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(Message started by: Paul98 on May 1st, 2008, 2:21pm)

Title: This is messed  up!
Post by Paul98 on May 1st, 2008, 2:21pm
Who would do this to an infant?

Aside from the fact of possible physical harm, I don't think free fall would do an infant any mental good!


Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by Yorky on May 1st, 2008, 2:46pm
its a muslim shrine ...that this happens  ::)

Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by LeLimey on May 1st, 2008, 3:23pm
Thats just wrong. I don't know if I could throw my baby out of a burning building never mind off a tower for the hell of it..  :-/

Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by Grandma_Sweet_Boy on May 1st, 2008, 3:44pm
Wouldn't that scar them for life?  Good Grief! >:(

Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by Paul98 on May 1st, 2008, 3:47pm

on 05/01/08 at 15:44:25, Grandma_Sweet_Boy wrote:
Wouldn't that scar them for life?  Good Grief! >:(

It sure would cause me a lifetime of fear of hights.  I probably would never get past the poing of just dropping off to sleep again!


Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by Brew on May 1st, 2008, 3:58pm
WTF is wrong with some people?

Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by Grandma_Sweet_Boy on May 1st, 2008, 4:11pm
I remember being told years ago that we are all born with two fears - the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises.

Imagine if that's true - how those poor little babies felt in that time it took to drop through the air.

To me it's child abuse.


Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by Rosybabe on May 1st, 2008, 4:27pm
of course it is child abuse! poor little ones, they could end up with a brain injury!

Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by Brew on May 1st, 2008, 4:39pm
Is it Islam that teaches/sanctions this, or is it merely cultural stupidity?

Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by Paul98 on May 1st, 2008, 4:54pm

on 05/01/08 at 16:39:28, Brew wrote:
Is it Islam that teaches/sanctions this, or is it merely cultural stupidity?

I suspect they are Hindi.  Cultrual would be my guess.  Kind of like wadeing in that cesspool to cleans them selves.  LOL.


Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by Brew on May 1st, 2008, 5:07pm
The site that hosts the video you posted said they were Muslim.

Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by Racer1_NC on May 1st, 2008, 5:29pm

on 05/01/08 at 17:05:59, john_d wrote:
Just wonder about the first person who came up with this brilliant idea.    

The village idiot no doubt.....  

Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by Redd on May 1st, 2008, 5:37pm
For fear of being blasted from here to the moon:

I'm not saying I'm not shocked or appaled by this, because I am.  But...

Religious and cultural rituals still exist today.  

How many men here were circumsized as an infant, and has it scarred you mentally for life?  How many have given consent to have their infant son's circumsized?

Just a thought to think on.

Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by andrewjb on May 1st, 2008, 6:21pm
;;D, there seems to be quite an art in catching the child on the first bounce. not sure it would be so shocking if you had been "given longer life" at that age. i'am very glad i missed the experience. andrew.               edited to add a full stop.

Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by monty on May 1st, 2008, 7:19pm
Hindu participants in the hotair version of the same story.  The breitbart version said Hindu and Muslim so it must be cultural. I guess if you don't have NASCAR, you need to come up with something else to watch. I imagine it would be even more exciting than most other sports, as long as it isn't my kid at risk.

Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by cosmicfunkfather on May 1st, 2008, 7:26pm
That's sad man, really sad!!!

Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by andrewjb on May 1st, 2008, 7:45pm
;),best practice says its wrong. but who are we to interfere ? it's a cultural norm, make a law banning it, and you'll have a lot of folk poping prescribed pills,  :-/. to help with virtigo,  ::). andrew.

Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by Charlie on May 1st, 2008, 11:21pm
Gotta get kids hooked up when they're very young so they don't see how incredibly idiotic this kind of thing is.


Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by nani on May 2nd, 2008, 12:37am
I think we stand on shaky ground when we start making value judgements of cultural or religious traditions that differ from our own.

When it comes to damaging children for life ... well, sadly, every culture has a plethora of ways to do that.  

Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by Brew on May 2nd, 2008, 8:56am
[quote author=nani link=board=general;num=1209666093;start=0#19 date=05/02/08 at 00:37:38]I think we stand on shaky ground when we start making value judgements of cultural or religious traditions that differ from our own.

