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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Medications, Treatments, Therapies >> Anti depressants
(Message started by: vaughan on Feb 4th, 2006, 9:07pm)

Title: Anti depressants
Post by vaughan on Feb 4th, 2006, 9:07pm
I have not been on the site for 9 months since my last attack of clusters. Ihave tried everything and more to try and rid this horrible affliction. I have been using Lexapro since May last year and have not (fingers crossed) had any signs of an attack. I started on 20mg per day and over the past 3 months have reduced to 10mg and so far so good. Please try it folks. ::)

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by Karla on Feb 4th, 2006, 9:13pm
This is a medicine we have heard very little about.  I am glad you are having success with it.  Keep us informed of your sucesses and failures please.  Always looking for something else to defeat the beast.

However, antidepressents in general do nothing for ch.  Elavil is the only one that has showed any sign of promise.  The rest I have tried for depression and it has had no effect on my ch.  

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by chewy on Feb 4th, 2006, 10:25pm
Dont bank on an antidepressant being the magic bullet.

Your cycle probably just ended and it has remained ended.

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by vaughan on Feb 5th, 2006, 1:15am
Nice of you to be so positive!!

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by vaughan on Feb 5th, 2006, 1:19am
and another thing Chewy. It is a well known fact that cluster sufferers have a lack of seratonin. Anti depressants increase seratonin levels.
You must be a Tom Cruise fan!!!

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by Ahem on Feb 5th, 2006, 3:36am

on 02/04/06 at 22:25:41, chewy wrote:
Dont bank on an antidepressant being the magic bullet.

Your cycle probably just ended and it has remained

In an unusual AGEREEMENT with Chewy, any SSRI antidepressant will most likely, not always, but most likely cause cluster headache. Try it out, you will be throwing those pills back in their face with a fucking attitude.

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by Jonny on Feb 5th, 2006, 3:44am

on 02/05/06 at 01:19:31, vaughan wrote:
You must be a Tom Cruise fan!!!

Chewy is  Tom Cruise!

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by Dave_Emond on Feb 5th, 2006, 4:38am
Lexapro was the last new med my doc put me on. I was on 40mg per day, but really didn't get anything out of it. Except, when I quit taking them daily and only took a few when I just felt like "I needed to try anything" they would calm me down a bit. Glad they helped you with your CH, I wasn't so lucky ... but then again, I've never had any luck with any experimental meds for CH.
Actually, I can't even say now if he prescribed them for CH or Depression? I do have an anxiety disorder, but I take Xanax for that and it works. He also has me on Stadol NS for chronic pain ... warning to everyone ... stay away from this stuff, may side track your mind a little from a CH attack, but only by adding side effects that are as nasty as can be!
As usual though, some meds, like Lexapro, might work for one and not another, same old story.
I had no side effects from the Lexapro, so if it helped you, I see no problem with you sharing the idea with everyone else. Who knows, maybe if it just helped one other sufferer, that would be huge!
I can say, Lexapro never triggered a CH attack.
Continued good luck,

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by Melissa on Feb 5th, 2006, 7:28am

on 02/05/06 at 03:36:58, Ahem wrote:
any SSRI antidepressant will most likely, not always, but most likely cause cluster headache.

I disagree with this statement.  Do you have a factual link to back this up?  

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by LeLimey on Feb 5th, 2006, 7:40am

on 02/05/06 at 03:36:58, Ahem wrote:
In an unusual AGEREEMENT with Chewy, any SSRI antidepressant will most likely, not always, but most likely cause cluster headache.

At least Chewy can spell AGREEMENT  ::)
I'd also like to see you back this one up.

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by Jasmyn on Feb 5th, 2006, 10:44am
Vaughan to reply to your statement:

Posted by: vaughan Posted on: Today at 8:23am
and another thing Chewy. It is a well known fact that cluster sufferers have a lack of seratonin. Anti depressants increase seratonin levels.
You must be a Tom Cruise fan!!!

We As CHers take melatonin at night because we do not have the correct amount produced by our serotonin in our pineal gland.  So I don't think it is a lack of serotonin but actually the lack of melatonin.

To increase your serotonin levels will not necessarily mean an increase in melatonin(it depends on how your brain synthesize it), it might have quite the opposite effect in causing more CH related circadian rhythm problems.

