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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Medications, Treatments, Therapies >> Melatonin and side effects
(Message started by: Globi77411 on Jan 2nd, 2006, 1:44am)

Title: Melatonin and side effects
Post by Globi77411 on Jan 2nd, 2006, 1:44am
First of all a good and pain free New Year for all of you!

Anybody experienced any (bad) side effect with Melatonin?
I´m was not too happy with the sleep I was getting and my brother gave me Melatonin……according to him it worked wonders. I took it the same evening, 1 tablet to start with. That night I had the clearest dreams ever.  Woke up next morning, a bit tired and remembering most of the dream. The next 4 days the dreams became more like nightmares and every morning I was feeling more tired and depressed. Yesterday I woke up and felt like commiting suicide……this feeling lasted more or less the whole day. My mother came by and told me I was looking like I did not sleep for a week. I decided Melatonin was probably not okay for me and last night I didn´t take it. Went to bed at 1, woke up at 6 feeling ‘full’ of energy and not depressed……..and not remembering any dreams. I have no idea how many Mg the Melatonin I´ve took is but I am from Holland and over here the Melatonin sold over the counter is not strong.
For chronic CH I take 2x 1200 Mg of Neurontin (Gabapentin) and 2 x 240 Mg of Verapamil a day. Next to this Imigran injections at will. At this moment these medicines seem to work although things can change fast…..I know from experience. Also still have the feeling that I didn´t find my (full) brain again after using Topamax 14 months ago.
Anybody experienced the same?

Title: Re: Melatonin and side effects
Post by E-Double on Jan 2nd, 2006, 2:00am
As far as dosage goes 6-12 mgs. has helped me get through the nights.

Only side effect was grogginess in the beginning

Title: Re: Melatonin and side effects
Post by Redd715 on Jan 2nd, 2006, 2:27am
I can attest to the fact that it takes a long time to regain the IQ points topomax steals from you.  Been off it a year and I swear I still still don't have them all back... :-/

Title: Re: Melatonin and side effects
Post by eyes_afire on Jan 2nd, 2006, 1:08pm
There is a phenomena known as 'Melatonin Dreams' (Google it).

My understanding (and personal experience) of the sleep cycle is that if you remember your dreams, you probably had an awakening at the time of your dreams (whether you realize it or not).  After those nights that I have vivid dream activity... for the next day I'm more sleepy (because my nighttime sleep was not as restful).

Melatonin makes me drowsy, therefore I don't like it.  Since I don't have problems falling asleep, I avoid melatonin.

--- Steve

Title: Re: Melatonin and side effects
Post by Globi77411 on Jan 3rd, 2006, 6:10am
Thanks for the reactions.
Searched internet and found some semilar stories.
I´ve slept ± 18 of the last 24 hours and I am starting to feel better now.

Title: Re: Melatonin and side effects
Post by chewy on Jan 3rd, 2006, 8:04am

Melatonin makes me drowsy, therefore I don't like it.  Since I don't have problems falling asleep, I avoid melatonin.

Melatonin should not be making you drowsy. Melatonin is supposed to only aid with qualty sleep once you fall asleep.

Title: Re: Melatonin and side effects
Post by Bob_Johnson on Jan 3rd, 2006, 10:40am
Confusion emerging!

Melatonin used to treat/prevent cluster attacks is commonly in the 9-10mg range.

Used to help sleep (and this assumes no sleep disorder), the effective dose is 0.5mg (1/2 of one mg tablet!)

From a larger medical article on MEDSCAPE:

"Slow-release melatonin preparations have a potential to mimic a physiological pattern of overnight melatonin production, prolonging their sleep-promoting effects. However, unless optimally designed, such preparations, as well as immediate-release doses higher than .5 mg, may result in increased daytime melatonin levels and thus alter a circadian signal provided by this hormone, which would provoke insomnia rather than treating it." MEDSCAPE

Title: Re: Melatonin and side effects
Post by floridian on Jan 3rd, 2006, 12:50pm

on 01/03/06 at 10:40:44, Bob_Johnson wrote:
Confusion emerging!

Melatonin used to treat/prevent cluster attacks is commonly in the 9-10mg range.

Used to help sleep (and this assumes no sleep disorder), the effective dose is 0.5mg (1/2 of one mg tablet!)

From a larger medical article on MEDSCAPE:

"Slow-release melatonin preparations have a potential to mimic a physiological pattern of overnight melatonin production, prolonging their sleep-promoting effects. However, unless optimally designed, such preparations, as well as immediate-release doses higher than .5 mg, may result in increased daytime melatonin levels and thus alter a circadian signal provided by this hormone, which would provoke insomnia rather than treating it." MEDSCAPE

Nothing works for everyone - that's true of melatonin as well.

