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(Message started by: mickey on Dec 23rd, 2003, 11:19am)

Title: rebound headache ?
Post by mickey on Dec 23rd, 2003, 11:19am
Just a quick question. I've been fighting the BEAST for three months now, Which is a pretty long cycle for me.
I have been taking 1 to 2 imitrex shots a day for those 3 months. My question is could I be having rebound headaches because of all of the shots that I've been taking?
Thanks for any feedback.    Mickey

Title: Re: rebound headache ?
Post by thomas on Dec 23rd, 2003, 11:22am
Yes you could. :(

Title: Re: rebound headache ?
Post by Lissa on Dec 23rd, 2003, 11:24am
Definitely.  Are you taking Ibuprofen or any other pain killer along with the Imitrex? I know that specifically Ibuprofen combined with Imitrex gave me rebound headaches.  

Title: Re: rebound headache ?
Post by JDH on Dec 23rd, 2003, 11:31am
My doc says Imitrex won't cause rebound h/a's but I disagree w/him. It seems like the more I use the worse it gets.
Be careful with that stuff.


Title: Re: rebound headache ?
Post by catlind on Dec 23rd, 2003, 12:11pm
First you have to define what you are calling rebound headaches.

Imitrex does not cause a true rebound headache.

Imitrex can however, cause your ch to abort abruptly only for the same ch to return later.

That's according to the studies done recently.

Either way, according to Dr. Bigal, the role of your physician is to treat rebound headaches if you are getting them.  That does not mean stop treating the CH's, but treat the rebounds if they are true rebounds.

This is a very grey area because so many people don't understand what a true 'rebound' headache is all about.


Title: Re: rebound headache ?
Post by BillyJ. on Dec 23rd, 2003, 1:18pm
I don't use trex but my understanding of what DR.Bigal
said at the convention was that trex may trigger a migraine
after it wears off.Or cause a "regular" HA but would not
cause a second CH.
   My deffinition of rebound HA is like when you consume
alot of a drug (ie-alcohol)you feel good or PF while it
is in your system but when it wears off-rebound!
    Trex extending a cycle has been discussed here not
long ago.I believe the majority felt that it does extend the
cycle,but,for most the thought of no trex is unbearable.
    I hope it ends for you soon.

Title: Re: rebound headache ?
Post by chronic_chic on Dec 23rd, 2003, 1:48pm
Hi Mickey,
I have an article discussing rebound headaches and the divided issue over whether or not triptans can cause rebounds or not.  If you want to read it (it is brief), PM me, and I'll send it to you.  Take care.

Title: Re: rebound headache ?
Post by Carl_D on Dec 23rd, 2003, 1:55pm

on 12/23/03 at 11:31:37, JDH wrote:
My doc says Imitrex won't cause rebound h/a's but I disagree w/him. It seems like the more I use the worse it gets.

DITTO! Seems that the Trex is a necessary evil for some of us. The question it worth it?
Still pondering that thought after 3 shots through the morning and shadowing heavily right now.
As Socrates may have pondered on a winters day, "This sucketh!"

Carl D

Title: Re: rebound headache ?
Post by 9erfan on Dec 23rd, 2003, 2:26pm
I absolutely believe Imitrex causes "rebound" headaches....or whatever you want to call them.

All I know is I've tried the nasal spray, the pill, and the shots. Each time after trying them about an hour and a half later I got hit with a NIGHTMARE h/a that was WAY worse than the one I was originally trying to stop.  No more Imitrex for me!

Title: Re: rebound headache ?
Post by mickey on Dec 23rd, 2003, 2:53pm
Thanks for your replys guys. I think I'll give it till christmas, Don't want to be hating christmas.
And then I'll take a break from the imitrex and face the beast head on. Wish me luck, This is gonna suck.
Maybe I can get a script for some oxygen or somthing.

Title: Re: rebound headache ?
Post by Carl_D on Dec 23rd, 2003, 2:57pm

on 12/23/03 at 14:53:38, mickey wrote:
Maybe I can get a script for some oxygen or somthing.

Do that! If you can, try to get a script for it before Thursday. I know for alot of clusterheads, an o2 tank can become a best friend.

Carl D

Title: Re: rebound headache ?
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 23rd, 2003, 6:20pm

This is just my experience of a CLUSTERFUCK cycle and rebound theory.

I feel the Beast has it out for me from day one of my cycle.