When it comes to damaging children for life ... well, sadly, every culture has a plethora of ways to do that.  
So that makes it taboo for us to condemn dropping babies when we see it?

Part of me wants to say, "Damn straight I'm going to make a value judgement. It's WRONG. Not really concerned who I offend."

The other part says that there's a Darwinian component to a culture that drops its babies. Eventually the practice will go away.

Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by Paul98 on May 2nd, 2008, 9:55am
[quote author=nani link=board=general;num=1209666093;start=0#19 date=05/02/08 at 00:37:38]I think we stand on shaky ground when we start making value judgements of cultural or religious traditions that differ from our own.

When it comes to damaging children for life ... well, sadly, every culture has a plethora of ways to do that.  

Yea, the practice of female "circumsision" is just ducky! ::)


Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by LeLimey on May 2nd, 2008, 10:37am
Who here didn't think Michael Jackson needed someone to interfere when he held his baby son out of a window?

And why is this different?

They have "Suttee" in India too where a widow is expected to throw herself onto her husbands funeral pyre and if she doesn't she is an outcast.

Just because its "cultural" doesn't mean it isn't abominable or wrong.

Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by andrewjb on May 2nd, 2008, 3:26pm
Woe, circumcision is violence. this is some bizzar cultural celebration, the catcher could have had the same experience and may be the grandfather of the child. i think its dangerous and stupid, but i'am not sure i have a right to stop it. andrew.

Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by Paul98 on May 2nd, 2008, 3:33pm

on 05/02/08 at 15:26:59, andrewjb wrote:
Woe, circumcision is violence. this is some bizzar cultural celebration, the catcher could have had the same experience and may be the grandfather of the child. i think its dangerous and stupid, but i'am not sure i have a right to stop it. andrew.

It is also a cultural practice.  Dosen't make it right.


Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by Yorky on May 2nd, 2008, 6:12pm
[quote author=nani link=board=general;num=1209666093;start=0#19 date=05/02/08 at 00:37:38]
When it comes to damaging children for life ... well, sadly, every culture has a plethora of ways to do that.  

totally agree nani ....

i take my children to, elland road (football ground)

to watch my beloved leads united..............

Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by nani on May 2nd, 2008, 6:14pm

on 05/02/08 at 15:33:05, Paul98 wrote:
It is also a cultural practice.  Dosen't make it right.

My point exactly. Value judgements can be dangerous though.

Think of the genocide of the natives of the New World. Savages according to those who judged, and then conquered them.
Or the Jews in the hands of the Nazis.
Or more recently... was the impetus of the 9/11 attacks a value judgement made by some about Western culture?

Shaky ground, I say.

True liberty means that I can choose to participate in my cultural or religious traditions without judgement by others, and choose not to without judgement by my own.

Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by Brew on May 2nd, 2008, 6:18pm
So it's just as wrong to make a value judgement about what European settlers did to Native Americans or what the Nazis did to the Jews?

We make value judgements all the time. Whether it fits the mold or not, some things are right and some things are wrong - all of the time. I don't care whether or not they are defined by someone's culture.

Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by LeLimey on May 2nd, 2008, 6:19pm
And sometimes NOT making value judgements is as bad.. we made a value judgement stopping Hitler, stopping Ethnic cleansing in Romania etc and we have made plenty of value judgements in and on other cultures too.

Value judgements are what some government agencies such as Child Protective Services are all about.

We all make value judgements about others every single day, it's human nature.

Without a doubt, some of the ones we make are trivial - but some ARE wrong and using "culture" as an excuse doesn't validate it.

Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by nani on May 2nd, 2008, 6:23pm
Where did I say it was wrong?

Shaky ground means shaky ground.
It means sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not.

Me? I like to look inward when something bothers me. Really examine it and my feelings.

Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by Yorky on May 2nd, 2008, 6:28pm

on 05/01/08 at 14:21:32, Paul98 wrote:
Who would do this to an infant?

Aside from the fact of possible physical harm, I don't think free fall would do an infant any mental good!

call me suspicious.....but ....they may be

trying to  perfect a bouncing bomb ?

