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(Message started by: CindyC on Dec 19th, 2003, 11:11pm)

Title: I have a question?
Post by CindyC on Dec 19th, 2003, 11:11pm
Evening all.
My husband has clusters.  He had been doing very well on his meds and O2.  Then yesterday we left our home state and travelled 800 miles ( by car)back to spend christmas with relatives...
Does traveling and changing altitudes make chs worse?
He had been ch free for several days.  Yesterday on our 13 hour drive he had to have several (2 mg) injections.
We just wondered if there was any coralation between traveling and severity of CH.
(of course we had no O2 with us!!!)
Just wanted some input...thanks
Cindy C

Title: Re: I have a question?
Post by Patrick_A on Dec 19th, 2003, 11:17pm
Man, That sure is a long way when ya know ya got a CH coming at anytime.
I truly dont know the answer to your question. Some will say yes about the different climates and altitudes. I personally dont know. I think no. I think the bastard comes when he is ready to come.


Title: Re: I have a question?
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 19th, 2003, 11:25pm
It sure sucks, but for me it's:

Anytime Anyplace. It's all up to the BEAST. You gotta stay be prepared during your cycle.

Title: Re: I have a question?
Post by Cerberus on Dec 19th, 2003, 11:38pm
I can't say either way, but, usually I doubt it makes much difference. Can't rule anything out though.

Good luck,

Title: Re: I have a question?
Post by kim on Dec 19th, 2003, 11:50pm
I don't know the answer to that question "by definition".....but i do know from expreience that disruptions life's patterns can "bring on" attacks.  Sudden change from daily habits........change-up ; that's what i call it.  Change-ups trigger ?????

Title: Re: I have a question?
Post by OneEyeBlind on Dec 19th, 2003, 11:54pm
I have to go with "when in cycle" anything can happen.  I have heard people say though that major altitude changes (like flying really high) it can trigger a headache out of cycle.  When in cycle .......... anything is possible.  

Title: Re: I have a question?
Post by don on Dec 20th, 2003, 12:31am
Thats how I first started with the Ch. Long drives from Maine to Mass on weekends. Long drives get me everytime.

Title: Re: I have a question?
Post by BobG on Dec 20th, 2003, 12:40am
Yes, I think driving up and down mountains can bring on an attack.
About the airplane thing, I've never had an attack during a flight. Maybe because the cabin is pressurized pretty much the same at all altitudes.

Title: Re: I have a question?
Post by Charlie on Dec 20th, 2003, 1:14am
Bob's right I think. It has been mentioned before. Someone in California used to post it often. Can't remember the details. It probably does affect them.

Good or bad? I don't know

Welcome aboard


Title: Re: I have a question?
Post by stevegeebe on Dec 20th, 2003, 1:56am
When I was in the mountains, high altitudes seemed to insight the headaches,

It better to go down.  Do what you can.

Steve G

Title: Re: I have a question?
Post by ClusterChuck on Dec 20th, 2003, 3:30am
I sure hope it doesn't!  I am driving 15 hours up to Massachusetts on Sunday!  BUT, I will have two tanks of O2 with me!  There is no way I would attempt a trip without my O2!  I don't even go downtown without it!

But, now that I think of it, what started this present VICIOUS cycle (within my normal chronic state) was a trip up north to New Hampshire!  I started this about three days after I returned.  Hmmm??  Gee, wouldn't it be great, if THIS trip STOPPED them!!!!!

But then again, other trips have not affected my CH.

BTW, welcome aboard, and tell us more about your stud muffin.  Also, get him to join our wacko crowd.  He will never find anything like it to talk to and finally meet with other sufferers!  NO ONE can relate like another sufferer!


Title: Re: I have a question?
Post by ave on Dec 20th, 2003, 6:54am
Must be something about massachusetts!

Title: I have a dumb look
Post by rumplestiltskin on Dec 20th, 2003, 8:55am
Seems any radical change can effect clusters...positively or negatively. Why? (insert dumb look here) I dunno.

After many years here reading a bezillion wacko posts I am convinced that this phenomena is responsible for many people's claims of "causes, triggers, and cures" which are relevant to only them. I have read of some pretty strange things which effect folks clusters. I'm convinced it's the "radical change" effect ...true only for that person rather than something which effects most Clusterheads.

Unfortunately someone effcted by a "radical change" phenomena posts it as a universal "cure or trigger" and then gets taken out back and receives a severe beating by this board.

Case in point: Many years ago someone ,named Dally are Dolly, posted that rubbing apple cider vinegar all over one's chest, arms and back while letting a plug of blue cheeze melt under his tongue aborted his clusters. I tried it and it worked...3 times in a row...uh stopped working. BUTT it actually did abort 3 Clusterheadaches for me...I know...I was there.

"Radical change phenomena" exists. Some folks have things that they are convinced are "triggers" for them. Things that have no effect on any of us. In some of these cases the person is just screwy...but I believe some are real.

Ya just never know.

The brain is a strange thing...add Clusters to it and ya got a fertile ground for desperation, fear, psychosomatic quirks and
a plethora of individual demons and angels.

The pain is all.

We travel a road of deep darkness to bright light...frequently. It tends to make most of us a little crazy. We experience on a regular basis, terrors and peace that most folks can't imagine.

Welcome. Click on all the links. Imerse yerself in the info here. Nothing works for everyone...something works for everyone.

Walk in the sunshine
PS: Get a small e tank of O2 for the road.

Title: Re: I have a question?
Post by Elaine on Dec 20th, 2003, 9:03am
I think it has more to do with being overly tired.
I noticed at the conventions I have been at that when people do without rest they seem to get hit.
If I go without sleep I get hit. I think when we are pain free we over do it trying to get as much in as we can before we get hit again. Those long drives will ture you out.

Title: Re: I have a question?
Post by don on Dec 20th, 2003, 9:06am
Like the first guy to milk a cow, what was Dally or Dolly trying to accomplish in the first place?

Title: Re: I have a question?
Post by taraann on Dec 20th, 2003, 7:59pm

on 12/20/03 at 03:30:12, ClusterChuck wrote:
But, now that I think of it, what started this present VICIOUS cycle (within my normal chronic state) was a trip up north to New Hampshire!  I started this about three days after I returned.  Hmmm??  Gee, wouldn't it be great, if THIS trip STOPPED them!!!!!

See see!  I've been tellin ya New Hampshire SUCKS! ;;D

Title: Re: I have a question?
Post by Renee on Dec 21st, 2003, 12:52pm
For me, my ch is better the higher in elevation i go.  The closer I get to the beach, the worse it gets.

I agree with Elaine that missing sleep or messing with sleep patterns and being overly tired causes my ch to worsen.

I drove 6 hours into west texas and had a bad ch, this was after working all day.

I have a phone number, toll free, where if you have a copy of his o2 prescription, they will find an o2 supplier and get some o2 for travelers.

i found this very helpful when I went to knoxville last weekend.  as my neuro told me....don't go ANYWHERE without o2.  I have a traveling tank that goes in a pouch with a shoulder strap.  if you don't have a copy of your rx for o2, you might call his neuro and ask them to fax a copy of the rx to you or the o2 company nearest you.

i.m. me if ya need the number and good luck.

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