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(Message started by: Patrick_A on Dec 22nd, 2003, 9:31am)

Title: Fundraising ideas?
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 22nd, 2003, 9:31am
This was originally posted at the OUCH site.
How many people here have great fundrasing ideas they would like to share?
I am always thinking of new ways to raise money, and i am sure there are others who do the same.
I want to take this to the main board so other people will see it. I think it will help give the fundraising comittee ideas.

Heres my latest idea....

You know how you see the jars at your local foodmart about someones Mother needs an operation but they have no money, can you spare a dime kinda thing?

Lets make up some labels, laminate them, put them on a mason jar and put them in our local foodmarts. When ya get them filled, mail them back to someone here! If ya need, take enough money out and use it for shipping.
Dont think small on this idea. Ok, so you only get 17.83 per jar. Costs $6.00 to ship the jar back. Thats a 11.83 X's however many jars you send out.

I'll take 2 jars now!


Title: Re: Fundraising ideas?
Post by don on Dec 22nd, 2003, 10:08am
I have in my possesion, yup here it is, a 4 x 8 sticky label, produced by OUCH UK that is sent to all it's members.

It's an OUCH UK loose change label you can stick on your old coffee can at home.

Title: Re: Fundraising ideas?
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 22nd, 2003, 10:45am
At the rate we are going, the MIDWEST MEET & GREET should be able to contribute I bunch of CASH. Going to post there. Maybe we can come up with some ideas.

Title: Re: Fundraising ideas?
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 22nd, 2003, 11:22am

on 12/22/03 at 10:08:29, don wrote:
I have in my possesion, yup here it is, a 4 x 8 sticky label, produced by OUCH UK that is sent to all it's members.

It's an OUCH UK loose change label you can stick on your old coffee can at home.

Yea, you are right Don. Fuck the jars! Lets just make the labels. You can stick it on your own jar.
I will make the labels and get some laminated, But i need someone to write out what will go on the label. It needs to be compelling, but short!
It is a way to contribute, that will not take loads of your time, but maybe it will end up being a great way to raise money for our organization.


Title: Re: Fundraising ideas?
Post by catlind on Dec 22nd, 2003, 12:39pm
I have a nice size glass accoutrement that has the words "I bet you can't" on it that I will bring to Davenport...

We'll see if we can fill it...then if we do, we'll dump it out and take bets on seeing if anyone CAN do it full of beer ;)


Title: Re: Fundraising ideas?
Post by JDH on Dec 22nd, 2003, 12:44pm

on 12/22/03 at 12:39:12, catlind wrote:
We'll see if we can fill it...then if we do, we'll dump it out and take bets on seeing if anyone CAN do it full of beer ;)


And if you can't finish it, you gotta match whatevers in it.


Title: Re: Fundraising ideas?
Post by don on Dec 22nd, 2003, 1:20pm
Mo Graham has been gracious enough to allow me to bastardize (can you say that here?) the UK label to fit the US of A !

How about "Give it up punk!"

I'll work on it.

Title: Re: Fundraising ideas?
Post by Elaine on Dec 22nd, 2003, 1:42pm
I think all this is a great idea.
Patrick if you would like to join the fundraising team, it don't pay anything and you can a old crab like me as the chair, but hell its a good cause and I will keep you working! Intrested?

I am kind of under the weather right now, caught a cold that has turned into something worst the flu it looks like.
I am staying in bed as much as possiable I get up when I get to coughing bad and check the boards. Glad everyone is working hard.

Title: Re: Fundraising ideas?
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Dec 22nd, 2003, 1:53pm
It's really cool that you are all brainstorming and working hard on this, I love it.
But PALEEZE run all fundraising ideas through the fundraising board and get an OK from the fundraising sickly chairlady first cause SHE has to keep a very accurate record of what goes where.  She keeps track of the money, plus keeps track of who gets what.  She keeps a very accurate record for OUCH.  If people are sending stuff here and there, she doesn't know WHAT to record.  Please let her know what is going on too.
That would be ELAINE that you let know what's up.
Thanks alot!!
And thanks so much for helping the team out!!

Title: Re: Fundraising ideas?
Post by don on Dec 22nd, 2003, 3:31pm
I will scan the label and email to Flu Hussy.

Title: Re: Fundraising ideas?
Post by Elaine on Dec 22nd, 2003, 4:19pm
:-*Thank ya Don!

Title: Re: Fundraising ideas?
Post by athos12 on Dec 22nd, 2003, 8:13pm
I am a member of the ASI network....

Which is a network of suppliers that offer to members significant discounts on any ty pe of merchandice that you can think of, from Mugs, t-shirts, keychains, BBQ grills, golf crap, just about anything medical or sports related...  and Logo's or sayings can be imprinted on them as well..

For example the mug for O.U.C.H.

I can get an 11oz white C handle with imprint

For #288  $Cheap, that is $.cheap not shipped...  I can have them drop shipped where ever.... So the shipping cost is depndant on the location of the supplier and ouch.

I am not sure what the O.U.C.H mark up is...  I may even get them a little bit cheaper too...  I just did a quick search and only used one supplier.

Again just about anything that you can think of....

I have modified this incase this was a fupa quoting prices here... message or email me for the pricing

Title: Re: Fundraising ideas?
Post by don on Dec 22nd, 2003, 9:23pm

Title: Re: Fundraising ideas?
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 23rd, 2003, 12:02am
Man, That looks great Don! Like ya said, it needs some alterations but that would work in a dandy!


Title: Re: Fundraising ideas?
Post by Elaine on Dec 23rd, 2003, 10:14am
Patrick ! ROTFLMAO I love your saying! I don't drink water either it rust my pipes :-)! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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