: Kudzu differences
Post by Dragnlance on Mar 21st, 2006, 9:21am
As some of you may have noticed, I have been out for the last week or so.
Maybe you didnt notice.
Well last week was not a good one. After such improvements over the last month, since starting Kudzu, I couldnt figure out why suddenly the monster was back with such a vengence. (vendetta???  [smiley=laugh.gif] )

Anyway I got to looking at the time it started. The only change in routine was a different brand of Kudzu. I compaired the bottles, and found out one thing. One is just "Kudzu Root" and the other is "Kudzu Extract".
I went from the extract, to the plain root at the time the monster had come back. I am now back on the extract and the monster is currently less active. The only two brands available in Great Falls are "Natures Way" which is the plain Kudzu Root, and "Solaray" which is the Kudzu Extract. I am sure there are other brands out there that offer an extract, but I dont know what they are. Anyway, I thought I would pass this on, so that people are aware. For me, the extract works better, and will spend the extra money for it, instead of the cheaper.


Title: Re: Discovery: Kudzu differences
Post by seasonalboomer on Mar 21st, 2006, 9:50am
Hey Lance,

I'm a Kudzu person also. I chose to change brands from the Natures Way, which I had success with, to the Planetary Formulas. Please take a look at the label -- the Nature's Way does have Kudzu Extract in a "proprietary formula". The Planetary Formula also has Kudzu Root Extract but does describe a specific percentage that is "extract" as being 200 mg per tablet.

The dosage recommendations are different. For example the Planetary Formula says to take 2, twice per day. Nature's Way says 2, three times a day.

I've had a bad cycle this time and want to pin it on the change but feel that it is more likely dialing in the right dosage, or, as many others will say, just the luck of the draw when it comes to cluster headaches. I've also been "stupid" when it comes to my own cycle behavior which has contributed to the problem and I gotta own that.

Anyway, Nature's Way does have "Extract" and was very effective for me.  Don't really know why I'm defending it, just wanted to make sure that you're clear when pointing out one product's difference from another.


Title: Re: Discovery: Kudzu differences
Post by Dragnlance on Mar 21st, 2006, 9:56am
Hey Scott,

I did actually note the extract in the ingredients section on the bottle, and apologize for not noting that. I also noted the difference in the dosages. The Solaray, like your Planetary Formula, only requires 2 a day vs. 3 a day for the Natures Way. This tells me something about the either the quantity or the quality of the extract...


Title: Re: Discovery: Kudzu differences
Post by IpityU on Mar 24th, 2006, 9:48am

on 03/21/06 at 09:56:28, Dragnlance wrote:
This tells me something about the either the quantity or the quality of the extract...

You are correct in your thinking Lance. This is from the Drug Digest:

Kudzu is available in a number of different dosage forms, most commonly as raw fresh root (usually called crude root), as tablets made from dried and powdered root, or as a root extract. Extracts are concentrated liquid preparations usually made by soaking chopped or mashed plant parts in a liquid such as alcohol, and then straining out the solid parts.

For kudzu tablets, 10 mg is the approximate equivalent of about 1,500 mg (1.5 grams) of crude kudzu root.

Commonly recommended daily doses are:
Kudzu root  9,000 mg to 15,000 mg (9 grams to 15 grams)
Kudzu tablets  90 mg to 360 mg divided into two or three doses
Kudzu extract  300 mg to 900 mg divided into three doses

My husband has had wonderful SUCCESS ( so far  ;))with Solaray Kudzu Extract!
BTW ~  I just ordered two bottles from costing only $9.91 a bottle and total of $2.46 shipping for both bottles.
That sure beat my local health food store who charges $16.99 a bottle.  :o


Title: Re: Discovery: Kudzu differences
Post by Ice-Man on Mar 25th, 2006, 2:13am
planetary formulas(full spectrum) kudzu 750mg 2 tablets twice aday. Have been using for 3weeks and have not had hit over a 4 kip. some times use icepacks,some times just go with it. i can just about live with that.   Dont want to speek too soon though! :D Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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