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(Message started by: Tiannia on Dec 19th, 2003, 11:31am)

Title: YEAH!! I think I made headway...
Post by Tiannia on Dec 19th, 2003, 11:31am
I went to the pain management doc that my PCP sent me to.  My PCP decided that becuase I get nausious with my headaches (only after about on hour of really frigging kill you pain, mind you) that it could not be clusters. That my old doc was wrong and that I was having migraines mixed with tensions headaches 4-5 times a day every day.

So I go to the Pain Management guy and of course I am sitting htere in the office and start to feel the shadows hit. After 2 hours of sitting in the waiting room they get me back to a little room and I am pacing.  The stabbing is hitting my eye and I'm covered in sweat.  Mind you the office is cold and everyone is walking around in sweaters cause it is a surgery center as well.  The doc sees me and says "Have you seen a neuro?" "No" "You need to get into a Neuro."  "You think? I've been trying to get to one for 6 months but I have to have a referal to do it."  So he changed my Imitrex to the nasel spray and by the time I see him next month my referal to a neuro should be done.  

YEAH!!!!!  At this point, he did an injection into my skalp, into the occipital and trangrel (SP?) nerves.  The stabbing pain subsided and all I had after that was pressure last night. I have heavy shadows this am, but did not get woken up with a HA.  

Just wanted to thank you all for your good thoughts and energy.  Zazi and Vig especially. You two have made a world of difference when I just felt hopeless and lost.  /huggs


Title: YEAH!!!!!!!!!!
Post by ZAIRA on Dec 19th, 2003, 2:45pm

My darling... I’m having a bad day and this message is arrived like a sun ray in my heart. YEAH!!!! ;;D
Thanks to be here dear. Just I love you!!!!
Merry Christmas, Zazi

Title: Re: YEAH!! I think I made headway...
Post by taraann on Dec 19th, 2003, 6:58pm
Oh Tianna what wonderful news!  So great to hear that you have a doc w/o his thumb up his a**! Message Board » Powered by YaBB 1 Gold - SP 1.3.1!
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