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New Message Board Archives >> Jan-Mar 2004 >> Think you are safe from Identity Theft? (Non CH)
(Message started by: Donna_D. on Feb 24th, 2004, 1:39am)

Title: Think you are safe from Identity Theft? (Non CH)
Post by Donna_D. on Feb 24th, 2004, 1:39am
Even if your answer is yes....Please keep reading.  

Every now and again it never hurts to pass along a reminder, unfortunate though it may be.   I just got an email from a friend of mine and realized just how vulnerable we all are in this technological age in which we live.

Be careful family....I care about all of you!

Donna D

Recieved 02/24/2004:

In the past we have all heard of online theft of funds and seen those funny commercials on tv about theft of identity.

Well I am here to tell you all that is happens when you least expect it and it isn't funny when I see those commercials anymore.

I don't pay bills online but while Rob and I were in NY last week a lady named Maggie Scott Howard paid her electric bill thru TXU Energy online out of my checking account. Yep, is your jaw dropping? Because mine did when I got an insufficient funds notice from my bank that I wasn't responsible for,  saying that TXU drafted and they paid it and charged me a $33 overdraft fee.

When I called TXU they promptly told me the woman's name on the TXU account that was paid from my checking account. I went to the bank...........they said it wasn't an error in bank account numbers as I had hoped (you know me-not wanting to believe the worst) because they didn't show an account holder by that name. So, they retracted the draft, gave me "provisional credit" so they could research the problem and filed a claim against TXU.

I still have to go the police dept and file a report. So, in fear of using my bank account several payments ie car, house, insurance etc were late this month. Luckily I didn't pay them before going out of town or I would have really had a mess. She paid a rather large electric bill with my money.

Now I have always heard that when you pay bills online the names on accounts have to match.  But, I guess not. So--in summation--please be careful ya'll because it is easier than you think. Who knows how she got my bank account number and routing numbers-could have been anyone who processed a check of mine!! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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