Insert from:

Melatonin is produced from serotonin with the help of several associated enzymes and co-factors, while serotonin is produced from the amino acid tryptophan, which is found in a wide variety of high-protein foods such as meat, fish, milk, and cheese. Melatonin is also found in small amounts in bananas, tomatoes, and other fruits and vegetables.

Melatonin also is produced in smaller amounts in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and other parts of the body. The pineal gland contains the highest central nervous system concentration of serotonin in the body, and produces the largest amounts of melatonin as well as other neuroendocrine hormones.

Every day, as darkness sets in, melatonin production (from serotonin) in the pineal gland is rhythmically induced via cyclic AMP activation of beta receptors by the neurotransmitter norepinephrine through the action of the enzyme N-Acetyltransferase (NAT), which results in low levels of serotonin and high levels of melatonin, with a peak level occurring about 2 AM. During daylight hours, on the other hand, light entering the pineal gland through the eyes, blocks NAT's induction of melatonin, which results in high levels of serotonin and low levels of melatonin.

Another benefit of Melatonin and maybe why it works so well for some CHers is:

Insert from:

Melatonin is a highly important antioxidant. Free radicals are chemical constituents that have an unpaired electron. If an electron is added to O2 then the superoxide anion radical O2- is formed. O2- is reduced by superoxide dismutase to H2O2 which is toxic at high concentrations and can be reduced to.OH. The hydroxyl radical (.OH) damages cells. Melatonin is an efficient neutraliser of.OH. (9)

Insert from:

Other molecules share this indole ring and are able to be accepted or blocked by the serotonin receptors. The best known accepted molecule is sumatriptan, (Imitrex, or Imigran) and as well as restricting blood vessels, it works by kidding the serotonin receptors into believing that there is the right amount of serotonin present to keep body systems functioning regularly, and attacks are aborted. It is able to correct the aberration that causes the headache, although real understanding of the mechanism by which it works, and the aberration that causes the attack, is still debatable and still being researched. Other indole ring molecules block the serotonin receptor cells from picking up further serotonin and this too, may abort and prevent headaches from occurring. Note that serotonin molecules are indole rings.

Please refer from insulting people.  Chewy has been here many years and his post:

Posted by: chewy Posted on: Today at 5:29am
Dont bank on an antidepressant being the magic bullet.

Your cycle probably just ended and it has remained ended.  

is true.  If it works for you, well good but give it a few years and like Karla said keep us posted.  We have all been through various medications which include  anti-depressants and it is most probable that your cycle just ended.

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by chewy on Feb 5th, 2006, 10:48am

any SSRI antidepressant will most likely, not always, but most likely cause cluster headache.

Just another ignorant and potentially harmful post from Lee.

Nice of you to be so positive!!

It's called being realistic. Want a bunch of fluff? PM Lee.

You must be a Tom Cruise fan!!!

Better check the room and do your fuckin homework before making comments.

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by vaughan on Feb 5th, 2006, 1:28pm
During the first 5 years of my ch attacks the longest remission that I had was 3 months. I am not a brain surgeon however even Einstein would agree that after 4 days of taking lexapro and the attacks cease then maybe they work!!! I started taking them at the height of a cycle. I see no need for your pessimism Chewy. They may just help someone else and if so then well and good. Perhaps the only thing that will help you is some lead in your left ear.

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by Jonny on Feb 5th, 2006, 1:33pm

on 02/05/06 at 13:28:37, vaughan wrote:
Perhaps the only thing that will help you is some lead in your left ear

Oh, I can just see the line forming to make friends with you, shit for brains.

You are now known as "Shit for Brains"

Any parting words "Shit for Brains"?

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by chewy on Feb 5th, 2006, 1:33pm

Perhaps the only thing that will help you is some lead in your left ear.

First off you wouldn't have the balls.

Secondly, take it to PM peckerhead, this aint the place.

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by vaughan on Feb 5th, 2006, 2:02pm
I am not here to make friends you poor simple pricks.

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by Jonny on Feb 5th, 2006, 2:10pm

on 02/05/06 at 14:02:37, vaughan wrote:
I am not here to make friends you poor simple pricks.

Then I guess your here to be deleted from here...Right?

