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(Message started by: HappyElaine on Apr 27th, 2008, 10:21am)

Title: What do you people with out insurance do?
Post by HappyElaine on Apr 27th, 2008, 10:21am
I remember a time I did not have insurance and could not get any help. I had one doctor I went to see that said over the phone they would bill me and I could pay part and weekly payment. When I got ready to leave their office they would not give me the prescription for my meds until the bill was paid. Thank God my dad went and paid the bill so I could get my meds. Yes I did pay him back.
My dad took me to the hospital once because i was so bad off. The doctor told my dad I needed to be admitted but because I did not have insurance they wouldn't do it.
I went through hell before I got insurance. Then I had to wait a year before I could claim headaches because it was a pre-existing condition. Back then they didn't know what was wrong with me. I wasn't told it was clusters for years.
I was just wondering how people here get by without insurance and what you do to get help.

Title: Re: What do you people with out insurance do?
Post by Jonny on Apr 27th, 2008, 10:30am

on 04/27/08 at 10:21:25, HappyElaine wrote:
I was just wondering how people here get by without insurance and what you do to get help.

When it comes to 02, you dont need no stinkin insurance!.....LOL  ;)

If anyone has trouble getting 02....let me know!!

Title: Re: What do you people with out insurance do?
Post by deltadarlin on Apr 27th, 2008, 11:27am
Well, I've always had insurance, but I used to work extensively with a group that was either *under-insured* or had NO insurance.  This pertains only to the US.  If a person is anywhere near a uni that has a medical school, they almost always have clinics associated with the medical school.  It may take awhile, but with a little persistance, you can get it.  As for meds, some pharmacy companies have programs that will help pay for or provide the medication for nothing.  Many cities have a St. Vincent De Paul group and sometimes they will help with meds.  Also, United Way First Call is a good place to start, since they are a clearing house for many different groups.

Title: Re: What do you people with out insurance do?
Post by Linda_Howell on Apr 27th, 2008, 12:10pm

 What do you people with out insurance do?

  Without, Elaine.  :'(

  If I should get hit by a truck, I pray I die on impact because there's no way I can afford hospitalization.  

  I do have a Dr. who is willing to work with me and not order tests that are unecessary, etc.  and he's even allowed me a discount for cash pay.  I only go to him under the direst circumstances.    I get me meds at Costco because it is the most inexpensive and some months I do without those too.  


Title: Re: What do you people with out insurance do?
Post by Redd on Apr 27th, 2008, 12:30pm
I don't have medical insurance.  I don't go to a doctor unless it's a dire emergency, like 2 years ago when I had to get stiches in my thumb.

I know I should have a mamogram (paternal grandmother and a maternal aunt both had breast cancer) but I can't afford it. I should have a colon scan (both mother and father had colon cancer), but again I can't afford it.  I have medical bills floating around out there unpaid from the MRI and other tests when I was DX with CH.  It's just the way it is.

We make due.  We take one day at a time and we get up in the morning and go to work and come home and feed the kids and do laundry and all the things people do.  

Title: Re: What do you people with out insurance do?
Post by thebbz on Apr 27th, 2008, 1:28pm
I use welders 02, grow my own abortives and preventatives.
Pray alot, and when push comes to shove, go to the ER and flop till they accept payments. 8)
No insurance sucks >:(
Prayer helps ;)
all the best

Title: Re: What do you people with out insurance do?
Post by mummymac on Apr 27th, 2008, 2:47pm
I have trouble understanding your health care over there in the USA.  I am sure it makes sense to you all.

What does happen in an emergency when some one has no insurance, would they  be left to die ?.

Hoping you all stay out of medical trouble

Title: Re: What do you people with out insurance do?
Post by Callico on Apr 27th, 2008, 3:03pm
We use Loyola University Medical, and have been able to get help through Public Aid due to the tremendously high cost of Linda's MS.  We don't go though unless it is very neccessary.  Trust me though, you DON"T want government health care unless there is no alternative.  Hopefully I will be able to get out of this hole in the near future, and I can't wait to be able to get regular care, even if I have to pay it out of my own pocket.  That is not to take anything away from Loyola.  The care there is wonderful with the residents learning from us, but having to put up with the government red tape and being made to feel like a lowlife scum for having to have a little help it totally degrading.


