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(Message started by: echo on Jan 15th, 2003, 6:06pm)

Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input
Post by echo on Jan 15th, 2003, 6:06pm
I for one think the gov overstepped his authority.

I'm just waiting to read of a class action suit to be filed by the families of the victims.  At a minimum they (families) need to take him out back and beat the crap out of him.

Would not be surprised to read this in the "That's Outrageous' portion of the readers digest.

Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input
Post by suzy617 on Jan 15th, 2003, 6:29pm
Yep, if I were family of a victim, I'd have to hunt that guy down and kill him. Wouldnt be too big a deal cause I'd probably be back on the street by night fall.


Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input
Post by Mark C on Jan 15th, 2003, 7:13pm
What a convulated first glance it appears the Gov. has lost his mind....has he? I went and did some research as suggested to try and understand how this happened. According to Ryan the IL system is broken and needs "fixed". Says he "many innocent folk have been wrongly accused". What does IL say.....

According to this there are many folks in IL wrongly on death row. Now supposedly Ryans logic is it is better to let all murderers go than to wrongly execute one man. Is this true! I doubt it. As I understand they are not free therir sentence has been reduced to life. What a consellation for the victims familys.
It looks like there is much more to this story also, it appears there is a reason Ryan is a one term Gov...
His administration is raft with corruption...

However, all is not lost, it looks someone with some power is trying to do something....,1282,-2321694,00.html

I would hate to be a victims family member. I would also hate to execute an innocent man. I would hate most to cause other deaths because guilty murderers are set free, or now have a chance to be freed to kill again. Illinois residents get your guns. I believe Illinois needs to do something about a state charter that would allow any one man to overturn jury rendered verdicts with the stroke of a pen. This could be fixed without causing so much turmoil. Ryan, being a one term Gov, has no chance of ever finding justice with such a ruling. What a horrible thing to happen. My heart goes out to the victims familys.

Title: I don't support george's war either
Post by rumplestiltskin on Jan 15th, 2003, 8:02pm


Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by jonny on Jan 15th, 2003, 8:06pm
You kill
on purpose
you die


Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by Charlie on Jan 15th, 2003, 8:33pm
Anti death penalty.

Simple main reasons: One can make a mistake, It's antique, and killing people to get elected, is as bad as it gets and makes me sick.

Others are that the rest of the civilized world rightly thinks we're not because of this. We are in some very iffy company. Slamming someone in a cell for the rest of their life, is greater punishment.  And in many instances, it costs nearly as much to go though years of court battles to kill someone as it does to keep them alive.


Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by Jabeen on Jan 15th, 2003, 8:52pm
I believe in the death penalty when it is beyond any doubt-not just reasonalble doubt- i.e. those sniper idiots.  I think it is terrible to be wrongfully executed and now with DNA evidence and scientific advances they can be more certain of guilt.  Life imprisonment is also wrong if someone is innocent, but better than being killed.  If the guilty people in IL can be proven 100% guilty thru DNA or whatever-then they should not have their sentences commuted.  In light of all the recent cases being overturned I would want to be very sure before I actually executed anyone.

Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by Georgia on Jan 15th, 2003, 9:13pm
Have you ever been somewhere like the store or the fair and seen little kids arguing and hitting each other? And then the mother steps in and HITS them while yelling, "DON'T HIT"?  That's got to be my favorite scenario of completely blatant hypocrisy and defiance of logic, well, after the scenario of the death penalty, that is.

Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by jonny on Jan 15th, 2003, 9:18pm
Andrea Yates

Nuff said.


Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by Roxy on Jan 15th, 2003, 9:36pm
I'm from Texas.   (almost  'nuff said)

Our little security signs in the windows of our homes read:


(I've actually had to write quite a few papers on the pros and cons of the death penalty during my illustrious infamous career)

Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by Karla on Jan 15th, 2003, 9:39pm
I am against the death penalty.  However, I am more against having one person being alowed to have the power to circumvent the court system by comutting sentences and letting people off.  We have judges and jurys and I don't think anyone has the right to overstep their judgement of guilty or not guilty and the punishment phase of the trial.  This is why we have appeals in process to clear names.  

Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by cootie on Jan 15th, 2003, 9:58pm
Around here the moto is...Don't mind the dog....beware of owner ! We had a neighbor girl killed this fall leaveing our fair by someone she knew......they only found parts of her body.....the only reason the guy confessed to where the rest of her was is if he was not put to death.....far as I am consern'd...he won !!!! That's not fair....he did it.....we all know he did it......and he confessed.......he's raped before just got out of prison....I'd hate to think this cold blooded killer could walk the streets agin !!!!! thinks it could happen now !!!! And it pisses me off !! Pam  >:(

Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by Jarvis on Jan 15th, 2003, 10:24pm
Uh-Oh here I go................................The key........."Beyond a reasonable doubt"........... There seems to be sufficient and reasonable doubt in at least the case of Hobley... If he were killed than who is the killer he or us. .. I was once arrested and charged wrongfully.  I feared for my freedom not even knowing the slightest facts of the issues being charged on me. 3 days I was in a jail cell and denied bail. I was identified by a witness in a line up... I could not verify an alibi because I was alone at the time and travelling. After those3 days the true suspect was caught in another crime and confessed. They came and opened my cell, said you can go and didnt even apologize.... From that day on I swore that never again would I condemn another person without absolutely and totally all the facts in my hands......On that note I respect the govs choices at least in the case of Hobley. Because there was reasonable doubt...... I personally find our judicial system to be a huge disgrace to all humanity... Why is it that the guy who steals 20 dollars from the till to feed his hungry children is sentenced to 10-20 years in a cell and his family put on welfare. And why is it that the guy who steals 266 million dollars from investors pockets is only called a poor manager. Then given a golden parachute of another 20 mill. to go away to live in the lap of luxury the rest of his days. While he has destroyed 100s of families and lives with his outstanding theft and willfull destruction of others lives........I say open the courts records on death row and review all the doubts apply DNA testing and maybe 30% can be set free....All over this country this is happening and I think I heard some number in the hundreds of people that were indeed set free due to DNA proving that there was no way they could have committed the crimes they were accused, tried and condemned for. I too believe this is a very serious matter. I get mad as hell like K.O.P. only different to the fact that one idiot can condemn a person to death without first considering and often not allowing absolutely all the facts.

Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by woobie on Jan 15th, 2003, 10:40pm
I live in Illinois, and I have heard SOOO much about this.. it makes me sick.  I  do have to say tho.. that a lot of politicians grant clemensy before they leave office.. Slick Willy Clinton included!  

BUT Ryan is corrupt in, out, sideways, and upside down, no matter how you look at him.. he's dirty!  

He overstepped his authority... but he only did what the law told him he could do.  

The laws need to be changed!  Until that happens, this shit is going to happen!  

There was ONE guy proven to be innocent thru DNA evidence... and HE should have been set free.. but the others.???????????  

Oh well, that's my 2 cents..

Tina   :-*

Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by Charlie on Jan 16th, 2003, 7:27am
Some countries that have the death penalty:

Korea, North
Korea, South
Myanmar (Used to be Burma)
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates

No western countries have the death penalty other than the United States. Japan India both have forms of it as well.  What company we are in.

Without the death penalty, a someone can be sentenced to life in prison and be released if proven not guilty. With the death penalty, no such luck.

My reason for opposition is that there is no redress of greivance. That's enough for me.


Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by catlind on Jan 16th, 2003, 8:32am
I can't speak on the specific subject with any knowledge.
Death penalty?  How do rationalize killing someone for killing someone?  On the other hand, if someone were to harm one of my children they had better hope the law finds them before I do.  Hypocritical? Yup, it always is when it's not you.


Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by jmorgan52 on Jan 16th, 2003, 9:41am
I'm with Jonny on this one

You kill
on purpose
you die

Pity we don't have the death sentence over here. It should be like like the Bomb - the ultimate deterent. I know sometimes an innocent gets executed, but how many innocents have to die because murderers are not totally shit scared of death penalty. I reckon the trouble with the US system as I see it is the jury system that allows the opinions of the jury to decide. For death penalty there must be absolute proof of the murderer, then poof quick and fast not wait on death row for 20 years vacilating. Any sort of doubt - lock them up until proved one way or the other.

Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by Svenn on Jan 16th, 2003, 9:48am
We do not have death-penalty here in Norway.
But i have to say that in some cases i wish that we had that
Thats for sure.
The US can learn from China in this matter.trial and sentence within 5 minutes after and not waith 15-20 years to execute courtorders

But thats just me and my way of thinking


Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by Roxy on Jan 16th, 2003, 10:01am
Yes, the US judicial system may be flawed.  There are injustices, people fall through the cracks, but like all systems, it is based on human frailty.  But, through comparative studies, there is not a better system out there...... yet.  In any country.  We have more due process than any other group of citizens.  When the Supreme Ct. ruled the death penalty unconstitutional in 1972 under, the eighth amendment, the way the opinion was written, it said the death penalty was unconstitutional under certain statutes.

