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(Message started by: Jayne on Dec 19th, 2003, 11:11pm)

Title: Who was the stupid person....
Post by Jayne on Dec 19th, 2003, 11:11pm
that named our disease such a gentle name as cluster headaches I was thinking to my self the other night whilst in the throes of pain.
I would like to meet that man and here's what I would like to do.
I would like to ask him to spread his legs as far as he can manage. Pass our Jonny a baseball bat, and instruct him to whallop him as hard as he can in the mans left gonad.
I will repeat this action maybe 7-8 times a day and through the night, for months on end.
When he is suicidal and a  blithering idiot. I will say to him.

"Ah, we must come up with a name for what you are suffering from. Hmmmmm.....lemme,,,seee.....ahh,,got it.

Let's call it.  "Clusternutache"

Title: Re: Who was the stupid person....
Post by Cerberus on Dec 19th, 2003, 11:15pm
OOOOOO, can I play? ;;D


Title: Re: Who was the stupid person....
Post by eyes_afire on Dec 19th, 2003, 11:23pm
LMAO Jayne.  You still on Topamax?  Preach it, sister.

Seriously, I hope things get better for you fast.

--- Steve

Title: Re: Who was the stupid person....
Post by kim on Dec 19th, 2003, 11:27pm
Have often thought of that very same thing Jayne.  But, it IS kinda a CLUSTER.

Okay.  This is gonna sound weird and hard to describe.  When I try to give "the others" a visual, I use the word cluster; i have such a clear visual of it in my head - like something from "Dune".....this floating thing with holes and pins in it that is spinning around in my head and the pins are flicking in and out (causing the attacks).  Then the floating thing moves out of the universe of my head and i am pain free.

Okay.  Now you know i'm totally moohaaaaah. ;;D

But really.... ;;D

Oh forget it ::)

What were you saying [smiley=huh.gif]

Title: Re: Who was the stupid person....
Post by Jayne on Dec 19th, 2003, 11:27pm
she's tapering me off topomax and I'm on my 4th day of lithium..the topomax makes me angry, and hostile. Hence the above post :o

Title: Re: Who was the stupid person....
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 19th, 2003, 11:28pm

I think you went a little too far with this one. Us guys don't like are nuts talked about that way. OUCH. LOL

Title: Re: Who was the stupid person....
Post by OneEyeBlind on Dec 19th, 2003, 11:51pm
LOL Jayne, you made me laugh with that desciption.  But the name is still all wrong.  Perhaps ...... NutBusters ??????

Title: Re: Who was the stupid person....
Post by Linda_Howell on Dec 20th, 2003, 12:13am
Jesus! Jayne.

I don't think I want to play pool with you anymore in Nashville.   You are vicious!  


Title: Re: Who was the stupid person....
Post by don on Dec 20th, 2003, 12:28am
I'll play ya a game but I'm staying way clear of your pool cue.

Title: Re: Who was the stupid person....
Post by Mastifflvr28 on Dec 20th, 2003, 12:56am
Dang Jayne, at least you HAVE an excuse for being pissy...I ain't even ON topo,

Love ya sweets,

Title: Re: Who was the stupid person....
Post by Big_Dan on Dec 20th, 2003, 1:01am
whoa whoa whoa

You start talkin' about homerunning a man's twin's an mofo's start getting defencive....


... Hang in there, Jayne.... it'll be over soon....

Prayers and vibes...

-Big Dan

Title: Re: Who was the stupid person....
Post by Callico_Kid on Dec 20th, 2003, 1:16am
After having been on the receiving end of a kick to the groin while playing soccor a few years ago that caused me to vomit all over the place and pass out, to be removed from the field on a stretcher, I can honestly say that I would far rather have that happen at least once a day if it would stop these HA's.  As bad as that was, and it was severe, I would not put that above a 7 compared to CH.

Pretty close analogy though.

Glad you are doing better.


Title: Grandma got run over by........
Post by BobG on Dec 20th, 2003, 1:58am
This string reminds me of a Christmas carol................

Grandma got run over by Glen Campbell,
He was drivin' drunk on his way home.

When the Texas Ranger said "Hey you drunkin' putz,
Glen got mad and kicked him in the nuts.

Ok Ok, I'm not a song writter. Blame it on Jayne, she made me ache where I shouldn't ache.

Title: Re: Who was the stupid person....
Post by Brian_Y on Dec 20th, 2003, 9:12am
I know what you mean, Jayne...

If I ever tell anyone that I get "Clsuter Headaches", I always think about the look on their faces.

Is it revulsion?  Pity?  I think it is nausea.  And that is without them perhaps even knowiung what they are.  The name does evoke a certain je ne sais quoi.

Like colonoscopy.  Or root canal.  Not comparing these things, but the term cluster headaches IS evocative, you'll have to admit.

Here is what I was calling them last night:

"You goddamn m*th*rf**k*r!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  AGHGFDSFHSRTEFHDHDDTE$%$@%$#$@^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

This is after my 4th KIP 8 in a row.  And no sleep...  I may be reaching another plane of existence with the pain.