Title: Re: What do you people with out insurance do?
Post by Redd on Apr 27th, 2008, 3:11pm

on 04/27/08 at 14:47:32, mummymac wrote:
I have trouble understanding your health care over there in the USA.  I am sure it makes sense to you all.

What does happen in an emergency when some one has no insurance, would they  be left to die ?.

Hoping you all stay out of medical trouble

Emergency rooms cannot deny treatment, however you still get sent a bill.  

If the hospital will negotiate, you can sometimes agree to an amount to be paid monthly.  Miss a payment, or if you can't afford what they determine you need to pay each month, the bill then gets turned over to a collection agency.  

They will call repeatedly trying to get the money out of the person.  Sometimes they take the person to court.  

Either way, your credit is shot to hell and it's difficult if not impossible to get a loan for a car (and forget about ever buying a house), and if you CAN get the loan the interest rates are tripple what others would pay.

Title: Re: What do you people with out insurance do?
Post by Jonny on Apr 27th, 2008, 3:41pm

on 04/27/08 at 15:11:19, Redd wrote:
Emergency rooms cannot deny treatment, however you still get sent a bill.  

Yeah, and if your an illegal alien you don't have to pay the bill.....the taxpayers will pay it for you!

Title: Re: What do you people with out insurance do?
Post by syrs842 on Apr 27th, 2008, 4:03pm
Hi Happy Elaine,
I don't have insurance and it sucks, because you can't get any treatments. I went to a clinic that was suposed t be by a sliding scale fee and it ended up costing me half my paycheck. So all the things I'm suposed to do, I can't becaue of no STINKING INSURANCE. You  need to have money to go to a doctor to get a script for 02. Which I don't have. So I can relate.

Title: Re: What do you people with out insurance do?
Post by Charlie on Apr 27th, 2008, 8:08pm
I never had insurance until the 80s when I discovered that surgery for gall bladder was expensive. The emergency hospital near Baltimore were such pricks that I spent three years paying them although back then I could have done it easily. I had it done locally.

Anyway, I started paying insurance after that until 2003. It took a little work but when the money ran out while waiting for a hearing, I got the State let me sponge off the taxpayers. My seizures no doubt made that easier.  [smiley=huh.gif]

New York State takes a real beating with Medicaid and other programs. The doctors and medical facilities bleed it dry. I refuse to see doctors six times a year for checkups. I kid you not that I had dermatologist that tried to get me to come that often. Give me a break.  Just because it exists, doesn't mean it's okay to use it for malpractice insurance and the yacht photos that one of them likes to show off in the office.

Drug companies are evil though and it's a Godsend in that respect.


Title: Re: What do you people with out insurance do?
Post by HappyElaine on Apr 27th, 2008, 8:13pm
I am glad there are not to many. I was wondering had things changed through the years.
Here if you don't have insurance and go in the hospital and don't have insurance  if you own anything they will put a lean on it paid. If you don't own anything they will bug you to death.
It has to be hard on all of you.
Every time someone runs for office I hear, we are going to do something about health care. Someday maybe someone will do something about heath care. I am not going to hold my breath!

Title: Re: What do you people with out insurance do?
Post by Linda_Howell on Apr 27th, 2008, 9:36pm

I am not going to hold my breath!

If you change your mind, I am certified in CPR Elaine.

  The candidates will say anything the spin Doctors tell them to say.  After the election it's back to square one.   No one will ever change, no matter who runs.  

Title: Re: What do you people with out insurance do?
Post by DonnaH_again on Apr 27th, 2008, 10:22pm
I have only Medicare and pay 20% or more of the amount the doc bills me.  I haven't had medical coverage since 1984 when I lost my job in Cleveland and it HAS ruined my credit.

Had a gall bladder removed and had to stay in the hospital overnight....$12,000.00 just for the room and nursing staff.  I still have a balance of $996.00 for the pacer installed last April.  Paying everything back at about $20.00 each, per month bleeds my Social Security check dry.  That's why I'm still eat, buy clothes, gasoline and anything not in the "fixed expences" catagory.

