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(Message started by: Cerberus on Dec 23rd, 2003, 12:26am)

Title: The rawest of deals.........bah humbug!
Post by Cerberus on Dec 23rd, 2003, 12:26am
Ok so I just realised this,

 I have worked for 10 years with this company to claw my way up to get a manager's position. What I end up with is this...............................

I have trained all the current managers at my store, and have more collective experience with the company than all of them combined. Corp. trainer, regional auditor, shift supervisor, cook. I have performed all of the managers duties aside from ONE thing, P&L calculation. I AM NOT a salaried manager, I get paid hourly (not always bad). The Salaried folk are getting their retirement plans rolled over, their insurance rolled over and a beautiful severance of about 10 grand, plus ALL of their vacation pay.

 What am I getting you ask? (you'll LOVE this)

 Notice that in two weeks our store will be closed. ( exactly one week prior to christmas no less), Pay for the vacation I've accrued (based on last years hours worked) losing about 45 hours. And possibly two more weeks pay IF and only IF I stay through the 4th of January. Other than that zilch.
 My Insurance (which was worthless anyway and I didnt have) would be cut of as of Dec. 31st..
 My retirement plan I could have rolled into another account had I been allowed to enroll in when I Started 10 yrs. ago but was told didn't exist, only to find out that I was directly lied to about 9.5 years too late.
 AND to boot.......I cant even say for real that I have been in management for the last 7 of those ten, simply because I didn't recieve a salary. Not technically a manager even though I trained em all and did their jobs in their abscence.

So ...............when all is said and done, I have been lied to all of my childhood, because, I was told that,"hard work and perseverance pays off in the end". Now I gotta ask...........................where is the not a very nice person that started this blatant lie so I can kill him/her?!

 Dont any of you anymore wonder whats wrong with the kids today..................they are taught that the ends justifies the means everyday by us and the business world. Ya know most certainly does.

My "boss" told me that HER boss knew 5 months ago that this was going to happen, but , couldn't say anything to avoid a mass migration before they could shut down and his job was threatened if he told. Basically, the lease came up for renewal this month and corporate didn't feel it was in their best interest to keep it open. So now myself and about 60 others are screwed. WHY? Because its Christmas time, all the money we worked for went to provide the holidays for our families ( having no idea we would soon be among the un-employed spent freely.) All the local businesses have hired all the help they need for the time being and there are a very few jobs to be had until mid-january almost all are part-time anyway. As if the local un-employment rate isnt staggering enough.
 And now I have a 127K house loan to pay for, a new car bought two or three weeks ago another 15K, ( again no idea) not to mention the rest of the bills and daily expenses.

Its finally fuckin over......( DOES NO ONE HAVE ANY KIND OF SENSE OF MORALITY?)

Merry Christmas?......................FUCK OFF! BAH HUMBUG!

I really hope you all are in better shape than me,

Title: Re: The rawest of deals.........bah humbug!
Post by KingOfPain on Dec 23rd, 2003, 12:35am

Bah F*ckin' Humbug Indeed!


Title: Re: The rawest of deals.........bah humbug!
Post by CathiP on Dec 23rd, 2003, 12:43am
'Bus....Yeah, It SUCKS! Agreed! In Jan, 2002, Gil and I went on a cruise....had a maaaahvelous home, and, lo and behold, DOWNSIZED! We arrived home in time to sign his retirement papers....we were devastated! Nothing to do, but pound the pavement...1 self-employed family member was enough, in our opinion.....Gil secured a job with another company...he still enjoys going to fact, his motto is "the worst day at work nowadays, is still twice as good as the best day at the other place". Sometimes, what we perceive to be baaad news turns out to be the very best thing that  could ever happen.
You have earned your unemployment, enjoy the holidays, and find something that makes you happy.
Good luck, and best wishes for a Merry Christmas to you and Woobie.
Oh,and PLEASE don't think I am diminishing your sitch...just telling you how it all shook down for us.
Corporate America isn't what it used to be......
Keep us posted!