Title: Re: Who was the stupid person....
Post by Jayne on Dec 20th, 2003, 9:20am
Yeah...when I say to someone "clusterheadache"
you can see them get a mental picture of me going...
"oh dear, I  have a headache again...I had better pop an advil for the fourth time today...what an inconvinience to my life this is"
It is so frustrating! The word "cluster" is about the only thing that is correct.
I hate using that term to be honest,,,,but what other choice do I have,,,,None
Hang in there Brian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Who was the stupid person....
Post by Hirvimaki on Dec 24th, 2003, 10:08am

I have often wondered how we got saddled with the term Cluster Headaches.  This from a post of mine quite a long while ago:

In researching CH, I have come across the following names: Bing's erythroprosalgia, Bing-Horton syndrome, ciliary neuralgia, erythroprosopalgia, Harris neuralgia, histamine cephalalgia, Raeder's syndrome, sphenopalatine neuralgia, and vidian neuralgia.  As an experiment, over the past two months, I have chosen to tell people (when it has come up - which is not often) that I have CH 50% of the time and that I have (insert fancy sounding name here) 50% of the time, to try to judge a difference in reaction. It is fascniating to me that when people hear "headache" they immediately file CH under the things-we-all-have-to-suffer-through-but-some-people-are-whimps category and are all but dismissive of the seriousness/import of this disease.  Conversely, when they hear (insert important sounding name here) it is given the respect normally reserved for terminal illnesses.

All the fancy names listed are accepted (even if obscure) terms for CH.  I do think it was a poor choice to popularize "Cluster Headaches" for many reasons, but it is descriptive of the disease.  And for better or worse, we are stuck with it.  I think that CH is being recognised more and more as the serious disease it really is and it has a lot to do with the hard work all we Clusterheads put into educating people.


Title: Re: Who was the stupid person....
Post by cher on Dec 24th, 2003, 12:44pm
what i hate most is the blank look you get when you tell someone you have cluster headaches, like, duh huh?

They always say oh yea i get those, or, yea i get bad headaches.  I always feel like saying well, give us your phone number and i`ll call you when i`m  having an attack and then tell me you get bad headaches.

I still to this day hav`nt convinced my own mother of how bad they really are, she puts it down to stress.

yea i get stressed, and i`ve had the damn things when i`ve been at my happiest, she says, oh well, you might think your not, but you really are, Thanks mum, so when i was on prozac, you told me i did`nt need it, ,make up your bloody mind for gods sake.

a good kick in the nuts sounds about right for some folk i reckon jayne,

god bless

cher x

Title: Re: Who was the stupid person....
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 24th, 2003, 1:04pm
If I tell someone of our condition, I will say Cluster Headaches. I quickly throw in the word "BUT", (used as an apology to the person who named them).

Then I will explain how they are not really headaches like anyone will ever get in their lifetime. (Other than us of course).  yada yada yada.

Unless the person doesn't seem interested, then I couldn't give a shit anyway.

Title: Re: Who was the stupid person....
Post by thomas on Dec 24th, 2003, 1:11pm
Almost all of my friends have seen me in the throes of pain, so most of them understand that ch is NOTa normal headache.  I guess I'm kinda lucky. :-/

Title: Re: Who was the stupid person....
Post by Mac on Dec 24th, 2003, 3:25pm
I think the old name "Suicide Headaches" is a lot more descriptive than clusterheadaches.Clusters sounds like a chocolate. I've also seen it refered to as "Exploding Eye" :o now that's cool 8)

Title: Re: Who was the stupid person....
Post by Charlie on Dec 24th, 2003, 4:12pm
Geeze Jayne. :o

Charlie  8)

Title: Re: Who was the stupid person....
Post by Jayne on Dec 25th, 2003, 4:59pm
Sorry Charlie...did I make you twinge where you shouldn't?  :-X

Title: Re: Who was the stupid person....
Post by Unsolved on Dec 25th, 2003, 7:59pm
I'll trade for a kick in the nads  ::)


Title: Re: Who was the stupid person....
Post by fubar on Dec 25th, 2003, 8:43pm
How about "Suicide Seizures"?  

Title: Re: Who was the stupid person....
Post by jmorgan52 on Dec 26th, 2003, 4:51am
I know what you mean. A headache is just a minor irritation for most people. So you get lots of them? Thats too bad. Take an aspirin and try to get rid of your stress. I hate the fuckers who tell us this!

More like cluster-bombed-brain-aches.

A few years ago I got hit bad with a very long "elastic" tow rope that snapped on a 4WD trip with my buddies while pulling another truck out of deep mud. It coiled up and hit me smack bang in the goolies and I was black and blue and severely swollen from the knees to the chest. It was very painful for many months but not nearly as bad as a kip 10.

My mates said I should ask the doc to get rid of the pain but leave the swelling - the rotten bastards!

I got my first kip 10 in 21 months at 2am on Christmas eve and another one on Christmas night at 9pm. What a nice gift from Santa!!

taking the imigran inj and avoiding alchocol is no way to spend the festive season.


Title: Re: Who was the stupid person....
Post by Mac on Dec 26th, 2003, 2:04pm
In trying to stay current I'm going to start calling them HMD's - Headaches of Mass Destruction ©2003;;D. We know it's in there we just haven't found it yet ;)

Title: Re: Who was the stupid person....
Post by StanTheMan on Dec 26th, 2003, 11:11pm

HMD's!!   - It's perfect!!

Oh...and Jayne...I cringe to think what you would want done if you were to find out that the person who came up with the name "clusterheadache" was a woman!! :o
(Not that I believe it *was* a woman, mind you!)

Seriously though...I believe it was a one of those REALLY intellegent  ::) doctors that did absolutely nothing but research and never actually EXAMINED anyone.

Cheers everyone and PFDAN...


Title: Re: Who was the stupid person....
Post by Ouch on Dec 27th, 2003, 10:48am
LOL! What is the world comming too..   Not tha nads. :o Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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