It would cost me around $300.00 to $400.00 per month for insurance.....out of the question.

Colon cancer is common in my family..........haven't had a check on that in about 5 years.

Title: Re: What do you people with out insurance do?
Post by Charlie on Apr 27th, 2008, 10:46pm
So sorry Donna.

Get a CC test Donna no matter what you have to do. It is expensive here too. It ain't fair.

To show what has happened to our super dooper system: My 1983 Chole was about $5,000, and the out of town diagnosis, $1,800.....That out of town hospital was keeping patients for 14 days after a gall bladder operation....Now that is really criminal. Even then I stayed here town for only 3-1/2 days.

Good luck Donna.


Title: Re: What do you people with out insurance do?
Post by Redd on Apr 27th, 2008, 11:21pm
I understand Donna's hesitation to have the scope and tests.  I can't go any farther into debt than I already am.  I'm sure Donna feels the same way.  My truck loan is at a very high interest rate, but I neded a more reliable ride.  I didn't have much choice.  I can't afford to look into a different apartment because 1) I haven't had a rent increase in 5 years, and 2) I'd have a hell of a time with the credit check if I tried.  

I know I'll never be able to buy a home of my own.  I'll probably die young so why worry about a house anyway?  

Title: Re: What do you people with out insurance do?
Post by BarbaraD on Apr 28th, 2008, 6:30pm
I don't have insurance because I just can't afford it -- it's cheaper to pay the doctor and the scripts than what they want to charge for the insurance that's gonna deny everything (and they did). So I've got about 10 months till medicare kicks in - then I can get sick - until then I just have to be very careful....

But I've handled my headaches for years without insurance - you just do what you have to do.

One thing I have done and I don't think it's wrong is flat refuse to pay doctors for not doing anything. I usually write a letter telling them their an idiot and need more practice before they try to be a god, maybe send them a check for what I think their service was worth and tell them to be happy with that or contact my attorney.

I have a problem with some of the medical charges and challenge most of the ones I don't agree with (it's the bean counter in me - just can't help it). Right now I'm challenging a $54 charge from a radiologist I never heard of for an ER visit (he was in a different town even). As far as I can remember the ER doc read the x-ray in front of me and sent me home with no broken bones - I don't remember asking for a second opinion and don't intend to pay for one. I explained that to them and they can take their bill and cram it as far as I'm concerned.

This is a subject I can really get wound up on -- don't encourage me!!! But more people NEED to challenge the medical charges (even with insurance) - some are totally ridiculous.

Hugs BD

Title: Re: What do you people with out insurance do?
Post by Rosybabe on Apr 28th, 2008, 7:04pm
I don't have insurance but I have two cousins who are doctors and if I feel sick I IM them and we try to diagnose according to my symptoms and then They send me my meds from Mexico or I take whatever I can find here , if I have something more serious I fly down there, hey is cheaper anyway! I took care of kidney stones and a infection at home and also a walking neumonia all by my little self. Clusterheads are strong fellows  ;) it will take something really big to put me down...
I try to stay safe and don't do nothing dangerous and when we go out I pray the whole time while my husband drives  :)...yes is a scary situation....

Title: Re: What do you people with out insurance do?
Post by DonnaH_again on Apr 28th, 2008, 7:05pm
I agree Barbara.  

I made a visit to the ER several years ago and went home after a very long wait and quick exam.  A month later I received a bill for an admission and 3 day stay.  I demanded an itemized bill, which I got, and they had me admitted for something I didn't even have.  After a long go-around, I finally came out on top.

Such friggin' aggrevation!!

Title: Re: What do you people with out insurance do?
Post by Charlie on Apr 28th, 2008, 9:44pm
Right on kids.

In Dallas, when I lost my luggage during the con, the quack that called my people to get me a few pills to tide me over, made a big deal out of it. Three months later I got a bill for $150. I sent them a pretty nasty letter and $20 for the phone call. I also told them that I was dumbfounded that he thought it so special and that I was old enough to know better. Sometimes I like being old.