It only took Florida 5 months to rewrite their statutes, followed by 34 more states.  In 1976, it was ruled unconstitutional again, across the board.  Then Texas, Georgia, and Florida added mitigating circumstances, won their case the same year.  Lo and behold, the death penalty was back, at least in those three states.  Once again, 35 more state followed quickly.

You can go round and round on this one.  It seems to me, in the end, it all boils down to....we, the people......

We elect the state politicians who enact these laws, we elect the Presidents who appoint the Justices.  One man, one vote.  The last presidential election showed us just how much our one vote can count.  But, I think we are lucky....we live in a country where our vote does count, and we can make a difference.

Please excuse the of my teaching fields is criminal justice.....sometimes, ya know.....I just ramble !!!!!

Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by SFChris on Jan 16th, 2003, 2:16pm
I think it's important to remember that the Governor didn't "let them off", but commuted their sentences to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole...

I would like this to be a black and white issue for me, but it's not.  I disagree with the death penalty - period.  BUT, if it were my family or loved ones who were murdered I think that I would feel differently.... :-/


Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by Slammy on Jan 16th, 2003, 3:26pm
What the hell, Slammy will jump in on this one.

Personally, I don't think they use the Death Penalty enough. They need to expand on it to include child molesters and rapists...  but that's just me.. ;D

Why spend all of our hard earn money keeping them incarcerated for their entire life, feeding and housing them.

That's not the problem.  The problem is the judicial system.  With all the legal maneuvering that is done, you end up with innocent people guilty and guilty people let off scot free!  It just zooms over the heads of the common juror.

What they need is professional jurys made up of lawyers who understand the legalbabble bullshit and can separate the wheat from the chaff.... lol!  did I say that right!   ;D


Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by Margi on Jan 16th, 2003, 3:52pm
I read something in a good book.  "An Eye for an Eye"....
I firmly believe in that.  

Slammy's right though - the problem lies in the judicial system - in both our countries.  Innocent people ARE doing time (and in some cases, losing their lives) for crimes they didn't commit.  I doubt that's something that will change in our lifetimes, however.  

Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by jonny on Jan 16th, 2003, 3:55pm
Ok, last time on this one for me.

Your elderly mother is in a store and two guys walk in to rob it, being scared your Mom starts crying, one guy smashes her in the head with the butt of a shotgun and she falls to the floor. Now they notice shes wearing a diamond and cut her finger off to get it and then shoot her in the head and kill her, owner of the store comes running with his own shotgun and they run out, just to meet the cops on the sidewalk and be caught.

Now what say YOU!!!!!

Do they die?


Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by ShariRae on Jan 16th, 2003, 4:28pm
 Yer f*ckin right they do!
my 2 cents!

Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by Linda_Howell on Jan 16th, 2003, 5:10pm
MY  mother.   My child.....yes!   but I'd like to kill them myself.  Not wait an eternity for the state to do it.  Why does a lethal shot cost more than keeping them in jail for the rest of their lives?

and where in the hell does that guy get his facts.  He said and I quote(I watched the Oprah show also)

" the mistake factor is 60%"   meaning what?

   60% of everyone in jail is innocent?   Oh, I think not.

I agree with that one guy on the street who they interviewed......" There is no justice anymore"

I too, feel for those families when they found out that the person who killed their loved one, was being released into the General population, so he could go on to have  all the perks of "CLUB FED"  

Linda Howell

Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by jonny on Jan 16th, 2003, 6:16pm

on 01/16/03 at 18:00:36, KingOfPain wrote:
I know I invite being flamed for this practice & my comments, but I can't & won't depend on "the law" for my survival! So flame on.

Flame shields up, KOP......I got your back!!!!

Anyone walks in my house uninvited deserves to die and will.


Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by Jarvis on Jan 16th, 2003, 9:30pm
I agree with Slammy, woefully agree with Roxy and gleefully agree with jonny and the elder mother deal. With jonnys scenario there is no reasonable doubt and the guys should be killed before they ever reach the street.... However our system of justice will put the store owner on trial if he shot the killers and there would be no reasonable doubt as to wether killing the killers was necessary.. After all the police were now on hand and all they witnessed was the store owner gunning down the killers from behind as they ran out the door. To top it off the store never had fresh donuts when the cops came in before.. If he cant afford quality representation he may just end up in prison for willfully gunning down another.......

Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by Mark C on Jan 16th, 2003, 10:10pm

"The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that... it is their right and duty to be at all times armed." --Thomas Jefferson to John Cartwright, 1824.

     "An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life."
-Robert A. Heinlein, Beyond the Horizon, 1942

Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by paul_b on Jan 16th, 2003, 11:48pm
Taking a life is wrong. Defending your country is necessary. Life in prison w/o parole is a living hell. Give them hell.

Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by jmorgan52 on Jan 17th, 2003, 12:49am
To complicate the issue a bit;

We have had some road rage killings here in the last few years with baseball bats and hockey sticks being used to beat the victims to death or turning them into vegetables. The culprits have been treated leniently being allowed bail and 5 year sentences because they had "problems with anger" in their upbringings. So what - kill the fuckers!

In another recent incident a guy was being harrased by drunk vagrants illegally camping and creating disturbance late at night outside his house. He went outside to chase them off with his gun in hand. One guy came at him with a knife and he let off a couple of rounds in warning shots. The guy kept coming so he shot him dead. The guy was grief stricken and shocked by what he had done, but 2 years later was set free. Quite right too. The local do-gooders who run vagrant shelters and such like are outraged that he has been set free. They say the system is selling vagrant life short. Maybe if guns were banned the vagrant would be alive, but maybe the house owner would be dead from the knife.


Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by Charlie on Jan 17th, 2003, 2:31am
Gary Wills the author says that in all the Jesus stories, the one time he came across an execution, he said you are not to do this and ended it.

I have no interest in a bible debate as I know nothing about it and will not participate. I think Wills comes at this from a Catholic angle. I wonder if this is true?  


Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by Roxy on Jan 17th, 2003, 11:47am
I'm like you Charlie....don't know enough to argue the point.  But Jesus was executed in a pretty cruel and inhumane way, so all the Jesus stories can't be about no executions, but yes, it was the bad guys doing the executions.  The old testament is pretty much, an eye for an eye.  The new testament is turn the other cheek (though my definition is terribly simplified).

But, I do know that my husband is Catholic, and he would be the first to shoot someone's ass if they were coming after his family.  Our state says it's legal to shoot someone breaking into your long as he doesn't fall back out the window or door after you shoot him.  He has to be actually inside the home.  So you have to crouch in the dark, and wait till they come all the way in !!!!!

Of course it's also illegal to spit on the sidewalk (this, is the #1 snuff state....go figure)

Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by Hunny on Jan 17th, 2003, 1:36pm
Life in prison becomes normal.  It isn't hell.  Days become routine and, in many cases, inmates who are let out want back in.  Let's not get started on recidivism rates though.  But if it were a hell on earth I promise you - people wouldn't be going back again and again.

Gov. Ryan was elected on a platform of law and order, he supported the death penalty and promised the state a certain level of safety and security.  He's a liar.

Three years ago, when his studies on this started, he promised that no one would be let go.  He swore to the families that the accused would be examined on a case by case basis and ONLY those who could be proven innocent would be released or given a lesser sentence.  He kept voicing this promise right up until he commuted the sentences to life.

He lied, cheated and treated the families of the victims as if they were less important than the gutless scum who killed their families.  All of the victims were symbolically killed again and all of the families had to re-live it.

The families have gone through YEARS of tragedy and grief, re-living the horrible moment they found out about their loved ones death and they have sat in trials and learned facts and seen pictures that no human should ever have to see - much less of a child, mother, husband etc.  I know, I've been on a murder jury and it stays with me still

One victim who was 8 month pregnant was stabbed repeatedly and had her baby removed from her womb, her daughter was stabbed in the neck so hard it severed her spinal column, her 7 year old son was chased down outside and butchered.  Some one PLEASE tell me why they feel these men deserve 3 meals a day, all the drugs they can consume (please, you don't think drugs are in jail???) a bed of their own, warmth in the winter, cool in the summer, and unrestricted tv, games, therapy and sex.  Some didn't have it that good on the outside!!