Yes, there is a potential for grogginess with larger doses of Melatonin - several people have reported that here in the past.  Vivid dreaming is another known side effect in some - although it may just be a case of remembering the dreams, as mentioned previous.

As to the Medscape quote on altering the circadian cycles, bear in mind that most clusterheads have a blunt or absent melatonin peak at night while most 'normal' people have a well defined peak.  This lack of melatonin peak is a year-round feature, even in episodics.  So a dose that would knock a regular person out of circadian balance can't do the same to us; we don't have no stinkin circades to start with!

I have had good results using small doses of Melatonin (0.75 - 3.0 mg). I typically use a time released form, and I have had better results when I start using melatonin as soon as I know that I am slipping into a cycle.  I take it at the same time every night.

Title: Re: Melatonin and side effects
Post by BMoneeTheMoneeMan on Jan 5th, 2006, 12:32am
Wow, it sounds like I am one of the only ones that really like it.  
I generally take 6 or 9mg along with some benadryl on an empty stomach and i sleep deeply and get great rest.  I pop out of bed in the morning with energy and the feeling that i have rested and recouperated.
In the middle of the night, though, waking me up is not possible.  Even if the wifey smacks me or yells or pulls my hair i still cant get up.  Thats a pretty bad side effect i think.  
Pretty amazing shit, though.  I have taken 6 different script sleep aids and they suck compared to melatonin.
Helps with the clusters too.  Maybe its cause I dont wake up.   [smiley=laugh.gif]
PF wishes

Title: Re: Melatonin and side effects
Post by Opus on Jan 5th, 2006, 8:25pm
I took 15 mg for 6 months, it worked great, reduced hits and made me sleep better, then when my cycle got to about a year things got real bad CH wise. When I ran out of melatonin, I stopped it and in a few days I was back to my normal hits. I tried it again later and had a few real bad CH days. Then I found that Melatonin can be a trigger for chronics.

Start low and slow, and watch for CH getting worse.


Title: Re: Melatonin and side effects
Post by ShannonL on Jan 5th, 2006, 10:02pm
Glad to see this thread here as I had planned to drop some questions on this very subject tonight.

After reading info here and at the Clusterbusters site over the last few days I decided I might be a good candidate for trying Melatonin.  So on my way home from work today I stopped at a natural health store and picked some up (3mg tabs that you can take sublingually or swallow).  

I have a difficult time falling asleep even when not in a cycle... but especially when in cycle.  I think it's the anxiety of being worried about waking in pain.  However, once I fall asleep I tend to sleep through anything and everything. .. Hubby says that's how he knows I'm coming into cycle (I'll start waking easily in the night at sounds and things).  

Anyway, now after reading about some the unpleasant experiences I'm second guessing.  

Here's my current status: I took my third dose of mushrooms Tuesday night (had bangers Wed) but slept all night last night without waking - still having strong shadows with occasional "shooter" that last a mili-second or so.  The shadows are hanging in the 3 area with some intervals of 4-5 that only last 10-15 minutes.  This is not normal for me.  Normally I have crazy bangers in the nights, light shadows in early am, then stay at a 1 all day until waking again with bangers in the middle of the night.  This is the first year I've every had multiple hits during daylight hours.

Here's my questions:  If I decide to try the Melatonin, should I start with 1 of the 3mg tabs and work up from there if needed?  I'm hoping I'm on the way out of my cycle (now after my 3 dose of mushrooms) but if not, will the Melatonin interfere with dosing again in 6-14 days?  I've read that you should come off everything but I've also read that many people are taking Melatonin at the same time.  It's confusing to know what's best.  I know there are no totally clear cut answers and alot of this is trial and error - and everyting varies from one individual to the next.... I guess I'd just like the public opinion here for a consensus as I'm way new here.... (though this is my 3rd year using mushrooms)

I guess these are my questions:  What dose of Melatonin to start with? &  Can/Should I take during treatment with Mushrooms?

Thanks to all,

Title: Re: Melatonin and side effects
Post by E-Double on Jan 5th, 2006, 10:29pm

Melatonin is supposed to be avoided with CB treatments.

Post that over there as well and you'll get more responses

Title: Re: Melatonin and side effects
Post by Gator on Jan 7th, 2006, 1:53am
When I tried Melatonin, I started with 1mg for 3 or 4 nights, then upped to 3 mg for 3 or 4 nights, then 6, then 9, then 12mg and stayed there until I finished off the bottle.  The effect for me was getting two extra hits per night.  Stopped the Melatonin and the extra hits went away.

Eric is correct about avoiding melatonin with shrooms.  Here is an excerpt from their FAQ:

4.4.3 Some people have had positive results adding Melatonin to their diet.

...There is some evidence that Melatonin may block the actions of psilocybin. If you use it to get through your detox period for other medications, you should consider stopping the Melatonin 5 days prior to and 2-3 days following your psilocybin doses.

