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Cluster Headache Help and Support >> Getting to Know Ya >> noise,alchohol, cig smoke - triggers for clusters?
(Message started by: coreyo87 on Apr 12th, 2008, 12:16pm)

Title: noise,alchohol, cig smoke - triggers for clusters?
Post by coreyo87 on Apr 12th, 2008, 12:16pm
Hey Guys,
 In your experience do any of the above things trigger your cluster headaches?  They seem to do to mine.

Title: Re: noise,alchohol, cig smoke - triggers for clust
Post by Ray on Apr 12th, 2008, 12:18pm
Alcohol is a trigger for most people with cluster headaches.  Smoke and noise are not for me.  

Others for me are flashing or flickering lights, looking at someone who is back lit, and auto exhaust.

Like everything else with cluster headaches, individual triggers vary between people.

Wishing you well,


Title: Re: noise,alchohol, cig smoke - triggers for clust
Post by midwestbeth on Apr 12th, 2008, 2:39pm
Beer and Red Wine are both triggers for me while in high cycle.  I smoke and can't stand to be around cigarette smoke while getting hit, otherwise it does not bother me.  Haven't noticed noise or lights to be triggers, neither seem to bother me during a ch.

As Ray said, individual triggers vary and alcohol seems to be the most common trigger for most.

pf wishes to you


Title: Re: noise,alchohol, cig smoke - triggers for clust
Post by CostaRicaKris on Apr 12th, 2008, 3:25pm
Alcohol - but only in the second half of the cycle (when the hits are worst)  

Cigarette smoke - I don't think so. I don't know any smokers and I can't think of any time I'm around it.

Noise - Nope

Title: Re: noise,alchohol, cig smoke - triggers for clust
Post by Argonaut on Apr 13th, 2008, 1:20am
Cigarettes and noise don't seem to trigger headaches for me. As for alcohol, the jury is still out - I don't think it IS a main factor for me, but it can act as a trigger on some occasions.

I also find flashing and flickering lights can trigger headaches for me, which can cause problems when I'm driving!

Title: Re: noise,alchohol, cig smoke - triggers for clust
Post by George_J on Apr 13th, 2008, 1:28am
In cycle, alcohol is an inevitable trigger for me.  Consequently, I won't touch it until the cycle's finished.

The others--no, not really.  



Title: Re: noise,alchohol, cig smoke - triggers for clust
Post by tanner on Apr 13th, 2008, 2:09am
I had never been able to identify any triggers for sure until very recently. All of a sudden Rum, Gin, and red wine will all kick a HA way up the scale :(.

Smoked my last cigarette ever on Jan 25th and have noticed no change. Lights and noise have never bothered me except during migraines so I have really learned very little about these bastiches in my time.

 naturally beefeaters and myers used to be my favs  :'(


 oh well at least i still have beer (knocking on wood)!

Title: Re: noise,alchohol, cig smoke - triggers for clust
Post by Terrell on Apr 13th, 2008, 4:07am
Alcohol was definately a trigger for me when I was first diagnosed. I stopped drinking at 27 and have touched a drop in 16 years. The only other trigger I have noticed (it is probably all in my mind) is I can't sleep on my left side during my cycle. This is the side I have them on. I smoke and that does not seem to trigger the beast. In fact, I smoke while I am having a CH. I hate light and noise while I am having one. I go outside, pace, and smoke. Probably not a great combination but it calms me down. I have learned very quickly on this site that everyone has unique qualities from triggers to treatment. The common unifying factor is compassion and concern.

Title: Re: noise,alchohol, cig smoke - triggers for clust
Post by cronic_head_case on Apr 13th, 2008, 5:20am
Yeah, definitely alcohol for me. I can't even get through a pint without a CH coming on...very annoying as there's nothing better than a night out on the beer especially as i'm only 28 and supposed to be in my prime! lol

As for any other triggers, it's impossible to tell. My CH are Chronic so i get them all the time, any time. It seems to me that a fly could land on my shoulder and that would trigger one.

The only time i don't get CH's is when i get put on a medication that works, and that's only for about a year and a half. In those rare moments i head straight to the pub and enjoy headache free drinking while i can!

Title: Re: noise,alchohol, cig smoke - triggers for clust
Post by beachmusic on Apr 13th, 2008, 10:28am
Alcohol for sure but seems to be only when in cycle.  Dear Lord I am on bended knees that it stays that way. ;)

When I am in cycle then.....
Any and all smells bother me except my own tobacco smoke.  ::)
Lights even dim ones bother me.  [smiley=cool2.gif]
Lots of different foods bother me.
Noise can bother me.
Never sleeping bothers me.
When you get right down to it generally everything bothers me . >:( Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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