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(Message started by: Carl_D on Dec 19th, 2003, 1:04pm)

Title: Bad things happening
Post by Carl_D on Dec 19th, 2003, 1:04pm
I am so frustrated, pissed and at the same time freaking out. Yesterday I was unable to keep my MRI appointment, when I woke up I could barely walk and it hurt to do so. I laid back down and when I awoke a couple of hours later, I had a tingling numb sensation shooting throughout my right side of my body, and my legs were numb too. When I tried to stand up I couldn't. It was like my legs were rubber. I was light-headed, and at times a little disoriented. This lasted for over 4 hours. After awhile, I started panicking, thinking I might not snap out of this. I have no phone, so couldn't call anyone for help. When it was over, I fell back to sleep and woke up a couple of hours later with a classic 10 CH.
I walked over here to my brothers house this morning, and it hurts to walk. I tried to get my gp to set up an appointment with a new neuro fast, and the receptionist kept referring me to the joker I just fired who got his degree from Acme, and I told her I needed someone who knows what the fuck they are doing and at least half gives a damn about his patients. So now I have to wait until the 31st when I go to see my gp and tell him what is going on before I can get another referral. This utterly and whole-heartedly SUCKS!!!
Not only am I dealing with my body freaking out on me, but also insensitive bastards in the uncaring medical community. Been having bouts of temporary paralysis in arms and legs, jolts through the right side of my body as if getting hit by lightning, burning sensations, temporary blindness, and also moments of confusion. It's bad enough to have CH, but my god, now I have shit happening to me that they can't figure out. I'm just frustrated as hell right now.
If this happens again, I could go to the local ER, but before they were bought out it was a shitty hospital. Now that they have been bought out and are "Gateway Regional" - the quality of care and competency went down the toilet. In fact, I think they have the 3 stooges running the place now.

I'll shut up now...

Carl D

Title: Re: Bad things happening
Post by thomas on Dec 19th, 2003, 1:11pm
Hang on Man!! Good VIBES headed your way.

Title: Re: Bad things happening
Post by BlueMeanie on Dec 19th, 2003, 1:30pm
Sorry to hear of your Pain CarlD. Sending vibes your way. Sure hope they can fix you up.

Maybe it's the Dentist from Hell trip causing the nerves to send shock waves down your body. Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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