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Daily Chat >> General Posts >> Are we there, yet???
(Message started by: Gator on May 1st, 2008, 3:47pm)

Title: Are we there, yet???
Post by Gator on May 1st, 2008, 3:47pm
I have to try not to think about it, because when I do think about it I get all excited about the prospect of seeing my friends and family once again.  I end up getting all sidetracked from what I am supposed to be doing.  Then I go back looking at pictures and videos of past conventions and get all homesick to see everyone again.   Aw, to heck with it.  I can re-caulk that tub tomorrow.  So...Are we there, yet?

Dallas, Texas  -  July 11 - 13, 2008  -  Be there! (

Title: Re: Are we there, yet???
Post by Linda_Howell on May 1st, 2008, 11:07pm

 I'm half-packed.  ;)

  Folks if you've never been to a convention you have just got to do this for yourself.  Sitting in a room with others who know exactly what you're talking about is priceless.  No one,  who comes to a convention for the first time.. ever, ever leaves wishing they hadn't. In fact they wish they'd come a day earlier.

   I will never forget my first convention.  Atlanta, Ga.  Never met another person with CH before and I was scared.  Elaine picked me up at the airport and by the time we got to the 1st. stoplight, we were friends.  The people I met when I got to the hotel were all there for the 1st time too and it wasn't long before everyone was trading stories, laughing our a$$es off and totally at ease with each other.

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