If you come in my house, if you hurt my child, my grandchild, my husband I promise you that you WANT to be caught.  You WANT the police to get to you before I do and can do to you MUCH worse than you have done to mine.  I will not go through what those families have and watch as worthless scum are given a better deal than they gave their victims.

Other than that...Hi everyone!! I'm the new kid on the block!!1  ;D

Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by RevDeFord on Jan 17th, 2003, 3:51pm
I will take it a step farther.....

You kill somone by torturing them and cutting off their head and sucking out their brains, then you ought to have the same thing done to you.

You rape someone before slitting their throat - we ought to have a machine that'll do that for you too.

If I have a dog come into my yard and attack my dog, I will shoot that dog, no questions asked.  As far as I am concerned, a murderer is no better than a rabid dog that ought to be permanently removed from society.

I have seen murder, I was threatened by the family tryingn to not get me to testify.  I went to bed the week before the trial with my full arsenal loaded and cocked and ready.

Criminals are the only people in this society that have the rights.  Victims don't have any.  My brother -in -law is a corrections officers and talks frequently of the repeat offenders that he sees just days or weeks after release.

And New Mexico or some God forsaken state gives it's death row inmates a choice as to how they would like to have their sentence carried out.  Hanging, injection, firing squad, electric chair.  This dude chose firing squad a few years ago, and they got 6 sharpshooters, and gave one bullet and the others blanks so they don't know who actually fired the killing blow.

Give me a break.  Let me fire the gun.  I won't ask for a salary, they won't have to put in any blanks, I will gladly dispatch the murderer.

Can sins be forgiven?  You betcha, but they still got to pay society's payment.

Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by RevDeFord on Jan 17th, 2003, 3:55pm

The one person that the writer is talking about was a woman caught in the act of adultery.  They had taken up stones to stone her, when Jesus simply stated, "Let him who is without sin throw the first stone."  With that, they left.  It was an insighted vengeful mob, who were taking matters into their own hands without a Jewish or even Roman Trial.  For them to have stoned her would have been breaking Jewish law as there had to be a trial before a stoning could commence.

Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by brain_cramps on Jan 17th, 2003, 4:10pm

on 01/17/03 at 15:51:02, RevDeFord wrote:
I went to bed the week before the trial with my full arsenal loaded and cocked and ready.

A little off the topic but...

Up here in Canada, we have a 'quasi-communist frenchman a$$hole' that's trying to enact a gun law.  Every gun owner must register their guns (before Jan1/03).  So far, only a small percentage have.   Obviously, a sizeable percentage won't.

What was only supposed to cost a couple of million dollars has now costed in excess of a BILLION dollars.

So now, the police have the right to 'storm into' the house of a registered gun-owner, to check if everything is up to regulation.  Meanwhile, if you never registered them in the first place (like all criminals won't), the gov't won't even know you have one in the first place, and therefore have no reason to come and 'check'.

Absolutely f*cking retarded if you ask me!

Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by lonenightowl on Jan 17th, 2003, 4:26pm
My 2 cents,would be 2cents worth of lead!

Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by Charlie on Jan 17th, 2003, 6:45pm
Just to clear up a thing or two:

Don't count on me being Mr. Niceguy should you break in here and commit some heinous crime.  Like many, I tell myself I'd so postal on them. Hopefully, I'll never know.  The store clerk, victim, etc. immediately defending himself, to me, is a different can of worms.  State killings are rightly very hard.

Thanks Rev. It didn't occur to be that this was the "cast the first stone" story. Not much does occur to me as I get older.


Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by cerebus on Jan 20th, 2003, 7:05pm
Ok KOP, you hadda go here huh?
 I'm with Jonny on this one and I live in Illinois. The percentage of inmates on death row in illinois who  were innocent of the crime were a very small percentage of the total, and most were incarcerated before the introduction of DNA evidence to the judicial system. Second The FORMER Gov. was ,as Woobie stated, Corrupt in every direction applicable. Third it is absolutely insane that so many death-row inmates are now serving life sentances. The argument being that it costs just as much to execute an inmate as it does to incarcerate them for a lifetime, BULLSHIT, yes the appeals process takes an eternity but it is also the insurance that filters out the truly guilty from the innocent. There are only so many appeals you can file, and eventually it ends and the accused's life ends thus ending the cost of keeping them alive.
 Life- Imprisonment is exactly that, and the cost continues till that individual's death. So you tell me, keep em alive and pay for their upkeep for 20 years on death row , or keep em alive and pay their upkeep  for 80 years in max security. I believe the former is more cost effective. Bottom line, why should my tax dollars go to keep scum alive when we can simply dispense with them and save room for more. I don't want my money going to pay to hospitalize or educate someone who didn't have enough respect for the life of another....period.
 The Punishment should also fit the crime, I have to agree with REV Ford on this as well. Part of the reason that capital punishment isn't a good deterrant to murder is because it isn't scary enough. "leathal injection" is Painless, would you be scared of that? of course not. If the punishment were the scariest consequence possible it would be a good deterrent. So Please define cruel and unusual. Apparently murder wasn't too cruel and unusual a fate for the victim.
 On gun control......there is no such thing as gun control. Guns don't kill people, people kill people with guns. It is also a proven fact that anti-gun legislation is as equally ineffective as the death penalty as a deterrant to crime. The fact is Felons will get guns anyway. It is a cryin shame to try to claim that the basis of crime is due to the invention of the gun, another load of horse hockey. Heaven forbid folks be held accountable for their actions, that would be un-american.
  Finally.........I favor the death penalty, but only in repeat and extreme cases, and the evidence should have to be overwhelming in each case, With reform of the penal system in order as well.

I'm done now,

Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by jmorgan52 on Jan 21st, 2003, 12:46am
As for the method of execution: the vision of dangling on the end of a rope scared the shit out of me when I was a kid growing up in England when the death penalty was still around. It served as the ultimate detterent to my young mind and still does. Just like the visions of the atom bomb mushroom cloud. The electric chair and the gas chamber also invoke spine chilling thoughts. Lethal injection and other "humane" methods don't feel the same.
As for "life sentence"; In many countries "life" just means about 15-25 years and then parole if you behave in prison and show some remorse and "reform". Thats just too good for these murdering fuckers.


Title: Re: Way Off CH Subject, Need Your Input Please
Post by Elaine on Jan 21st, 2003, 12:29pm
I have been doing some research on this also. I do believe that the government needs to be reformed. I believe it should be everywhere not just Illinois. I don’t think anyone person should have the right to change things. I watched Montel  Williams today, after listening to many people talk from the Mayor to one of the innocent men who was on Death Row. I have mixed feeling on this as I am sure the Mayor did also.
There has been 13 men/women on death row that was proven innocent in Illinois. That is a good many in my book. I would say that the Mayor ( no matter if he is corrupted or not) made a decision that was fair . I don’t know that I could of left office wondering if many more were awaiting death sentence that was innocent.
If I was a family member of someone who had been murdered, I would be more concerned if they had the right man after seeing 13 found innocent. I WOULD want the guilty man on Death row but not a innocent one.
If I was the family of someone who was convicted wrongly I would do what ever I could to see he got a fair hearing.
This is one of those things is there a way to judge people and BE SURE??

This morning on Good Morning America I watched a video that really upset me. A family dog being shot by a policeman. To start with watching  someone shot a dog is as bad to me as watching a child being shot.
The policeman was asked repeatly to close the car door so the dog would not get out. The dog ran toward the woods waging his tail the policeman shined his flash light on the dog the dog yapping not growing or barking as to be attacking came running back wagging his tail, the police man shot the dog twice, as the family who were wrongly being held and handcuffed watched. The police man was not reprimanded, the only thing the family got was they were sorry. The policeman said he was fearing for his life he said all he knew it was a pit coming at him. That maybe but still from what I saw on the tape the dog never looked like he was going to attack. He was just a pup.

To many things going on that’s not right. Whats the right THING to do??? Who knows? Again no one person should be able to make a choise like that!

Now a question ? How would you feel if you were wrongly accused and waiting on death row?

How many children have lied and caused an adult to be jailed  just because they did not like the person? The government has given power to our children to have us locked up for trying to make them mind.

My oldest daughter wanted some attention from her friends, she told one of her friends I had beat her. The friend told her mother her mother had her tell family and children services. They went to the school checked her for marks found none. They came to my house, rude and accusing. I will believe to this day that they would have come after me except for the fact I was in the hospital at the time I was to of beat her.
Children find it hard to admit they lied. How many parents school teachers ect…have been jailed but did no wrong????

I could go on and on but won’t  I believe people should be punished but it has to be Proven beyond a shadow of a doubt!!!

here is a link aso that shows innocent people who have been convited. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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