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by LeLimey on Feb 5th, 2006, 2:13pm

on 02/05/06 at 14:02:37, vaughan wrote:
I am not here to make friends you poor simple pricks.

What ARE you here for?
You've been registered since June '02.

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by Jonny on Feb 5th, 2006, 2:19pm
12 posts....5 of them in this thread alone dont mean shit!!!

When you tell someone they should be dead thats all I need to know!

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by chewy on Feb 5th, 2006, 2:19pm
So.  9 months.

How was your wino bid in PC ?

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by vaughan on Feb 5th, 2006, 2:31pm
Hey Johnny your command of the English language really is pathetic and judging by your web site I get the impression that you are not sure whether you are male or female!! and by the way your posts on this thread have said absolutely nothing to help ch sufferers. I really thought that this site was dedicated to that alone. Maybe you have too much time on your hands sitting there feeling sorry for yourself. Get a haircut, you look ridiculous.

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by LeLimey on Feb 5th, 2006, 2:43pm

on 02/05/06 at 14:31:52, vaughan wrote:
Hey Jonny(insert comma here) your command of the English language really is pathetic and judging by your web site I get the impression that you are not sure whether you are male or female!! (wow, you must have lungs like Pavarotti to come out with such long sentences!)and (start with a capital letter stupid. Never start a sentence with and!) by the way your posts on this thread have said absolutely nothing to help ch sufferers. (and your's have?) I really thought that this site was dedicated to that alone. (You haven't been here enough to have the right to think or comment)Maybe you have too much time on your hands (Its patently obvious what you spend your time doing with YOUR hands!) sitting there feeling sorry for yourself. (LMFAO) Get a haircut, you look ridiculous. (Get a personality, yours smells)

How can someone with such an appalling command of the English language comment on anyone else's usage?
Your effrontery is astounding.

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by vaughan on Feb 5th, 2006, 3:17pm
Well well,we have a poor simple pom at it now!! I am surprised that your fingers are warm enough to type.

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by vaughan on Feb 5th, 2006, 3:18pm
Limey, do the poms still share the bathwater?

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by LeLimey on Feb 5th, 2006, 3:25pm
Only with each other, not with livestock as you would be accustomed to  ::)

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by Linda_Howell on Feb 5th, 2006, 3:45pm

  This is absoluetly f-ing crazy.

  Is there a full moon out?  

   If there was a REAL question here regarding anti-depressants,  it has been disregarded because of your insults.   Good Grief and how sad.


Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by BobG on Feb 5th, 2006, 4:09pm
OK everybody. STOP, while I get a Coke and popcorn.

This should be good.
Can't wait to see what the smart-mouthed sissy is going to say next.

Hey vaughan, you're turn.

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by mrs mac on Feb 5th, 2006, 4:13pm
excuse me for barging in here and sounding like the daft scottish person i am!!!

but is this site for supporting people with CH and their supporters, or is it just for bitching???

sorry if that sounds like a stupid question?

mrs mac xxx

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by BobG on Feb 5th, 2006, 4:26pm
mrs mac, that is not a stupid question and I doubt you are daft. This is a place for support. Bitchin' is acceptable but should really be over on the General post area.
Unfortunatly there are people that come here and want everyone to take their advice and then get mad because they are questioned.
vaughn is one of those. Her only purpose in life is to be miserable and make others the same.

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by mrs mac on Feb 5th, 2006, 4:30pm

on 02/05/06 at 16:26:45, BobG wrote:

vaughn is one of those. Her only purpose in life is to be miserable and make others the same.

why listen to her then, why not just ignore her???

but thank you bob, appreciated your reply

mrs mac xxxx

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by Linda_Howell on Feb 5th, 2006, 4:52pm

good question, Mrs. Mac.

The reason we cannot just listen and NOT reply is because people like that can confuse newcomers here who are hurting and have not maybe had a diagnosis yet.

In their pain they can be;lieve anything.   It IS up to us who have been there/done that to at the very least...steer them in the right direction.  Not the wrong one.

I do appreciate your question however.


Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by mrs mac on Feb 5th, 2006, 4:55pm
can understand that as well Linda, but can these people not just have their posts removed?

that would save a lot of the bitching and arguing, that seems un necessary at times??

only my opinion though!!

with respect

mrs mac xx

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by Jonny on Feb 5th, 2006, 5:01pm

on 02/05/06 at 14:31:52, vaughan wrote:
 Get a haircut, you look ridiculous.