Title: Re: Melatonin and side effects
Post by Fox on Feb 4th, 2006, 12:11pm

I've just tried melatonin recently.  3mg tablet before bed put me out, and left me very groggy in the morning until noonish.  I didn't notice any change in dreams, but  I almost never remember my dreams anyway.  1.5mg (split tablet) works better for me, with less grogginess.  I do notice a slight headache some mornings (not CH, just a slight achiness).  Not sure if I'll continue with melatonin.

Interesting remarks about the Dopamax... I was on a low dose (25 mg) for 8 days, lost my mind, and haven't got it back fully yet.  This is not good.

Sweet dreams and PFDAN.


Title: Re: Melatonin and side effects
Post by Richr8 on Feb 4th, 2006, 2:04pm
I've only been using Melatonin, 6mg, for about five days now, but it has gotten me back on six + hours a day sleep.  Still on a pred taper and Topamax and Verap, so it is impossible to say at this time what side effects are attributable to what although i know from past experince it has been impossible for me to get more that 3 hours sleep while on prednisone. So, I am very thankful for Melatonin a this point as it has helped tremendously with the sleep dep component of this condition.  I hope someone finds this information useful.  BTW, I shared this info with my Neuro after the fact and she was very supportive of the Melationin up to 9mg. as the 15mg of Temazipam she had prescribed had absoutely no impact on my ability to sleep.

Title: Re: Melatonin and prednisone
Post by karrie35 on Feb 4th, 2006, 2:14pm
On the back of my melatonin bottle I purchased yesterday it says check with your doctor before taking if taking prednisone. Anyone have been taking both?
Any problems?

Title: Re: Melatonin and side effects
Post by FramCire on Feb 4th, 2006, 3:29pm
9 mg of melatonin has been a huge help for me.  The first 2 nights I slept OK but my daytime HAs were worse.  The 3rd night I slept 5-6 hours (most Ive had this cycle) and my daytime HAs were back to normal.

Now (1 week or so later) I am sleeping 5-6 hours every night and my daytime HAs are all shadows.  I still get 1-2 HAs per day that are stronger than shadows but still much better.

The only other things I take right now are Verapomil (2x240) and O2 when hit.

I tried 1 mg of melatonin 2 times and had the worst nights of my entire cycle.  I read a link E-Double provided where the doctor suggested 9mg of melatonin as a first line of defense (along with Verapomil) and I wont look back.  Once I got past the first 2 days, everything was a ton better.  My wife says she can see the difference big time and I can feel it.

Now, it wont work for everyone, but I swear by it.

Title: Karrie
Post by Richr8 on Feb 4th, 2006, 3:49pm
Read my psot above. Okay with my doc anywho.  Working for me also.


Title: Re: Melatonin and side effects
Post by burnt-toast on Feb 5th, 2006, 9:23am
Here are a couple links that provide some good Melatonin information.  I currenly take 9mg 30 - 45 minutes before bed.

This link loads slow so give it some time


Title: Re: Melatonin and side effects
Post by Melissa on Feb 5th, 2006, 1:17pm
I cannot take melatonin.  It really screws up my sleep patterns and intensifies my CH's in severity and frequency when in cycle.  I tried it at 12mg and 6mg.

As it goes, not one thing works for everyone when it comes to clusters. :(

Title: Re: Melatonin and side effects
Post by pfunk on Feb 9th, 2006, 12:58am
I really don't know if this helps ayone out her but my doc had me on Ambien for sleep but now has put me on topomax , prednisone, and even suggested melatonin to help me stay asleep.  On my own, I made the suggestion that Ithought it might not be a good idea to take ambien wit melatonin and right away he agreed.  I'm taking b/n 9-12 mg of melatonin before bed and when it has sometimes not completely stopped attacks, it has lessened the numbers and intesity of individual CHs.  I haven't had a HA since 10:30AM Tues. and I have just started on my third week of topomax.  So, I guess it's just process of elimination.  Try everything until you find what works for you.  Right now I guess I'm getting lucky for a couple of days.  Hope at least some or a little of this helped here.  Much Luv and PF days for all 8)


Title: PFunk-Just for comparison sake
Post by Richr8 on Feb 9th, 2006, 7:09am
I was on the Pred. and Topamax, and had tried several prescription sleeping aids including ambien, lorazipam, tomazipam, and lunesta with no help.  Finally, switched to 6mg Melatonin with the docs approval and started getting 6+ hrs sleep a night. So the Melatonin worked for me.  I did have to drop the Topamax though, I did not like the psychological effects and didn't see any difference from Verapamil from the point of effectiveness. I only used the topomax at 100mg for about 10 days and hated every minute of it. I just cut the dose to 50mg to start weening off two days ago and feel much better already, altough still having trouble with motor controls, concentration, etc.  I am never going there again.  I will be switching back to 480mg Verapamil daily as a preventative. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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