(and before anyone gets on mi was a joke)

pftuall  ;)

Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by Brew on May 2nd, 2008, 6:41pm

on 05/02/08 at 18:23:03, nani wrote:
Shaky ground means shaky ground.
It means sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not.

The way I see it, there's nothing shaky about condemning that which is wrong. I'm on solid ground saying that Hitler was pure evil. I'm on solid ground saying that it's wrong for a woman to be stoned to death for allowing her veil to fall away from her face.

There are plenty of absolute cases of right and wrong. I'm not seeing where making a judgement about them is "shaky ground."

Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by Paul98 on May 2nd, 2008, 7:00pm

on 05/02/08 at 18:14:10, nani wrote:
My point exactly. Value judgements can be dangerous though.

Think of the genocide of the natives of the New World. Savages according to those who judged, and then conquered them.
Or the Jews in the hands of the Nazis.
Or more recently... was the impetus of the 9/11 attacks a value judgement made by some about Western culture?

Shaky ground, I say.

True liberty means that I can choose to participate in my cultural or religious traditions without judgement by others, and choose not to without judgement by my own.

Perhaps I am reading your post wrong but are you saying that the rest of the world should have stayed out of WW2 because we should not have judged the Nazis and what they thought was "right"

Some cultural practices are just wrong!  Moraly, socialy and biologicaly.  The practice of canibalism was a cultural thing and it was leading to the extinction of a society that practiced it because of Kudu.  FEmals circumsision is cultural but is mutilating a human being.


Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by Racer1_NC on May 2nd, 2008, 7:17pm

on 05/02/08 at 18:14:10, nani wrote:
True liberty means that I can choose to participate in my cultural or religious traditions without judgement by others, and choose not to without judgement by my own.

To be honest, I would define liberty differently. I'd start by replacing the word "judgement" with "interference" in the above statement.

We all make judgement calls everyday. Some trivial, some life altering.

It shouldn't matter to anyone if they are judged while lawfully pursuing life, liberty, and happiness,  It only matters if they are interfered with while doing so.....or interfere with someone else doing the same.


Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by andrewjb on May 2nd, 2008, 7:23pm
female circumcision is about denial. these babies being droped, are being endowed with a greater presence here on earth. theres a difference.  andrew.

Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by Brew on May 2nd, 2008, 8:22pm

on 05/02/08 at 19:23:07, andrewjb wrote:
these babies being droped, are being endowed with a greater presence here on earth.


Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by Charlie on May 2nd, 2008, 9:45pm
I'm a product of western civilization. I like it. It spreads quickly when cultures allow for differences of opinion. It drives those cultures that do not, nuts.


Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by LeLimey on May 3rd, 2008, 4:01am

on 05/02/08 at 19:23:07, andrewjb wrote:
..these babies being droped, are being endowed with a greater presence here on earth...

on 05/02/08 at 20:22:09, Brew wrote:

I think you'll find he means a greater surface area  ::)

Anyway, you know what? others have a point. If we let these cultures wipe themselves out then think of the money our countries will save in foreign aid  

Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by Kirk on May 3rd, 2008, 1:12pm
    Congratulations Mahmoud you are the father of a healthy bouncing baby boy!

Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by andrewjb on May 3rd, 2008, 5:32pm

on 05/02/08 at 20:22:09, Brew wrote:

sorry for the delay. the video says. " they beleve it will improve their childs health and make them strong ". andrew.

Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by Brew on May 3rd, 2008, 9:22pm

on 05/03/08 at 17:32:05, andrewjb wrote:
sorry for the delay. the video says. " they beleve it will improve their childs health and make them strong ". andrew.

O-tay. As long as I know that wasn't YOUR opinion.

Title: Re: This is messed  up!
Post by Paul98 on May 3rd, 2008, 10:06pm

on 05/03/08 at 13:12:16, Kirk wrote:
    Congratulations Mahmoud you are the father of a healthy bouncing baby boy!

LOL Kirk!  Just about sums it up!  just think if it was a female.........catch cloth would not be there!   Life is cheap in some parts of the world.

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