I told you many times, Mom....its not going to happen ;;D

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by BobG on Feb 5th, 2006, 5:01pm
Yes, the posts can be removed by the webmaster DJ. The person that made the post can also remove it.

We are very lucky to have DJ running this place. He is very forgiving in what may be posted on his site. Also he cannot be here every minute to police every message.

modified to say:
Ooops, sorry to answer the question that was asked of Linda. Sorry Linda.

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by Linda_Howell on Feb 5th, 2006, 5:01pm

but can these people not just have their posts removed?

Yes.  But only DJ can do that.

   And he only does that in extreme cases.

      And only when he deems it necessary because someone has REALLY re-defined the words, "Tasteless, crass, troll and you don't need to be here not a very nice person"


Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by mrs mac on Feb 5th, 2006, 5:07pm
thanks Linda and Bob ;;D

well i just hope that these people that post these stupid things that can mislead people get the real help that they deserve!!!

i am also glad that you guys are around to make sure that no one receives info that may cause them harm!!


mrs mac :-* :-*

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by chewy on Feb 5th, 2006, 5:08pm
Uh Bob?

I know it sounds like a whiney little Brittany Spears is posting but Vaugh is actually a male.

I know.

I figured a 14 year old girl to.

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by Jonny on Feb 5th, 2006, 5:10pm

on 02/05/06 at 14:31:52, vaughan wrote:
and by the way your posts on this thread have said absolutely nothing to help ch sufferers. I really thought that this site was dedicated to that alone.

I guess wishing people dead is your idea of support....What a putz!!!!....LOL ;;D

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by BobG on Feb 5th, 2006, 5:18pm

on 02/05/06 at 17:08:16, chewy wrote:
Uh Bob?

I know it sounds like a whiney little Brittany Spears is posting but Vaugh is actually a male.

Oops, my mistake. My apologizes to

the ladies on this board.

I wonder if his mother knows he’s playing with the computer again. Or, is she still down at the bar?

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by chewy on Feb 5th, 2006, 5:21pm

Or, is she still down at the bar?


He just wandered away from the "We Love Pee Wee Herman" chat site.

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by pfunk on Feb 6th, 2006, 1:30am
Is there any way that we can get this Vaughan pareson baned from the sight?  Obviously, he has nothing good or helpful to say at this point and I'm tired of listening to him insult every person who have offered me so much hep to this point.  There is no need to wiish death on any one.  That is definitely not what this site is designed for.  I mean seriously, don't tell me we haven't all tought about it at one time or another. but we are here because we want stay alive.. So if you can't remain positve and stopinsulting everyone for some constrctive criticism, Vaughan, get lost dude.  We really don't need that kind of negative energy floating around am message board that needs positive to keep it going. See ya.

Pfunk >:(

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by vaughan on Feb 6th, 2006, 2:02am
Listen good moron. I posted a constructive thread right?
All I get back is negative ramblings. I have not had a ch for 9 months,thats right 9 months!! This is the longest period ever for me. What a shame that septic tanks are legends in their own little minds.

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by BikerBob on Feb 6th, 2006, 3:13am

on 02/06/06 at 02:02:54, vaughan wrote:
Listen good moron. I posted a constructive thread right?
All I get back is negative ramblings. I have not had a ch for 9 months,thats right 9 months!! This is the longest period ever for me. What a shame that septic tanks are legends in their own little minds.

>Listen good moron. I posted a constructive thread right?

No, you posted a thread claiming that Lexapro is effectve in the treatment of CH. It's not.

>All I get back is negative ramblings.

As deserved. Offering bad advice to clusterheads on this board is a very serious offense.

>I have not had a ch for 9 months,thats right 9 months!!
>This is the longest period ever for me.

Congrats for being out of cycle. It has nothing to do with your SSRI.

>What a shame that septic tanks are legends in their own little minds.

What a pity that you actually wrote that.


Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by LeLimey on Feb 6th, 2006, 4:07am
You called me a pom and the americans "septics" which for those of you who don't know is rhyming slang for Yank. How constructive.

You received two civil replies from fellow ch'ers which *shock, horror* didn't say what you wanted them to say. It was you who went on the offensive, no one else.