Weather I use O2, Imitrex, or Amerge to stop the Beast, it knows I'm just playing and just delaying an attack. It is going to give me the BIG ONE, one way or another.

I feel the abortive is just a temporary fix to stop the BEAST. What I do is just keep injecting to get me through a few days. When I get the time to suffer such as on a day off from work, I let the Beast attack. IT SUCKS, but seems to be the only way to stop constant attacks from re-occuring or as others say (REBOUND).

After getting the BIG KIP 10 ATTACK (and maybe a couple) I spend the next 24 hrs. recouping from pain.  

Then it starts all over again. Slowly building, slowly jabbing, constantly shadowing and nagging me. I keep injecting and popping the pills to stop it, then again (when I get the time & energy) I give in the the FUCKER & it lets me know who's BOSS again.

Just my expression of the BEAST who will never die.

Title: Re: rebound headache ?
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 23rd, 2003, 6:35pm
Another story of the BEAST & rebound theory.

I've had over 30 cycles in the last 24 years. Some longer and some shorter. Average 10 weeks or so.

Whatever it is that the BEAST is taking from you when it gives you a KIP 10, it satisfies its' needs. From my experience the longer it takes the BEAST to be satisfied by getting those KIP 10's, the longer the cycle.

I quit counting KIP 10's years ago, but it used to take me approximately 20 KIP 10's to end a cycle.

The longer I use Imitrex and other abortives, the longer the cycle until the BEAST has gotten its way. The problem is how many KIP 10's can you handle without Imitrex or an abortive ?

I choose to continue to abort as much as I can and wait it out for the BEAST to get its' fill and leave.

I am just thankful for being an Episodic and pray for those Chronics out there every day.

Title: Re: rebound headache ?
Post by jonny on Dec 23rd, 2003, 6:43pm

on 12/23/03 at 18:35:02, BlueMeanie wrote:
I am just thankful for being an Episodic and pray for those Chronics out there every day.

Thanks dude but there is one thing on a chronics side (if you can call it that)

We never get to spend any time in paradise only to be slammed back into hell, I dont think I could take that kind of rollercoaster.....I know what im up against and prepare for it everyday.

PFDAN to all of us.


Title: Re: rebound headache ?
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 23rd, 2003, 6:52pm

on 12/23/03 at 18:35:02, BlueMeanie wrote:
Another story of the BEAST & rebound theory.

I've had over 30 cycles in the last 24 years. Some longer and some shorter. Average 10 weeks or so.

Whatever it is that the BEAST is taking from you when it gives you a KIP 10, it satisfies its' needs. From my experience the longer it takes the BEAST to be satisfied by getting those KIP 10's, the longer the cycle.

I quit counting KIP 10's years ago, but it used to take me approximately 20 KIP 10's to end a cycle.

The longer I use Imitrex and other abortives, the longer the cycle until the BEAST has gotten its way. The problem is how many KIP 10's can you handle without Imitrex or an abortive ?

I choose to continue to abort as much as I can and wait it out for the BEAST to get its' fill and leave.

I am just thankful for being an Episodic and pray for those Chronics out there every day.

As far-fetched as that may sound. I truly beleive it! Its almost like the beast has a number of headaches its going to give, and if you abort one. That doesnt count towards the amount its got to give to you.

Maybe technically Rebounds arent actually true, but call them what you want to call them. If i dont take imitrex, I'll only get 1 CH at night. But with Imitrex, i get 3 to 5 a day. Depends on how much i abort!
During my next cycle, I will not use Imitrex. I will get on the preventatives and hope they stop it again.


Title: Re: rebound headache ?
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 23rd, 2003, 7:00pm

on 12/23/03 at 18:52:39, Patrick_A wrote:
...If i dont take imitrex, I'll only get 1 CH at night. But with Imitrex, i get 3 to 5 a day...

While I'm not sure about the "quota theory" (I've kinda leaned that way for a long time), I agree 100% with the above.

med-free & SHORT cycles for me,

Title: Re: rebound headache ?
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 23rd, 2003, 7:24pm

Please DO try the 02

   I personally don't think you should be taking 2 per day for 30-plus days even if you ARE in good health.

You'd be pushing the envelope there, so try the 02.  15 liters per min.  Non-rebreather mask.  E-tank is what most of us get.  If you need more info go to the "oxygen button" to the left of here.  Steve, Not for hire, has done a lot of work on this.

Good luck.  LindaH Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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