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(Message started by: jimbo on Dec 20th, 2003, 12:03am)

Title: Holiday poll...........
Post by jimbo on Dec 20th, 2003, 12:03am
As a kid, what was your favorite christmas gift that you received and why?

Note to jonny and Don: inflatable gifts and lap dances don't count.LMMFAO

I'll tell yous guys what mine was and why, but not yet.



Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 20th, 2003, 12:06am
the what:

   Black piece of coal in my stocking.

the why:

   Because I deserved it.


P.s.  Oh, you want a real answer?   My Father who hated ELVIS with a purple passion, went out and bought me a tape.  Of Elvis.  

Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by Big_Dan on Dec 20th, 2003, 12:10am
I can' t think of my 'best gift"... I never really liked getting things for Christmas...

... I was extreamly fortunate growing up, and I always felt like the rich kid at Christmas... I dunno.. hard to describe...

... I like it best when someone takes whatever money they intended to spend on me, and puts it toward a family that needs it more than I do...

-Big Dan

Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by BobG on Dec 20th, 2003, 12:18am
We were very poor and didn’t get much at Christmas. One year my older brother and I got a pair of socks. Yeah. a pair, as in one. Each day we’d trade off. One day I’d wear the left sock and he’d wear the right. Then the next day we’d trade. That way we only got frost bite in one foot at a time.
The Christmas I remember best was the year I got my own stick. Ya see, my older brother always got the new stuff and I ended up with his hand-me-downs. Dad always gave him the new stick and I got the old one. Well, 1951 was a very good year for me. Dad decided I was big enough to have a "new" stick. Dang! It was wonderful. First thing I did was poke my brother in the eye with my new stick. When he grabbed his eye he let go of his stick and I swiped it from him.
Aaaahhh, 1951 was a very good year. Thanks for asking.  ::)

Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by don on Dec 20th, 2003, 12:25am
I'm outta da poll.

Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by Charlie on Dec 20th, 2003, 1:37am
One year dad bought me the train in the toy shop window.  Great gift. It took me 40 years of therapy to get over that.


Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by TxBasslady on Dec 20th, 2003, 1:55am
When I was Dad gave me my first record player.  I always loved music.  He gave me a couple of Jimmy Dickens records that Christmas too.

That was 50 years ago........Seems like it was yesterday.


Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by stevegeebe on Dec 20th, 2003, 2:04am
An all chrome bike from Sears.  If you saw it you know what I mean.  

Nuff said.

Steve G

Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by Karla on Dec 20th, 2003, 7:50am
Shaun Cassidy record albums and posters and Hardy Boys Books.

Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by Melissa on Dec 20th, 2003, 7:57am
It wasn't a Christmas gift, but my most treasured gift is an E.T. doll I got from my mom while I was living in a foster home at the age of 9.  

That's one old doll I'm never ever getting rid of...


Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by Paigelle on Dec 20th, 2003, 8:45am
My best Christmas present is this year, just getting to go home since I haven't been there in 2 years.

Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by Brian_Y on Dec 20th, 2003, 9:04am
Though I technically have not GOTTEN it yet, I'd say this year...My dad and stepmother are giving the wife and me a 5 day, all expenses paid trip to Nassau, Paradise Island, and some other places around the Bahamas.

And they is keepin' the child whilst we "winter"....

I am looking forward to this.  Trip will be in February.

Tally ho!!!!

Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by jonny on Dec 20th, 2003, 1:56pm
Dad getting out of jail two days before christmas when I was 11 was the best!! :'(

Toy?....Evil Knevil stunt cycle and action figure, before he even thought of jumping snake river canyon he was jumping out my third floor window.....LMMFAO ;;D


Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by OneEyeBlind on Dec 20th, 2003, 3:24pm
A video from my daughter, with clips of pics of all of us and music in the backround.  Lots of great songs and words on the screen that I will treasure forever.  It spoke of love.  Still playing it !!!!!!!!!  

Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by athos12 on Dec 20th, 2003, 3:38pm
The christmas when all of my extended family were together...  I am an only child and to spend time with my aunts and uncle...

My family is is EXTREMELY musical...  When we sing happy birthday it sounds like a major musical event.

Christmas was wonderful then..  The sing and the music was incredible...

Now every on now has their own families...  Christmas has changed...  I have m y own family now, and there are wonderful things about Christmas, but it is different.

Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by Belle on Dec 20th, 2003, 5:21pm
When I was little the best gift was when I was 7 I got a 13 inch b&w TV.  My best friend would bring over her ATTARI (sp?) and we'd play for hours.  Oh how technology has changed.


Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by Kirk on Dec 21st, 2003, 4:08am
The Heathkit Ocyliscope I recieved at age 12 greatly expanded my range of experiments. I still remember them fondly. The neighborhood kids probably don't.


Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 21st, 2003, 5:42am
I guess mine would have to be my brand new home stereo system. Must of had a least 40 watts of power. Loved it. Included the new Jethro Tull & Grand Funk 8 tracks to boot.

Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by sandie99 on Dec 21st, 2003, 7:49am

I think that the best gift I ever got when I was a kid was My Little Pony castle. Me and my cousin got them on the same year and we had so much fun playing with them together.

After that my best gifts have been books, cds and videos. This year I wish for CH free Christmas.

Wishing CH-free holidays,

Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by Woobie on Dec 21st, 2003, 9:31am
I remember getting my Atari........and PacMan one year.........and I think I gained 30 pounds the next year, because I did nothing but play that game!

And - that was the beginning of my addiction...........

** SIGH **

and I still have to have a Joystick - I cannot!! play Pac man with a regular playstation controller.

- still addicted *&* stuck in the 80s

Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by Little Deb on Dec 21st, 2003, 9:59am
Awwww....loved reading the responses! :'(

I don't remember much about my childhood, or anything special (presents) at Christmas.  Don't know why.  Surely there was something......

Wasn't a present, but I do remember every year we went out as a  family, Grandma, Grandpa, my mom and me, in the car, and drove around the nice neighborhoods to look at Christmas lights.  I was pretty small.  That is something that has stuck in my mind and I still love to do, and will do with my family now.

I think this year might be my favorite Christmas present, if it is what I think it hubby is getting me something....

I didn't ask for
Probably should have picked out myself
The gift that keeps on giving
Will last a long time depending on how I take care of it
Can't hide it, or bring it in the house without me seeing it
He has to pick it up on Christmas Eve and will be giving it to me when he gets home
hhhhmmmmmmm....... [smiley=huh.gif] [smiley=huh.gif] :-/ :-/

I hope it is what I think it is.......I think......

Keep the stories coming!
Pain free Christmas season to all of you!

Little Deb

Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by don on Dec 21st, 2003, 10:23am

That's one old doll I'm never ever getting rid of...

Maybe I'm not oudda da poll.

Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by Renee on Dec 21st, 2003, 12:03pm
My best christmas present was one Christmas in my youth when my folks had me walk outside and I found a palomino mare tied to the clothes line with a bow on top of the saddle.  Her name was Bandy and we won lots of ribbons and buckles in her days.

She was so much better than Lady, the shetland that kept running me under a mesquite tree to knock me off.

Happy Holidays

Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by kim on Dec 21st, 2003, 2:08pm
An organ.  You plugged it in - came with sheet music.  I was about 8.  Spent hours and hours playing.

Some time after, my dad came home drunk and smashed it with a golf club.

Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by jonny on Dec 21st, 2003, 2:33pm

on 12/21/03 at 14:08:24, kim wrote:
An organ.   Spent hours and hours playing.

Hmmmmmmmm ;;D

BTW.....I think we had the same Dad, Kim......LOL


Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by kim on Dec 21st, 2003, 3:11pm
Funny..........i can actually see us being siblings :o  LMAO! ;;D

Did i just mess up this thread [smiley=huh.gif] :D

Sista Kim :)

Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by Cerberus on Dec 21st, 2003, 5:58pm
Best present I ever got as a kid? Hrrmmmm.............gotta be the Semi-Auto Winchester 22. rifle my dad got me when I was 13. Nothing like a gift of firearms to warm the heart.


Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by Tiannia on Dec 22nd, 2003, 12:51pm
Best christmas...  lets see I was 5 and my nana had gotten out of the hospital and we went up to San Luis to see her.  She was my fovorite person in the world.  She was not supposed to be left alone as she could have a stoke at any moment.  My dad, sister and Granddad went swimming and my mom took a nap. Nana asked me if I wanted to go for a walk. We were gone about an hour and when we got back, all heal broke lose. They were all yelling my nana that she should not have been alone. blah blah blah.  Then I yell at them to Stop. That she was not alone that she was with me.   Mom turned around and said what would you have done if nana passed out?  And very calmly I turned to her and said that I would run and get a grownup and tell them to call the hospital and police to get nana help.  My nana at that point laughed and said that she was probably in the best hands being with me, cause that was exactly what eveyone else would have to do.  

Sorry for the typos I really hurt today....


Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by 5-string on Dec 22nd, 2003, 10:20pm
I sucked at sports,I was(and still am) about half the size of people my age. They would tackle me or balance the ball over my head and I would lose my temper and jump on them and bite and do whatever I needed to to bring them down. It was a horrible childhood.
When I was 10,my grandfather gave me a banjo for Christmas. He was a banjo player himself. I can't describe the feeling that came over me. that was it.
Here it's 25 yrs later and I still practice at least 1-3 hours a day,perform several nights a week and record several times a year. I must pick that damn thing up 3 times a day,that's over 1,000 times a year and every time I pick it up I remember that Christmas day 25 years ago and how I felt at that moment.
Thank's Grandad. I miss you.

Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by Lissa on Dec 23rd, 2003, 10:52am
A typewriter!  Hehe!

Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by Lissa on Dec 23rd, 2003, 10:54am

on 12/20/03 at 13:56:09, jonny wrote:
Dad getting out of jail two days before christmas when I was 11 was the best!! :'(

I hope you're kidding because I'm laughing my ass off!   [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by gmlevenhagen on Dec 23rd, 2003, 1:17pm
My all time favorit was my Fonze(sp?) pinball machine. It was to big for my room so my father put it in the garage, I played that thing non stop till about July - it melted - we lived in TX way to hot in the garage for a pinball game. Oh how I cried I don't belive I am over it yet ::)


Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by maggie_may on Dec 23rd, 2003, 1:43pm
I can't recall my favorite Christmas present, but I do remember that when I was 6 years old, my Mom made a video tape of me in my Christmas dress for my Grandma and Grandpa that lived in California.  I opened the presents they sent me and sang the songs that I sang at my school's Christmas concert.  I played Christmas songs on the organ and sang them.  It was great and I still get all teary-eyed when I watch that video.


Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by thomas on Dec 23rd, 2003, 1:45pm
The Complete Works of William Shakespear, when I was 14.  They got lost in one of the many moves I've made over my lifetime. :(

Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by brain_cramps on Dec 23rd, 2003, 2:06pm
When I was 10, I got my first pair of skis (used) for Christmas.  It was a big deal, because my older brothers wanted skis but didn't get them.

That first year, I skied at every chance.  A week before a planned spring-skiing trip to the Rockies, I broke my leg.

When asked if I'd ever want to ski again, I answered "Of course!"  I had so much fun up until then that I could barely wait to get out the next season.

I was an avid skier for 30 years until after an unrelated accident the doctor told me I'd be crazy to ski again.  Its been two years and the snow is on the ground again.  Getting IMPATIENT!!!

(crazy enough to try it again   ;) )

Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by 9erfan on Dec 23rd, 2003, 2:20pm
Can't remember how old I was (7 or 8 probably) but I got Lite Brite and Barbie's Camper one Christmas!  That was the best!

I wore that Lite Brite out!

Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by Carl_D on Dec 23rd, 2003, 7:36pm
Wow, this is a hard one...

My father and I never got along (very long story - look for the autobio several years from now). He never encouraged me in music, and hated the fact I wanted to be a musician. I wanted a Crate guitar amp bad, but it was too much for us poor folk. My dad put it in layaway - and the last Christmas present I got from him was a Crate G40C stereo guitar amp. He passed away a year later unexpectedly, and so I vowed to keep that amp for life. In 2000, a 'friend' ripped me off on several things, like my amp, pedals, and video camera. It was a very expensive but valuable lesson on how much you can trust someone. He could have taken anything else - but the amp hurt! Oh well - Christmas for me is all about the kids - my niece and nephew. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't even celebrate Christmas. Always a glum time of year for me. Shutting up...

Carl D

Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by Ree on Dec 23rd, 2003, 7:42pm
As a kid of about 7-8 years old I asked for a holster with guns so that I could be like Wrangler Jane on F-troop and I also asked for ballet slippers that same year... got em both.................... diverse ree

Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by jonny on Dec 23rd, 2003, 7:47pm

on 12/23/03 at 10:54:10, Lissa wrote:
I hope you're kidding because I'm laughing my ass off!   [smiley=laugh.gif]

Do you see a smiley after that line?

Title: Re: Holiday poll...........
Post by Sandy_C on Dec 26th, 2006, 5:26pm
As a child?  Best Christmas was going to Pops and Grandma's house with my Mom and Dad, three aunts, three uncles, and 11 cousins, all sleeping in the same house - 3 or 4 kids to a bed.  On Christmas morning, all kids had to sit at the top of the stairs until all of the adults were downstairs, tree lights on, and coffee made (this was in the 50's - no Mr. Coffee - it had to percolate and it seemed like hours!)

I got a Betsy Wetsy doll, and my girl cousins were jealous because their dolls didn't pee, but mine did!

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