We have a responsibility to everyone else who reads this site, those who register and those who don't to make sure we don't give them bad advice.

This is a desperate condition and we understand that more than anyone, there isn't one of us here who hasn't felt like ending it all and there isn't one of us who doesn't know someone who has tried.

I for one will not exacerbate that possibility by indulging fantasies about anything from anti depressants to rubbing vinegar on your chest. Neither will any of the rest of the family here.

We ARE open to new idea's and suggestions but when someone suggests something which we know from many hundreds of other peoples experience is not effective we will say so.

Now I would strongly suggest you wind your neck in and start again. However, based on previous experience of interaction with you, I sincerely doubt you will heed this.


Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by Bob_Johnson on Feb 6th, 2006, 11:39am
Linda is correct. There is an important question here: If you explore Dr. Robbins' site, you will find him reporting that SSRIs work occasionally for cluster (with the implicaton that you might want to try it after all the other, more effective meds, have been tried.)

       HEADACHE 2006 IS HERE!


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Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by FramCire on Feb 6th, 2006, 11:41am
Vaughan, you may have started a positive thread, but you also started this whole mess with a completely classes and rude comment.  Once you did that, you begin to lose any credibility.

I personally was very interested in your experience. as I am looking for an anti-depressant to replace Wellbutrin (my Dr is concerned it might be a trigger for me.  Even though it is a weak connection, why take the risk).  I don't know about Lexipro, but i would be willing to give it a try.

Now, try being civil to people, even if you disagree with them, and MAYBE threads like this don't blow up into something like this.  I have found people around here easy to deal with if you feel they were rude to you.  You just have to take the initiative to PM them in a positive way and you will find that out that they are just trying to help and you took it the wrong way.

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by pfunk on Feb 6th, 2006, 1:55pm
Listen man. We're all happy for you that you have been HA free for nine months.  The only thing any of the others are trying to say is that this treatment would not work on the typical case.  Every case is different, dude.  If it worked for you, that's great.  But, let's not go wishing death or "lead" in someone's ear.  We're all here to help each other and I think this has gotten out of control.  I'd like to extend the "olive branch" here  and hope that everyone reading this message will take this as a sign of peace and relaize that we need to work together at this.  Vaughan, here's to a HA free eternity for you.  You are in my prayers.

Pfunk :)

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by vaughan on Feb 6th, 2006, 3:10pm
Many thanks for your prayers,pity I dont believe in god.
For those that heve tried everything (which I imagine is the majority) lexapro HAS worked for me and if it was to help one other person then it must be good right?To those that emerge from their little holes to say that it works for nobody makes me wonder why they came on to this site in the first place.

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by E-Double on Feb 6th, 2006, 3:17pm

on 02/06/06 at 15:10:08, vaughan wrote:
Many thanks for your prayers,pity I dont believe in god.
For those that heve tried everything (which I imagine is the majority) lexapro HAS worked for me and if it was to help one other person then it must be good right?To those that emerge from their little holes to say that it works for nobody makes me wonder why they came on to this site in the first place.

Good post!
Leave it at that!
Glad you are PF.
Don't threaten don't chastise don't have thin skin ;)

We all know that more research is needed in regards to our condition and interpersonal communication skills.

Enjoy the journey.


Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by chewy on Feb 6th, 2006, 3:22pm

To those that emerge from their little holes to say that it works for nobody makes me wonder why they came on to this site in the first place.

No one said that. Pay attention.

Title: EEEEEEEEE-Excellent!
Post by Richr8 on Feb 6th, 2006, 3:33pm
..once again!!

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by seasonalboomer on Feb 6th, 2006, 3:34pm
This thread has gone on longer than it should have. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread. Stop posting to this thread.

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by chewy on Feb 6th, 2006, 4:18pm
Heres my PM from the oh so eloquent Vaughn

u poor simple brain dead thingy.

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by pfunk on Feb 6th, 2006, 4:47pm
Folks I don't know if it was just me. but I don't remember saying anything about God in my last post here.  As a matter of fact you do not have to believe in God at all to pray.   I'm not saying I don't personally.  All I was saying to him was that I was trying to make peace and I  was wishing a life full of PF days.   Correct me if I'm wrong, did I mention God at any point in my last post?