I also wouldn't pay some doctors in Buffalo $300 for sticking their heads in my room telling me that I had a seizure during my stay for a TIA. That I had epilepsy was not a revelation. They gave up on me.

A lot of people get stuck paying for doctors that say: "You're sick," and send ridiculous bills.

The worst thing that can happen is that you might someday have to pay, but that's never happened in my case.


Title: Re: What do you people with out insurance do?
Post by Groov on Apr 30th, 2008, 10:02pm

on 04/27/08 at 23:21:02, Redd wrote:
I understand Donna's hesitation to have the scope and tests.  I can't go any farther into debt than I already am.  I'm sure Donna feels the same way.  My truck loan is at a very high interest rate, but I neded a more reliable ride.  I didn't have much choice.  I can't afford to look into a different apartment because 1) I haven't had a rent increase in 5 years, and 2) I'd have a hell of a time with the credit check if I tried.  

I know I'll never be able to buy a home of my own.  I'll probably die young so why worry about a house anyway?  

Yeah Pegg......illness can really screw up your credit & plans to buy a house or new car !!!

  I've been lucky to have had insurance all these years. The one time that I changed jobs and had to wait for my new insurance to kick in, I got sick.

The bill was $1,800 for a stinking blood test, a few shots and a consultation with a Doc. !!!!!

I was pissed !!!  Ended up paying it off and later realized that if I had just left well enough alone, nature and my body would have corrected itself anyways !!!!



Title: Re: What do you people with out insurance do?
Post by Groov on Apr 30th, 2008, 10:10pm
I saw a show on why medical expenses are so astronomical. Among several reasons, one was because you are paying for the person who doesn't pay their hospital bills.

What a crock of shi'ite !!!

That would be like going to have an oil change and being told it's a thousand bucks cause several people before you failed to pay !!!!

 That would never be allowed. I'd bet it would even be illegal for a company to do this to customers.

Then why can a hospital do it !?!?!?!?

 I realize that they have to survive, but think it is extremely unfair to me and the rest of us who get soaked because others wont pay !!!

 Of course there were several other reasons, but I think this reason is completely unfair and just makes it harder for me to pay off my bill.


Title: Re: What do you people with out insurance do?
Post by Brew on Apr 30th, 2008, 10:15pm

on 04/30/08 at 22:10:19, Groov wrote:
That would never be allowed. I'd bet it would even be illegal for a company to do this to customers...

...I realize that they have to survive, but think it is extremely unfair to me and the rest of us who get soaked because others wont pay !!!

Standard practice in the mortgage industry these days. People default, the government pays off the lenders. And we all know who bankrolls the government...

Title: Re: What do you people with out insurance do?
Post by BarbaraD on May 1st, 2008, 8:51am
Ok, here's another one for ya....

My brother had cancer and was being treated at a cancer center. We had a trust fund (he didn't have insurance). I called them and was willing to pay (at the discounted rates the insurance companies use) his bills.

Now they DISCOUNT to the insurance companies BUT NOT to individuals... go figure that one. Needless to say - I got a little aggraviated and after talking to the "higher ups" at the cancer center, we came to an agreement IF they wanted anything. (I'd already checked to see what the insurance would pay!). And YES, I picked the damn bill apart - I'm a bean counter - that's what I do.

the insurance pays about 20% of the amount listed on your bill. I guess my question is WHY do they charge so damn much if they're gonna discount it anyhow for the insurance companies?

Hugs BD

Title: Re: What do you people with out insurance do?
Post by Charlie on May 1st, 2008, 10:56pm
Here ya go Barb..........

We have bunch of sawbones here that call themselves Radiologists. They have a contract for just about every x-ray done anywhere near any medical facility in town. Soon after you think you've settled your bill for services at the ER, you get a bill from them usually for several hundred dollars. Their initial invoice amounts to a threat and makes it a point to tell you that no matter what you may think, you owe them big time for interperting your x-rays. Of course I'm never happy about this. They will never never let anyone pay over a period of time. If you owe them $300, you have to pay it in one chunk. When I tell them I'll be glad to pay in installments, they threaten to send it to a collection agency. Great!. I've been there before and they have no trouble accepting smaller payments over time. I hope their charges to them are nice and stiff.


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