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(Message started by: Lebowski on Jan 22nd, 2008, 3:22pm)

Title: Hello, New Here!
Post by Lebowski on Jan 22nd, 2008, 3:22pm
     I can't believe I found this site and I am not the only CH suffer out there! I am a 33yr. old guy who has had these headaches since I was in junior high. Just got them finally diagnosed about 4 years ago by my neurologist as CH and currently taking Verapamil 40mg 2 times a day and Zomig 5mg when I feel one coming on. I can half the Zomigs if I catch them in time and do pretty well.

    For years I would pound down any type of Ibuprofin, Excedrin, Tylenol Anything to make these go away. My CH are seasonal for me, usually in the winter time and wake me right up out of a deep sleep with extreme pain in my right eye. Would drive me crazy!. My wife would tell me to calm down but she just did not understand that you can not calm down.

    I would pace the house screaming, pounding my head with my fists. Literally going crazy. She did a lot of research and now understands a lot better.

    She finally got me to the neurologist and he has helped me so much. I am in my season right now and had to increase my Verapamil dose a little bit but feel like it is coming under control again. Hopefully for a long time.

    Sorry for the long post but I am just really excited about this site and hope to chat it up with you guys.

Title: Re: Hello, New Here!
Post by ski2k on Jan 22nd, 2008, 3:52pm
Welcome aboard, but sorry you had to find us!

  I think we all feel relieved when we find this site and realize we're not alone! My wife used to tell me the same, but never bothered to look into it more (just one of the reasons she's now my EX-wife!! LOL).

  I think the best advice I could give to you at a glance, is to check out the "Oxygen info" link on the left. High rates of O2 (15 liters per minute, or lpm) have been most of us sufferers' biggest weapon in fighting off a headache. It works by constricting the blood vessels for a while, and knocking the headache out almost immediately (within 5-10 minutes for most). Much faster than any pill! Check it out, and talk to your doc about it.

 Between the lot of us here, we can (most likely) help you and your doc find something that'll work for you!

Take care,

Title: Re: Hello, New Here!
Post by Stinger on Jan 22nd, 2008, 4:14pm
Welcome labowski.  Your story sounds like mine.  I am also new here.  I also went years without knowing what they were or what to do for them.  Nothing helped.  I also took Zomig last cycle (3 years ago.)  It helped alot.  CHs are something no one should have to go through.  Good luck.  Zomig is expensive, no?  But worth it.

Title: Re: Hello, New Here!
Post by imfareware on Jan 22nd, 2008, 6:09pm
Welcome!! Like yours, mine are seasonal also, I have about 1 week left till they are totally gone for the year (hopefully).  

I got some O2 and melitonin and thats all I needed for this round of headaches.

Hang in there, like me, I found this site this year and now I know there are many of us out there!!

Title: Re: Hello, New Here!
Post by imfareware on Jan 22nd, 2008, 6:09pm
What part of the US you from, sounds like a good North East name.

Title: Re: Hello, New Here!
Post by Lebowski on Jan 22nd, 2008, 7:05pm
Hey guys thanks for the welcomes. I must say that this recent round of headaches have been so powerful, more extreme pain than I have ever had. The tear production that comes with them has been so crazy. Sometimes it feels like my eyeball might eject from its socket.

My headaches before were really bad but Nothing like these recent ones. The Zomig definitely helps but I will check out the O2. Any body else experience this with the headaches becoming more painful?

Title: Re: Hello, New Here!
Post by AussieBrian on Jan 22nd, 2008, 7:16pm

on 01/22/08 at 19:05:37, Lebowski wrote:
Any body else experience this with the headaches becoming more painful?

Oh yes, yes, a thousand times yes, but regardless how bad they get you've just got to remember they will end.  They must always end.

Title: Re: Hello, New Here!
Post by Lebowski on Jan 22nd, 2008, 7:18pm

on 01/22/08 at 18:09:42, imfareware wrote:
What part of the US you from, sounds like a good North East name.

Originally from Florida, live here in Ithaca, NY with my wife and 2 kids. Lebowski is from the movie 'The Big Lebowski' one of my favorite movies.

Zomig is not expensive since it is covered by  my insurance thank god.

I have definitely gone in remission with these before lasting well over a year but they just seem to some back. I heard of growing out of them but I am not sure if that this is true.

Title: Re: Hello, New Here!
Post by Lebowski on Jan 22nd, 2008, 7:20pm

on 01/22/08 at 19:16:42, AussieBrian wrote:
Oh yes, yes, a thousand times yes, but regardless how bad they get you've just got to remember they will end.  They must always end.

Before I took Zomig, when the CH would finally end I would feel this awesome sense of relief and then pass right out and sleep like a log. I am glad I have the Zomig but I feel pretty run down after taking one and have a few side effects with them. Nothing crazy but just the tightness in my chest and my throat feels really dry.

Title: Re: Hello, New Here!
Post by RichardN on Jan 22nd, 2008, 9:31pm
Hi and Welcome

 Another vote for 02 here for aborting your attacks.  I can't use Imitrex due to some artery blockage and high cholesterol . . . . so 02 is my only abortive . . . can usually kill the beast in minutes if used early-on in the attack.  Inexpensive, even if your insurance won't cover it.  Copy the 02 info and take to your doc . . . requires a prescription if you go the medical route, or you can set up a rig with welders 02 . . . that info is available here also.

 Have no experience with the Zomig, but the Verapamil dose is a bit low to have any real effect yet . . . it's usually upped til you hit a level that's working for you.  For me, I had my first PF day when I hit 240 mg (had 3 attacks that night . . . killed with 02) . . . but it was a wonderful day . . . the first PF day I had enjoyed in over a year . . . . this place saved my life.  Many here use Verapamil in much higher doses and in combination with Lithium or other meds.

 Don't discount water therapy (see "water X 3" . . .link on left).  I'm convinced this has helped me reduce the frequency/intensity of attacks.

 Read, read, read . . . and ask any questions you might have.  The answers you get here come from folks who truly know your pain.

 Have your lady prowl around the supporters board . . . lots of folks there to help her help you both.

 Be Safe.     PFDANs


Title: Re: Hello, New Here!
Post by Lebowski on Jan 23rd, 2008, 2:42am
He started me on an even lower dose of Verapamil a few years ago and they work quite well. So far I have had to increase the dose to 120mg/day and has helped so far. I have not had to take a Zomig in over 2 weeks now so I am happy about that. Do you guys use O2 for extreme or more frequent CH? or just regularly.

I feel the Verapamil and Zomig work but I think I need to stay on Verapamil for a longer time. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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