Pfunk [smiley=huh.gif]

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by BobG on Feb 6th, 2006, 4:52pm
pfunk, Nope. I went back and re-read your messages and found no mention of God.

vaughan probably tossed that into the discussion because he has a guilty conscience for some reason.

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by FramCire on Feb 6th, 2006, 7:12pm
pfunk: Websters defines "prayer" as the following:

1 a (1) : an address (as a petition) to God or a god in word or thought <said a prayer for the success of the voyage> (2) : a set order of words used in praying b : an earnest request or wish
2 : the act or practice of praying to God or a god <kneeling in prayer>

Therefor, it is commonplace to assume that your "prayers" are to God (or a god).  I am not saying it has to be to a god, but this may be why he assumed it.

Now, personally I will never refuse a prayer for me no matter what religious belief the person has.  Atheist, Judeo-Christian, Muslim, .....whatever.... I can use all the prayers I can get.

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by MJ on Feb 7th, 2006, 12:56am
My wife just told me she's been praying for my CH to go away.

I told her to quit the praying because maybe they go away but they keep coming back and slapping me upside the head.

Or maybe every time someone else prays for another they go away and slap someone else.

Maybe if everyone will quit praying against CH things would settle down and the damn CH wouldnt have no where else to go. In no time at all evolution would wipe out every last CH.

As happy says "praise woton" whoever the hell that is.
Happ who is it.

This is a silly thread. And I really have nothing against prayer. just seems a bit defensive on all sides. Prayer causes problems for some and Lexapro for others.
In another sense they help some as well it seems.

Ok back to your regularly scheduled debates. Hey Bob pass the popcorn,  got my own soda pop thanks.

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by vaughan on Feb 7th, 2006, 3:27am
How about this for an idea?

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by vaughan on Feb 7th, 2006, 3:28am
Why dont you all piss off.

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by Kevin_M on Feb 7th, 2006, 7:55am

on 02/07/06 at 03:28:52, vaughan wrote:
Why dont you all piss off.

Another suggestion that has worked for you?

Glad it works for you.   :)

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by Ueli on Feb 7th, 2006, 8:43am

Why dont you all piss off.

vaughan, where has your logic gone (if you ever had some)?
You are the newcomer to this room, and if you don't like it here, it's you that should piss off again. We others like it here and we're staying.   :)

Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by Ghost on Feb 7th, 2006, 10:22am
Ex squeeze me but I am supposed to be at the top of all the CHenz lists!!!!!!! >:( >:( >:(

How did I miss this?

As was stated in a prior post, if you(vaughan) would have stated what had happened to you as a sufferer, and not tried to

and another thing Chewy. It is a well known fact that cluster sufferers have a lack of seratonin. Anti depressants increase seratonin levels.
You must be a Tom Cruise fan!!!

Attack someone for suggesting a possable reason then you may not have passed me on some of the lists!
 I do understand you may be excited about being PF for a new record amount of time, and it may in you case be partially related to the med, but when that option/opinion was presented to you you go and attack that person. That of course drew a barage of retalitory responces. The fact I was preocupied I was not able to join this which I think was a good thing. This way I was able to see the whole thing transpire before responding. If you think you can get me to go into attack mode by trying to correct my grammar or spelling then that would only prove even further the childish nature of your intent. Jonny is the king and as you may have or have not noticed there are several guardians, and all of us able and willing to defend the CH kingdom. I would hope that you read this and understand this message board is as much a support forum as it is a Information and idea exchange. I will not warn or threaten, I will however state facts. Abuse begets abuse, threats begets threats. Joking begets joking. Compasion begets compasion. Right now we are being besieged by Trolls and hate mongers, wanting to disrupt the peace we enjoy with each others comerodery(sp) many here you might say are a little shell shocked and willing and able to lash out at anyone coming in and attacking someone for just giving advise which is exactly what chewy did.

Before I finish I will state 1 very important thing,  DON'T EVER MESS WITH OUR CHENZ!!!!!!!!

I personally think this discussion has gone far enough and should end here and now! Fighting gets noone anything but mad. We are in the Med, treatments and therapy section not the throw down the gauntlet and rumble section.


Title: Re: Anti depressants
Post by Melissa on Feb 7th, 2006, 11:31am
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