Title: Re: The rawest of deals.........bah humbug!
Post by Peppermint on Dec 23rd, 2003, 1:04am
>:( no loooylties

BAH  HUMMBG   ineed another v*t ,michypooo
sorry Crashh hhyou;ll fiiind anotherr one beterrr

tiz the seeson for ggivingi pinK slllips - tell thim to kissu wher the sunDont shinne

Title: Re: The rawest of deals.........bah humbug!
Post by Cerberus on Dec 23rd, 2003, 1:16am
One of my cooks, his name is Alan. His wife is terminally ill and will die of the complications of MS. He worked there for 20 yrs. to pay for his wifes medication and hospitalizations. His insurance ( the original policy) was covering most of his expenses.
 This man catnaps all night everynight to make sure she doesnt hurt herself ( she set herself on fire accidentaly a few weeks back cause her meds made her pass out over the stove while cooking) that was the second incident involving fire. He doesnt have a car (simply cant afford to own one, medical bills.) The only thing this man has lived and worked for is so he can take care of her. They live with his parents who are also old and declining. His older sister had to move in with them to help pay for things a little.
 Its him what happens to him? He broke down in tears at the meeting, troubled by the thought that he has failed his only pride and joy.............his wife. He looked at me and said................."Jeezus Ramon, How am I gonna take care of my wife?" Then he began to tremble and simply broke down.

 I am not worried about me, I'll find work I always have and will. Its Al  and the others I'm worried about. Christmas is supposed to be a time of sharing, and rememberance of Jesus's birth. But damnit people....................Where's the Jesus in that?

Title: Re: The rawest of deals.........bah humbug!
Post by Charlie on Dec 23rd, 2003, 2:28am


Not for about 20 years. Employees are just an expense to cut now. Civility and caring for others has become scarce.  >:(

Really hate to hear this Ramon.  Things are still going ther other way too.  >:(

Need help making firebombs?


Title: Re: The rawest of deals.........bah humbug!
Post by KingOfPain on Dec 23rd, 2003, 3:54am

on 12/23/03 at 01:16:51, Cerberus wrote:
One of my cooks, his name is Alan. His wife is terminally ill and will die of the complications of MS. He worked there for 20 yrs. to pay for his wifes medication and hospitalizations. His insurance ( the original policy) was covering most of his expenses.
 This man catnaps all night everynight to make sure she doesnt hurt herself ( she set herself on fire accidentaly a few weeks back cause her meds made her pass out over the stove while cooking) that was the second incident involving fire. He doesnt have a car (simply cant afford to own one, medical bills.) The only thing this man has lived and worked for is so he can take care of her. They live with his parents who are also old and declining. His older sister had to move in with them to help pay for things a little.
 Its him what happens to him? He broke down in tears at the meeting, troubled by the thought that he has failed his only pride and joy.............his wife. He looked at me and said................."Jeezus Ramon, How am I gonna take care of my wife?" Then he began to tremble and simply broke down.

 I am not worried about me, I'll find work I always have and will. Its Al  and the others I'm worried about. Christmas is supposed to be a time of sharing, and rememberance of Jesus's birth. But damnit people....................Where's the Jesus in that?

All this happening to you Ramon,
& you still have the compassion
& caring to think of others.

My hat is off to you Sir.


Title: Re: The rawest of deals.........bah humbug!
Post by ShariRae on Dec 23rd, 2003, 7:20am
I think KOP said it best...

Title: Re: The rawest of deals.........bah humbug!
Post by thomas on Dec 23rd, 2003, 8:42am
If this store is national, I think a clusterhead and clusterbuddy boycott is in order.

Title: Re: The rawest of deals.........bah humbug!
Post by Cerberus on Dec 23rd, 2003, 5:59pm

The chain IS national, those who live on the east coast will know it best. A.H.C.I Inc. The company logo is the one and only Ground Round. There ya have it Bostoninans. Braintree's baby the Ground Round.

I'm done,

Title: Re: The rawest of deals.........bah humbug!
Post by forgetfulnot on Dec 23rd, 2003, 7:36pm
About American Hospitality Concepts Inc. (AHCI)

Founded in 1998 for the purpose of creating successful brands in the restaurant and hospitality industry, American Hospitality Concepts Inc. currently owns, operates and/or franchises six casual dining concepts - Berkshire Grill, Tin Alley Grill, The Ground Round, The Gold Fork, Tap & Grill and Rumbleseats. Together, these six concepts number more than 150 restaurants located in 25 states in New England, the Mid-West and the Mid-Atlantic region as well as Canada. Headquartered in Braintree, Massachusetts, AHCI is owned by Boston Ventures Fund V. For more information on American Hospitality Concepts Inc., view their web site at

Restaurants and retail stores usually bend there employee's over pretty hard, wish I could help with a boycot but these guys aren't around out here in Indian country.


Title: Re: The rawest of deals.........bah humbug!
Post by Cerberus on Dec 23rd, 2003, 8:05pm

Witchita and Manhattan, KS are the closest to you. And both have been bought and franchised. They'll be in Oklahoma soon enough.
 Berkshire Grill is no longer corporate owned, whichever stores were not bought outright were shut down. Tap and Grill has gone the same route. Ground Round is booming as franchised entities. I have worked for all of the "concepts" except rumbleseats and gold fork. I don't think there are but one each of those within the company.

 Don't let corporate america tell you that your hard work means nothing. It is, after all, OUR sweat and blood that pays for their yachts and vacations.


Title: Re: The rawest of deals.........bah humbug!
Post by don on Dec 23rd, 2003, 8:16pm
I gotta ask brother.

What criminal enterprise do you work for?

Title: Re: The rawest of deals.........bah humbug!
Post by Racer1_NC on Dec 23rd, 2003, 8:27pm
It's all about numbers now....and has been for a while. Stockholders demand ROI, and the easiest way to give it to them (short term) is cutting expenses. That includes people.

While I sure don't agree with the tactics most of corporate America uses, companies are formed to make money....pure and simple. Upper management is hired, SUPPOSEDLY, to insure that happens. Often times they make sure that THEY make money first, the company comes second. That attitude is what I have a problem with.

I feel for anyone that looses a job, particularly at this time of year.

My only advice is take the experience you have and become a salesman. Sell yourself. There are jobs out there. Believe me, GOOD people still are hard to find.  

Try and remember.....when one door closes, another door opens. That thought has helped me through more than I care to think about.


Title: Re: The rawest of deals.........bah humbug!
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 23rd, 2003, 8:29pm

Yes,   KOP said it best, but I want to add something here.

You are important to the people who are important.!

Your hard work didn't go un-noticed.
It wasn't for nothing.
AND...........I wish you were right here so I could give you a hug and a big fat ol.......HIGH FIVE.

All your friends here can then join me in a big ol MIDDLE FINGER SALUTE.


Title: Re: The rawest of deals.........bah humbug!
Post by Edna on Dec 23rd, 2003, 8:49pm

wishing you luck in overcoming this hardship. You are truly compassionate to be considering others when you face the same loss. I know you'll overcome what you must, but know that I'm thinking of you and praying that you soon find the peace to overcome what you must!!

May you be comforted in realizing the blessings you DO have at this time of the year, and that is where you'll find the Jesus in this.

Merry Christmas to both you and Tina


Title: Re: The rawest of deals.........bah humbug!
Post by Cerberus on Dec 23rd, 2003, 8:57pm
Thanks everyone, your words of encouragement are always a help to me one way or another.

I am just so upset that my staff is getting the hot beef injection from corporate. Al is especially noteworthy in my prayers, he has been there for me when my cycle made me pretty much worthless on the job, and it just sickens me to see such a good person/people get shafted.

So folks here's big fuckineh vibes to Alan and his wife.
so pls help me remember what christmas is all about and send up a prayer or two for someone I will miss dearly. :'( (hell I already do and I still got a week left to stew about it) he is a true supporter.

Don, currently I work for the Ground Round Mafia, soon to be extinct in my city. I may end up working in Janesville,WI. for one of the G.M.s that is buying that franchise............Ironic I know, but, you can bet your last dollar that I am not doing it for the company.

I used to play for the love of the game, now, its all about the money.


Title: Re: The rawest of deals.........bah humbug!
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 23rd, 2003, 9:42pm
Sad but True! Sooner or later ya learn it never was about you, but about that bottom line. The almighty $$.
One day, someone will ask you where is your loyalty, Why dont you give more to the company? And i am sure that will be the day you just have to laugh and tell them that your loyalty is with you alone!


Title: Re: The rawest of deals.........bah humbug!
Post by don on Dec 23rd, 2003, 10:04pm
Well then my man, it wont save your job but if its any consolation I will eat dirt, bark, and leaves befor I'll ever spend a fuckin dime in a Ground Round.

I aint got much but I aint payin on a house, a car, nor do I have family or kids so if I can help ya out you just drop me an email.

Ya gotta believe that when one door closes, another one opens. Just go through the door when it does.

Title: Re: The rawest of deals.........bah humbug!
Post by Cerberus on Dec 23rd, 2003, 10:30pm
I don't need nothin Don, Just pray fer my buddy Al.

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